import pandas as pd import tifffile import numpy as np import yaml import pathlib as pl import datetime as dt import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import logging import os import datetime from readlif.reader import LifFile class LIFReaderGio(LifFile): def __init__(self, lif_file: str): super().__init__(lif_file) def load_all_metadata(self): """ Load all metadata in the initialized LIF file only including sets with more than one frame (i.e. exclude snapshots) :return: pd.DataFrame with each row containing metadata of one measurement """ root = ET.fromstring(self.xml_header) # this is the full metadata as XML all_metadata_df = pd.DataFrame() # iterate all measurements for fle_ind, measurement in enumerate(self.get_iter_image()): this_measurement = self.get_image(fle_ind) lif_metadata = pd.Series() lif_metadata["Label"] = # lif_metadata["Measu"] = fle_ind if this_measurement.dims.t > 1: #information about time between frames if more than one frame # converting from seconds to milliseconds cycle = float(["settings"]["FrameTime"]) # milliseconds per frame, Leica gives microseconds lif_metadata["Cycle"] = 1000 * cycle lif_metadata['SampFreq'] =["scale"][3] # frames per second? else: lif_metadata["Cycle"] = -1 lif_metadata['SampFreq'] = -1 # frames per second? lif_metadata["Lambda"] = 0 # TODO # convert from meters to micrometers lif_metadata["PxSzX"] =["scale"][0] lif_metadata["PxSzY"] =["scale"][1] # y-size lif_metadata['FrameSizeX'] = this_measurement.dims.x # pixel number in x lif_metadata['FrameSizeY'] = this_measurement.dims.y # pixel number in y lif_metadata['NumFrames'] = this_measurement.dims.t # pixel number in t lif_metadata['Comment'] = "Leica .lif file" # extract measurement time - which is only in the XML of the full LIF file, and not in this_measurement # see /pyview/view/python_core/measurement_list/ # i.e. if changes are necessary here, do them also there # time stamps are not correct - I do not know why yet (15.6.2022) # that is: there are less time stamps in the XML file than measurements in the .lif file # therefore, I cannot attribute the right time to each measurements print('Now using UTC from first frame in measu: ', fle_ind) # timestamp of first frame in measurement measu! time = root.findall(".//TimeStampList")[fle_ind].text[:15] timeStamp = int(time, 16) # windows uses 1. Januar. Assume input file has the format TWYX, where W is wavelength and this dimension has size 2. :param str tif_file: absolute path of the file on file system :rtype: data_340, data_380 data_340: 340nm data as an numpy.ndarray, format XYT data_380: 380nm data as an numpy.ndarray, format XYT """ data_in = tifffile.imread(tif_file) data_in = np.flip(data_in, axis=1) # format TWYX # split data, each will have format TYX data_340 = data_in[:, 1, :, :] data_380 = data_in[:, 0, :, :] return data_340.swapaxes(0, 2), data_380.swapaxes(0, 2) # return in format XYT def write_tif_2Dor3D(array_xy_or_xyt, tif_file, dtype=None, scale_data=False, labels=None): """ Write a 2D or a 3D numpy array to a TIFF file with data type format . If is None, data is written in its own data type. Else, the function will try to safely cast data in to . If it is not possible and is True, data is scaled to fit the dynamic range of and written to disc. Else an error is raised :param numpy.ndarray array_xy_or_xyt: array to be written :param str tif_file: name of file to which data is to be written :param dtype: data type format to use. Must be a valid numerical numpy dtype ( :param str|Sequence labels: a str or 1 member sequence when is 2D, else a sequence with the same size as the last (3rd) dimension of """ if dtype is None: array_cast = array_xy_or_xyt else: if issubclass(dtype, np.integer): info = np.iinfo(dtype) elif issubclass(dtype, np.flexible): info = np.finfo(dtype) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid dtype. Please specify a valid numerical numpy dtype " "(") if np.can_cast(array_xy_or_xyt, dtype): array_cast = array_xy_or_xyt.astype(dtype) elif scale_data: array_min, array_max = array_xy_or_xyt.min(), array_xy_or_xyt.max() array_xy_or_xyt_0_1 = (array_xy_or_xyt - array_min) / (array_max - array_min) array_scaled = info.min + array_xy_or_xyt_0_1 * (info.max - info.min) array_cast = array_scaled.astype(dtype) else: raise ValueError( f"The values in the specified array could not be safely cast into the specified dtype ({dtype})." f"If you want the values in the specified array to be scaled into the dynamic range of {dtype}, " f"set the argument to True") # flip Y axis array_cast = np.flip(array_cast, axis=1) if type(labels) is str: labels = [labels] if len(array_cast.shape) == 2: array_to_write = array_cast.swapaxes(0, 1) # from XY to YX if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == 1, \ f"Expected one label to write along with a one page TIF. Got ({len(labels)})" elif len(array_cast.shape) == 3: array_to_write = array_cast.swapaxes(0, 2) # from XYT to TYX if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == array_cast.shape[2], \ f"Expected {array_cast.shape[2]} labels two write along with array with shape {array_cast.shape}. " \ f"Got {len(labels)}" else: raise ValueError("This function can only write 2D or 3D arrays") kwargs = {"description": None} if labels is not None: kwargs["description"] = "Labels=" + ";;".join(labels) tifffile.imwrite(tif_file, data=array_to_write, **kwargs) def read_check_yml_file(yml_filename, expected_type=None): """ Reads flags from , applies some checks and returns them :param yml_filename: str, path of a .yml file :param expected_type: any, if specified, as assertion error is raised if contents of the yml file is not of the specfied type :return: any, depending of contents of the yml file """ with open(yml_filename, 'r') as fle: yml_contents = yaml.load(fle, yaml.SafeLoader) if expected_type is not None: assert type(yml_contents) is expected_type, f"YML file {yml_filename} was expected to contain " \ f"{expected_type} data," \ f"found, {type(yml_contents)} instead" return yml_contents def write_yml(yml_filename, to_write): with open(yml_filename, 'w') as fle: yaml.dump(to_write, fle, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) def read_lsm(path): """ takes a path to a lsm file, reads the file with the tifffile lib and returns a np array """ data_cut = tifffile.imread(path) data_cut_rot = np.swapaxes(data_cut, 0, 2) data_cut_rot_flip = np.flip(data_cut_rot, axis=1) return data_cut_rot_flip def load_pst(filename): """ read tillvision based .pst files as uint16. """ # filename can have an extension (e.g. .pst), or not # reading stack size from inf # inf_path = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.inf' # this does not work for /data/030725bR.pst\\dbb10F, remove extension by hand, # assuming it is exactly 3 elements if filename.endswith(".pst") or filename.endswith(".ps"): filepath = pl.Path(filename) else: filepath = pl.Path(f"{filename}.pst") if not filepath.is_file(): filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".ps") assert filepath.is_file(), \ f"Could not find either of the following raw data files:\n{filename}.pst\n{filename}.ps" meta = {} with open(filepath.with_suffix(".inf"), 'r') as fh: # for line in fh.readlines(): try: k, v = line.strip().split('=') meta[k] = v except: pass # reading stack from pst shape = np.int32((meta['Width'], meta['Height'], meta['Frames'])) expected_units = assert filepath.stat().st_size >= 2 * expected_units, \ f"Expected at least {2 * expected_units} bytes in {filepath}. Found {filepath.stat().st_size}" raw = np.fromfile(filepath, dtype='int16', count=expected_units) data = np.reshape(raw, shape, order='F') # was swapping x, y axes; commented out to retain original order # data = data.swapaxes(0,1) # data is upside down as compared to what we see in TillVision data = np.flip(data, axis=1) data = data.astype('uint16') return data