Glodatamix files in Ana's data do not have a header. The file consists of - 15 columns with information as integers. - 10 columns with information as text - 32 columns with the measurement results for that dataset. ;each position with the following meaning: ArrayNumLabels(0) = 'NGloTag' ;integer name of glomerulus, or fictive name >300, or incrementative >1000 ArrayNumLabels(1) = 'NOdorNr' ;integer code of odor ArrayNumLabels(2) = 'NOConc' ;concentration of odour stimulus, always TENFOLD logarithmic, i.e. -23 is 10 to the -2.3 ArrayNumLabels(3) = 'NStim_on' ;stimulus onset, frame (first frame WITH odor) ArrayNumLabels(4) = 'NStim_off' ;stimulus offset, frame (last frame WITH odor) ArrayNumLabels(5) = 'NNoFrames' ;number of frames in one measurement ArrayNumLabels(6) = 'NFrameTime' ;inverse of frequency, in ms. Set to 0 for uneven frequencies ArrayNumLabels(7) = 'NRealTime' ;time in minutes ArrayNumLabels(8) = 'NPhConc' ; 1 for treatment, eg 1: ptx, 0: wash or pre-ptx, includes concentration of treat ArrayNumLabels(9) = 'NshiftX' ArrayNumLabels(10) = 'NshiftY' ArrayNumLabels(11) = 'NcontMeasu' ;zahl der kontrollmessung ArrayNumLabels(12) = 'NNumMeasu' ; zahl der messung ArrayNumLabels(13) = 'Nstim_ISI' ; interval between stimuli ArrayNumLabels(14) = 'NodorN' ;, i.e. no Measu for old setup, or slice for 3D measus new setup, 4th dimension in sig1 and sig1corr ArrayTxtLabels(0) = 'TGloInfo' ;comment text for the glomerulus ArrayTxtLabels(1) = 'TOdour' ;name of odor stimulus, e.g. 'HX1' ArrayTxtLabels(2) = 'T_dbb1' ;experimental file, or measurement (TILL) expDatei ArrayTxtLabels(3) = 'Tcomment' ;any comment ArrayTxtLabels(4) = 'TPharma' ;text of treatment ArrayTxtLabels(5) = 'TPhtime' ; application time of treatment ArrayTxtLabels(6) = 'Tos9time' ; time of measurement ArrayTxtLabels(7) = 'TviewLabel' ; label view ArrayTxtLabels(8) = 'Tlabel' ;unique name of measurement ArrayTxtLabels(9) = 'Tanimal' ;unique name of animal