import pathlib as pl from view.idl_folder_translation.pro2tapestry_conf import parse_animal_tag, convert_pro_to_tapestry_config # input files are expected to be in this folder input_folder_containing_pros = r"" # output files will be created in this folder output_folder_for_tapestry_configs = r"" # just the name of the file, without the path # each of these files are expected to be found in the folder pointed to by `input_folder_containing_pros` pro_file_names = [ "", "" ] # these flags will override flags initializations from .pro files if present, else will be added. flags_to_override = { "SO_individualScale": 3 } if __name__ == '__main__': # iterate through each of for pro_file_name in pro_file_names: # parse the animal tag from the file name of the .pro file animal_tag = parse_animal_tag(pro_file_name) # construct the full path of the .pro file pro_file_path = pl.Path(input_folder_containing_pros) / pro_file_name # construct the path for the output yml file pro_file_name_stem = pro_file_name.split(".")[0] op_yml_path = pl.Path(output_folder_for_tapestry_configs) / f"{pro_file_name_stem}.yml" # convert convert_pro_to_tapestry_config( input_pro_file=pro_file_path, output_yml_file=op_yml_path, animal_tag=animal_tag, flags_to_override=flags_to_override )