# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Class for reading data from Neuralynx files. This IO supports NCS, NEV and NSE file formats. This module is an older implementation with old neo.io API. A new class NeuralynxIO compunded by NeuralynxRawIO and BaseFromIO superseed this one. Depends on: numpy Supported: Read Author: Julia Sprenger, Carlos Canova Adapted from the exampleIO of python-neo """ # needed for python 3 compatibility from __future__ import absolute_import, division import sys import os import warnings import codecs import copy import re import datetime import pkg_resources import numpy as np import quantities as pq from neo.io.baseio import BaseIO from neo.core import (Block, Segment, ChannelIndex, AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, Event, Unit) from os import listdir, sep from os.path import isfile, getsize import hashlib import pickle if hasattr(pkg_resources, 'pkg_resources'): parse_version = pkg_resources.pkg_resources.parse_version else: parse_version = pkg_resources.parse_version class NeuralynxIO(BaseIO): """ Class for reading Neuralynx files. It enables reading: - :class:'Block' - :class:'Segment' - :class:'AnalogSignal' - :class:'SpikeTrain' Usage: from neo import io import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt session_folder = '../Data/2014-07-24_10-31-02' NIO = io.NeuralynxIO(session_folder,print_diagnostic = True) block = NIO.read_block(t_starts = 0.1*pq.s, t_stops = 0.2*pq.s, events=True) seg = block.segments[0] analogsignal = seg.analogsignals[0] plt.plot(analogsignal.times.rescale(pq.ms), analogsignal.magnitude) plt.show() """ is_readable = True # This class can only read data is_writable = False # write is not supported # This class is able to directly or indirectly handle the following objects # You can notice that this greatly simplifies the full Neo object hierarchy supported_objects = [Segment, AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, Event] # This class can return either a Block or a Segment # The first one is the default ( self.read ) # These lists should go from highest object to lowest object because # common_io_test assumes it. readable_objects = [Segment, AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain] # This class is not able to write objects writeable_objects = [] has_header = False is_streameable = False # This is for GUI stuff : a definition for parameters when reading. # This dict should be keyed by object (`Block`). Each entry is a list # of tuple. The first entry in each tuple is the parameter name. The # second entry is a dict with keys 'value' (for default value), # and 'label' (for a descriptive name). # Note that if the highest-level object requires parameters, # common_io_test will be skipped. read_params = { Segment: [('waveforms', {'value': True})], Block: [('waveforms', {'value': False})] } # do not supported write so no GUI stuff write_params = None name = 'Neuralynx' description = 'This IO reads .nse/.ncs/.nev files of the Neuralynx (' \ 'Cheetah) recordings system (tetrodes).' extensions = ['nse', 'ncs', 'nev', 'ntt'] # mode can be 'file' or 'dir' or 'fake' or 'database' # the main case is 'file' but some reader are base on a directory or # a database this info is for GUI stuff also mode = 'dir' # hardcoded parameters from manual, which are not present in Neuralynx # data files # unit of timestamps in different files nev_time_unit = pq.microsecond ncs_time_unit = pq.microsecond nse_time_unit = pq.microsecond ntt_time_unit = pq.microsecond # unit of sampling rate in different files ncs_sr_unit = pq.Hz nse_sr_unit = pq.Hz ntt_sr_unit = pq.Hz def __init__(self, sessiondir=None, cachedir=None, use_cache='hash', print_diagnostic=False, filename=None): """ Arguments: sessiondir: the directory the files of the recording session are collected. Default 'None'. print_diagnostic: indicates, whether information about the loading of data is printed in terminal or not. Default 'False'. cachedir: the directory where metadata about the recording session is read from and written to. use_cache: method used for cache identification. Possible values: 'hash'/ 'always'/'datesize'/'never'. Default 'hash' filename: this argument is handles the same as sessiondir and is only added for external IO interfaces. The value of sessiondir has priority over filename. """ BaseIO.__init__(self) # possiblity to provide filename instead of sessiondir for IO # compatibility if filename is not None and sessiondir is None: sessiondir = filename if sessiondir is None: raise ValueError('Must provide a directory containing data files of' ' of one recording session.') # remove filename if specific file was passed if any([sessiondir.endswith('.%s' % ext) for ext in self.extensions]): sessiondir = sessiondir[:sessiondir.rfind(sep)] # remove / for consistent directory handling if sessiondir.endswith(sep): sessiondir = sessiondir.rstrip(sep) # set general parameters of this IO self.sessiondir = sessiondir self.filename = sessiondir.split(sep)[-1] self._print_diagnostic = print_diagnostic self.associated = False self._associate(cachedir=cachedir, usecache=use_cache) self._diagnostic_print( 'Initialized IO for session %s' % self.sessiondir) def read_block(self, lazy=False, cascade=True, t_starts=None, t_stops=None, electrode_list=None, unit_list=None, analogsignals=True, events=False, waveforms=False): """ Reads data in a requested time window and returns block with as many segments es necessary containing these data. Arguments: lazy : Postpone actual reading of the data files. Default 'False'. cascade : Do not postpone reading subsequent neo types (segments). Default 'True'. t_starts : list of quantities or quantity describing the start of the requested time window to load. If None or [None] the complete session is loaded. Default 'None'. t_stops : list of quantities or quantity describing the end of the requested time window to load. Has to contain the same number of values as t_starts. If None or [None] the complete session is loaded. Default 'None'. electrode_list : list of integers containing the IDs of the requested to load. If [] or None all available channels will be loaded. Default: None. unit_list : list of integers containing the IDs of the requested units to load. If [] or None all available units will be loaded. Default: None. analogsignals : boolean, indication whether analogsignals should be read. Default: True. events : Loading events. If True all available events in the given time window will be read. Default: False. waveforms : Load waveform for spikes in the requested time window. Default: False. Returns: Block object containing the requested data in neo structures. Usage: from neo import io import quantities as pq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt session_folder = '../Data/2014-07-24_10-31-02' NIO = io.NeuralynxIO(session_folder,print_diagnostic = True) block = NIO.read_block(lazy = False, cascade = True, t_starts = 0.1*pq.s, t_stops = 0.2*pq.s, electrode_list = [1,5,10], unit_list = [1,2,3], events = True, waveforms = True) plt.plot(block.segments[0].analogsignals[0]) plt.show() """ # Create block bl = Block(file_origin=self.sessiondir) bl.name = self.filename if not cascade: return bl # Checking input of t_start and t_stop # For lazy users that specify x,x instead of [x],[x] for t_starts, # t_stops if t_starts is None: t_starts = [None] elif type(t_starts) == pq.Quantity: t_starts = [t_starts] elif type(t_starts) != list or any( [(type(i) != pq.Quantity and i is not None) for i in t_starts]): raise ValueError('Invalid specification of t_starts.') if t_stops is None: t_stops = [None] elif type(t_stops) == pq.Quantity: t_stops = [t_stops] elif type(t_stops) != list or any( [(type(i) != pq.Quantity and i is not None) for i in t_stops]): raise ValueError('Invalid specification of t_stops.') # adapting t_starts and t_stops to known gap times (extracted in # association process / initialization) for gap in self.parameters_global['gaps']: # gap=gap_list[0] for e in range(len(t_starts)): t1, t2 = t_starts[e], t_stops[e] gap_start = gap[1] * self.ncs_time_unit - \ self.parameters_global['t_start'] gap_stop = gap[2] * self.ncs_time_unit - self.parameters_global[ 't_start'] if ((t1 is None and t2 is None) or (t1 is None and t2 is not None and t2.rescale( self.ncs_time_unit) > gap_stop) or (t2 is None and t1 is not None and t1.rescale( self.ncs_time_unit) < gap_stop) or (t1 is not None and t2 is not None and t1.rescale( self.ncs_time_unit) < gap_start and t2.rescale(self.ncs_time_unit) > gap_stop)): # adapting first time segment t_stops[e] = gap_start # inserting second time segment t_starts.insert(e + 1, gap_stop) t_stops.insert(e + 1, t2) warnings.warn( 'Substituted t_starts and t_stops in order to skip ' 'gap in recording session.') # loading all channels if empty electrode_list if electrode_list == [] or electrode_list is None: electrode_list = self.parameters_ncs.keys() # adding a segment for each t_start, t_stop pair for t_start, t_stop in zip(t_starts, t_stops): seg = self.read_segment(lazy=lazy, cascade=cascade, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, electrode_list=electrode_list, unit_list=unit_list, analogsignals=analogsignals, events=events, waveforms=waveforms) bl.segments.append(seg) # generate units units = [] channel_unit_collection = {} for st in [s for seg in bl.segments for s in seg.spiketrains]: # collecting spiketrains of same channel and unit id to generate # common unit chuid = (st.annotations['channel_index'], st.annotations['unit_id']) if chuid in channel_unit_collection: channel_unit_collection[chuid].append(st) else: channel_unit_collection[chuid] = [st] for chuid in channel_unit_collection: sts = channel_unit_collection[chuid] unit = Unit(name='Channel %i, Unit %i' % chuid) unit.spiketrains.extend(sts) units.append(unit) # generate one channel indexes for each analogsignal for anasig in [a for seg in bl.segments for a in seg.analogsignals]: channelids = anasig.annotations['channel_index'] channel_names = ['channel %i' % i for i in channelids] channelidx = ChannelIndex(index=range(len(channelids)), channel_names=channel_names, name='channel ids for all analogsignal ' '"%s"' % anasig.name, channel_ids=channelids) channelidx.analogsignals.append(anasig) bl.channel_indexes.append(channelidx) # generate channel indexes for units channelids = [unit.spiketrains[0].annotations['channel_index'] for unit in units] channel_names = ['channel %i' % i for i in channelids] channelidx = ChannelIndex(index=range(len(channelids)), channel_names=channel_names, name='channel ids for all spiketrains', channel_ids=channelids) channelidx.units.extend(units) bl.channel_indexes.append(channelidx) bl.create_many_to_one_relationship() # Adding global parameters to block annotation bl.annotations.update(self.parameters_global) return bl def read_segment(self, lazy=False, cascade=True, t_start=None, t_stop=None, electrode_list=None, unit_list=None, analogsignals=True, events=False, waveforms=False): """Reads one Segment. The Segment will contain one AnalogSignal for each channel and will go from t_start to t_stop. Arguments: lazy : Postpone actual reading of the data files. Default 'False'. cascade : Do not postpone reading subsequent neo types (SpikeTrains, AnalogSignals, Events). Default 'True'. t_start : time (quantity) that the Segment begins. Default None. t_stop : time (quantity) that the Segment ends. Default None. electrode_list : list of integers containing the IDs of the requested to load. If [] or None all available channels will be loaded. Default: None. unit_list : list of integers containing the IDs of the requested units to load. If [] or None all available units will be loaded. If False, no unit will be loaded. Default: None. analogsignals : boolean, indication whether analogsignals should be read. Default: True. events : Loading events. If True all available events in the given time window will be read. Default: False. waveforms : Load waveform for spikes in the requested time window. Default: False. Returns: Segment object containing neo objects, which contain the data. """ # input check # loading all channels if empty electrode_list if electrode_list == [] or electrode_list is None: electrode_list = self.parameters_ncs.keys() elif electrode_list is None: raise ValueError('Electrode_list can not be None.') elif [v for v in electrode_list if v in self.parameters_ncs.keys()] == []: # warn if non of the requested channels are present in this session warnings.warn('Requested channels %s are not present in session ' '(contains only %s)' % ( electrode_list, self.parameters_ncs.keys())) electrode_list = [] seg = Segment(file_origin=self.filename) if not cascade: return seg # generate empty segment for analogsignal collection empty_seg = Segment(file_origin=self.filename) # Reading NCS Files # # selecting ncs files to load based on electrode_list requested if analogsignals: for chid in electrode_list: if chid in self.parameters_ncs: file_ncs = self.parameters_ncs[chid]['filename'] self.read_ncs(file_ncs, empty_seg, lazy, cascade, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) else: self._diagnostic_print('Can not load ncs of channel %i. ' 'No corresponding ncs file ' 'present.' % (chid)) # supplementory merge function, should be replaced by neo utility # function def merge_analogsignals(anasig_list): for aid, anasig in enumerate(anasig_list): anasig.channel_index = None if aid == 0: full_analogsignal = anasig else: full_analogsignal = full_analogsignal.merge(anasig) for key in anasig_list[0].annotations.keys(): listified_values = [a.annotations[key] for a in anasig_list] full_analogsignal.annotations[key] = listified_values return full_analogsignal analogsignal = merge_analogsignals(empty_seg.analogsignals) seg.analogsignals.append(analogsignal) analogsignal.segment = seg # Reading NEV Files (Events)# # reading all files available if events: for filename_nev in self.nev_asso: self.read_nev(filename_nev, seg, lazy, cascade, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) # Reading Spike Data only if requested if unit_list is not False: # Reading NSE Files (Spikes)# # selecting nse files to load based on electrode_list requested for chid in electrode_list: if chid in self.parameters_nse: filename_nse = self.parameters_nse[chid]['filename'] self.read_nse(filename_nse, seg, lazy, cascade, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, waveforms=waveforms) else: self._diagnostic_print('Can not load nse of channel %i. ' 'No corresponding nse file ' 'present.' % (chid)) # Reading ntt Files (Spikes)# # selecting ntt files to load based on electrode_list requested for chid in electrode_list: if chid in self.parameters_ntt: filename_ntt = self.parameters_ntt[chid]['filename'] self.read_ntt(filename_ntt, seg, lazy, cascade, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, waveforms=waveforms) else: self._diagnostic_print('Can not load ntt of channel %i. ' 'No corresponding ntt file ' 'present.' % (chid)) return seg def read_ncs(self, filename_ncs, seg, lazy=False, cascade=True, t_start=None, t_stop=None): ''' Reading a single .ncs file from the associated Neuralynx recording session. In case of a recording gap between t_start and t_stop, data are only loaded until gap start. For loading data across recording gaps use read_block(...). Arguments: filename_ncs : Name of the .ncs file to be loaded. seg : Neo Segment, to which the AnalogSignal containing the data will be attached. lazy : Postpone actual reading of the data. Instead provide a dummy AnalogSignal. Default 'False'. cascade : Not used in this context. Default: 'True'. t_start : time or sample (quantity or integer) that the AnalogSignal begins. Default None. t_stop : time or sample (quantity or integer) that the AnalogSignal ends. Default None. Returns: None ''' # checking format of filename and correcting if necessary if filename_ncs[-4:] != '.ncs': filename_ncs = filename_ncs + '.ncs' if sep in filename_ncs: filename_ncs = filename_ncs.split(sep)[-1] # Extracting the channel id from prescan (association) of ncs files with # this recording session chid = self.get_channel_id_by_file_name(filename_ncs) if chid is None: raise ValueError('NeuralynxIO is attempting to read a file ' 'not associated to this session (%s).' % ( filename_ncs)) if not cascade: return # read data header_time_data = self.__mmap_ncs_packet_timestamps(filename_ncs) data = self.__mmap_ncs_data(filename_ncs) # ensure meaningful values for requested start and stop times # in case time is provided in samples: transform to absolute time units if isinstance(t_start, int): t_start = t_start / self.parameters_ncs[chid]['sampling_rate'] if isinstance(t_stop, int): t_stop = t_stop / self.parameters_ncs[chid]['sampling_rate'] # rescaling to global start time of recording (time of first sample # in any file type) if t_start is None or t_start < ( self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): t_start = ( self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']) if t_start > ( self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is later than data are ' 'recorded (t_stop = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_ncs)) if t_stop is None or t_stop > ( self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): t_stop = ( self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']) if t_stop < ( self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is earlier than data ' 'are ' 'recorded (t_start = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_ncs[chid]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_ncs)) if t_start >= t_stop: raise ValueError( 'Requested start time (%s) is later than / equal to stop ' 'time ' '(%s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, filename_ncs)) # Extracting data signal in requested time window unit = pq.dimensionless # default value if lazy: sig = [] p_id_start = 0 else: tstamps = header_time_data * self.ncs_time_unit - \ self.parameters_global['t_start'] # find data packet to start with signal construction starts = np.where(tstamps <= t_start)[0] if len(starts) == 0: self._diagnostic_print( 'Requested AnalogSignal not present in this time ' 'interval.') return else: # first packet to be included into signal p_id_start = starts[-1] # find data packet where signal ends (due to gap or t_stop) stops = np.where(tstamps >= t_stop)[0] if len(stops) != 0: first_stop = [stops[0]] else: first_stop = [] # last packet to be included in signal p_id_stop = min(first_stop + [len(data)]) # search gaps in recording in time range to load gap_packets = [gap_id[0] for gap_id in self.parameters_ncs[chid]['gaps'] if gap_id[0] > p_id_start] if len(gap_packets) > 0 and min(gap_packets) < p_id_stop: p_id_stop = min(gap_packets) warnings.warn( 'Analogsignalarray was shortened due to gap in ' 'recorded ' 'data ' ' of file %s at packet id %i' % ( filename_ncs, min(gap_packets))) # search broken packets in time range to load broken_packets = [] if 'broken_packet' in self.parameters_ncs[chid]: broken_packets = [packet[0] for packet in self.parameters_ncs[chid]['broken_packet'] if packet[0] > p_id_start] if len(broken_packets) > 0 and min(broken_packets) < p_id_stop: p_id_stop = min(broken_packets) warnings.warn( 'Analogsignalarray was shortened due to broken data ' 'packet in recorded data ' ' of file %s at packet id %i' % ( filename_ncs, min(broken_packets))) # construct signal in valid packet range sig = np.array(data[p_id_start:p_id_stop + 1], dtype=float) sig = sig.reshape(len(sig) * len(sig[0])) # ADBitVolts is not guaranteed to be present in the header! if 'ADBitVolts' in self.parameters_ncs[chid]: sig *= self.parameters_ncs[chid]['ADBitVolts'] unit = pq.V else: warnings.warn( 'Could not transform data from file %s into physical ' 'signal. ' 'Missing "ADBitVolts" value in text header.') # defining sampling rate for rescaling purposes sampling_rate = self.parameters_ncs[chid]['sampling_unit'][0] # creating neo AnalogSignal containing data anasig = AnalogSignal(signal=pq.Quantity(sig, unit, copy=False), sampling_rate=1 * sampling_rate, # rescaling t_start to sampling time units t_start=(header_time_data[p_id_start] * self.ncs_time_unit - self.parameters_global['t_start']).rescale( 1 / sampling_rate), name='channel_%i' % (chid), channel_index=chid) # removing protruding parts of first and last data packet if anasig.t_start < t_start.rescale(anasig.t_start.units): anasig = anasig.time_slice(t_start.rescale(anasig.t_start.units), None) if anasig.t_stop > t_stop.rescale(anasig.t_start.units): anasig = anasig.time_slice(None, t_stop.rescale(anasig.t_start.units)) annotations = copy.deepcopy(self.parameters_ncs[chid]) for pop_key in ['sampling_rate', 't_start']: if pop_key in annotations: annotations.pop(pop_key) anasig.annotations.update(annotations) anasig.annotations['electrode_id'] = chid # this annotation is necesary for automatic genereation of # recordingchannels anasig.annotations['channel_index'] = chid anasig.segment = seg # needed for merge function of analogsignals seg.analogsignals.append(anasig) def read_nev(self, filename_nev, seg, lazy=False, cascade=True, t_start=None, t_stop=None): ''' Reads associated nev file and attaches its content as eventarray to provided neo segment. In constrast to read_ncs times can not be provided in number of samples as a nev file has no inherent sampling rate. Arguments: filename_nev : Name of the .nev file to be loaded. seg : Neo Segment, to which the Event containing the data will be attached. lazy : Postpone actual reading of the data. Instead provide a dummy Event. Default 'False'. cascade : Not used in this context. Default: 'True'. t_start : time (quantity) that the Events begin. Default None. t_stop : time (quantity) that the Event end. Default None. Returns: None ''' if filename_nev[-4:] != '.nev': filename_nev += '.nev' if sep in filename_nev: filename_nev = filename_nev.split(sep)[-1] if filename_nev not in self.nev_asso: raise ValueError('NeuralynxIO is attempting to read a file ' 'not associated to this session (%s).' % ( filename_nev)) # # ensure meaningful values for requested start and stop times # # providing time is samples for nev file does not make sense as we # don't know the underlying sampling rate if isinstance(t_start, int): raise ValueError( 'Requesting event information from nev file in samples ' 'does ' 'not make sense. ' 'Requested t_start %s' % t_start) if isinstance(t_stop, int): raise ValueError( 'Requesting event information from nev file in samples ' 'does ' 'not make sense. ' 'Requested t_stop %s' % t_stop) # ensure meaningful values for requested start and stop times if t_start is None or t_start < ( self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']): t_start = (self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']) if t_start > (self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is later than data are ' 'recorded (t_stop = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_nev)) if t_stop is None or t_stop > ( self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']): t_stop = (self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_stop'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']) if t_stop < (self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['t_start'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is earlier than data ' 'are ' 'recorded (t_start = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, ( self.parameters_nev[filename_nev][ 't_start'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_nev)) if t_start >= t_stop: raise ValueError( 'Requested start time (%s) is later than / equal to stop ' 'time ' '(%s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, filename_nev)) data = self.__mmap_nev_file(filename_nev) # Extracting all events for one event type and put it into an event # array # TODO: Check if this is the correct way of event creation. for event_type in self.parameters_nev[filename_nev]['event_types']: # Extract all time stamps of digital markers and rescaling time type_mask = [i for i in range(len(data)) if (data[i][4] == event_type['event_id'] and data[i][5] == event_type['nttl'] and data[i][10].decode('latin-1') == event_type[ 'name'])] marker_times = [t[3] for t in data[type_mask]] * self.nev_time_unit - \ self.parameters_global['t_start'] # only consider Events in the requested time window [t_start, # t_stop] time_mask = [i for i in range(len(marker_times)) if ( marker_times[i] >= t_start and marker_times[i] <= t_stop)] marker_times = marker_times[time_mask] # Do not create an eventarray if there are no events of this type # in the requested time range if len(marker_times) == 0: continue ev = Event(times=pq.Quantity(marker_times, units=self.nev_time_unit, dtype="int"), labels=event_type['name'], name="Digital Marker " + str(event_type), file_origin=filename_nev, marker_id=event_type['event_id'], digital_marker=True, analog_marker=False, nttl=event_type['nttl']) seg.events.append(ev) def read_nse(self, filename_nse, seg, lazy=False, cascade=True, t_start=None, t_stop=None, unit_list=None, waveforms=False): ''' Reads nse file and attaches content as spike train to provided neo segment. Times can be provided in samples (integer values). If the nse file does not contain a sampling rate value, the ncs sampling rate on the same electrode is used. Arguments: filename_nse : Name of the .nse file to be loaded. seg : Neo Segment, to which the Spiketrain containing the data will be attached. lazy : Postpone actual reading of the data. Instead provide a dummy SpikeTrain. Default 'False'. cascade : Not used in this context. Default: 'True'. t_start : time or sample (quantity or integer) that the SpikeTrain begins. Default None. t_stop : time or sample (quantity or integer) that the SpikeTrain ends. Default None. unit_list : unit ids to be loaded. If [], all units are loaded. Default None. waveforms : Load the waveform (up to 32 data points) for each spike time. Default: False Returns: None ''' if filename_nse[-4:] != '.nse': filename_nse += '.nse' if sep in filename_nse: filename_nse = filename_nse.split(sep)[-1] # extracting channel id of requested file channel_id = self.get_channel_id_by_file_name(filename_nse) if channel_id is not None: chid = channel_id else: # if nse file is empty it is not listed in self.parameters_nse, but # in self.nse_avail if filename_nse in self.nse_avail: warnings.warn('NeuralynxIO is attempting to read an empty ' '(not associated) nse file (%s). ' 'Not loading nse file.' % (filename_nse)) return else: raise ValueError('NeuralynxIO is attempting to read a file ' 'not associated to this session (%s).' % ( filename_nse)) # ensure meaningful values for requested start and stop times # in case time is provided in samples: transform to absolute time units # ncs sampling rate is best guess if there is no explicit sampling # rate given for nse values. if 'sampling_rate' in self.parameters_nse[chid]: sr = self.parameters_nse[chid]['sampling_rate'] elif chid in self.parameters_ncs and 'sampling_rate' in \ self.parameters_ncs[chid]: sr = self.parameters_ncs[chid]['sampling_rate'] else: raise ValueError( 'No sampling rate present for channel id %i in nse file ' '%s. ' 'Could also not find the sampling rate of the respective ' 'ncs ' 'file.' % ( chid, filename_nse)) if isinstance(t_start, int): t_start = t_start / sr if isinstance(t_stop, int): t_stop = t_stop / sr # + rescaling global recording start (first sample in any file type) # This is not optimal, as there is no way to know how long the # recording lasted after last spike if t_start is None or t_start < ( self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): t_start = ( self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']) if t_start > ( self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is later than data are ' 'recorded (t_stop = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_nse)) if t_stop is None: t_stop = (sys.maxsize) * self.nse_time_unit if t_stop is None or t_stop > ( self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): t_stop = ( self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']) if t_stop < ( self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is earlier than data ' 'are recorded (t_start = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_nse[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_nse)) if t_start >= t_stop: raise ValueError( 'Requested start time (%s) is later than / equal to stop ' 'time ' '(%s) for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, filename_nse)) # reading data [timestamps, channel_ids, cell_numbers, features, data_points] = self.__mmap_nse_packets(filename_nse) # load all units available if unit_list==[] or None if unit_list == [] or unit_list is None: unit_list = np.unique(cell_numbers) elif not any([u in cell_numbers for u in unit_list]): self._diagnostic_print( 'None of the requested unit ids (%s) present ' 'in nse file %s (contains unit_list %s)' % ( unit_list, filename_nse, np.unique(cell_numbers))) # extracting spikes unit-wise and generate spiketrains for unit_i in unit_list: if not lazy: # Extract all time stamps of that neuron on that electrode unit_mask = np.where(cell_numbers == unit_i)[0] spike_times = timestamps[unit_mask] * self.nse_time_unit spike_times = spike_times - self.parameters_global['t_start'] time_mask = np.where(np.logical_and(spike_times >= t_start, spike_times < t_stop)) spike_times = spike_times[time_mask] else: spike_times = pq.Quantity([], units=self.nse_time_unit) # Create SpikeTrain object st = SpikeTrain(times=spike_times, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, sampling_rate=self.parameters_ncs[chid][ 'sampling_rate'], name="Channel %i, Unit %i" % (chid, unit_i), file_origin=filename_nse, unit_id=unit_i, channel_id=chid) if waveforms and not lazy: # Collect all waveforms of the specific unit # For computational reasons: no units, no time axis st.waveforms = data_points[unit_mask][time_mask] # TODO: Add units to waveforms (pq.uV?) and add annotation # left_sweep = x * pq.ms indicating when threshold crossing # occurred in waveform st.annotations.update(self.parameters_nse[chid]) st.annotations['electrode_id'] = chid # This annotations is necessary for automatic generation of # recordingchannels st.annotations['channel_index'] = chid seg.spiketrains.append(st) def read_ntt(self, filename_ntt, seg, lazy=False, cascade=True, t_start=None, t_stop=None, unit_list=None, waveforms=False): ''' Reads ntt file and attaches content as spike train to provided neo segment. Arguments: filename_ntt : Name of the .ntt file to be loaded. seg : Neo Segment, to which the Spiketrain containing the data will be attached. lazy : Postpone actual reading of the data. Instead provide a dummy SpikeTrain. Default 'False'. cascade : Not used in this context. Default: 'True'. t_start : time (quantity) that the SpikeTrain begins. Default None. t_stop : time (quantity) that the SpikeTrain ends. Default None. unit_list : unit ids to be loaded. If [] or None all units are loaded. Default None. waveforms : Load the waveform (up to 32 data points) for each spike time. Default: False Returns: None ''' if filename_ntt[-4:] != '.ntt': filename_ntt += '.ntt' if sep in filename_ntt: filename_ntt = filename_ntt.split(sep)[-1] # extracting channel id of requested file channel_id = self.get_channel_id_by_file_name(filename_ntt) if channel_id is not None: chid = channel_id else: # if ntt file is empty it is not listed in self.parameters_ntt, but # in self.ntt_avail if filename_ntt in self.ntt_avail: warnings.warn('NeuralynxIO is attempting to read an empty ' '(not associated) ntt file (%s). ' 'Not loading ntt file.' % (filename_ntt)) return else: raise ValueError('NeuralynxIO is attempting to read a file ' 'not associated to this session (%s).' % ( filename_ntt)) # ensure meaningful values for requested start and stop times # in case time is provided in samples: transform to absolute time units # ncs sampling rate is best guess if there is no explicit sampling # rate given for ntt values. if 'sampling_rate' in self.parameters_ntt[chid]: sr = self.parameters_ntt[chid]['sampling_rate'] elif chid in self.parameters_ncs and 'sampling_rate' in \ self.parameters_ncs[chid]: sr = self.parameters_ncs[chid]['sampling_rate'] else: raise ValueError( 'No sampling rate present for channel id %i in ntt file ' '%s. ' 'Could also not find the sampling rate of the respective ' 'ncs ' 'file.' % ( chid, filename_ntt)) if isinstance(t_start, int): t_start = t_start / sr if isinstance(t_stop, int): t_stop = t_stop / sr # + rescaling to global recording start (first sample in any # recording file) if t_start is None or t_start < ( self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): t_start = ( self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']) if t_start > ( self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is later than data are ' 'recorded (t_stop = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_ntt)) if t_stop is None: t_stop = (sys.maxsize) * self.ntt_time_unit if t_stop is None or t_stop > ( self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): t_stop = ( self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_last'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']) if t_stop < ( self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global[ 't_start']): raise ValueError( 'Requested times window (%s to %s) is earlier than data ' 'are ' 'recorded (t_start = %s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, (self.parameters_ntt[chid]['t_first'] - self.parameters_global['t_start']), filename_ntt)) if t_start >= t_stop: raise ValueError( 'Requested start time (%s) is later than / equal to stop ' 'time ' '(%s) ' 'for file %s.' % (t_start, t_stop, filename_ntt)) # reading data [timestamps, channel_ids, cell_numbers, features, data_points] = self.__mmap_ntt_packets(filename_ntt) # TODO: When ntt available: Implement 1 RecordingChannelGroup per # Tetrode, such that each electrode gets its own recording channel # load all units available if units==[] if unit_list == [] or unit_list is None: unit_list = np.unique(cell_numbers) elif not any([u in cell_numbers for u in unit_list]): self._diagnostic_print( 'None of the requested unit ids (%s) present ' 'in ntt file %s (contains units %s)' % ( unit_list, filename_ntt, np.unique(cell_numbers))) # loading data for each unit and generating spiketrain for unit_i in unit_list: if not lazy: # Extract all time stamps of that neuron on that electrode mask = np.where(cell_numbers == unit_i)[0] spike_times = timestamps[mask] * self.ntt_time_unit spike_times = spike_times - self.parameters_global['t_start'] spike_times = spike_times[np.where( np.logical_and(spike_times >= t_start, spike_times < t_stop))] else: spike_times = pq.Quantity([], units=self.ntt_time_unit) # Create SpikeTrain object st = SpikeTrain(times=spike_times, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, sampling_rate=self.parameters_ncs[chid][ 'sampling_rate'], name="Channel %i, Unit %i" % (chid, unit_i), file_origin=filename_ntt, unit_id=unit_i, channel_id=chid) # Collect all waveforms of the specific unit if waveforms and not lazy: # For computational reasons: no units, no time axis # transposing to adhere to neo guidline, which states that # time should be in the first axis. # This is stupid and not intuitive. st.waveforms = np.array( [data_points[t, :, :] for t in range(len(timestamps)) if cell_numbers[t] == unit_i]).transpose() # TODO: Add units to waveforms (pq.uV?) and add annotation # left_sweep = x * pq.ms indicating when threshold crossing # occurred in waveform st.annotations = self.parameters_ntt[chid] st.annotations['electrode_id'] = chid # This annotations is necessary for automatic generation of # recordingchannels st.annotations['channel_index'] = chid seg.spiketrains.append(st) # private routines # ################################################# def _associate(self, cachedir=None, usecache='hash'): """ Associates the object with a specified Neuralynx session, i.e., a combination of a .nse, .nev and .ncs files. The meta data is read into the object for future reference. Arguments: cachedir : Directory for loading and saving hashes of recording sessions and pickled meta information about files extracted during association process use_cache: method used for cache identification. Possible values: 'hash'/ 'always'/'datesize'/'never'. Default 'hash' Returns: - """ # If already associated, disassociate first if self.associated: raise IOError( "Trying to associate an already associated NeuralynxIO " "object.") # Create parameter containers # Dictionary that holds different parameters read from the .nev file self.parameters_nse = {} # List of parameter dictionaries for all potential file types self.parameters_ncs = {} self.parameters_nev = {} self.parameters_ntt = {} # combined global parameters self.parameters_global = {} # Scanning session directory for recorded files self.sessionfiles = [f for f in listdir(self.sessiondir) if isfile(os.path.join(self.sessiondir, f))] # Listing available files self.ncs_avail = [] self.nse_avail = [] self.nev_avail = [] self.ntt_avail = [] # Listing associated (=non corrupted, non empty files) self.ncs_asso = [] self.nse_asso = [] self.nev_asso = [] self.ntt_asso = [] if usecache not in ['hash', 'always', 'datesize', 'never']: raise ValueError( "Argument value of usecache '%s' is not valid. Accepted " "values are 'hash','always','datesize','never'" % usecache) if cachedir is None and usecache != 'never': raise ValueError('No cache directory provided.') # check if there are any changes of the data files -> new data check run check_files = True if usecache != 'always' else False # never # checking files if usecache=='always' if cachedir is not None and usecache != 'never': self._diagnostic_print( 'Calculating %s of session files to check for cached ' 'parameter files.' % usecache) cachefile = cachedir + sep + self.sessiondir.split(sep)[ -1] + '/hashkeys' if not os.path.exists(cachedir + sep + self.sessiondir.split(sep)[-1]): os.makedirs(cachedir + sep + self.sessiondir.split(sep)[-1]) if usecache == 'hash': hashes_calc = {} # calculates hash of all available files for f in self.sessionfiles: file_hash = self.hashfile(open(self.sessiondir + sep + f, 'rb'), hashlib.sha256()) hashes_calc[f] = file_hash elif usecache == 'datesize': hashes_calc = {} for f in self.sessionfiles: hashes_calc[f] = self.datesizefile( self.sessiondir + sep + f) # load hashes saved for this session in an earlier loading run if os.path.exists(cachefile): hashes_read = pickle.load(open(cachefile, 'rb')) else: hashes_read = {} # compare hashes to previously saved meta data und load meta data # if no changes occured if usecache == 'always' or all([f in hashes_calc and f in hashes_read and hashes_calc[f] == hashes_read[f] for f in self.sessionfiles]): check_files = False self._diagnostic_print( 'Using cached metadata from earlier analysis run in ' 'file ' '%s. Skipping file checks.' % cachefile) # loading saved parameters parameterfile = cachedir + sep + self.sessiondir.split(sep)[ -1] + '/parameters.cache' if os.path.exists(parameterfile): parameters_read = pickle.load(open(parameterfile, 'rb')) else: raise IOError('Inconsistent cache files.') for IOdict, dictname in [(self.parameters_global, 'global'), (self.parameters_ncs, 'ncs'), (self.parameters_nse, 'nse'), (self.parameters_nev, 'nev'), (self.parameters_ntt, 'ntt')]: IOdict.update(parameters_read[dictname]) self.nev_asso = self.parameters_nev.keys() self.ncs_asso = [val['filename'] for val in self.parameters_ncs.values()] self.nse_asso = [val['filename'] for val in self.parameters_nse.values()] self.ntt_asso = [val['filename'] for val in self.parameters_ntt.values()] for filename in self.sessionfiles: # Extracting only continuous signal files (.ncs) if filename[-4:] == '.ncs': self.ncs_avail.append(filename) elif filename[-4:] == '.nse': self.nse_avail.append(filename) elif filename[-4:] == '.nev': self.nev_avail.append(filename) elif filename[-4:] == '.ntt': self.ntt_avail.append(filename) else: self._diagnostic_print( 'Ignoring file of unknown data type %s' % filename) if check_files: self._diagnostic_print('Starting individual file checks.') # ======================================================================= # # Scan NCS files # ======================================================================= self._diagnostic_print( '\nDetected %i .ncs file(s).' % (len(self.ncs_avail))) for ncs_file in self.ncs_avail: # Loading individual NCS file and extracting parameters self._diagnostic_print("Scanning " + ncs_file + ".") # Reading file packet headers filehandle = self.__mmap_ncs_packet_headers(ncs_file) if filehandle is None: continue try: # Checking consistency of ncs file self.__ncs_packet_check(filehandle) except AssertionError: warnings.warn( 'Session file %s did not pass data packet check. ' 'This file can not be loaded.' % ncs_file) continue # Reading data packet header information and store them in # parameters_ncs self.__read_ncs_data_headers(filehandle, ncs_file) # Reading txt file header channel_id = self.get_channel_id_by_file_name(ncs_file) self.__read_text_header(ncs_file, self.parameters_ncs[channel_id]) # Check for invalid starting times of data packets in ncs file self.__ncs_invalid_first_sample_check(filehandle) # Check ncs file for gaps self.__ncs_gap_check(filehandle) self.ncs_asso.append(ncs_file) # ======================================================================= # # Scan NSE files # ======================================================================= # Loading individual NSE file and extracting parameters self._diagnostic_print( '\nDetected %i .nse file(s).' % (len(self.nse_avail))) for nse_file in self.nse_avail: # Loading individual NSE file and extracting parameters self._diagnostic_print('Scanning ' + nse_file + '.') # Reading file filehandle = self.__mmap_nse_packets(nse_file) if filehandle is None: continue try: # Checking consistency of nse file self.__nse_check(filehandle) except AssertionError: warnings.warn( 'Session file %s did not pass data packet check. ' 'This file can not be loaded.' % nse_file) continue # Reading header information and store them in parameters_nse self.__read_nse_data_header(filehandle, nse_file) # Reading txt file header channel_id = self.get_channel_id_by_file_name(nse_file) self.__read_text_header(nse_file, self.parameters_nse[channel_id]) # using sampling rate from txt header, as this is not saved # in data packets if 'SamplingFrequency' in self.parameters_nse[channel_id]: self.parameters_nse[channel_id]['sampling_rate'] = \ (self.parameters_nse[channel_id][ 'SamplingFrequency'] * self.nse_sr_unit) self.nse_asso.append(nse_file) # ======================================================================= # # Scan NEV files # ======================================================================= self._diagnostic_print( '\nDetected %i .nev file(s).' % (len(self.nev_avail))) for nev_file in self.nev_avail: # Loading individual NEV file and extracting parameters self._diagnostic_print('Scanning ' + nev_file + '.') # Reading file filehandle = self.__mmap_nev_file(nev_file) if filehandle is None: continue try: # Checking consistency of nev file self.__nev_check(filehandle) except AssertionError: warnings.warn( 'Session file %s did not pass data packet check. ' 'This file can not be loaded.' % nev_file) continue # Reading header information and store them in parameters_nev self.__read_nev_data_header(filehandle, nev_file) # Reading txt file header self.__read_text_header(nev_file, self.parameters_nev[nev_file]) self.nev_asso.append(nev_file) # ======================================================================= # # Scan NTT files # ======================================================================= self._diagnostic_print( '\nDetected %i .ntt file(s).' % (len(self.ntt_avail))) for ntt_file in self.ntt_avail: # Loading individual NTT file and extracting parameters self._diagnostic_print('Scanning ' + ntt_file + '.') # Reading file filehandle = self.__mmap_ntt_file(ntt_file) if filehandle is None: continue try: # Checking consistency of nev file self.__ntt_check(filehandle) except AssertionError: warnings.warn( 'Session file %s did not pass data packet check. ' 'This file can not be loaded.' % ntt_file) continue # Reading header information and store them in parameters_nev self.__read_ntt_data_header(filehandle, ntt_file) # Reading txt file header self.__read_ntt_text_header(ntt_file) # using sampling rate from txt header, as this is not saved # in data packets if 'SamplingFrequency' in self.parameters_ntt[channel_id]: self.parameters_ntt[channel_id]['sampling_rate'] = \ (self.parameters_ntt[channel_id][ 'SamplingFrequency'] * self.ntt_sr_unit) self.ntt_asso.append(ntt_file) # ======================================================================= # # Check consistency across files # ======================================================================= # check RECORDING_OPENED / CLOSED times (from txt header) for # different files for parameter_collection in [self.parameters_ncs, self.parameters_nse, self.parameters_nev, self.parameters_ntt]: # check recoding_closed times for specific file types if any(np.abs(np.diff([i['recording_opened'] for i in parameter_collection.values()])) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)): raise ValueError( 'NCS files were opened for recording with a delay ' 'greater than 0.1 second.') # check recoding_closed times for specific file types if any(np.diff([i['recording_closed'] for i in parameter_collection.values() if i['recording_closed'] is not None]) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1)): raise ValueError( 'NCS files were closed after recording with a ' 'delay ' 'greater than 0.1 second.') # get maximal duration of any file in the recording parameter_collection = list(self.parameters_ncs.values()) + \ list(self.parameters_nse.values()) + \ list(self.parameters_ntt.values()) + \ list(self.parameters_nev.values()) self.parameters_global['recording_opened'] = min( [i['recording_opened'] for i in parameter_collection]) self.parameters_global['recording_closed'] = max( [i['recording_closed'] for i in parameter_collection]) # Set up GLOBAL TIMING SCHEME # ############################# for file_type, parameter_collection in [ ('ncs', self.parameters_ncs), ('nse', self.parameters_nse), ('nev', self.parameters_nev), ('ntt', self.parameters_ntt)]: # check starting times name_t1, name_t2 = ['t_start', 't_stop'] if ( file_type != 'nse' and file_type != 'ntt') \ else ['t_first', 't_last'] # checking if files of same type start at same time point if file_type != 'nse' and file_type != 'ntt' \ and len(np.unique(np.array( [i[name_t1].magnitude for i in parameter_collection.values()]))) > 1: raise ValueError( '%s files do not start at same time point.' % file_type) # saving t_start and t_stop for each file type available if len([i[name_t1] for i in parameter_collection.values()]): self.parameters_global['%s_t_start' % file_type] = min( [i[name_t1] for i in parameter_collection.values()]) self.parameters_global['%s_t_stop' % file_type] = min( [i[name_t2] for i in parameter_collection.values()]) # extracting minimial t_start and maximal t_stop value for this # recording session self.parameters_global['t_start'] = min( [self.parameters_global['%s_t_start' % t] for t in ['ncs', 'nev', 'nse', 'ntt'] if '%s_t_start' % t in self.parameters_global]) self.parameters_global['t_stop'] = max( [self.parameters_global['%s_t_stop' % t] for t in ['ncs', 'nev', 'nse', 'ntt'] if '%s_t_start' % t in self.parameters_global]) # checking gap consistency across ncs files # check number of gaps detected if len(np.unique([len(i['gaps']) for i in self.parameters_ncs.values()])) != 1: raise ValueError('NCS files contain different numbers of gaps!') # check consistency of gaps across files and create global gap # collection self.parameters_global['gaps'] = [] for g in range(len(list(self.parameters_ncs.values())[0]['gaps'])): integrated = False gap_stats = np.unique( [i['gaps'][g] for i in self.parameters_ncs.values()], return_counts=True) if len(gap_stats[0]) != 3 or len(np.unique(gap_stats[1])) != 1: raise ValueError( 'Gap number %i is not consistent across NCS ' 'files.' % ( g)) else: # check if this is second part of already existing gap for gg in range(len(self.parameters_global['gaps'])): globalgap = self.parameters_global['gaps'][gg] # check if stop time of first is start time of second # -> continuous gap if globalgap[2] == \ list(self.parameters_ncs.values())[0]['gaps'][ g][1]: self.parameters_global['gaps'][gg] = \ self.parameters_global['gaps'][gg][:2] + ( list(self.parameters_ncs.values())[0][ 'gaps'][g][ 2],) integrated = True break if not integrated: # add as new gap if this is not a continuation of # existing global gap self.parameters_global['gaps'].append( list(self.parameters_ncs.values())[0][ 'gaps'][g]) # save results of association for future analysis together with hash # values for change tracking if cachedir is not None and usecache != 'never': pickle.dump({'global': self.parameters_global, 'ncs': self.parameters_ncs, 'nev': self.parameters_nev, 'nse': self.parameters_nse, 'ntt': self.parameters_ntt}, open(cachedir + sep + self.sessiondir.split(sep)[ -1] + '/parameters.cache', 'wb')) if usecache != 'always': pickle.dump(hashes_calc, open( cachedir + sep + self.sessiondir.split(sep)[ -1] + '/hashkeys', 'wb')) self.associated = True # private routines # #########################################################� # Memory Mapping Methods def __mmap_nse_packets(self, filename): """ Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for extraction of data packet headers Reading standard dtype improves speed, but timestamps need to be reconstructed """ filesize = getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename) # in byte if filesize > 16384: data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=' timestamp in microsec timestamps = data[:, 0] \ + data[:, 1] * 2 ** 16 \ + data[:, 2] * 2 ** 32 \ + data[:, 3] * 2 ** 48 channel_id = data[:, 4] + data[:, 5] * 2 ** 16 cell_number = data[:, 6] + data[:, 7] * 2 ** 16 features = [data[:, p] + data[:, p + 1] * 2 ** 16 for p in range(8, 23, 2)] features = np.array(features, dtype='i4') data_points = data[:, 24:56].astype('i2') del data return timestamps, channel_id, cell_number, features, data_points else: return None def __mmap_ncs_data(self, filename): """ Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for data extraction""" if getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename) > 16384: data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=np.dtype(('i2', (522))), mode='r', offset=16384) # removing data packet headers and flattening data return data[:, 10:] else: return None def __mmap_ncs_packet_headers(self, filename): """ Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for extraction of data packet headers Reading standard dtype improves speed, but timestamps need to be reconstructed """ filesize = getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename) # in byte if filesize > 16384: data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=' 16384: data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=' 16384: return np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=nev_dtype, mode='r', offset=16384) else: return None def __mmap_ntt_file(self, filename): """ Memory map the Neuralynx .nse file """ nse_dtype = np.dtype([ ('timestamp', ' 16384: return np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=nse_dtype, mode='r', offset=16384) else: return None def __mmap_ntt_packets(self, filename): """ Memory map of the Neuralynx .ncs file optimized for extraction of data packet headers Reading standard dtype improves speed, but timestamps need to be reconstructed """ filesize = getsize(self.sessiondir + sep + filename) # in byte if filesize > 16384: data = np.memmap(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, dtype=' timestamp in microsec timestamps = data[:, 0] + data[:, 1] * 2 ** 16 + \ data[:, 2] * 2 ** 32 + data[:, 3] * 2 ** 48 channel_id = data[:, 4] + data[:, 5] * 2 ** 16 cell_number = data[:, 6] + data[:, 7] * 2 ** 16 features = [data[:, p] + data[:, p + 1] * 2 ** 16 for p in range(8, 23, 2)] features = np.array(features, dtype='i4') data_points = data[:, 24:152].astype('i2').reshape((4, 32)) del data return timestamps, channel_id, cell_number, features, data_points else: return None # ___________________________ header extraction __________________________ def __read_text_header(self, filename, parameter_dict): # Reading main file header (plain text, 16kB) text_header = codecs.open(self.sessiondir + sep + filename, 'r', 'latin-1').read(16384) # necessary text encoding depends on Python version if sys.version_info.major < 3: text_header = text_header.encode('latin-1') parameter_dict['cheetah_version'] = \ self.__get_cheetah_version_from_txt_header(text_header, filename) parameter_dict.update(self.__get_filename_and_times_from_txt_header( text_header, parameter_dict['cheetah_version'])) # separating lines of header and ignoring last line (fill), check if # Linux or Windows OS if sep == '/': text_header = text_header.split('\r\n')[:-1] if sep == '\\': text_header = text_header.split('\n')[:-1] # minor parameters possibly saved in header (for any file type) minor_keys = ['AcqEntName', 'FileType', 'FileVersion', 'RecordSize', 'HardwareSubSystemName', 'HardwareSubSystemType', 'SamplingFrequency', 'ADMaxValue', 'ADBitVolts', 'NumADChannels', 'ADChannel', 'InputRange', 'InputInverted', 'DSPLowCutFilterEnabled', 'DspLowCutFrequency', 'DspLowCutNumTaps', 'DspLowCutFilterType', 'DSPHighCutFilterEnabled', 'DspHighCutFrequency', 'DspHighCutNumTaps', 'DspHighCutFilterType', 'DspDelayCompensation', 'DspFilterDelay_\xb5s', 'DisabledSubChannels', 'WaveformLength', 'AlignmentPt', 'ThreshVal', 'MinRetriggerSamples', 'SpikeRetriggerTime', 'DualThresholding', 'Feature Peak 0', 'Feature Valley 1', 'Feature Energy 2', 'Feature Height 3', 'Feature NthSample 4', 'Feature NthSample 5', 'Feature NthSample 6', 'Feature NthSample 7', 'SessionUUID', 'FileUUID', 'CheetahRev', 'ProbeName', 'OriginalFileName', 'TimeCreated', 'TimeClosed', 'ApplicationName', 'AcquisitionSystem', 'ReferenceChannel'] # extracting minor key values of header (only taking into account # non-empty lines) for i, minor_entry in enumerate(text_header): if minor_entry == '' or minor_entry[0] == '#': continue matching_key = [key for key in minor_keys if minor_entry.strip('-').startswith(key)] if len(matching_key) == 1: matching_key = matching_key[0] minor_value = minor_entry.split(matching_key)[1].strip( ' ').rstrip(' ') # determine data type of entry if minor_value.isdigit(): # converting to int if possible minor_value = int(minor_value) else: # converting to float if possible try: minor_value = float(minor_value) except: pass if matching_key in parameter_dict: warnings.warn( 'Multiple entries for %s in text header of %s' % ( matching_key, filename)) else: parameter_dict[matching_key] = minor_value elif len(matching_key) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Inconsistent minor key list for text header ' 'interpretation.') else: warnings.warn( 'Skipping text header entry %s, because it is not in ' 'minor key list' % minor_entry) self._diagnostic_print( 'Successfully decoded text header of file (%s).' % filename) def __get_cheetah_version_from_txt_header(self, text_header, filename): version_regex = re.compile(r'((-CheetahRev )|' r'(ApplicationName Cheetah "))' r'(?P\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})') match = version_regex.search(text_header) if match: return match.groupdict()['version'] else: raise ValueError('Can not extract Cheetah version from file ' 'header of file %s' % filename) def __get_filename_and_times_from_txt_header(self, text_header, version): if parse_version(version) <= parse_version('5.6.4'): datetime1_regex = re.compile(r'## Time Opened \(m/d/y\): ' r'(?P\S+)' r' \(h:m:s\.ms\) ' r'(?P