metadata_definition.csv 4.0 KB

  1. LST Name,Type,Units,Settings Name,LSM metadata name,p1,Requirement for List load,Description,Default values
  2. Label,microscope,,label,"(“ScanInformation”, “Name)",ex_name,all,Measurement label as recoreded by Till Vision,not set yet
  3. Measu,microscope,,measu,,messungszahl,all,Measurement index as recoreded by Till Vision,0
  4. Analyze,analysis,,analyze,,analyze,all,"boolean flag, manually editable, that indicates whether or not the measurement is to be included in anaslysis",-1
  5. Odour,stimulus,,odorants,,odor,,Odorant (no comma) or list of odorants that are part of the stimulus (comma separated),not set yet
  6. Stimulus,stimulus,,stim,,stimulus,,single name for stimulus applied (single odorant name or mix name),not set yet
  7. OConc,stimulus,,conc,,odor_nr,,,not set yet
  8. DBB1,paths,,dbb,,dbb1,all,path of first raw recording file relative to the data folder,not set yet
  9. Lambda,microscope,nm,Lambda,"(“IlluminationChannels”, “Wavelength”)",lambda_nm,all,Monochromator wavelength,0
  10. StimON,stimulus,,stim_on,,,,onset in frames for first odorant (no comma) or multiple odorants (comma separated),-1
  11. StimONms,stimulus,,stim_on_ms,,,,onset in ms for first odorant (no comma) or multiple odorants (comma separated),-1
  12. StimOFF,stimulus,,stim_off,,,,offset in frames for first odorant (no comma) or multiple odorants (comma separated),-1
  13. StimLen,stimulus,,stim_len,,,,length in ms for first odorant (no comma) or multiple odorants (comma separated),0
  14. Stim2ON,stimulus,,stim2on,,,,onset in frames for second odorant (used only when timings of one odorant has been given above),0
  15. Stim2ONms,stimulus,,stim2on_ms,,,,onset in ms for second odorant (used only when timings of one odorant has been given above),-1
  16. Stim2OFF,stimulus,,stim2off,,,,offset in frames for second odorant (used only when timings of one odorant has been given above),0
  17. Stim2Len,stimulus,,stim2Len,,,,length in ms for second odorant (used only when timings of one odorant has been given above),0
  18. Cycle,recording,ms,GDMfreq,"(“TimeIntervall”,)",trial_ticks,all,Sampling Period of the Ca imaging video data for the measurement (1000/Sampling frequency),200
  19. SampFreq,recording,Hz,SampFreq,,frequency,,Sampling frequency of measurement,200
  20. MTime,,,mtime,,m_time,,"time since first evidence that the animal is under the microscope, formatted as “HH:MM:SS.ssss”",“-00:00:00”
  21. Control,,,control,,kontrollmessung,,'Measu’ of the control measurement,0
  22. Pharma,treatment,,pharma,,treatment,,Pharmacological treatment applied,not set yet
  23. PhTime,treatment,,pharma_time,,pharma_time,,,0
  24. PhConc,treatment,,pharma_conc,,treat_conc,,Concentration of pharmacological treatment applied,0
  25. Comment,,,comment,,remark,,Arbitrary comment (most often contains information about the script used to generate measurement list),not set yet
  26. ShiftX,,,shiftx,,shiftX,,,0
  27. ShiftY,,,shifty,,shiftY,,,0
  28. StimISI,stimulus,,stim_isi,,stimulus_ISI,,,0
  29. setting,,,setting,,viewlabel,,,not set yet
  30. dbb2,paths,,dbb2,,dbb2,4,path of second raw recording file relative to the data folder,not set yet
  31. dbb3,paths,,dbb3,,dbb3,0,path of third raw recording file relative to the data folder,not set yet
  32. PxSzX,microscope,um,PxSzX,"(“VoxelSizeX”,)",pixelsizex,,Image resolution of Ca imaging video data along the X axis,0
  33. PxSzY,microscope,um,PxSzY,"(“VoxelSizeY”,)",pixelsizey,,Image resolution of Ca imaging video data along the Y axis,0
  34. PosZ,microscope,um,position_z,,posz,,depth of Z plane??,0
  35. Countl,,,countl,,,,,0
  36. slvFlip,,,slvflip,,,,,0
  37. Age,animal,days,age,,agetxt,,age of the subject animal in days(exact number or a range. e.g 2-4),-1
  38. Sex,animal,,sex,,sex,,Sex of the subject animal,not set yet
  39. Side,animal,,side,,bodyside,,Body side of the subject animal where measurements were made,not set yet
  40. UTC,recording,,UTC,"('Sample0time',)",utc,,Posix time stamp of measurement start,0
  41. FrameSizeX,microscope,pixels,FrameSizeX,,format_x,,Number of pixel in acquisition frame along X,0
  42. FrameSizeY,microscope,pixels,FrameSizeY,,format_y,,Number of pixel in acquisition frame along Y,0
  43. NumFrames,recording,,Nframes,,frames,,Number of frames measured,0