import tifffile import numpy as np import yaml import pathlib as pl import datetime as dt import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import logging import os def read_tif_2Dor3D(tif_file, flip_y=True, return_3D=False, load_data=True): """ Read a TIF file into numpy array. TIF file axes are assumed to be TYX or YX :param str tif_file: path of tif file :param bool flip_y: whether to flip Y axis :param bool return_3D: whether to convert 2D to 3D if required :return: numpy.ndarray in XY or XYT format Read metadata and return as dictionary Tiff file could be OME e.g. Live Acquisition, or Fiji :param str tif_file: path of tif file :param bool flip_y: whether to flip Y axis return: numpy array XYT, metadata dictionary """ # if tif_file is str, convert it to path if type(tif_file) == str: tif_file = pl.Path(tif_file) # load metadata # tif_file=animal_list[10] with tifffile.TiffFile(tif_file) as tif: metadata = tif.imagej_metadata # imagej_metadata does not work any more or never worked on stack - read metadata from first frame if metadata is None: metadata = tif.pages[0].description # extract XML tree from metadata into root try: root = ET.fromstring(metadata) metadata_present = True # define namespace for OME data # this uses xTree OME syntax # ns = { "d": "" } # now get all infos that we put into settings file meta_info = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels", ns).attrib # result is a dictionary, for example: # {'ID': 'Pixels:1-0', # 'DimensionOrder': 'XYTZC', # 'Type': 'uint16', # 'SizeX': '1392', # 'SizeY': '1040', # 'SizeZ': '1', # 'SizeC': '1', # 'SizeT': '160', # 'PhysicalSizeX': '6.45', # 'PhysicalSizeY': '6.45', # 'PhysicalSizeZ': '1000', # 'SignificantBits': '14'} # acquisition date as string, e.g. '2021-09-19T16:49:28' AcquisitionDate = root.find("./d:Image/d:AcquisitionDate", ns).text meta_info.update({'AcquisitionDate':AcquisitionDate}) # binning info, e.g. '1x1' Binning = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Channel/d:DetectorSettings", ns).attrib["Binning"] meta_info.update({'Binning':Binning}) # frame interval # relative time of secoond image (first image looks unsafe - often it is blanck. Therefore use frames 2 and 3) time_frame1 = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[2]", ns).attrib["DeltaT"] # relative time of third image time_frame2 = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[3]", ns).attrib["DeltaT"] GDMfreq = (float(time_frame2) - float(time_frame1)) GDMfreq = int(GDMfreq*1000 + 0.5) # unit is ms, rounded meta_info.update({'GDMfreq':str(GDMfreq)}) # exposure time for frame 2 - expecting that to be uniform ExposureTime_ms = float(root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[2]", ns).attrib["ExposureTime"]) ExposureTime_ms = int(1000*ExposureTime_ms) # value in Andor is in seconds meta_info.update({'ExposureTime_ms':str(ExposureTime_ms)}) # columns in .settings that need to be filled here: # get the tif file, including the last directory this_filename = dbb = this_filename[-2] +'/'+ this_filename[-1] meta_info.update({'dbb':dbb}) meta_info.update({'Label':this_filename[-1]}) # PxSzX # replace the Andor name "PhysicalSizeX' with the Galizia name PsSzX meta_info['PsSzX'] = meta_info.pop('PhysicalSizeX') meta_info['PsSzY'] = meta_info.pop('PhysicalSizeY') # PxSzY, e.g. 1.5625 # When was this measurement taken? # first get the time when the measurement was started measurementtime = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(AcquisitionDate) # now add the time of the first frame, since measurement start time ie equal for all measurements in one loop measurementtime_delta = dt.timedelta(seconds=float(time_frame1)) measurementtime = measurementtime + measurementtime_delta # StartTime, e.g. 10:05:04 StartTime = measurementtime.strftime('%H:%M:%S') meta_info.update({'StartTime':StartTime}) # UTC, e.g. 1623229504.482 UTC = measurementtime.timestamp() meta_info.update({'UTCTime':UTC}) except: metadata_present = False meta_info = None #load data if load_data: with tifffile.TiffFile(tif_file) as tif: imagej_hyperstack = tif.asarray() if len(imagej_hyperstack.shape) == 3: # 3D data in TYX format if flip_y: imagej_hyperstack = np.flip(imagej_hyperstack, axis=1) imagej_hyperstack = imagej_hyperstack.swapaxes(0, 2) # return in XYT format # with the Andor camera in Konstanz, run with LA software # the first image in a series is overexposed, we need to check for this # thus, remove first frame if it is outside 3*sd of the mean of the next 10 frames if np.std(imagej_hyperstack[:,:,0]) == 0: #all numbers in first frame are equal logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Read_tif_2Dor3D in {os.path.basename(__file__)}: removed first frame because no information present") imagej_hyperstack = imagej_hyperstack[:,:,1:] if metadata_present: SizeT = str(int(meta_info['SizeT']) - 1 ) meta_info.update({'SizeT':SizeT}) # this only works if ALL pixels in the first frame are overexposed # therefore, additionally, if first frame is outside the noise # defined here as 2 times SD in the first 15 frames else: #check condition line = imagej_hyperstack.mean(axis=(0,1)) condition = (line[0] > (np.mean(line[1:15]) + 2*np.std(line[1:15]))) if condition: logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Read_tif_2Dor3D in {os.path.basename(__file__)}: removed first frame because average value above noise") imagej_hyperstack = imagej_hyperstack[:,:,1:] if metadata_present: SizeT = str(int(meta_info['SizeT']) - 1 ) meta_info.update({'SizeT':SizeT}) # read 2D tif data elif len(imagej_hyperstack.shape) == 2: # 2D data in YX format if flip_y: imagej_hyperstack = np.flip(imagej_hyperstack, axis=0) # YX to XY format imagej_hyperstack = imagej_hyperstack.swapaxes(0, 1) if return_3D: imagej_hyperstack = np.stack([imagej_hyperstack], axis=2) else: imagej_hyperstack = None return imagej_hyperstack, meta_info # end read_ometif_metadict def read_single_file_fura_tif(tif_file): """ Read FURA data from . Assume input file has the format TWYX, where W is wavelength and this dimension has size 2. :param str tif_file: absolute path of the file on file system :rtype: data_340, data_380 data_340: 340nm data as an numpy.ndarray, format XYT data_380: 380nm data as an numpy.ndarray, format XYT """ data_in = tifffile.imread(tif_file) data_in = np.flip(data_in, axis=1) # format TWYX # split data, each will have format TYX data_340 = data_in[:, 1, :, :] data_380 = data_in[:, 0, :, :] return data_340.swapaxes(0, 2), data_380.swapaxes(0, 2) # return in format XYT def write_tif_2Dor3D(array_xy_or_xyt, tif_file, dtype=None, scale_data=False, labels=None): """ Write a 2D or a 3D numpy array to a TIFF file with data type format . If is None, data is written in its own data type. Else, the function will try to safely cast data in to . If it is not possible and is True, data is scaled to fit the dynamic range of and written to disc. Else an error is raised :param numpy.ndarray array_xy_or_xyt: array to be written :param str tif_file: name of file to which data is to be written :param dtype: data type format to use. Must be a valid numerical numpy dtype ( :param str|Sequence labels: a str or 1 member sequence when is 2D, else a sequence with the same size as the last (3rd) dimension of """ if dtype is None: array_cast = array_xy_or_xyt else: if issubclass(dtype, np.integer): info = np.iinfo(dtype) elif issubclass(dtype, np.flexible): info = np.finfo(dtype) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid dtype. Please specify a valid numerical numpy dtype " "(") if np.can_cast(array_xy_or_xyt, dtype): array_cast = array_xy_or_xyt.astype(dtype) elif scale_data: array_min, array_max = array_xy_or_xyt.min(), array_xy_or_xyt.max() array_xy_or_xyt_0_1 = (array_xy_or_xyt - array_min) / (array_max - array_min) array_scaled = info.min + array_xy_or_xyt_0_1 * (info.max - info.min) array_cast = array_scaled.astype(dtype) else: raise ValueError( f"The values in the specified array could not be safely cast into the specified dtype ({dtype})." f"If you want the values in the specified array to be scaled into the dynamic range of {dtype}, " f"set the argument to True") # flip Y axis array_cast = np.flip(array_cast, axis=1) if type(labels) is str: labels = [labels] if len(array_cast.shape) == 2: array_to_write = array_cast.swapaxes(0, 1) # from XY to YX if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == 1, \ f"Expected one label to write along with a one page TIF. Got ({len(labels)})" elif len(array_cast.shape) == 3: array_to_write = array_cast.swapaxes(0, 2) # from XYT to TYX if labels is not None: assert len(labels) == array_cast.shape[2], \ f"Expected {array_cast.shape[2]} labels two write along with array with shape {array_cast.shape}. " \ f"Got {len(labels)}" else: raise ValueError("This function can only write 2D or 3D arrays") kwargs = {"description": None} if labels is not None: kwargs["description"] = "Labels=" + ";;".join(labels) tifffile.imwrite(file=tif_file, data=array_to_write, **kwargs) def read_check_yml_file(yml_filename, expected_type=None): """ Reads flags from , applies some checks and returns them :param yml_filename: str, path of a .yml file :param expected_type: any, if specified, as assertion error is raised if contents of the yml file is not of the specfied type :return: any, depending of contents of the yml file """ with open(yml_filename, 'r') as fle: yml_contents = yaml.load(fle, yaml.SafeLoader) if expected_type is not None: assert type(yml_contents) is expected_type, f"YML file {yml_filename} was expected to contain " \ f"{expected_type} data," \ f"found, {type(yml_contents)} instead" return yml_contents def write_yml(yml_filename, to_write): with open(yml_filename, 'w') as fle: yaml.dump(to_write, fle, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) def read_lsm(path): """ takes a path to a lsm file, reads the file with the tifffile lib and returns a np array """ data_cut = tifffile.imread(path) data_cut_rot = np.swapaxes(data_cut, 0, 2) data_cut_rot_flip = np.flip(data_cut_rot, axis=1) return data_cut_rot_flip def load_pst(filename): """ read tillvision based .pst files as uint16. """ # filename can have an extension (e.g. .pst), or not # reading stack size from inf # inf_path = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.inf' # this does not work for /data/030725bR.pst\\dbb10F, remove extension by hand, # assuming it is exactly 3 elements if filename.endswith(".pst") or filename.endswith(".ps"): filepath = pl.Path(filename) else: filepath = pl.Path(f"{filename}.pst") if not filepath.is_file(): filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".ps") assert filepath.is_file(), \ f"Could not find either of the following raw data files:\n{filename}.pst\n{filename}.ps" meta = {} with open(filepath.with_suffix(".inf"), 'r') as fh: # for line in fh.readlines(): try: k, v = line.strip().split('=') meta[k] = v except: pass # reading stack from pst shape = np.int32((meta['Width'], meta['Height'], meta['Frames'])) expected_units = assert filepath.stat().st_size >= 2 * expected_units, \ f"Expected at least {2 * expected_units} bytes in {filepath}. Found {filepath.stat().st_size}" raw = np.fromfile(filepath, dtype='int16', count=expected_units) data = np.reshape(raw, shape, order='F') # was swapping x, y axes; commented out to retain original order # data = data.swapaxes(0,1) # data is upside down as compared to what we see in TillVision data = np.flip(data, axis=1) data = data.astype('uint16') return data