from view.python_core.measurement_list import MeasurementList from view.python_core.flags import FlagsManager import easygui import pandas as pd import logging import pathlib as pl logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # ------------------- Some parameters about experimental setup, data structure and output file type -------------------- # 3 for single wavelength Till Photonics Measurements # 4 for two wavelength Till Photonics Measurements # 20 for Zeiss Confocal Measurements LE_loadExp = 3 # Mother of all Folders of your dataset # On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......" STG_MotherOfAllFolders = r"" # path of the "Data" folder in VIEW organization containing the data # On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......" STG_Datapath = r"" # path of the "Lists" folder in VIEW organization containing the list files # On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......" STG_OdorInfoPath = r"" # Choose measurement list output extension among ".lst", ".lst.xls", ".settings.xls" # please use ".lst.xls" when converting old list files measurement_output_extension = ".lst.xls" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------- A function used to add new columns to the list file ------------------------------------------------ # ----------------- This function indicates how to add new entries to a row -------------------------------------------- # ----------------- possibly using other existing row values ----------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------- The same logic is apply to all rows to create entire new columns ----------------------------------- def custom_func(list_row: pd.Series, animal_tag: str) -> pd.Series: # NOTE: take care when modifying column values that already exist. Old values will be lost! # these changes are always required when updating a .LST file used with IDL # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # update to comment to indicate that the list has been imported for use with pyVIEW list_row["Comment"] += "_2pyVIEW" stim_cols = ["StimON", "StimOFF", "Stim2ON", "Stim2OFF"] # frames in IDL .LST files were numbered 1, 2, 3... In pyVIEW they are numbered 0, 1, 2.... for stim_col in stim_cols: if stim_col in list_row: list_row[stim_col] -= 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Examples: # new_columns["Stim2ON"] = 25 # list_row["Odour"] = get_odor_from_label(list_row["Label"]) # if list_row["Measu"] # get Odor from another file based on the value of and list_row["Label"] return list_row # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": # initialize a FlagsManager object with values specified above flags = FlagsManager() flags.update_flags({"STG_MotherOfAllFolders": STG_MotherOfAllFolders, "STG_OdorInfoPath": STG_OdorInfoPath, "STG_Datapath": STG_Datapath}) # open a dialog for choosing existing list files existing_measurement_list_files = easygui.fileopenbox( msg="Choose one or more measurement list files to update", multiple=True, default=f"{flags.get_list_dir_str()}/*" ) # make sure some files were chosen assert len(existing_measurement_list_files) > 0, IOError("No files were chosen!") for existing_measurement_list_file in existing_measurement_list_files: # create a measurement list object measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_lst_file( lst_fle=existing_measurement_list_file, LE_loadExp=LE_loadExp) # parse animal tag from measurement list file name animal_tag = measurement_list.get_STG_ReportTag() # inform user if no usable measurements were found if len(measurement_list.get_measus()) == 0:"No usable measurements found in {existing_measurement_list_file}. " f"Not updating it.") else: # apply custom modifications measurement_list.update_from_custom_func(custom_func=custom_func, animal_tag=animal_tag) # set analyze to 0 if raw data files don't exist flags.update_flags({"STG_ReportTag": animal_tag}) measurement_list.sanitize_based_on_loading(flags) # create the output file name existing_measurement_list_file_path = pl.Path(existing_measurement_list_file) ml_name_stem =".")[0] output_file_path \ = existing_measurement_list_file_path.parent / f"{ml_name_stem}{measurement_output_extension}" # write measurement file to list measurement_list.write_to_lst_file_cross_format( output_lst_file=str(output_file_path), backup_current_file=True ) existing_measurement_list_file_path.unlink()