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Sex Influences on Hippocampal Kindling-Induced Seizures in Middle-Aged Mice


This repository contains the datasets described in the publication: Sex Influences on Hippocampal Kindling-Induced Seizures in Middle-Aged Mice, authored by Hongmei Song, Yapeng Liu, Yuqing Sun, Bryan Mah, Yang Bai and Liang Zhang (Heliyon, revision under review, May 2024).

We, as the authors of this potential publication, provide electrophysiological datasets containing local field potentials (LFPs) or intracranial EEG and video monitoring data from a mouse model of epilepsy. The mouse models consisted of 10 female and 12 male C57 black mice that experienced ≥50 hippocampal kindling stimulations. LFP signals were recorded via twisted bipolar electrodes and microelectrode AC amplifiers. Amplifiers were set with an input frequency band of 0.1-1,000 Hz and amplification gain of 1,000 or 3,000. Amplifier output signals were digitized at 5,000 or 10,000 Hz. All data acquisition, storage, and analysis was performed using pClamp software (version 10). Video recordings were collected using a webcam roughly 24 hours daily, for up to 4 consecutive days, with dim/red lighting used during the light-off period.

This dataset can be used to understand sex differences in the genesis of epileptic seizures in middle-aged animals. Animal models of epilepsy may help shed light on the relevant biological mechanisms that influence the incidence of epilepsy in adult/aging populations.

Repository Structure:

Datasets are divided by female and male mice, with each subfolder containing the data obtained from individual mice examined. Within each subfolder, there are additional subfolders that contain data collected at different experimental time points (i.e. pre-kindle, post-kindle, etc.). EEG and video monitoring data can be found in these folders.

Downloading the data:

Using the web browser, you can download the small files and the file structure as an archive (.zip or .tar.gz). Annexed files (by default, files larger than 10 MB) will be included as pointer files (stubs) but the data will not be included. To get the content of these larger files, you can download them individually from the web interface by clicking on them in the repository.

The main data formats used are .abf files (Axon Binary File) and .wmv files (Windows Media Video). pClamp/Clampfit software (version 10) can be downloaded for analyzing abf files via the link

General Information:

This potential publication as an open access article can be found in Heliyon website once it is available. Please contact Dr. Liang Zhang ( for further information if needed.


Updated versions of this repository will be provided as more data is uploaded.

Title Sex Influences on Hippocampal Kindling-Induced Seizures in Middle-Aged Mice
Authors Song,Hongmei
Zhang,Liang;;ORCID: 0000-0002-7888-5043
Description This repository contains the datasets described in the publication Song et al. (2024). Sex Influences on Hippocampal Kindling-Induced Seizures in Middle-Aged Mice, Heliyon, under review.
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References Song, H., Liu, Y., Sun, Y., Mah, B., Bai, Y., & Zhang, L. (2024). Sex Influences on Hippocampal Kindling-Induced Seizures in Middle-Aged Mice. Heliyon, under review. [doi:TBA] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding OBI; 20210402008GH
Keywords C57 black mice
Interictal spikes
Local field potentials
Spontaneous seizures
Theta rhythm
Resource Type Dataset