import pkg_resources import pathlib as pl import re import pandas as pd import textfsm import yaml def get_template(): """ Read and return internal metadata definition as a DataFrame with internal metadata names as indices :return: pandas.DataFrame """ pro_template_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'view', "idl_folder_translation/pro_fsm_template.txt") return pro_template_file def parse_pro_file(pro_file): """ Parse a .pro file to extract flag and measurement info for tapestry config files :param str pro_file: path of a .pro file :return: pandas.Dataframe """ pro_template = get_template() with open(pro_file) as fle: raw_pro_file_str = with open(pro_template) as fh: re_table = textfsm.TextFSM(fh) pro_data = re_table.ParseText(text=raw_pro_file_str) pro_data_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=re_table.header, data=pro_data) return pro_data_df def parse_animal_tag(pro_file): """ Given a .pro file, parse the filename to extract the animal tag :param str pro_file: path of a .pro file :return: animal tag :rtype: str """ pro_filename = pl.Path(pro_file).name match = re.fullmatch("gr[^_]*_(\w+).pro", pro_filename, re.IGNORECASE) if not match: raise ValueError(f"Could not figure out the animal id of the pro file: {pro_file}") return def convert_pro_to_tapestry_config(input_pro_file, output_yml_file, animal_tag, flags_to_override): """ Parse info in a .pro file and convert it to a tapestry config file :param str input_pro_file: path of an input .pro file :param str output_yml_file: path of the output yml file to be created :param dict flags_to_override: these flags will override flags from .pro file if present, else be added """ pro_df = parse_pro_file(input_pro_file) yml_dict = {} flags_to_change = {} for row_ind, row in pro_df.iterrows(): if row["measus"]: measus = [int(x) for x in row["measus"]] yml_dict[f"row{row_ind}"] = {"measus": measus} else: flags_to_change = {k: v for k, v in zip(row["flag_names"], row["flag_values"])} first_row_key = list(yml_dict.keys())[0] flags_final = {} for k, v in flags_to_change.items(): if k in ["scalemin", "scalemax"]: flags_final[f"SO_MV_{k}"] = v flags_final["SO_individualScale"] = 0 else: flags_final[k] = v flags_final.update(flags_to_override) yml_dict[first_row_key]["flags"] = flags_final yml_dict[first_row_key]["animal"] = animal_tag with open(output_yml_file, 'w') as fh: yaml.dump(yml_dict, fh, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)