AMPA_syn.synapse.nml 723 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <neuroml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="AMPA_syn">
  3. <notes>ChannelML file describing a single synaptic mechanism</notes>
  4. <expTwoSynapse id="AMPA_syn" tauRise="0.003s" tauDecay="0.0031s" gbase="30e-9S" erev="0.0V">
  5. <notes>Simple example of a synaptic mechanism, which consists of a postsynaptic conductance which changes as a double exponential function of time. Mappings exist for NEURON and GENESIS.</notes>
  6. </expTwoSynapse>
  7. </neuroml>