: this model is built-in to neuron with suffix epsp : Schaefer et al. 2003 COMMENT modified from syn2.mod injected current with exponential rise and decay current defined by i = 0 for t < onset and i=amp*((1-exp(-(t-onset)/tau0))-(1-exp(-(t-onset)/tau1))) for t > onset compare to experimental current injection: i = - amp*(1-exp(-t/t1))*(exp(-t/t2)) -> tau1==t2 tau0 ^-1 = t1^-1 + t2^-1 ENDCOMMENT INDEPENDENT {t FROM 0 TO 1 WITH 1 (ms)} NEURON { POINT_PROCESS epsp RANGE onset, tau0, tau1, imax, i, myv NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT i } UNITS { (nA) = (nanoamp) (mV) = (millivolt) (umho) = (micromho) } PARAMETER { onset=0 (ms) tau0=0.2 (ms) tau1=3.0 (ms) imax=0 (nA) v (mV) } ASSIGNED { i (nA) myv (mV)} LOCAL a[2] LOCAL tpeak LOCAL adjust LOCAL amp BREAKPOINT { myv = v i = curr(t) } FUNCTION myexp(x) { if (x < -100) { myexp = 0 }else{ myexp = exp(x) } } FUNCTION curr(x) { tpeak=tau0*tau1*log(tau0/tau1)/(tau0-tau1) adjust=1/((1-myexp(-tpeak/tau0))-(1-myexp(-tpeak/tau1))) amp=adjust*imax if (x < onset) { curr = 0 }else{ a[0]=1-myexp(-(x-onset)/tau0) a[1]=1-myexp(-(x-onset)/tau1) curr = -amp*(a[0]-a[1]) } }