import copy from iltis.Main import Main as ILTISMain from import save_tstack from iltis.Objects.Data_Object import Data_Object, Metadata_Object from iltis.Widgets.Options_Control_Widget import SingleValueWidget from iltis.Objects.ROIs_Object import myPolyLineROI, myCircleROI from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel, QMessageBox import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .save_area_file_dialog import SaveAreaFileDialog, SaveCircleROIsFileDialog, SaveAllROIsFileDialog from .orphan_functions import convert_iltisROI2VIEWROI from view.python_core.rois.roi_io import ILTISTextROIFileIO import logging import pathlib as pl class ILTISMainShell(ILTISMain): def __init__(self, verbose=False): super().__init__(verbose) menu_bar = self.MainWindow.menuBar() # otherwise, Qt will try to integrate into the native menubar on MAC, which causes issues menu_bar.setNativeMenuBar(False) view_menu = menu_bar.addMenu("&VIEW-Related") self.import_action_quick = view_menu.addAction("Quickly import all data from VIEW") self.import_action = view_menu.addAction("Selectively import data from VIEW") self.save_cirle_rois_action = view_menu.addAction("Save circle ROIS as .roi for VIEW") self.save_cirle_rois_action.triggered.connect(self.spawn_save_circle_rois_dialog) self.save_cirle_rois_action.setEnabled(False) self.save_rois_action = view_menu.addAction("Save all ROI types as .roi for VIEW") self.save_rois_action.triggered.connect(self.spawn_save_all_rois_dialog) self.save_rois_action.setEnabled(False) self.save_area_action = view_menu.addAction("Save Polygon ROIs as AREA for VIEW") self.save_area_action.triggered.connect(self.spawn_save_area_dialog) self.save_area_action.setEnabled(False) self.quick_save_area_action = view_menu.addAction("Quick save AREA for VIEW (using selected data and ROIs)") self.quick_save_area_action.triggered.connect(self.quick_save_area) self.quick_save_area_action.setEnabled(False) self.dialogs = [] self.metadata = None # this is used to reset ILTIs from VIEW if required @pyqtSlot(name="reset") def reset(self, restore_options=True): # save some options for restoration # some options in the tab "Preprocessing" change the data, hence are not saved and restored # when loading new data roi_options_to_save = ["view", "ROI", "export"] try: roi_options = {x: copy.copy(getattr(self.Options, x)) for x in roi_options_to_save} # if the Options object is initialized but default options have not yet been loaded except AttributeError as ae: roi_options = {} # clear ILTIS data and history self.ROIs.reset() self.Signals.resetSignal.emit() self.Options.__init__(self) if restore_options: # restore options; placed here because (1) load_default_options() uses Data.nFrames and Metadata.paths # (2) since load_default_options() need to be called before initing Option_Control (see below) [setattr(self.Options, k, v) for k, v in roi_options.items()] try: self.MainWindow.roi_type_widget.layout().itemAt(1).widget().set_value(roi_options["ROI"]["type"]) except KeyError as ke: pass # parts of iltis.Objects.IO_Object.IO_Object.load_data # Data object creation self.Data = Data_Object() self.Data.Metadata = Metadata_Object(self.Data) self.metadata = None self.MainWindow.ToolBar.setEnabled(False) # disable some actions from menubar self.save_cirle_rois_action.setEnabled(False) self.save_rois_action.setEnabled(False) self.save_area_action.setEnabled(False) self.quick_save_area_action.setEnabled(False) self.MainWindow.roi_type_widget.setEnabled(False) return roi_options @pyqtSlot(list, list, pd.DataFrame, int, tuple, tuple, int, name="import data") def import_data(self, raw_data_list, signal_list, metadata, n_frames, stim_onset, stim_offset, default_radius): """ Writes raw data, (df/f) signal data and trials names into the data structures iltis. In principle replicates iltis.Objects.IO_Object.IO_Object.init_data for writing raw data and initializing assoicated UI. Then writes df/f signal and calls iltis.Widgets.MainWindow_Widget.MainWindow_Widget.toggle_dFF :param raw_data_list: iterable of numpy.ndarrays of dimension 3 :param signal_list: iterable of numpy.ndarray of dimension 3, same size as raw_data_list :param metadata: pandas.Dataframe, indices are unique label for each measurement, columns are metadata, must have the columns "Label to use", the entries of which will be used as data labels in ILTIS. Columns must also contain flags of the subgroup "paths". Must contain a column "Raw Data File" which contains the full paths of the raw data files :param n_frames: int, maximium number of frames among all raw data in raw_data_list :param stim_onset: list, of stimulus onsets as frame numbers :param stim_offset: list, of stimulus offsets as frame numbers :param default_radius: int, default radius of ROIs """ assert len(raw_data_list) == len(signal_list) == metadata.shape[0] assert "Label to use" in metadata.columns assert all(type(x) is np.ndarray for x in raw_data_list) assert all(len(x.shape) == 3 for x in raw_data_list) assert all(type(x) is np.ndarray for x in signal_list) assert all(len(x.shape) == 3 for x in signal_list) for raw_data, sig_data in zip(raw_data_list[1:], signal_list[1:]): if not (raw_data.shape == raw_data_list[0].shape == sig_data.shape == signal_list[0].shape): QMessageBox.critical( self.MainWindow, "Error importing data", "Data being imported have different sizes (X, Y and/or Z). Please have a look at the columns" "'No. of pixels along X', 'No. of pixels along Y' and 'No. of frames' of the table shown " "when choosing data for import" ) return self.write_status("[working] Importing data from VIEW to ILTIS") old_roi_options = self.reset(restore_options=False) self.metadata = metadata n_trials = len(raw_data_list) # set raw data, # view.idl_translation_core.ViewLoadData.load_pst self.Data.raw = np.concatenate([x[:, :, :, np.newaxis] for x in raw_data_list], axis=3) # dFF needs to be a float to avoid problems with pyqtgraph, see Issue 56 of VIEW self.Data.dFF = np.zeros_like(self.Data.raw, dtype="float32") # set some metadata self.Data.Metadata.paths = metadata["Raw File Name"].values self.Data.nFrames = raw_data_list # set inferred data, in principle replicates iltis.Objects.Data_Object.Data_Object.infer self.Data.nTrials = n_trials self.Data.nFrames = n_frames # instead of file names, set trial labels directly self.Data.Metadata.trial_labels = metadata["Label to use"].values.tolist() # restore options; placed here because (1) load_default_options() uses Data.nFrames and Metadata.paths # (2) since load_default_options() need to be called before initing Option_Control (see below) self.Options.load_default_options() [setattr(self.Options, k, v) for k, v in old_roi_options.items() if len(v)] try: getattr(self.Options, "ROI")["diameter"] = 2 * default_radius + 1 self.MainWindow.roi_type_widget.layout().itemAt(1).widget().set_value(old_roi_options["ROI"]["type"]) except KeyError as ke: pass # set cwd to IDLOutput random_metadata = metadata.iloc[0] op_dir_first_dataset = random_metadata["STG_OdorReportPath"] self.cwd = op_dir_first_dataset self.Options.general['cwd'] = op_dir_first_dataset # set data_path and roi_path self.data_path = random_metadata["STG_Datapath"] self.roi_path = random_metadata["STG_OdormaskPath"] # set stimuli parameters self.add_stim_options(stim_onset, stim_offset) # initialize and update GUI elements self.MainWindow.Options_Control.init_UI() self.Signals.initDataSignal.emit() self.Signals.updateSignal.emit() # replace nans if any in signals with lowest value of signal for x in signal_list: x[np.isnan(x)] = np.nanmin(x) # set dFF self.Data.dFF = np.concatenate([x[:, :, :, np.newaxis] for x in signal_list], axis=3) self.Options.flags["dFF_was_calc"] = True # - for all display triggers, whatever the state, set it to True and toggle it. self.MainWindow.ToolBar.setEnabled(True) # -- list of tuples to store flag name and trigger flag_action_names = [ ('show_dFF', 'toggledFFAction'), ('use_global_levels', 'toggleGlobalLevels'), ('show_avg', 'toggleAvgAction'), ('show_monochrome', 'toggleMonochromeAction') ] for flag_name, action_name in flag_action_names: self.Options.view[flag_name] = True action = getattr(self.MainWindow, action_name) action.setChecked(True) action.trigger() # reset levels of dFF signal once set self.Data_Display.LUT_Controlers.reset_levels(which="dFF") # enable all mouse based interactions in the Data_Display_Widget self.MainWindow.Data_Display.enable_interaction() # add a warning about signal calculation in ILTIS/transfer from VIEW qfont = QFont() qfont.setBold(True) qlabel = QLabel("Warning: The following options will only be used when data is loaded using Open->load data.\n" "They are not used when data is imported from VIEW using VIEW-Related->Import data from VIEW.\n" "In this case, deltaF/F is not calculated in ILTIS, but initialized with the signal data " "calculated in VIEW.") qlabel.setFont(qfont) fake_field = SingleValueWidget(parent=self.MainWindow.Options_Control, dict_name="preprocessing", param_name="fake", dtype='S') fake_field.setText("Please take care!") fake_field.setReadOnly(True) self.MainWindow.Options_Control.widget(1).layout().insertRow(1, qlabel, fake_field) # enable other VIEW-related actions self.save_area_action.setEnabled(True) self.save_rois_action.setEnabled(True) self.save_cirle_rois_action.setEnabled(True) self.quick_save_area_action.setEnabled(True) self.MainWindow.roi_type_widget.setEnabled(True) # done, write status and return self.write_status("[success] Importing data from VIEW to ILTIS") def write_status(self, msg): self.MainWindow.statusBar().showMessage(msg) def add_stim_options(self, stim_onset, stim_offset): if len(stim_onset) != len(stim_offset) or len(stim_onset) == 0: return else: stim_onset_offsets = [x for x in zip(stim_onset, stim_offset) if x[0] is not None and x[1] is not None] stim_times = np.array(stim_onset_offsets, dtype=float) self.Options.preprocessing["nStimuli"] = len(stim_onset_offsets) self.Options.preprocessing["stimuli"] = stim_times def get_roi_and_selected_by_type(self, roi_types=None): if roi_types is None: roi_types = [] roi_labels = [] roi_labels_selected = [] for roi in self.ROIs.ROI_list: if type(roi) in roi_types or roi_types == []: roi_labels.append(roi.label) if roi_labels_selected.append(roi.label) return roi_labels, roi_labels_selected def get_selected_data_labels(self): data_selector = self.MainWindow.Front_Control_Panel.Data_Selector selected_data_labels = [data_selector.item(x.row(), 0).text() for x in data_selector.selectionModel().selectedRows()] return selected_data_labels @pyqtSlot(name="save circle roi_labels for VIEW") def spawn_save_circle_rois_dialog(self): circle_roi_labels, circle_roi_labels_selected = self.get_roi_and_selected_by_type([myCircleROI]) selected_data_labels = self.get_selected_data_labels() save_circle_rois_dialog = SaveCircleROIsFileDialog(metadata=self.metadata, data_selected=selected_data_labels, circle_roi_labels=circle_roi_labels, circle_rois_selected=circle_roi_labels_selected) save_circle_rois_dialog.return_choices_signal.connect(self.save_coors_for_VIEW) self.dialogs.append(save_circle_rois_dialog) @pyqtSlot(name="save roi_labels for VIEW") def spawn_save_all_rois_dialog(self): roi_labels, roi_labels_selected = self.get_roi_and_selected_by_type([myCircleROI, myPolyLineROI]) selected_data_labels = self.get_selected_data_labels() save_all_rois_dialog = SaveAllROIsFileDialog(metadata=self.metadata, data_selected=selected_data_labels, roi_labels=roi_labels, roi_labels_selected=roi_labels_selected) save_all_rois_dialog.return_choices_signal.connect(self.save_coors_for_VIEW) self.dialogs.append(save_all_rois_dialog) @pyqtSlot(name="save area for VIEW") def spawn_save_area_dialog(self): poly_roi_labels, poly_roi_labels_selected = self.get_roi_and_selected_by_type([myPolyLineROI]) selected_data_labels = self.get_selected_data_labels() save_area_dialog = SaveAreaFileDialog(metadata=self.metadata, data_selected=selected_data_labels, poly_roi_labels=poly_roi_labels, poly_rois_selected=poly_roi_labels_selected) save_area_dialog.return_choices_signal.connect(self.save_area_for_VIEW) self.dialogs.append(save_area_dialog) @pyqtSlot(list, str, name="save area for VIEW") def save_area_for_VIEW(self, roi_labels, filename): self.write_status("[working] Writing AREA file for VIEW") extraction_mask = np.zeros((self.Data.raw.shape[0], self.Data.raw.shape[1], len(roi_labels)), dtype='bool') rois_chosen = [x for x in self.ROIs.ROI_list if x.label in roi_labels and type(x) == myPolyLineROI] roi_data = [] for i, ROI in enumerate(rois_chosen): if ROI.label in roi_labels: mask, inds = self.ROIs.get_ROI_mask(ROI) extraction_mask[mask, i] = 1 roi_data.append(convert_iltisROI2VIEWROI(ROI)) pl.Path(filename).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) ILTISTextROIFileIO.write(f"{filename}.roi", roi_data) save_tstack(extraction_mask, filename) QMessageBox.information(self.MainWindow, "AREA File saved!", f"to\n{filename}\nusing ROIs {roi_labels}") self.write_status("[success] Writing AREA file for VIEW") @pyqtSlot(list, str, name="save COORs for VIEW") def save_coors_for_VIEW(self, roi_labels, filename): self.write_status("[working] Writing COORs file for VIEW") rois_chosen = [x for x in self.ROIs.ROI_list if x.label in roi_labels] roi_datas = [] for roi in rois_chosen: roi_data = convert_iltisROI2VIEWROI(roi) roi_datas.append(roi_data) ILTISTextROIFileIO.write(filename, roi_datas) QMessageBox.information(self.MainWindow, "Coor File saved!", f"to\n{filename}\nusing ROIs {roi_labels}") self.write_status("[success] Writing COORs file for VIEW") @pyqtSlot(name="quick save area") def quick_save_area(self): self.write_status("[working] Writing COORs file for VIEW") selected_data_labels = self.get_selected_data_labels() mask = self.metadata["Label to use"].apply(lambda x: x in selected_data_labels) metadata_selected_data = self.metadata.loc[mask, :] animals_deduplicated = metadata_selected_data['STG_ReportTag'].unique() if animals_deduplicated.shape[0] == 1: current_metadata_row = metadata_selected_data.iloc[0] filename = \ str(pl.Path(current_metadata_row["STG_OdorAreaPath"]) / f"{animals_deduplicated[0]}.area.tif") _, selected_roi_labels = self.get_roi_and_selected_by_type() if len(selected_roi_labels) == 0: QMessageBox.critical( self.MainWindow, "No ROIs selected!", "Please select one or more ROIs on the right column and try again!" ) self.save_area_for_VIEW(roi_labels=selected_roi_labels, filename=filename) else: QMessageBox.critical( self.MainWindow, "No data selected!", "Please select one imaging data on the right column and try again!" )