import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd from statsmodels.sandbox.descstats import sign_test import os def pairwiseDistanceStats(parFile, anisotropicScalingThresh): with open(parFile) as fle: parsList = json.load(fle) transErrs = pd.DataFrame() signStats = pd.DataFrame() allSizes = [] allThreshs = [] for parInd, par in enumerate(parsList): refSWC = par['refSWC'] resFile = par['resFile'] testSWC = par['testSWC'] testName = resFile[:-4] thresh = par['gridSizes'][-1] print(('Doing ' + repr((refSWC, resFile)))) refPts = np.loadtxt(refSWC)[:, 2:5] testPtsFull = np.loadtxt(resFile) testPts = testPtsFull[:, 2:5] if refPts.shape[0] != testPts.shape[0]: print(('Number of points do not match for ' + refSWC + 'and' + resFile)) continue allSizes.append(refPts.shape[0]) allThreshs.append(thresh) ptDiff = np.linalg.norm(refPts - testPts, axis=1) origJSON = testSWC[:-4] + '.json' if os.path.isfile(origJSON): with open(origJSON, 'r') as fle: pars = json.load(fle) scales = np.array(pars['scale']) else: raise IOError scalesOrdered = np.sort(scales) scalesRelative = np.mean([scalesOrdered[0] / scalesOrdered[1], scalesOrdered[0] / scalesOrdered[2], scalesOrdered[1] / scalesOrdered[2]]) tempDF = pd.DataFrame() tempDF['Pairwise Distance in $\mu$m'] = ptDiff tempDF['Exp. Name'] = testName tempDF["Node ID"] = testPtsFull[:, 0] tempDF['Anisotropic Scaling Level'] = scalesRelative transErrs = transErrs.append(tempDF, ignore_index=True) t, p = sign_test(ptDiff, thresh) oneSidedP = 0.5 * p signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize = t < 0 and oneSidedP < 0.01 notSignFartherThanSVS = not (t > 0 and oneSidedP < 0.01) tempDict = {"Job Number": parInd, "resFile": resFile, "refSWC": refSWC, "t Statistic": t, "One Sided p value": oneSidedP, "Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size": signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize, "Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size": notSignFartherThanSVS, "Anisotropic Scaling Level": scalesRelative } signStats = signStats.append(tempDict, ignore_index=True) allEqualSizeThresh = (allSizes.count(allSizes[0]) == len(allSizes)) and \ (allThreshs.count(allThreshs[0]) == len(allThreshs)) nodeWiseStatsDF = pd.DataFrame() if allEqualSizeThresh: transErrsAnisoThresh = transErrs.loc[transErrs['Anisotropic Scaling Level'] >= anisotropicScalingThresh, :] transErrsGBNodeID = transErrs.groupby("Node ID") transErrsGBNodeIDAnisoThresh = transErrsAnisoThresh.groupby("Node ID") for nodeInd, (node, nodeDistsDF) in enumerate(transErrsGBNodeID): print(("Doing node {}, {} of {}".format(node, nodeInd, len(transErrsGBNodeID.indices)))) nodeDistsAll = nodeDistsDF['Pairwise Distance in $\mu$m'].astype(float) t, p = sign_test(nodeDistsAll, allThreshs[0]) oneSidedP = 0.5 * p signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize = t < 0 and oneSidedP < 0.05 notSignFartherThanSVS = not (t > 0 and oneSidedP < 0.01) tempDict = { "[All] Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size": signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize, "[All] Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size": notSignFartherThanSVS } nodeDistsDFAnisoFiltered = transErrsGBNodeIDAnisoThresh.get_group(node) nodeDistsAnisoFiltered = nodeDistsDFAnisoFiltered['Pairwise Distance in $\mu$m'].astype(float) t, p = sign_test(nodeDistsAnisoFiltered, allThreshs[0]) oneSidedP = 0.5 * p signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize = t < 0 and oneSidedP < 0.01 notSignFartherThanSVS = not (t > 0 and oneSidedP < 0.01) tempDict["[AnisoFiltered] Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size"] =\ signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize tempDict["[AnisoFiltered] Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size"]=\ notSignFartherThanSVS nodeWiseStatsDF = nodeWiseStatsDF.append(tempDict, ignore_index=True) nodesCloserThanCount = nodeWiseStatsDF["[All] Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size"].sum() nodesNotFartherThanCount = nodeWiseStatsDF["[All] Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size"].sum() nodesCloserThanCountAniso = nodeWiseStatsDF["[AnisoFiltered] Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size"].sum() nodesNotFartherThanCountAniso = nodeWiseStatsDF["[AnisoFiltered] Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size"].sum() print(("[All] Nodes with pairwise distance " "significantly smaller " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(nodesCloserThanCount, nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0], 100 * nodesCloserThanCount / nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0]))) print(("[All] Nodes with pairwise distance " "not significantly larger " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(nodesNotFartherThanCount, nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0], 100 * nodesNotFartherThanCount / nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0]))) print(("[Aniso] Nodes with pairwise distance " "significantly smaller " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(nodesCloserThanCountAniso, nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0], 100 * nodesCloserThanCountAniso / nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0]))) print(("[Aniso] Nodes with pairwise distance " "not significantly larger " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(nodesNotFartherThanCountAniso, nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0], 100 * nodesNotFartherThanCountAniso / nodeWiseStatsDF.shape[0]))) signStatsAniso = signStats.loc[signStats["Anisotropic Scaling Level"] > anisotropicScalingThresh, :] signCloserThanAniso = signStatsAniso["Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size"] signCloserThanCountAniso = signCloserThanAniso.sum() notSignFartherAniso = signStatsAniso["Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size"] notSignFartherCountAniso = notSignFartherAniso.sum() print(("[Aniso Filtered] Jobs with " "pairwise distance " "significantly smaller " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(signCloserThanCountAniso, signStatsAniso.shape[0], 100 * signCloserThanCountAniso / signStatsAniso.shape[0]))) print(("[Aniso Filtered] Jobs with " "pairwise distance " "not significantly larger " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(notSignFartherCountAniso, signStatsAniso.shape[0], 100 * notSignFartherCountAniso / signStatsAniso.shape[0]))) signCloserThan = signStats["Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size"] signCloserThanCount = signCloserThan.sum() notSignFarther = signStats["Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size"] notSignFartherCount = notSignFarther.sum() print(("[All] Jobs with " "pairwise distance " "significantly smaller " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(signCloserThanCount, len(parsList), 100 * signCloserThanCount / len(parsList)))) print(("[All] Jobs with " "pairwise distance " "not significantly larger " "than lowest voxel size: {} out of {}, {}%".format(notSignFartherCount, len(parsList), 100 * notSignFartherCount / len(parsList)))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': import sys assert len(sys.argv) == 3, 'Improper usage! Please use as \n' \ '\'python parFile \'' parFile = sys.argv[1] figs = pairwiseDistanceStats(parFile, float(sys.argv[2]))