123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390 |
- #===========================================================================
- # Import, Set up MPI Variables, Load Necessary Files
- #===========================================================================
- from mpi4py import MPI
- import time
- tic_0 = time.perf_counter() #script runtime calculation value
- import os
- from os.path import join
- import sys
- import numpy as np
- np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
- from scipy import stats as st
- import neuron
- from neuron import h, gui
- import LFPy
- from LFPy import NetworkCell, Network, Synapse, RecExtElectrode, StimIntElectrode
- from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import pandas as pd
- #MPI variables:
- SIZE = COMM.Get_size()
- RANK = COMM.Get_rank()
- GLOBALSEED = int(sys.argv[1])
- # Create new RandomState for each RANK
- np.random.seed(SEED + RANK)
- local_state = np.random.RandomState(SEED + RANK)
- halfnorm_rv = st.halfnorm
- halfnorm_rv.random_state = local_state
- uniform_rv = st.uniform
- uniform_rv.random_state = local_state
- #from net_params import *
- #Mechanisms and files
- print('Mechanisms found: ', os.path.isfile('mod/x86_64/special')) if RANK==0 else None
- neuron.h('forall delete_section()')
- neuron.load_mechanisms('mod/')
- h.load_file('net_functions.hoc')
- #===========================================================================
- # Simulation, Analysis, and Plotting Controls
- #===========================================================================
- TESTING = False # i.e.g generate 1 cell/pop, with 0.1 s runtime
- no_connectivity = False
- stimulate = False # Add a stimulus
- MDD = False #decrease PN GtonicApic and MN2PN weight by 40%
- DRUG = False
- rec_LFP = False #record LFP from center of layer
- rec_DIPOLES = False #record population - wide dipoles
- run_circuit_functions = True
- #===========================================================================
- # Params
- #===========================================================================
- dt = 0.025 #for both cell and network
- tstart = 0.
- tstop = 4500.
- celsius = 34.
- v_init = -80. #for both cell and network
- ###################### Load and organize Excel file ################################
- circuit_params = {}
- #Import Excel file
- circuit_params = pd.read_excel('Circuit_param.xls', sheet_name = None, index_col = 0)
- #Get cell names and import biophys
- cell_names = [i for i in circuit_params['conn_probs'].axes[0]]
- for name in cell_names:
- h.load_file('models/biophys_'+name+'.hoc')
- circuit_params["syn_params"] = {'none':{'tau_r_AMPA': 0,'tau_d_AMPA': 0,'tau_r_NMDA': 0,
- 'tau_d_NMDA': 0, 'e': 0,'Dep': 0,'Fac': 0,'Use': 0,'u0':0,'gmax': 0}}
- circuit_params["multi_syns"] = {'none':{'loc':0,'scale':0}}
- # organizing dictionary for LFPY input
- for pre in cell_names:
- for post in cell_names:
- if "PYR" in pre:
- circuit_params["syn_params"][pre+post] = {'tau_r_AMPA': 0.3, 'tau_d_AMPA': 3, 'tau_r_NMDA': 2,
- 'tau_d_NMDA': 65, 'e': 0, 'u0':0,
- 'Dep': circuit_params["Depression"].at[pre, post],
- 'Fac': circuit_params["Facilitation"].at[pre, post],
- 'Use': circuit_params["Use"].at[pre, post],
- 'gmax': circuit_params["syn_cond"].at[pre, post]}
- else:
- circuit_params["syn_params"][pre+post] = {'tau_r': 1, 'tau_d': 10, 'e': -80, 'u0':0,
- 'Dep': circuit_params["Depression"].at[pre, post],
- 'Fac': circuit_params["Facilitation"].at[pre, post],
- 'Use': circuit_params["Use"].at[pre, post],
- 'gmax': circuit_params["syn_cond"].at[pre, post]}
- circuit_params["multi_syns"][pre+post] = {'loc':int(circuit_params["n_cont"].at[pre, post]),'scale':0}
- stimuli = []
- for stimulus in circuit_params['STIM_PARAM'].axes[0]:
- stimuli.append({})
- for param_name in circuit_params['STIM_PARAM'].axes[1]:
- stimuli[-1][param_name] = circuit_params['STIM_PARAM'].at[stimulus, param_name]
- new_param = circuit_params["syn_params"][stimuli[-1]['syn_params']].copy()
- new_param['gmax'] = stimuli[-1]['gmax']
- stimuli[-1]['new_param'] = new_param
- COMM.Barrier()
- print('Importing, setting up MPI variables and loading necessary files took ', str((time.perf_counter() - tic_0)/60)[:5], 'minutes') if RANK==0 else None
- #################################################################################
- OUTPUTPATH = 'Circuit_output_testing'
- for name in cell_names:
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['cell_num',name] = 1
- tstop = 100
- print('Running test...') if RANK ==0 else None
- else:
- OUTPUTPATH = 'Circuit_output'
- print('Running full simulation...') if RANK==0 else None
- COMM.Barrier()
- ##################################################################################
- networkParams = {
- 'dt' : dt,
- 'tstart': tstart,
- 'tstop' : tstop,
- 'v_init' : v_init,
- 'celsius' : celsius,
- 'verbose': False}
- # L2/3 L4 L5
- PYRmaxApics = [550 ,1550 ,1900]
- uppers = [-250 ,-1200 ,-1600]
- lowers = [-1200 ,-1580 ,-2300]
- depths = []
- rangedepths = []
- minSynLocs = []
- syn_pos = []
- pop_args = {}
- for i in range (3):
- depths.append((lowers[i]-uppers[i])/2-PYRmaxApics[i])
- rangedepths.append(abs(lowers[i]-uppers[i])/2)
- minSynLocs.append((lowers[i]-uppers[i])/2*3-PYRmaxApics[i])
- syn_pos.append({'section' : ['apic', 'dend'],
- 'fun' : [uniform_rv, halfnorm_rv],
- 'funargs' : [{'loc':minSynLocs[i], 'scale':abs(minSynLocs[i])},{'loc':minSynLocs[i], 'scale':abs(minSynLocs[i])}],
- 'funweights' : [1, 1.]})
- syn_pos.append({'section' : ['apic'],
- 'fun' : [uniform_rv],
- 'funargs' : [{'loc':minSynLocs[i], 'scale':abs(minSynLocs[i])}],
- 'funweights' : [1.]})
- syn_pos.append({'section' : ['dend'],
- 'fun' : [uniform_rv],
- 'funargs' : [{'loc':minSynLocs[i], 'scale':abs(minSynLocs[i])}],
- 'funweights' : [1.]})
- syn_pos.append({'section' : ['dend'],
- 'fun' : [halfnorm_rv],
- 'funargs' : [{'loc':minSynLocs[i], 'scale':abs(minSynLocs[i])}],
- 'funweights' : [1.]})
- names = ['HL2','HL4','HL5']
- pop_args[names[i]]={'radius':250,
- 'loc':depths[i],
- 'scale':rangedepths[i]*4,
- 'cap':rangedepths[i]}
- # class RecExtElectrode parameters:
- L23_size = abs(uppers[1] - lowers[1])
- e1 = 5 #-725
- LFPelectrodeParameters = dict(
- x=np.zeros(1),
- y=np.zeros(1),
- z=[e1],
- N=np.array([[0., 1., 0.] for _ in range(1)]),
- r=5.,
- n=50,
- sigma=0.3,
- method="soma_as_point")
- #method Network.simulate() parameters
- simargs = {'rec_imem': False,
- 'rec_vmem': False,
- 'rec_ipas': False,
- 'rec_icap': False,
- 'rec_isyn': False,
- 'rec_vmemsyn': False,
- 'rec_istim': False,
- 'rec_current_dipole_moment':rec_DIPOLES,
- 'rec_pop_contributions': False,
- 'rec_variables': [],
- 'to_memory': True,
- 'to_file': False,
- 'file_name':'OUTPUT.h5',
- 'dotprodcoeffs': None}
- #===========================================================================
- # Functions
- #===========================================================================
- def generateSubPop(popsize,mname,popargs,Gou,Gtonic,GtonicApic):
- print('Initiating ' + mname + ' population...') if RANK==0 else None
- morphpath = 'morphologies/' + mname + '.swc'
- templatepath = 'models/NeuronTemplate.hoc'
- templatename = 'NeuronTemplate'
- pt3d = True
- cellParams = {
- 'morphology': morphpath,
- 'templatefile': templatepath,
- 'templatename': templatename,
- 'templateargs': morphpath,
- 'v_init': v_init, #initial membrane potential, d=-65
- 'passive': False,#initialize passive mechs, d=T, should be overwritten by biophys
- 'dt': dt,
- 'tstart': 0.,
- 'tstop': tstop,#defaults to 100
- 'nsegs_method': None,
- 'pt3d': pt3d,#use pt3d-info of the cell geometries switch, d=F
- 'delete_sections': False,
- 'verbose': False}#verbose output switch, for some reason doens't work, figure out why}
- rotation = {'x':circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['rotate_x', mname],'y':circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['rotate_y', mname]}
- popParams = {
- 'CWD': None,
- 'CELLPATH': None,
- 'Cell' : LFPy.NetworkCell, #play around with this, maybe put popargs into here
- 'POP_SIZE': int(popsize),
- 'name': mname,
- 'cell_args' : {**cellParams},
- 'pop_args' : popargs,
- 'rotation_args' : rotation}
- network.create_population(**popParams)
- # Add biophys, OU processes, & tonic inhibition to cells
- for cellind in range(0,len(network.populations[mname].cells)):
- rseed = int(local_state.uniform()*SEED)
- biophys = 'h.biophys_' + mname + '(network.populations[\'' + mname + '\'].cells[' + str(cellind) + '].template)'
- exec(biophys)
- h.createArtificialSyn(rseed,network.populations[mname].cells[cellind].template,Gou)
- h.addTonicInhibition(network.populations[mname].cells[cellind].template,Gtonic,GtonicApic)
- def addStimulus():
- cell_nums=[circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['cell_num',name] for name in cell_names]
- for stim in stimuli:
- stim_index = sum(cell_nums[:cell_names.index(stim['cell_name'])]) + stim['num_cells'] + stim['start_index']
- for gid, cell in zip(network.populations[stim['cell_name']].gids, network.populations[stim['cell_name']].cells):
- if gid < stim_index and gid >= sum(cell_nums[:cell_names.index(stim['cell_name'])]) + stim['start_index']:
- idx = cell.get_rand_idx_area_norm(section=stim['loc'], nidx=stim['loc_num'])
- for i in idx:
- time_d=0
- syn = Synapse(cell=cell, idx=i, syntype=stim['stim_type'], weight=1,**stim['new_param'])
- while time_d <= 0:
- time_d = np.random.uniform(low = stim['delay'], high = stim['delay']+stim['delay_range'])
- syn.set_spike_times_w_netstim(noise=0, start=(stim['start_time']+time_d), number=stim['num_stim'], interval=stim['interval'], seed=GLOBALSEED)
- #===========================================================================
- # Sim
- #===========================================================================
- network = Network(**networkParams)
- if MDD:
- # synaptic reduction
- for pre in cell_names:
- for post in cell_names:
- if 'SST' in pre:
- circuit_params["syn_params"][pre+post]["gmax"] = circuit_params["syn_cond"].at[pre, post]*0.6 # Synaptic reduction
- # tonic reduction
- for post in cell_names:
- if 'PYR' in post:
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['apic_tonic',post] = circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['apic_tonic',post]*0.6
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at["drug_apic_tonic",post] = circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at["drug_apic_tonic",post]*0.6
- else:
- sst = 0
- total = 0
- for pre in cell_names:
- if 'SST' in pre:
- sst += circuit_params["syn_cond"].at[pre, post]*circuit_params["n_cont"].at[pre,post]*circuit_params["conn_probs"].at[pre, post]
- total += circuit_params["syn_cond"].at[pre, post]*circuit_params["n_cont"].at[pre,post]*circuit_params["conn_probs"].at[pre, post]
- elif 'PV' in pre or 'VIP' in pre:
- total += circuit_params["syn_cond"].at[pre, post]*circuit_params["n_cont"].at[pre, post]*circuit_params["conn_probs"].at[pre, post]
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['norm_tonic',post] -= circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['norm_tonic',post]*sst/total*0.4
- print(post, '_tonic reduced by: ', sst/total*100*0.4, '%') if RANK == 0 else None
- # Generate Populations
- tic = time.perf_counter()
- for cell_name in cell_names:
- if DRUG:
- generateSubPop(circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['cell_num',cell_name],
- cell_name,pop_args[cell_name[:3]],
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['GOU',cell_name],
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['drug_tonic',cell_name],
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['drug_apic_tonic',cell_name])
- else:
- generateSubPop(circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['cell_num',cell_name],
- cell_name,pop_args[cell_name[:3]],
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['GOU',cell_name],
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['norm_tonic',cell_name],
- circuit_params['SING_CELL_PARAM'].at['apic_tonic',cell_name])
- COMM.Barrier()
- print('Instantiating all populations took ', str((time.perf_counter() - tic_0)/60)[:5], 'minutes') if RANK==0 else None
- tic = time.perf_counter()
- # Synaptic Connection Parameters
- E_syn = neuron.h.ProbAMPANMDA
- I_syn = neuron.h.ProbUDFsyn
- for i, pre in enumerate(network.population_names):
- for j, post in enumerate(network.population_names):
- connectivity = network.get_connectivity_rand(
- pre=pre,
- post=post,
- connprob=0 if no_connectivity else circuit_params["conn_probs"].at[pre, post])
- (conncount, syncount) = network.connect(
- pre=pre, post=post,
- connectivity=connectivity,
- syntype=E_syn if "PYR" in pre else I_syn,
- synparams=circuit_params["syn_params"][pre+post],
- weightfun=local_state.normal,
- weightargs={'loc':1, 'scale':0},
- minweight=1,
- delayfun=local_state.normal,
- delayargs={'loc':0.5, 'scale':0},
- mindelay=0.5,
- multapsefun=local_state.normal,
- multapseargs=circuit_params["multi_syns"][pre+post],
- syn_pos_args=syn_pos[circuit_params["Syn_pos"].at[pre,post]])
- print('Connecting populations took ', str((time.perf_counter() - tic_0)/60)[:5], 'minutes') if RANK==0 else None
- # Setup Extracellular Recording Device
- COMM.Barrier()
- if stimulate:
- addStimulus()
- COMM.Barrier()
- # Run Simulation
- tic = time.perf_counter()
- if rec_LFP and not rec_DIPOLES:
- LFPelectrode = RecExtElectrode(**LFPelectrodeParameters)
- print('Simulating, recording SPIKES and LFP ... ') if RANK==0 else None
- SPIKES, OUTPUT, _ = network.simulate(electrode=LFPelectrode,**simargs)
- elif rec_LFP and rec_DIPOLES:
- print('Simulating, recording SPIKES, LFP, and DIPOLEMOMENTS ... ') if RANK==0 else None
- LFPelectrode = RecExtElectrode(**LFPelectrodeParameters)
- SPIKES, OUTPUT, DIPOLEMOMENT = network.simulate(electrode=LFPelectrode,**simargs)
- elif not rec_LFP and rec_DIPOLES:
- print('Simulating, recording SPIKES and DIPOLEMOMENTS ... ') if RANK==0 else None
- SPIKES, _, DIPOLEMOMENT = network.simulate(**simargs)
- elif not rec_LFP and not rec_DIPOLES:
- print('Simulating, recording SPIKES ... ') if RANK==0 else None
- SPIKES = network.simulate(**simargs)
- print('Simulation took ', str((time.perf_counter() - tic_0)/60)[:5], 'minutes') if RANK==0 else None
- COMM.Barrier()
- if RANK==0:
- tic = time.perf_counter()
- print('Saving simulation output ...')
- np.save(os.path.join(OUTPUTPATH,'SPIKES_Seed'+str(GLOBALSEED)+'.npy'), SPIKES)
- np.save(os.path.join(OUTPUTPATH,'OUTPUT_Seed'+str(GLOBALSEED)+'.npy'), OUTPUT) if rec_LFP else None
- np.save(os.path.join(OUTPUTPATH,'DIPOLEMOMENT_Seed'+str(GLOBALSEED)+'.npy'), DIPOLEMOMENT) if rec_DIPOLES else None
- print('Saving simulation took', str((time.perf_counter() - tic_0)/60)[:5], 'minutes')
- #===========================================================================
- # Plotting
- #===========================================================================
- if run_circuit_functions:
- tstart_plot = 2000
- tstop_plot = tstop
- print('Creating/saving plots...') if RANK==0 else None
- exec(open("circuit_functions.py").read())
- #===============
- #Final printouts
- #===============
- print('Test complete, switch TESTING to False for full simulation') if RANK==0 else None
- elif not TESTING:
- print('Simulation complete') if RANK==0 else None
- print('Script completed in ', str((time.perf_counter() - tic_0)/60)[:5], 'minutes') if RANK==0 else None