Raw +- (using 'rh.curv'): -0.02958 +- 0.1839 Raw Min: -5.41458 at vertex 77228 Raw Max: 4.35631 at vertex 94179 Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm Raw Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 Raw Total Number of Vertices: 114082 Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 Raw Natural Surface Integral: -1481.96777 Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 9055.11523 Raw Positive Surface Integral: 3786.57373 Raw Negative Surface Integral: 5268.54150 Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01299 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.07937 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.06982 across 54233 (47.54%) vertices Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.08803 across 59849 (52.46%) vertices Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.02081 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.12718 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10943 across 34603.929688 (48.60%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.14396 across 36597.820312 (51.40%) mm^2 Raw +- (using 'rh.sulc'): 0.00000 +- 0.5923 Raw Min: -1.92258 at vertex 86176 Raw Max: 1.92355 at vertex 47190 Raw Curvature Calculation Type: discrete Raw Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm Raw Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 Raw Total Number of Vertices: 114082 Raw Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 Raw Natural Surface Integral: 1017.19043 Raw Rectified Surface Integral: 33233.42188 Raw Positive Surface Integral: 17125.30664 Raw Negative Surface Integral: 16108.11621 Raw Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00892 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.29131 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices Raw Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.31956 across 53590 (46.97%) vertices Raw Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.26629 across 60492 (53.03%) vertices Raw AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.01429 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.46675 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.50361 across 34005.078125 (47.76%) mm^2 Raw AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.43305 across 37196.675781 (52.24%) mm^2 K +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.25212 +- 15.0352 mm^-2 K Min: -21.81031 at vertex 91941 K Max: 3220.96436 at vertex 86176 K Curvature Calculation Type: discrete K Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm K Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 K Total Number of Vertices: 114082 K Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 K Natural Surface Integral: 12.56647 K Rectified Surface Integral: 4455.48730 K Positive Surface Integral: 2234.02686 K Negative Surface Integral: 2221.46045 K Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00011 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices K Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.03906 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices K Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.04415 across 50602 (44.36%) vertices K Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.03499 across 63480 (55.64%) vertices K AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.00018 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.06258 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.09386 across 23802.484375 (33.43%) mm^2 K AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.04687 across 47399.093750 (66.57%) mm^2 H +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): -0.05807 +- 0.9489 mm^-1 H Min: -85.68355 at vertex 77228 H Max: 85.18122 at vertex 86176 H Curvature Calculation Type: discrete H Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm H Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 H Total Number of Vertices: 114082 H Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 H Natural Surface Integral: -1325.51636 H Rectified Surface Integral: 11935.10547 H Positive Surface Integral: 5304.79443 H Negative Surface Integral: 6630.31104 H Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.01162 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices H Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10462 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices H Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.09028 across 58758 (51.51%) vertices H Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.11985 across 55324 (48.49%) vertices H AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.01862 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.16762 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.13969 across 37976.746094 (53.34%) mm^2 H AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.19956 across 33225.164062 (46.66%) mm^2 k1 +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): -0.11861 +- 1.7425 mm^-1 k1 Min: -151.41631 at vertex 77228 k1 Max: 164.60486 at vertex 86803 k1 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete k1 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm k1 Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 k1 Total Number of Vertices: 114082 k1 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 k1 Natural Surface Integral: -3383.88232 k1 Rectified Surface Integral: 26844.71680 k1 Positive Surface Integral: 11730.41699 k1 Negative Surface Integral: 15114.29883 k1 Mean Natural Surface Integral: -0.02966 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices k1 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.23531 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices k1 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.19964 across 58758 (51.51%) vertices k1 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.27320 across 55324 (48.49%) vertices k1 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: -0.04753 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.37703 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.30888 across 37976.746094 (53.34%) mm^2 k1 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.45491 across 33225.164062 (46.66%) mm^2 k2 +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.00248 +- 0.2461 mm^-1 k2 Min: -19.95079 at vertex 77228 k2 Max: 21.66055 at vertex 86176 k2 Curvature Calculation Type: discrete k2 Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm k2 Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 k2 Total Number of Vertices: 114082 k2 Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 k2 Natural Surface Integral: 732.84955 k2 Rectified Surface Integral: 7129.51709 k2 Positive Surface Integral: 3931.18335 k2 Negative Surface Integral: 3198.33398 k2 Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.00642 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices k2 Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.06249 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices k2 Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.06515 across 60338 (52.89%) vertices k2 Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.05951 across 53744 (47.11%) vertices k2 AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.01029 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.10013 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.10476 across 37524.492188 (52.70%) mm^2 k2 AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.09497 across 33677.382812 (47.30%) mm^2 S +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 2.60671 +- 143.5410 mm^-2 S Min: 0.00000 at vertex 231 S Max: 27055.07031 at vertex 86803 S Curvature Calculation Type: discrete S Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm S Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 S Total Number of Vertices: 114082 S Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 S Natural Surface Integral: 26710.84961 S Rectified Surface Integral: 26710.84961 S Positive Surface Integral: 26710.84961 S Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 S Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.23414 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.23414 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.23414 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices S Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices S AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.37515 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.37515 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.37515 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 S AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 C +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 0.44124 +- 1.1665 mm^-2 C Min: 0.00000 at vertex 87036 C Max: 116.39324 at vertex 86803 C Curvature Calculation Type: discrete C Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm C Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 C Total Number of Vertices: 114082 C Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 C Natural Surface Integral: 20038.88477 C Rectified Surface Integral: 20038.88477 C Positive Surface Integral: 20038.88477 C Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 C Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.17565 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.17565 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.17565 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices C Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices C AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.28144 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.28144 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.28144 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 C AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 BE +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 3.11092 +- 162.2489 mm^-2 BE Min: 0.00000 at vertex 87036 BE Max: 27094.77344 at vertex 86803 BE Curvature Calculation Type: discrete BE Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm BE Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 BE Total Number of Vertices: 114082 BE Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 BE Natural Surface Integral: 26735.29297 BE Rectified Surface Integral: 26735.29297 BE Positive Surface Integral: 26735.29297 BE Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 BE Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.23435 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.23435 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.23435 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices BE Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices BE AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.37549 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.37549 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.37549 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 BE AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 FI +- (using 'rh.smoothwm'): 2.73416 +- 151.1538 mm^-2 FI Min: 0.00000 at vertex 231 FI Max: 27074.90625 at vertex 86803 FI Curvature Calculation Type: discrete FI Mean Vertex Separation (Whole Surface): 0.86185 +- 0.23325 mm FI Total Surface Area: 71201.84375 mm^2 FI Total Number of Vertices: 114082 FI Average Vertex Area (Whole Surface): 0.62413 mm^2 FI Natural Surface Integral: 20827.17188 FI Rectified Surface Integral: 20827.17188 FI Positive Surface Integral: 20827.17188 FI Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 FI Mean Natural Surface Integral: 0.18256 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Rectified Surface Integral: 0.18256 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Positive Surface Integral: 0.18256 across 114082 (100.00%) vertices FI Mean Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0 (00.00%) vertices FI AreaNorm Natural Surface Integral: 0.29251 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Rectified Surface Integral: 0.29251 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Positive Surface Integral: 0.29251 across 71201.320312 (100.00%) mm^2 FI AreaNorm Negative Surface Integral: 0.00000 across 0.000000 (00.00%) mm^2 curv -- calculation type: discrete curv -- Folding Index (FI): 1657.37366 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - positive (ICIp): 177.77821 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - negative (ICIn): 176.77820 curv -- Intrinsic Curvature Index - natural (ICIt): 1.00001 Mean across 10 curvatures: 8.9414e-01 +- 1.2740e+00