from regmaxsn.core.SWCTransforms import SWCRotate, ArgGenIterator, objFun import multiprocessing as mp import numpy as np from itertools import product import json from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns plt.ion() import os from regmaxsn.core.matplotlibRCParams import mplPars sns.set(rc=mplPars) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- homeFolder = "/home/aj" dirPath = os.path.join(homeFolder,'DataAndResults/morphology/OriginalData/borstHSN2D/') # expNames = [ 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2D', 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2DRandRot', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2DRandRot1', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2DRandRot2', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2DRandRot3', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2DRandRot4', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNG2DRandRot5', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNGNoiseStd42DRandRot', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNGNoiseStd42DRandRot1', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNGNoiseStd42DRandRot2', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNGNoiseStd42DRandRot3', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNGNoiseStd42DRandRot4', # 'HSN-fluoro01.CNGNoiseStd42DRandRot5', # 'HSN-fluoro02.CNG2D', # 'HSN-fluoro03.CNG', # 'HSN-fluoro04.CNG', # 'HSN-fluoro05.CNG2D', # 'HSN-fluoro06.CNG', # 'HSN-fluoro07.CNG', # 'HSN-fluoro08.CNG', # 'HSN-fluoro09.CNG', # 'HSN-fluoro10.CNG', ] refInd = 0 resDir = os.path.join(homeFolder,'DataAndResults/morphology/directPixelBased/rotProfile2D/') if not os.path.isdir(resDir): os.mkdir(resDir) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gridSizes = [40.0, 20.0, 10.0] gridSizes = [40.0] # gridSizes = [20.0] # gridSizes = [10.0] bounds = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [-np.pi / 6, np.pi / 6]] # bounds = [[0, 0], [-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3], [-np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3]] rotMinRes = np.deg2rad(1).round(4) nCPU = 7 refSWC = os.path.join(dirPath, expNames[refInd] + '.swc') SWC2Align = os.path.join(dirPath, expNames[1] + '.swc') SWCRotCenter = np.loadtxt(SWC2Align)[:, 2:5].mean(axis=0) data = np.loadtxt(SWC2Align)[:, 2:5] - SWCRotCenter maxDist = np.linalg.norm(data, axis=1).max() pool = mp.Pool(processes=nCPU) with sns.axes_style('whitegrid'): # fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 8)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(7, 5.6)) with open(os.path.join(dirPath, expNames[1] + '.json')) as fle: pars = json.load(fle) actualSol = -np.rad2deg(pars['angles'][2]) SWCDatas = [SWCRotate(refSWC, SWC2Align, x) for x in gridSizes] noChangeVals = [objFun(([0, 0, 0], data)) for data in SWCDatas] stepSizes = [2 * x / maxDist for x in gridSizes] for gridInd, gridSize in enumerate(gridSizes): # print('Gridsize:' + str(gridSize)) stepSize = stepSizes[gridInd] # print('Stepsize: ' + str(np.rad2deg(stepSize))) bounds = np.array(bounds) boundsRoundedUp = np.sign(bounds) * np.ceil(np.abs(bounds) / stepSize) * stepSize possiblePts1D = [np.round(np.arange(x[0], x[1] + 0.9 * stepSize, stepSize), 3).tolist() for x in boundsRoundedUp] possiblePts3D = np.round(list(product(*possiblePts1D)), 3).tolist() argGen = ArgGenIterator(possiblePts3D, SWCDatas[gridInd]) funcVals =, argGen) outFile = os.path.join(resDir, expNames[refInd] + expNames[1] + str(int(gridSize)) + 'rot.json') with open(outFile, 'w') as fle: json.dump({'possiblePoints3D': possiblePts3D, 'funcVals': funcVals}, fle) with sns.axes_style('whitegrid'): # ax1 = ax[gridInd] ax1 = ax ax1.plot(np.rad2deg(possiblePts1D[2]), funcVals, 'b-o', lw=6, ms=12) ybounds = (0.1 * np.floor(min(funcVals)*10), 0.1 * np.ceil(max(funcVals)*10)) ax1.set_ylim(ybounds) ax1.plot([actualSol] * 2, ybounds, 'r-', lw=6) ax1.set_ylabel(r'Dissimilarity') # ax1.set_title(r'GridSize=' + str(int(gridSize)) + '$\mu$m') if not gridInd: bestSol = possiblePts3D[np.argmin(funcVals)] else: minimum = min(funcVals) if minimum > noChangeVals[gridInd]: bestSol = [0, 0, 0] else: # if True: minimzers = [y for x, y in enumerate(possiblePts3D) if funcVals[x] == minimum] prevVals = [objFun((x, SWCDatas[gridInd - 1])) for x in minimzers] bestSol = minimzers[np.argmin(prevVals)] bestVal = objFun((bestSol, SWCDatas[gridInd])) print(bestSol) ax1.set_xlabel(r'rotation about Z in degrees') fig.tight_layout() fig.canvas.draw()