# Table of FreeSurfer cortical parcellation anatomical statistics # # CreationTime 2017/01/14-14:21:09-GMT # generating_program mris_anatomical_stats # cvs_version $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.72 2011/03/02 00:04:26 nicks Exp $ # mrisurf.c-cvs_version $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.693.2.7 2013/05/12 22:28:01 nicks Exp $ # cmdline mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -cortex ../label/rh.cortex.label -f ../stats/rh.aparc.a2009s.stats -b -a ../label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot -c ../label/aparc.annot.a2009s.ctab sub-01 rh white # sysname Linux # hostname 0cefee4ac0df # machine x86_64 # user root # # SUBJECTS_DIR /data/out # anatomy_type surface # subjectname sub-01 # hemi rh # AnnotationFile ../label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot # AnnotationFileTimeStamp 2017/01/14 14:21:06 # Measure Cortex, NumVert, Number of Vertices, 93322, unitless # Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, 65879.5, mm^2 # Measure Cortex, MeanThickness, Mean Thickness, 2.0215, mm # NTableCols 10 # TableCol 1 ColHeader StructName # TableCol 1 FieldName Structure Name # TableCol 1 Units NA # TableCol 2 ColHeader NumVert # TableCol 2 FieldName Number of Vertices # TableCol 2 Units unitless # TableCol 3 ColHeader SurfArea # TableCol 3 FieldName Surface Area # TableCol 3 Units mm^2 # TableCol 4 ColHeader GrayVol # TableCol 4 FieldName Gray Matter Volume # TableCol 4 Units mm^3 # TableCol 5 ColHeader ThickAvg # TableCol 5 FieldName Average Thickness # TableCol 5 Units mm # TableCol 6 ColHeader ThickStd # TableCol 6 FieldName Thickness StdDev # TableCol 6 Units mm # TableCol 7 ColHeader MeanCurv # TableCol 7 FieldName Integrated Rectified Mean Curvature # TableCol 7 Units mm^-1 # TableCol 8 ColHeader GausCurv # TableCol 8 FieldName Integrated Rectified Gaussian Curvature # TableCol 8 Units mm^-2 # TableCol 9 ColHeader FoldInd # TableCol 9 FieldName Folding Index # TableCol 9 Units unitless # TableCol 10 ColHeader CurvInd # TableCol 10 FieldName Intrinsic Curvature Index # TableCol 10 Units unitless # ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd G_and_S_frontomargin 773 622 1564 2.031 0.755 0.226 0.111 23 3.8 G_and_S_occipital_inf 719 527 1104 1.991 0.529 0.153 0.055 10 1.3 G_and_S_paracentral 1230 825 1485 1.599 0.435 0.150 0.047 16 2.4 G_and_S_subcentral 1074 723 1881 2.305 0.615 0.161 0.068 20 2.5 G_and_S_transv_frontopol 1005 767 1966 2.027 0.677 0.202 0.113 25 4.4 G_and_S_cingul-Ant 1943 1411 4101 2.545 0.792 0.161 0.066 34 4.9 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant 1138 822 2273 2.323 0.698 0.129 0.037 12 1.6 G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post 1259 909 1912 1.897 0.533 0.158 0.064 22 3.8 G_cingul-Post-dorsal 299 243 667 2.400 0.513 0.275 0.158 19 2.5 G_cingul-Post-ventral 246 159 501 2.659 0.922 0.185 0.113 6 1.1 G_cuneus 1556 1144 1999 1.572 0.379 0.185 0.074 32 5.2 G_front_inf-Opercular 902 628 1666 2.160 0.527 0.159 0.078 21 3.5 G_front_inf-Orbital 211 144 420 2.215 0.453 0.172 0.084 4 0.6 G_front_inf-Triangul 855 619 1499 2.001 0.727 0.174 0.077 16 2.7 G_front_middle 3098 2283 5413 1.916 0.580 0.176 0.100 140 12.5 G_front_sup 5169 3734 10879 2.299 0.697 0.174 0.088 107 18.2 G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins 344 231 842 3.215 0.798 0.085 0.036 4 0.5 G_insular_short 372 248 1295 3.675 0.783 0.130 0.062 5 0.7 G_occipital_middle 1312 993 3043 2.438 0.610 0.175 0.057 25 2.9 G_occipital_sup 1376 968 2284 1.919 0.514 0.165 0.055 22 3.0 G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor 1837 1377 4075 2.356 0.613 0.163 0.059 39 5.1 G_oc-temp_med-Lingual 1803 1375 3073 1.872 0.545 0.208 0.117 72 7.5 G_oc-temp_med-Parahip 879 578 1696 2.135 0.935 0.122 0.039 8 1.3 G_orbital 1633 1248 4567 2.766 0.776 0.209 0.093 56 6.0 G_pariet_inf-Angular 2121 1536 4559 2.361 0.664 0.182 0.078 45 7.3 G_pariet_inf-Supramar 1964 1397 3552 2.113 0.568 0.153 0.056 32 4.4 G_parietal_sup 2203 1491 3185 1.745 0.560 0.159 0.070 41 6.1 G_postcentral 1821 1199 2330 1.604 0.463 0.153 0.064 31 5.2 G_precentral 2070 1391 3701 2.139 0.536 0.154 0.063 32 5.8 G_precuneus 1919 1416 3485 2.058 0.590 0.180 0.104 39 5.8 G_rectus 529 414 1769 3.067 0.964 0.245 0.154 21 3.4 G_subcallosal 58 44 211 3.948 0.446 0.105 0.031 0 0.0 G_temp_sup-G_T_transv 408 279 665 2.053 0.414 0.160 0.046 6 0.9 G_temp_sup-Lateral 1369 1036 3593 2.475 0.698 0.170 0.070 37 4.4 G_temp_sup-Plan_polar 508 361 1027 2.309 0.863 0.085 0.022 2 0.4 G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo 563 391 930 2.173 0.591 0.125 0.061 8 1.6 G_temporal_inf 1911 1499 5765 2.558 0.890 0.203 0.186 79 13.9 G_temporal_middle 2112 1562 5590 2.537 0.749 0.181 0.108 94 10.3 Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont 433 298 519 1.686 0.568 0.136 0.036 5 0.6 Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical 85 62 128 2.016 0.416 0.132 0.048 1 0.1 Lat_Fis-post 1398 925 1702 1.976 0.636 0.111 0.028 9 1.6 Pole_occipital 2183 1535 3290 1.959 0.540 0.188 0.076 43 6.1 Pole_temporal 1428 1113 5235 2.869 1.140 0.204 0.101 35 6.4 S_calcarine 1407 960 1716 1.992 0.687 0.131 0.039 16 2.0 S_central 2746 1824 2507 1.498 0.495 0.125 0.047 28 4.6 S_cingul-Marginalis 1265 849 1474 1.639 0.535 0.098 0.025 7 1.1 S_circular_insula_ant 503 323 620 1.901 0.683 0.108 0.026 3 0.6 S_circular_insula_inf 943 632 1137 1.829 0.879 0.080 0.018 3 0.7 S_circular_insula_sup 1136 755 1475 2.116 0.566 0.100 0.028 6 1.4 S_collat_transv_ant 787 616 1341 1.775 0.777 0.202 0.108 24 3.2 S_collat_transv_post 256 174 280 1.928 0.294 0.159 0.046 3 0.4 S_front_inf 1562 1099 1720 1.497 0.466 0.127 0.037 15 2.4 S_front_middle 1638 1171 1942 1.537 0.515 0.154 0.053 22 3.7 S_front_sup 2095 1465 2714 1.751 0.523 0.128 0.039 23 3.3 S_interm_prim-Jensen 281 179 271 1.869 0.425 0.121 0.028 2 0.4 S_intrapariet_and_P_trans 2726 1833 2991 1.620 0.498 0.128 0.039 28 4.3 S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus 628 435 733 1.896 0.410 0.116 0.027 5 0.7 S_oc_sup_and_transversal 949 636 988 1.755 0.501 0.136 0.036 9 1.5 S_occipital_ant 447 301 681 2.082 0.496 0.146 0.063 6 1.1 S_oc-temp_lat 862 585 946 1.697 0.528 0.113 0.027 6 0.9 S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual 1660 1184 1886 1.638 0.599 0.132 0.037 17 2.3 S_orbital_lateral 166 126 358 2.278 0.595 0.168 0.061 2 0.4 S_orbital_med-olfact 262 190 417 1.892 0.799 0.141 0.030 2 0.3 S_orbital-H_Shaped 870 581 1257 1.916 0.631 0.144 0.055 11 1.8 S_parieto_occipital 1992 1325 2308 1.807 0.525 0.125 0.036 17 2.9 S_pericallosal 1012 668 1107 2.071 0.769 0.133 0.035 15 1.4 S_postcentral 2294 1507 2133 1.501 0.471 0.118 0.035 19 3.4 S_precentral-inf-part 1078 710 1175 1.731 0.493 0.120 0.034 9 1.4 S_precentral-sup-part 1103 720 1065 1.601 0.440 0.116 0.034 9 1.3 S_suborbital 202 135 320 1.867 0.807 0.098 0.025 1 0.2 S_subparietal 497 361 939 2.124 0.591 0.174 0.063 7 1.2 S_temporal_inf 513 349 754 1.914 0.587 0.141 0.047 6 1.0 S_temporal_sup 5065 3480 7150 2.014 0.590 0.125 0.070 85 21.3 S_temporal_transverse 261 181 393 2.458 0.554 0.143 0.041 3 0.4