import logging from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from view.python_core.areas import AreaMaskIO from view.python_core.flags import FlagsManager from import read_tif_2Dor3D from view.python_core.paths import check_get_file_existence_in_folder from view.python_core.rois.idl_rois import SquareIDLROIData, TIFFIDLROIData from view.python_core.rois.iltis_rois import CircleILTISROIData, PolygonILTISROIData, SpatialFootprintROIData import typing from view.python_core.rois.non_file_based_rois import UniformROIData class BaseROIIO(ABC): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod @abstractmethod def read(cls, flags: FlagsManager, measurement_label: str = "") -> typing.Tuple[dict, str]: return # to be implemented in subclass class ROIFileIO(BaseROIIO, ABC): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def read(cls, flags: FlagsManager, measurement_label: str = "") -> typing.Tuple[dict, str]: """ Read ROI data from a ROI file indicated by and optionally :param flags: view flags object :param measurement_label: str, optional :return: roi_data_dict, roi_file roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and ROI Data objects as values roi_file: str, name of the file from which ROI data was read """ parent_folders = cls.get_parent_dirs(flags) for parent_folder in parent_folders: roi_file = check_get_file_existence_in_folder( folder=parent_folder, possible_extensions=[cls.get_extension()], stems=flags.get_file_stem_hierarchy(measurement_label) ) if roi_file is not None: break else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find a ROI file\nin any of {parent_folders}\nfor animal={flags['STG_ReportTag']}" f"\nand measurement_label={measurement_label}\nwith extension={cls.get_extension()}" ) logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Loading ROI data from {roi_file}") roi_data_list = cls.read_roi_file(roi_file, flags) # look for duplicate labels and issue warning roi_data_dict = {} for roi_data in roi_data_list: if roi_data.label in roi_data_dict: logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning( f"Multiple glomeruli found with label {roi_data.label} in {roi_file}. Ignoring the " f"second one") roi_data_dict[roi_data.label] = roi_data return roi_data_dict, roi_file @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_extension(cls): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod @abstractmethod def read_roi_file(cls, roi_file, flags): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod @abstractmethod def write(cls, filename, roi_datas): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def get_parent_dirs(cls, flags): return [flags.get_coor_dir_str()] class IDLCoorFileIO(ROIFileIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def get_extension(cls): return ".coor" @classmethod def read_roi_file(cls, roi_file, flags): """ Read coor file and return a list of objects containing information of square ROIs in it. :param roi_file: str, path to a coor file on the file system :param flags: view flags object :return: list of SquareIDLROIData objects """ with open(roi_file) as fh: text_lines = fh.readlines() n_rois = int(text_lines[0]) assert len(text_lines) - 1 >= n_rois, f"The number of ROIs indicated in the first line exceeds the number" \ f"of ROI lines that follow in {roi_file}" roi_data = [] for roi_ind in range(n_rois): roi = SquareIDLROIData.read_from_text_line(text_lines[1 + roi_ind]) roi.half_width = flags["RM_Radius"] roi.roi_file = roi_file roi_data.append(roi) return roi_data @classmethod def write(cls, filename, roi_datas): raise NotImplementedError class IDLAREAFileIO(ROIFileIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def get_extension(cls): return ".Area" @classmethod def read_roi_file(cls, roi_file, flags): """ Read IDL AREA file and return a list with one SpatialFootprintROIData object :param roi_file: str, path to a AREA file on the file system :param flags: view flags object :return: list of one SpatialFootprintROIData object """ idl_tiff_frame = AreaMaskIO().read_footprint(roi_file) roi_data = TIFFIDLROIData(idl_tiff_frame=idl_tiff_frame, label="Area0") return [roi_data] @classmethod def write(cls, filename, roi_datas): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def get_parent_dirs(cls, flags): return [flags.get_area_dir_str(), flags.get_coor_dir_str()] class ILTISTextROIFileIO(ROIFileIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def get_extension(cls): return ".roi" @classmethod def read_roi_file(cls, roi_file, flags): """ Read .roi file and return information as list of roi objects :param roi_file: str, path to a AREA file on the file system :param flags: view flags object :return: list of roi objects, belonging to one of the classes: PolygonILTISROIData, CircleILTISROIData """ with open(roi_file) as fh: text_lines = fh.readlines() roi_data = [] for text_line in text_lines: if text_line.startswith("circle"): class_to_use = CircleILTISROIData elif text_line.startswith("polygon"): class_to_use = PolygonILTISROIData else: raise NotImplementedError roi_data.append(class_to_use.read_from_text_line(text_line)) return roi_data @classmethod def write(cls, filename: str, roi_datas: list): """ Write information in ROIs into the file as text. :param filename: str, path of a file on filesystem :param roi_datas: list of objects, belonging to one of the classes: PolygonILTISROIData, CircleILTISROIData :return: None """ lines_to_write = [roi_data.write_to_text_line() for roi_data in roi_datas] with open(filename, "w") as fh: fh.writelines(lines_to_write) class ILTISTiffROIFileIO(ROIFileIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def read(cls, flags: FlagsManager, measurement_label: str = "", labels=()) -> typing.Tuple[dict, str]: """ Read ROI data from a ROI file indicated by and optionally :param flags: view flags object :param measurement_label: str, optional :param labels: iterable, of str. Must have same number of elements as the number of pages in :return: roi_data_dict, roi_file roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and ROI Data objects as values roi_file: str, name of the file from which ROI data was read """ roi_data_dict_temp, roi_file = super().read(flags=flags, measurement_label=measurement_label) roi_data_dict = {} if len(labels) == 0: roi_data_dict = roi_data_dict_temp elif len(labels) == len(roi_data_dict_temp): for label, (roi_label, roi_data) in zip(labels, roi_data_dict_temp.items()): roi_data.label = label roi_data_dict[label] = roi_data else: logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning( f"The specified tiff file, {roi_file}, has {len(roi_data_dict_temp)}, " f"while {len(labels)} were specified. Ignoring the labels specified") roi_data_dict = roi_data_dict_temp return roi_data_dict, roi_file @classmethod def get_extension(cls): return ".roi.tif" @classmethod def read_roi_file(cls, roi_file, flags): """ Read spatial footprints of ROIs in the tiff file . Spatial footprints are individually normalized by dividing by their maximum pixel values and all pixels with value lower than will be considered to belong to the ROI. :param roi_file: str, path to a TIFF file on file system :param flags, view flags object :returns: list, of SpatialFootprintROIData """ roi_footprints, labels = read_tif_2Dor3D(roi_file, return_3D=True) if labels is None: labels = [str(x) for x in range(roi_footprints.shape[2])] roi_data = [] for roi_ind, label in enumerate(labels[:roi_footprints.shape[2]]): roi = SpatialFootprintROIData( spatial_footprint=roi_footprints[:, :, roi_ind], thresh=flags["RM_ROIThreshold"], label=label) roi_data.append(roi) return roi_data @classmethod def write(cls, filename, roi_datas): raise NotImplementedError class ILTISAreaROIFileIO(ILTISTiffROIFileIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def get_extension(cls): return ".area.tif" @classmethod def write(cls, filename, roi_datas): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def get_parent_dirs(cls, flags): return [flags.get_area_dir_str(), flags.get_coor_dir_str()] class NonFileUniformROIIO(BaseROIIO): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @classmethod def read(cls, flags: FlagsManager, measurement_label: str = ""): """ returns a one member dict with a fake label as key and a fake ROI data object representing uniform ROI covering the entire frame :param flags: view flags object :param measurement_label: str, optional :return: roi_data_dict, roi_file roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and ROI Data objects as values roi_file: str, name of the file from which ROI data was read """ logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Create fictive uniform ROI data") roi_data = UniformROIData() roi_data_dict = {roi_data.label: roi_data} return roi_data_dict, None def get_roi_io_class(RM_ROITrace): if RM_ROITrace == 0: io_class = IDLCoorFileIO elif RM_ROITrace == 2: io_class = IDLAREAFileIO elif RM_ROITrace == 3: io_class = ILTISTextROIFileIO elif RM_ROITrace == 4: io_class = ILTISTiffROIFileIO elif RM_ROITrace == 5: io_class = ILTISAreaROIFileIO elif RM_ROITrace == 6: io_class = NonFileUniformROIIO else: raise NotImplementedError(f"RM_ROITrace={RM_ROITrace}") return io_class