import numpy as np from collections import Counter from pyemd import emd def calcOccupancyDistribution(swcList, voxelSize): """ Returns the distribution of the sum of voxel occupancies across swcs in swcList. Voxel occupancy of a voxel is 1 if an swc has an node in the voxel, otherwise 0. :param swcList: list of valid SWC files on the file system :param voxelSize: float, voxel size to discretize space. :return: dict with voxel occupancy and its normalized frequency as key-value pairs """ voxels = [] for swc in swcList: aPts = np.loadtxt(swc)[:, 2:5] aVox = np.array(aPts / voxelSize, np.int32) aVoxSet = set(map(tuple, aVox)) voxels.extend(list(aVoxSet)) voxelCounter = Counter(voxels) counts = list(voxelCounter.values()) bins = np.arange(1, len(swcList) + 2) - 0.5 hist, bins = np.histogram(counts, bins) histWeighted = hist * (bins[:-1] + 0.5) histNormed = histWeighted / float(sum(histWeighted)) return {k + 1: v for k, v in enumerate(histNormed)} def occupancyEMD(swcList, voxelSize): """ Calculate the EMD between the occupancy distributions (see calcOccupancyDistribution above) of swcList and that of perfect overlap (1 at len(swcList) and zero elsewhere) :param swcList: list of valid SWC files on the file system :param voxelSize: float, voxel size for discretizing space. :return: float, emd value """ occupancyDistributionDict = calcOccupancyDistribution(swcList, voxelSize) bins = np.arange(1, len(swcList) + 1) occupancyDistribution = [occupancyDistributionDict[x] for x in bins] perfectOverlapDist = np.zeros(bins.shape) perfectOverlapDist[-1] = 1 binsRow = bins.reshape((1, bins.shape[0])) distMetric =[0], 1)), binsRow) - binsRow.T emd_val = emd(np.asarray(occupancyDistribution, dtype=np.float64), np.asarray(perfectOverlapDist, dtype=np.float64), np.asarray(distMetric, dtype=np.float64)) return emd_val