import logging from dataclasses import dataclass, field import pandas as pd from typing import Dict, Mapping, Sequence from neo import AnalogSignal import quantities as pq import numpy as np @dataclass class GDMRow: """Class for a gdm row, which a pixel trace with associated metadata""" metadata: pd.Series time_series: AnalogSignal def copy(self): return GDMRow(metadata=self.metadata.copy(), time_series=self.time_series.copy()) @classmethod def from_data_and_metadata( cls, metadata_dict: Mapping, trace: Sequence=None, sampling_period_ms: float=None, starting_time_s: float = 0, units: str = "au" ): metadata = pd.Series(metadata_dict) if trace is not None: time_series = AnalogSignal( signal=trace, sampling_period=sampling_period_ms *, t_start=starting_time_s * pq.s, units=units ) else: time_series = None return cls(metadata=metadata, time_series=time_series) def get_ASCII_exportable_format(self): signal_metadata = self.metadata.copy() signal_metadata["TraceOffset"] = self.time_series.t_start.magnitude signal_metadata["Cycle"] = (self.time_series.sampling_period / signal_metadata["NumFrames"] = self.time_series.shape[0] return signal_metadata, self.time_series.magnitude.T[0] @classmethod def parse_from_csv_df_row(cls, csv_df_row): try: sampling_period = csv_df_row["Cycle"] t_start = csv_df_row["TraceOffset"] n_samples = csv_df_row["NumFrames"] trace_start_pos = next(iter(i for i, x in enumerate(csv_df_row.index.values) if x == "PlaceHolder")) + 1 trace = [float(x) for x in csv_df_row.iloc[trace_start_pos: trace_start_pos + n_samples].values] except (KeyError, StopIteration) as e: sampling_period = None t_start = 0 trace_start_pos = len(csv_df_row) trace = None return cls.from_data_and_metadata( metadata_dict=csv_df_row.iloc[:trace_start_pos], sampling_period_ms=sampling_period, starting_time_s=t_start, trace=trace ) @dataclass class GDMFile: """Class for a collection fo GDMRow objects, with CSV (and other) IO interfaces""" metadata_df: pd.DataFrame = field(default_factory=pd.DataFrame) data_dict: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) def copy(self): return GDMFile(metadata_df=self.metadata_df.copy(), data_dict={k: v.copy() for k, v in self.data_dict.items()}) def __getitem__(self, item): return GDMRow(time_series=self.data_dict[item], metadata=self.metadata_df.loc[item]) def indices_iterator(self): return iter(self.data_dict.keys()) def get_trace(self, index): return self.data_dict[index] def subset_based_on_indices(self, indices): """ Return a new GDMFile object with only those metadata and time series whose index is in indices :param Sequence indices: sequence of indices :return: GDMFile """ assert all(x in self.data_dict for x in indices), "Not all indices specified are in the current GDMFile" gdm_file = __class__() gdm_file.metadata_df = self.metadata_df.loc[indices, :] gdm_file.data_dict = {k: v for k, v in self.data_dict.items() if k in indices} return gdm_file def subset_based_on_callable(self, metadata_filter): """ Return a new GDMFile object with only those metadata and time series whose index is in indices :param Callable metadata_filter: a callable that can be used to select rows of metadata df :return: GDMFile """ gdm_file = __class__() gdm_file.metadata_df = self.metadata_df.loc[metadata_filter, :] gdm_file.data_dict = {k: v for k, v in self.data_dict.items() if k in gdm_file.metadata_df.index.values} return gdm_file def append_from_a_gdm_file(self, gdm_file): if self.metadata_df.shape[0] == 0: self.metadata_df = gdm_file.metadata_df self.data_dict = gdm_file.data_dict else: current_max_ind = self.metadata_df.index.values.max() for enum_ind, (ind, metadata_row) in enumerate(gdm_file.metadata_df.iterrows()): new_ind = current_max_ind + enum_ind + 1 self.metadata_df.loc[new_ind] = metadata_row self.data_dict[new_ind] = gdm_file.data_dict[ind] def append_gdm_row(self, gdm_row): new_index = self.metadata_df.shape[0] if new_index == 0: self.metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(gdm_row.metadata).T self.metadata_df.index = [0] # set index to 0 for the first row else: self.metadata_df.loc[new_index] = gdm_row.metadata self.data_dict[new_index] = gdm_row.time_series @classmethod def load_from_csv(cls, csv_file, metadata_only=False): """ Load data and metadata from a csv file :param csv_file: absolute path of CSV file on file system :param bool metadata_only: whether to only read metadata, i.e., skip reading data :return: object of class GDMFile """ gdm_file = cls() csv_df = read_chunks_gdm_csv(csv_file, metadata_only=metadata_only) for i, row in csv_df.iterrows(): gdm_file.append_gdm_row(GDMRow.parse_from_csv_df_row(row)) return gdm_file def write_to_csv(self, filename): metadata_df = pd.DataFrame() trace_df = pd.DataFrame() for gdm_ind in self.data_dict: gdm_row = self.__getitem__(gdm_ind) metadata_row, trace = gdm_row.get_ASCII_exportable_format() frame_values_s = pd.Series({f"Frame{k}": v for k, v in enumerate(trace)}) metadata_df = metadata_df.append(pd.DataFrame(metadata_row).T, ignore_index=True) trace_df = trace_df.append(pd.DataFrame(frame_values_s).T, ignore_index=True) metadata_df["PlaceHolder"] = "Trace begins->" columns_before_trace = \ ["StimONms", "StimLen", "Odour", "Stimulus", "OConc", "Cycle", "GloTag", "Measu", "Animal", "PlaceHolder"] metadata_df = metadata_df[ [x for x in metadata_df.columns if x not in columns_before_trace] + [x for x in columns_before_trace if x in metadata_df.columns] ] df = pd.concat([metadata_df, trace_df], axis=1, sort=False) df.to_csv(filename, sep=';', header=True, index=False) logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Finished writing {filename}") def get_data_as_numpy2D(self): """ If all data have the same length, return them as a 2D numpy array containing one time series per row :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if len(self.metadata_df["NumFrames"].unique()) == 1: return np.array([x.magnitude for x in self.data_dict.values()])[:, :, 0] else: raise ValueError("GDMFile has data of different lengths. Cannot create a numpy array") def read_chunks_gdm_csv(input_csv, metadata_only=False): """ Read a csv containing gdm and FID chunks, parsing date and time columns properly :param str input_csv: path to the input csv :param bool metadata_only: whether to only read metadata, i.e., skip reading data :return: pandas.DataFrame """ print(f"Reading {input_csv}") if metadata_only: gdm_df = pd.read_csv(input_csv, sep=";", nrows=1, header=0) columns2read = [] for x in gdm_df.columns: if x == "PlaceHolder": break else: columns2read.append(x) gdm_df = pd.read_csv(input_csv, sep=";", usecols=columns2read) else: gdm_df = pd.read_csv(input_csv, sep=";") def revise_line(line): if "_" in line: return line.split("_")[0] else: return line if "line" in gdm_df.columns: gdm_df["line"] = gdm_df["line"].apply(revise_line) return gdm_df def parse_stim_info(gdm_row_metadata, sort=True): stimulus_components = eval(gdm_row_metadata["Odour"]) if type(gdm_row_metadata["StimONms"]) is str: stimulus_times = eval(gdm_row_metadata["StimONms"]) else: stimulus_times = gdm_row_metadata["StimONms"] if type(gdm_row_metadata["StimLen"]) is str: stimulus_durations = eval(gdm_row_metadata["StimLen"]) else: stimulus_durations = gdm_row_metadata["StimLen"] if type(stimulus_components) is str: stimulus_times = stimulus_times, stimulus_components = stimulus_components, stimulus_durations = stimulus_durations, if sort: arg_sort = np.argsort(stimulus_times) stimulus_times = [stimulus_times[x] for x in arg_sort] stimulus_components = [stimulus_components[x] for x in arg_sort] stimulus_durations = [stimulus_durations[x] for x in arg_sort] return stimulus_components, stimulus_times, stimulus_durations