import logging import pathlib as pl import shutil import sys import tempfile import time from pkg_resources import get_distribution from .flags import FlagsManager from view.python_core.gdm_generation import get_roi_gdm_traces_dict, get_gdm_file from .measurement_list import MeasurementList from .measurement_list.importers import get_setup_extension from .movies import export_movie from .overviews import generate_overview_image, generate_overview_image_for_output from .overviews.ctv_handlers import get_ctv_handler from .p1_class import get_empty_p1, get_p1 from .rois.roi_io import get_roi_io_class import gc class VIEW(object): def __init__(self, flags=None, terminal_output_verbose=True): """ Initializes a VIEW object with default flags """ self.flags = FlagsManager() if flags is not None: self.flags.update_flags({"STG_MotherOfAllFolders": flags["STG_MotherOfAllFolders"]}) self.flags.update_flags({k: v for k, v in flags.items() if k not in ["STG_MotherOfAllFolders"]}) self.flags.update_flags({"VIEW_batchmode": True}) self.measurement_list = None self.p1 = None self.log_file = self.setup_logging(terminal_output_verbose) logging.getLogger("VIEW").info( f"VIEW object initialized for offline use. Version: {get_distribution('view').version}") def __del__(self): del self.flags self.delete_data() def delete_data(self): try: self.p1.__del__() del self.measurement_list except AttributeError as ae: pass self.p1 = None self.measurement_list = None gc.collect() def setup_logging(self, terminal_output_verbose): my_logger = logging.getLogger("VIEW") my_logger.propagate = False my_logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO) if not my_logger.hasHandlers(): temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() view_log_dir_path = pl.Path(temp_dir) / "VIEW_logs" view_log_dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) log_file_path = view_log_dir_path / f"VIEW_started_at_{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')}.log" formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [VIEW] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s") file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file_path) file_handler.setLevel(level=logging.INFO) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) my_logger.addHandler(file_handler) if terminal_output_verbose: stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stream_handler.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) my_logger.addHandler(stream_handler) log_file = str(log_file_path) else: file_handler = [x for x in my_logger.handlers if isinstance(x, logging.FileHandler)][0] log_file = file_handler.baseFilename return log_file def update_flags(self, flags): """ Updates VIEW flags with :param flags: dict, keys are flag names, values are flag values :return: None """ self.flags.update_flags(flags) def update_flags_from_ymlfile(self, yml_filename): """ Updates VIEW flags with flags from YML file :param yml_filename: str, path on file system to a YML flags file :return: None """ self.flags.read_flags_from_yml(yml_filename) self.flags.update_flags({"VIEW_batchmode": True}) def initialize_animal(self, animal): """ Initializes the flag "STG_ReportTag" to . Tries to find and load the measurement list file for the animal . Raises FileNotFoundError if not found. :param animal: string, name/tag of the animal """ self.flags.update_flags({ "STG_ReportTag": animal }) lst_file = self.flags.get_existing_lst_file() if lst_file is None: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find a list file for animal={animal} " f"in {self.flags['STG_OdorInfoPath']}") self.measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_lst_file( lst_fle=lst_file, LE_loadExp=self.flags["LE_loadExp"]) def initialize_animal_from_list_file(self, list_file): """ Extracts the stem of the list file name and uses it as animal name ("STG_ReportTag"). Initializes the specified animal list :param list_file: """ self.measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_lst_file( lst_fle=list_file, LE_loadExp=self.flags["LE_loadExp"]) assert self.measurement_list.animal_name is not None, "Something went wrong!" self.flags.update_flags({"STG_ReportTag": self.measurement_list.animal_name}) def get_current_animal(self): self.check_if_animal_is_initialized() return self.flags['STG_ReportTag'] def check_if_animal_is_initialized(self): """ Raises an error if no animal has been initialized """ if self.measurement_list is not None: measurement_list_name = pl.Path(self.measurement_list.last_measurement_list_fle).name if measurement_list_name.startswith(f"{self.flags['STG_ReportTag']}."): return # all good raise ValueError("No animal initialized, " "please initialize first VIEW with an animal using the method 'initialize_animal'") def get_measus_for_current_animal(self, analyze_values_to_use=None): """ Returns a list of "measu" values for the currently initialized animal, for which the corresponding entry in the column 'Analyze' is one among . If is None, then all measus for the animal are returned :return: list of int """ self.check_if_animal_is_initialized() return self.measurement_list.get_measus(analyze_values_accepted=analyze_values_to_use) def get_measu_label_for_current_animal(self, measu): """ Returns the measurement label for the measurement corresponding to based of current flag settings. :raises: AssertionError if animal is not initialized :return: str, measurent label """ self.check_if_animal_is_initialized() return self.flags.get_measurement_label(measurement_row=self.measurement_list.get_row_by_measu(measu)) def load_measurement_data_from_current_animal(self, measu): """ Loads the measurement from current animal with the specified :param measu: int :return: str, label of the measurement as specified by the flag "LE_labelColumns" """ self.check_if_animal_is_initialized() self.flags.update_flags({"STG_Measu": measu}) measu_label, self.p1 = self.measurement_list.load_data(flags=self.flags, measu=measu) return measu_label def calculate_signals(self): """ Calculates signals using the raw data currently loaded and using current flag values. Raises an ValueError if no raw data has been loaded :returns: None """ if self.p1 is not None: self.p1.calculate_signals(self.flags) else: raise ValueError("No raw data has been loaded. Load some raw data and try calculating signals again!") def load_measurement_data(self, animal, measu): """ Loads the measurement with the specified for the specified animal. :param animal: str, name of the animal, (usually name of the list file/vws file without extension) :param measu: int :return: str, label of the measurement as specified by the flag "LE_labelColumns" """ # self.measurement_list can be not None only if an animal had been initialized and # when an animal has been initialized, flag 'STG_ReportTag' gets set if not(self.measurement_list is not None and self.flags["STG_ReportTag"] == animal): self.initialize_animal(animal) return self.load_measurement_data_from_current_animal(measu) def load_measurement_data_without_list_file( self, raw_data_files, sampling_rate, LE_loadExp, animal='unspecified_animal'): """ Load data into VIEW directly from raw data files without needing measurement list files :param sequence raw_data_files: list of raw data files. Must be compatible with the flag `LE_loadExp` :param float sampling_rate: in Hz, number of frames measured per second :param LE_loadExp: value of the flag of the same name, please see its documentation :param str animal: optional animal tag """ self.flags.update_flags({"LE_loadExp": LE_loadExp}) self.p1 = get_empty_p1(LE_loadExp=self.flags["LE_loadExp"]) # needed for looking if a usable area file exists self.flags.update_flags({'STG_ReportTag': animal}) self.p1.load_without_metadata(filenames=raw_data_files, flags=self.flags, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) def export_movie_for_current_measurement(self): """ Export a movie with the current flag settings and for the measurement data currently loaded :return: str, path of the movie output file written or output directory for when mv_exportFormat='single_tif' """ if self.p1.sig1 is None: self.calculate_signals() movie_dir_path = pl.Path(self.flags.get_op_movie_dir()) movie_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) measurement_row = self.measurement_list.get_row_by_measu(self.flags["STG_Measu"]) user_spec_label = self.flags.get_measurement_label(measurement_row) op_filepath_stem = str(movie_dir_path / user_spec_label) if self.p1.sig1 is None: self.calculate_signals() return export_movie(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1, full_filename_without_extension=op_filepath_stem) def get_roi_info_for_current_animal(self): """ Reads and returns ROI information for the current animal :return: roi_data_dict, roi_file roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and roi data objects as values roi_file: str, file from which ROI information was taken """ roi_data_dict, roi_file = get_roi_io_class(self.flags["RM_ROITrace"]).read(flags=self.flags) return roi_data_dict, roi_file def get_gdm_file_for_current_measurement(self, roi_data_dict=None): """ Creates and returns a GDMFile object containing a list of GDMRow object, each of which contains metadata and the time trace associated with a ROI. If is None, ROIs are interpreted using the flags RM_ROITrace :param dict roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and roi data objects as values :return: roi_data_dict, gdm_file roi_data_dict: a dictionary with ROI labels as keys and ROI data objects as values gdm_file: view.python_core.gdm_generation.gdm_data_classes.GDMFile object """ roi_label_gdm_traces_dict, roi_data_dict = self.get_roi_gdm_traces_dict(roi_data_dict) gdm_file = get_gdm_file(p1=self.p1, flags=self.flags) return gdm_file, roi_data_dict def get_roi_gdm_traces_dict(self, roi_data_dict=None): """ Returns a dictionary of roi labels and corresponding time traces as numpy arrays. If is None, ROIs are interpreted using the flags RM_ROITrace :param dict roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and roi data objects as values :return: roi_data_dict, gdm_file roi_data_dict: a dictionary with ROI labels as keys and ROI data objects as values roi_label_gdm_traces_dict: a dictionary with ROI labels as keys and corresponding time traces as values """ if self.p1.sig1 is None: self.calculate_signals() if roi_data_dict is None: roi_data_dict, roi_file = get_roi_io_class(self.flags["RM_ROITrace"]).read( flags=self.flags, measurement_label=self.p1.metadata.ex_name) roi_label_gdm_traces_dict = get_roi_gdm_traces_dict(p1=self.p1, flags=self.flags, roi_data_dict=roi_data_dict) return roi_label_gdm_traces_dict, roi_data_dict def generate_ctv_response_frame_for_current_measurement(self): """ Reduce 3D signal into 2D response frame by applying CTV function as defined by flags :return: response_frame, 2D numpy.ndarray """ if self.p1.sig1 is None: self.calculate_signals() ctv_handler = get_ctv_handler(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1) return ctv_handler.apply(self.p1.sig1) def generate_overview_for_current_measurement(self): """ Generate an overview of the measurement data currently loaded based on current flags and returns it :return: overview_frame, data_limits, overview_generator_used overview_frame: 2D numpy.ndarray, the overview image in XY format with origin at bottom left data_limits: tuple, the lower and upper limits of data in overview image overview_generator_used: OverviewColorizerAnnotator object used to generate overview """ if self.p1.sig1 is None: self.calculate_signals() return generate_overview_image(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1) def generate_overview_for_output_for_current_measurement(self): """ Generates overview frame and transforms it so that it can be readily used either for plt.imshow or for saving with tifffile.imsave :return: overview_frame, data_limits overview_frame: 2D numpy.ndarray, the overview image in YX format with origin at top right data_limits: tuple, the lower and upper limits of data in overview image """ if self.p1.sig1 is None: self.calculate_signals() return generate_overview_image_for_output(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1) def backup_files(self, files, target_directory): """ Copies all files in to the target directory, inserting "last_used" before suffix :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system :param target_directory: str, pointing to a directory on the file system """ for file in files: file_path = pl.Path(file) target_filename = f"{file_path.stem}_last_used{file_path.suffix}" target_file = pl.Path(target_directory) / target_filename logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Backing up {file} to {target_file}") shutil.copy(file, str(target_file)) def backup_script_flags_configs_for_GDMs(self, files): """ Copies all files in to the traces output folder of the animal currently initialized :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system """ target_directory = self.flags.get_animal_op_dir() self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory) def backup_script_flags_configs_for_movies(self, files): """ Copies all files in to the movies output folder of the animal currently initialized :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system """ target_directory = self.flags.get_op_movie_dir() self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory) def backup_script_flags_configs_for_tapestries(self, files): """ Copies all files in to the tapestries output folder for the animal :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system """ # view_obj = cls() # view_obj.update_flags_from_ymlfile(yml_file) # view_obj.initialize_animal(animal) # target_directory = self.flags.get_op_tapestries_dir() # # # logging does not write anything if the created object is not returned?? Manually writing version # with open(, 'w') as fh: # fh.write(f"VIEW object initialized for offline use. Version: {get_distribution('view').version}") self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory) def get_current_setup_extension(self): return get_setup_extension(self.flags["LE_loadExp"]) def get_measu_label(self, measu): return self.flags.get_measurement_label(measurement_row=self.measurement_list.get_row_by_measu(measu)) def backup_script_flags_configs_for_processed_data_output(self, files, format_name): """ Copies all files in to the output folder for processed data for format in `format_name`. :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system """ target_directory = self.flags.get_processed_data_op_path(format_name) self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory)