import numpy as np from view.idl_translation_core.bleach_correction import fitlogdecay, model_func from itertools import product import multiprocessing as mp import logging import platform shared_arr_g = None patch_size_g = None def _init(shared_arr_, patch_size_, weights_, fit_pars_dict_): # The shared array pointer is a global variable so that it can be accessed by the # child processes. It is a tuple (pointer, dtype, shape). global shared_arr, patch_size, weights, fit_pars_dict shared_arr = shared_arr_ patch_size = patch_size_ weights = weights_ fit_pars_dict = fit_pars_dict_ def shared_to_numpy(shared_array_pars, copy=False): """Get a NumPy array from a shared memory buffer, with a given dtype and shape. No copy is involved, the array reflects the underlying shared buffer.""" shared_arr, dtype, shape = shared_array_pars wrapped_arr = np.frombuffer(shared_arr, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape) if copy: copy_arr = np.empty_like(wrapped_arr) np.copyto(dst=copy_arr, src=wrapped_arr) return copy_arr else: return wrapped_arr def numpy2raw_array(ndarray): """ Convert numpy array to raw array """ dtype = ndarray.dtype shape = ndarray.shape # Get a ctype type from the NumPy dtype. cdtype = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(dtype) # Create the RawArray instance. shared_arr = mp.RawArray(cdtype, int( # Wrap shared_arr as an numpy array so we can easily manipulates its data (here only to copy data into it) fake_numpy_arr = shared_to_numpy((shared_arr, dtype, shape)) np.copyto(dst=fake_numpy_arr, src=ndarray) return shared_arr, dtype, shape def bleach_correct_pixelwise(movie: np.ndarray, weights, area, ncpu: int): assert movie.shape[:2] == area.shape, f"Area file specified has dimensions {area.shape} that does not match with" \ f"data dimensions {movie.shape}" pixel_inds = [ind for ind, val in np.ndenumerate(area) if val] global shared_arr_g, weights_g # mmappickle could be used instead of shared memory. shared_arr_g = numpy2raw_array(movie) weights_g = weights if ncpu > 1: assert platform.system() != "Windows", \ "Pixelwise bleach correction currently does not work on Windows due to parallization issues. Sorry!" # apply bleach correction to each patch in parallel with mp.Pool(processes=ncpu) as p: # use all cores op_params_list =, pixel_inds, chunksize=100) elif ncpu == 1: # apply bleach correction to each patch without parallelization op_params_list = [] for pixel_ind_nr, pixel_ind in enumerate(pixel_inds): logging.getLogger("VIEW").debug(f"Doing pixel {pixel_ind_nr + 1}/{len(pixel_inds)}") op_params = bleach_correct_pixelwise_worker(pixel_ind) op_params_list.append(op_params) else: raise ValueError(f"Paramater ncpu has to be 1 or more ({ncpu} specified)") array2return = shared_to_numpy(shared_arr_g, copy=True) return array2return, {k: v for k, v in zip(pixel_inds, op_params_list)} def bleach_correct_pixelwise_worker(pixel_index: tuple): movie = shared_to_numpy(shared_arr_g) # reduce patch to curve curve = movie[pixel_index[0], pixel_index[1], :] # apply bleach correction to curve and return the parameters A, K and C fitted_curve, (A, K, C) = fitlogdecay(lineIn=curve, weights=weights_g, showresults=False) # sometimes A and/or K can be NAN, then don't bleach correct # adding the mean of the fitted curve ensures the average intensity value of every pixel # is not affected by the bleach correction applied if not np.isnan(A) and not np.isnan(K): movie[pixel_index[0], pixel_index[1], :] = curve - fitted_curve + fitted_curve.mean() return A, K, C