import pandas as pd from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip import multiprocessing import logging import pathlib as pl import numpy as np import tifffile def get_extension_from_codec(codec): codec_map = {"libx264": ".mp4", "ayuv": ".avi" } return codec_map[codec] class MovieWriter(object): def __init__(self, flags): super().__init__() self.speed_factor = flags["mv_SpeedFactor"] self.bitrate = flags["mv_bitrate"] self.codec = flags["mv_exportFormat"] def get_clip(self, data_numpy_list, data_sampling_period): data_fps = pd.Timedelta("1s") / data_sampling_period video_fps = self.speed_factor * data_fps data_numpy_list_for_moviepy = [] for frame_data_numpy in data_numpy_list: # need to swap axes as our axis order is XY and moviepy expects YX frame_data_numpy_swapped = frame_data_numpy.swapaxes(0, 1) # need to convert it to 8 bit from float frame_data_numpy_swapped_uint8 = np.array(frame_data_numpy_swapped * 255, dtype=np.uint8) # flip Y since origin in moviepy is top left frame_data_for_clip = np.flip(frame_data_numpy_swapped_uint8, axis=0) data_numpy_list_for_moviepy.append(frame_data_for_clip) clip = ImageSequenceClip(data_numpy_list_for_moviepy, fps=video_fps) return clip def write(self, data_numpy_list, data_sampling_period, full_filename_without_extension): if data_sampling_period == pd.Timedelta(0): raise ValueError("Error saving movie! The inter frame period was either not specified or set to 0, " "the frame-per-second value for movie output could therefore not be calculated.\n" "Tip: You can save the movie as a TIFF-Stack by setting the flags 'mv_exportFormat' in " "the tab 'movie' to 'stack_tif' and view the resulting TIFF-Stack in ImageJ") clip = self.get_clip(data_numpy_list, data_sampling_period) out_name = f"{full_filename_without_extension}{get_extension_from_codec(self.codec)}" ffmpeg_params = [] if self.codec == "libx264": ffmpeg_params = ["-crf", '1'] clip.write_videofile(filename=out_name, codec=self.codec, ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params, preset="veryslow", threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1, logger="bar", bitrate=self.bitrate ) logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Wrote a movie: {out_name}") return out_name class MovieWriterIndividualTif(MovieWriter): def __init__(self, flags): super().__init__(flags) def write(self, data_numpy_list, data_sampling_period, full_filename_without_extension): if data_sampling_period == pd.Timedelta(0): data_sampling_period = pd.Timedelta("1s") # fake value, as it will not be written clip = self.get_clip(data_numpy_list, data_sampling_period) out_dir_path = pl.Path(full_filename_without_extension) if not out_dir_path.is_dir(): out_dir_path.mkdir() filename_format = f"{str(out_dir_path /}%03d.tif" clip.write_images_sequence(nameformat=filename_format, logger="bar") logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Wrote a sequence of images to the folder {str(out_dir_path)}") return out_dir_path class MovieWriterStackTif(object): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def write(self, data_numpy_list, data_sampling_period, full_filename_without_extension): # each image in data_numpy_list is of the format X,Y,Color. # Stacking them to get 4D data in the format Z, X, Y, Color data_4D = np.stack(data_numpy_list, axis=0) # Flip Y since origin in tif is top left data_4D_Y_flipped = np.flip(data_4D, axis=2) # convert to uint8 data_4D_uint8 = np.array(data_4D_Y_flipped * 255, dtype=np.uint8) # convert to format Z, Y, X, color data_4D_XY_swapped = data_4D_uint8.swapaxes(1, 2) # convert to TZCYXS format required by imagej data_4D_formatted = data_4D_XY_swapped[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, :, :] outfile_path = f"{full_filename_without_extension}.tif" tifffile.imwrite(outfile_path, data=data_4D_formatted, imagej=True) logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Wrote a tiff stack to {str(outfile_path)}") return outfile_path def get_writer(flags): if flags["mv_exportFormat"] == "single_tif": return MovieWriterIndividualTif(flags) elif flags["mv_exportFormat"] == "stack_tif": return MovieWriterStackTif() else: return MovieWriter(flags)