# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This module implements :class:`BaseSignal`, an array of signals. This is a parent class from which all signal objects inherit: :class:`AnalogSignal` and :class:`IrregularlySampledSignal` :class:`BaseSignal` inherits from :class:`quantities.Quantity`, which inherits from :class:`numpy.array`. Inheritance from :class:`numpy.array` is explained here: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.subclassing.html In brief: * Constructor :meth:`__new__` for :class:`BaseSignal` doesn't exist. Only child objects :class:`AnalogSignal` and :class:`IrregularlySampledSignal` can be created. ''' # needed for Python 3 compatibility from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import copy import logging import numpy as np import quantities as pq from neo.core.baseneo import BaseNeo, MergeError, merge_annotations from neo.core.dataobject import DataObject, ArrayDict from neo.core.channelindex import ChannelIndex logger = logging.getLogger("Neo") class BaseSignal(DataObject): ''' This is the base class from which all signal objects inherit: :class:`AnalogSignal` and :class:`IrregularlySampledSignal`. This class contains all common methods of both child classes. It uses the following child class attributes: :_necessary_attrs: a list of the attributes that the class must have. :_recommended_attrs: a list of the attributes that the class may optionally have. ''' def _array_finalize_spec(self, obj): ''' Called by :meth:`__array_finalize__`, used to customize behaviour of sub-classes. ''' return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): ''' This is called every time a new signal is created. It is the appropriate place to set default values for attributes for a signal constructed by slicing or viewing. User-specified values are only relevant for construction from constructor, and these are set in __new__ in the child object. Then they are just copied over here. Default values for the specific attributes for subclasses (:class:`AnalogSignal` and :class:`IrregularlySampledSignal`) are set in :meth:`_array_finalize_spec` ''' super(BaseSignal, self).__array_finalize__(obj) self._array_finalize_spec(obj) # The additional arguments self.annotations = getattr(obj, 'annotations', {}) # Add empty array annotations, because they cannot always be copied, # but do not overwrite existing ones from slicing etc. # This ensures the attribute exists if not hasattr(self, 'array_annotations'): self.array_annotations = ArrayDict(self._get_arr_ann_length()) # Globally recommended attributes self.name = getattr(obj, 'name', None) self.file_origin = getattr(obj, 'file_origin', None) self.description = getattr(obj, 'description', None) # Parent objects self.segment = getattr(obj, 'segment', None) self.channel_index = getattr(obj, 'channel_index', None) @classmethod def _rescale(self, signal, units=None): ''' Check that units are present, and rescale the signal if necessary. This is called whenever a new signal is created from the constructor. See :meth:`__new__' in :class:`AnalogSignal` and :class:`IrregularlySampledSignal` ''' if units is None: if not hasattr(signal, "units"): raise ValueError("Units must be specified") elif isinstance(signal, pq.Quantity): # This test always returns True, i.e. rescaling is always executed if one of the units # is a pq.CompoundUnit. This is fine because rescaling is correct anyway. if pq.quantity.validate_dimensionality(units) != signal.dimensionality: signal = signal.rescale(units) return signal def rescale(self, units): obj = super(BaseSignal, self).rescale(units) obj.channel_index = self.channel_index return obj def __getslice__(self, i, j): ''' Get a slice from :attr:`i` to :attr:`j`.attr[0] Doesn't get called in Python 3, :meth:`__getitem__` is called instead ''' return self.__getitem__(slice(i, j)) def __ne__(self, other): ''' Non-equality test (!=) ''' return not self.__eq__(other) def _apply_operator(self, other, op, *args): ''' Handle copying metadata to the new signal after a mathematical operation. ''' self._check_consistency(other) f = getattr(super(BaseSignal, self), op) new_signal = f(other, *args) new_signal._copy_data_complement(self) # _copy_data_complement can't always copy array annotations, # so this needs to be done locally new_signal.array_annotations = copy.deepcopy(self.array_annotations) return new_signal def _get_required_attributes(self, signal, units): ''' Return a list of the required attributes for a signal as a dictionary ''' required_attributes = {} for attr in self._necessary_attrs: if 'signal' == attr[0]: required_attributes[str(attr[0])] = signal else: required_attributes[str(attr[0])] = getattr(self, attr[0], None) required_attributes['units'] = units return required_attributes def duplicate_with_new_data(self, signal, units=None): ''' Create a new signal with the same metadata but different data. Required attributes of the signal are used. Note: Array annotations can not be copied here because length of data can change ''' if units is None: units = self.units # else: # units = pq.quantity.validate_dimensionality(units) # signal is the new signal required_attributes = self._get_required_attributes(signal, units) new = self.__class__(**required_attributes) new._copy_data_complement(self) new.annotations.update(self.annotations) # Note: Array annotations are not copied here, because it is not ensured # that the same number of signals is used and they would possibly make no sense # when combined with another signal return new def _copy_data_complement(self, other): ''' Copy the metadata from another signal. Required and recommended attributes of the signal are used. Note: Array annotations can not be copied here because length of data can change ''' all_attr = {self._recommended_attrs, self._necessary_attrs} for sub_at in all_attr: for attr in sub_at: if attr[0] != 'signal': setattr(self, attr[0], getattr(other, attr[0], None)) setattr(self, 'annotations', getattr(other, 'annotations', None)) # Note: Array annotations cannot be copied because length of data can be changed # here # which would cause inconsistencies def __rsub__(self, other, *args): ''' Backwards subtraction (other-self) ''' return self.__mul__(-1, *args) + other def __add__(self, other, *args): ''' Addition (+) ''' return self._apply_operator(other, "__add__", *args) def __sub__(self, other, *args): ''' Subtraction (-) ''' return self._apply_operator(other, "__sub__", *args) def __mul__(self, other, *args): ''' Multiplication (*) ''' return self._apply_operator(other, "__mul__", *args) def __truediv__(self, other, *args): ''' Float division (/) ''' return self._apply_operator(other, "__truediv__", *args) def __div__(self, other, *args): ''' Integer division (//) ''' return self._apply_operator(other, "__div__", *args) __radd__ = __add__ __rmul__ = __sub__ def merge(self, other): ''' Merge another signal into this one. The signal objects are concatenated horizontally (column-wise, :func:`np.hstack`). If the attributes of the two signal are not compatible, an Exception is raised. Required attributes of the signal are used. ''' for attr in self._necessary_attrs: if 'signal' != attr[0]: if getattr(self, attr[0], None) != getattr(other, attr[0], None): raise MergeError("Cannot merge these two signals as the %s differ." % attr[0]) if self.segment != other.segment: raise MergeError( "Cannot merge these two signals as they belong to different segments.") if hasattr(self, "lazy_shape"): if hasattr(other, "lazy_shape"): if self.lazy_shape[0] != other.lazy_shape[0]: raise MergeError("Cannot merge signals of different length.") merged_lazy_shape = (self.lazy_shape[0], self.lazy_shape[1] + other.lazy_shape[1]) else: raise MergeError("Cannot merge a lazy object with a real object.") if other.units != self.units: other = other.rescale(self.units) stack = np.hstack(map(np.array, (self, other))) kwargs = {} for name in ("name", "description", "file_origin"): attr_self = getattr(self, name) attr_other = getattr(other, name) if attr_self == attr_other: kwargs[name] = attr_self else: kwargs[name] = "merge(%s, %s)" % (attr_self, attr_other) merged_annotations = merge_annotations(self.annotations, other.annotations) kwargs.update(merged_annotations) kwargs['array_annotations'] = self._merge_array_annotations(other) signal = self.__class__(stack, units=self.units, dtype=self.dtype, copy=False, t_start=self.t_start, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, **kwargs) signal.segment = self.segment if hasattr(self, "lazy_shape"): signal.lazy_shape = merged_lazy_shape # merge channel_index (move to ChannelIndex.merge()?) if self.channel_index and other.channel_index: signal.channel_index = ChannelIndex(index=np.arange(signal.shape[1]), channel_ids=np.hstack( [self.channel_index.channel_ids, other.channel_index.channel_ids]), channel_names=np.hstack( [self.channel_index.channel_names, other.channel_index.channel_names])) else: signal.channel_index = ChannelIndex(index=np.arange(signal.shape[1])) return signal