1012 B

Preprocessed structural data from the studyforrest project

This dataset contains the results of an fMRIprep-based, anatomical preprocessing workflow of structural studyforrest data (

All results are fully and automatically reproducible with datalad. The details of this workflow are described at

Software requirements for automatic recomputation

How to recompute

First, clone this dataset with DataLad. Next, take a look at the Git history of the data and identify the 40-character long commit shasum of a single-subject computation, then use this shasum in a datalad rerun command:

$ datalad rerun a95484c793793b7274dbef5239e0cc3d315ca0fe

How to obtain data without recomputation

First, cline this dataset with DataLad. Next, retrieve any file(s) of your choice with the datalad get command.