from import Callable from types import MappingProxyType from typing import ( Any, Dict, ) from PySide6.QtCore import ( QDir, Qt, Signal, ) from PySide6.QtWidgets import ( QCheckBox, QComboBox, QFileDialog, QHBoxLayout, QLineEdit, QSpinBox, QToolButton, QWidget, QMessageBox, ) from .resource_provider import gooey_resources from .utils import _NoValue class GooeyParamWidgetMixin: """API mixin for QWidget to get/set parameter specifications Any parameter widget implementation should also derive from this class, and implement, at minimum, `_set_gooey_param_value_in_widget()` and wire the input widget up in a way that `_set_gooey_param_value()` receives any value a user entered in the widget. The main API used by the GUI generator are `set_gooey_param_spec()`, `get_gooey_param_spec()`, and `init_gooey_from_params()`. They take care of providing a standard widget behavior across all widget types, such as, not returning values if they do not deviate from the default. """ value_changed = Signal(MappingProxyType) """Signal to be emitted whenever a parameter value is changed. The signal payload type matches the return value of `get_gooey_param_spec()`""" def set_gooey_param_spec( self, name: str, default=_NoValue): """Called by the command UI generator to set parameter name, and a default. """ self._gooey_param_name = name # always store here for later inspection by get_gooey_param_spec() self._gooey_param_default = default self._gooey_param_value = _NoValue self._gooey_param_prev_value = _NoValue def init_gooey_from_params(self, spec: Dict) -> None: """Slot to receive changes of parameter values (self or other) There can be parameter value reports for multiple parameters at once. The default implementation calls a widgets implementation of self._init_gooey_from_other_params(), followed by self.set_gooey_param_value() with any value of a key that matches the parameter name, and afterwards call self._set_gooey_param_value_in_widget() to reflect the value change in the widget. If a widget prefers or needs to handle updates differently, this method can be reimplemented. Any reimplementation must call self._set_gooey_param_value() though. Parameters ---------- spec: dict Mapping of parameter names to new values, in the same format and semantics as the return value of get_gooey_param_spec(). """ # first let a widget reconfigure itself, before a value is set self._init_gooey_from_other_params(spec) if self._gooey_param_name in spec: val = spec[self._gooey_param_name] self._set_gooey_param_value(val) # let widget implementation actually set the value self._set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(val) def get_gooey_param_spec(self) -> Dict: """Called by the command UI generator to get a parameter specification Return a mapping of the parameter name to the gathered value or _NoValue when no value was gathered, or the gather value is not different from the default) """ val = self._gooey_param_value return {self._gooey_param_name: val} \ if val != self._gooey_param_default \ else {self._gooey_param_name: _NoValue} def emit_gooey_value_changed(self): """Slot to connect "changed" signals of underlying input widgets too It emits the standard Gooey `value_changed` signal with the current Gooey `param_spec` as value. """ self.value_changed.emit(MappingProxyType(self.get_gooey_param_spec())) def _set_gooey_param_value(self, value): """Set a particular value in the widget. The `value_changed` signal is emitted a the given value differs from the current value. The actual value setting in the widget is performed by _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget() which must be implemented for each widget type. """ # what we had self._gooey_param_prev_value = self._gooey_param_value # what we have now self._gooey_param_value = value if self._gooey_param_prev_value != value: # an actual change, emit corresponding signal self.emit_gooey_value_changed() def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): """Implement to set a particular value in the target widget. Any implementation must be able to handle `_NoValue` """ raise NotImplementedError def set_gooey_param_validator(self, validator: Callable) -> None: """Set a validator callable that can be used by the widget for input validation """ self._gooey_param_validator = validator def set_gooey_param_docs(self, docs: str) -> None: """Present documentation on the parameter in the widget The default implementation assigns the documentation to a widget-wide tooltip. """ # recycle the docs as widget tooltip, this is more compact than # having to integrate potentially lengthy text into the layout self.setToolTip(docs) def _init_gooey_from_other_params(self, spec: Dict) -> None: """Implement to init based on other parameter's values Can be reimplemented to act on context changes that require a reinitialization of a widget. For example, update a list of remotes after changing the reference dataset. """ pass def load_parameter_widget( parent: QWidget, pwid_factory: Callable, name: str, docs: str, default: Any = _NoValue, validator: Callable or None = None) -> QWidget: """ """ pwid = pwid_factory(parent=parent) if validator: pwid.set_gooey_param_validator(validator) pwid.set_gooey_param_docs(docs) # set any default last, as they might need a validator, # docs, and all other bits in place already for an editor or # validation to work pwid.set_gooey_param_spec(name, default) return pwid # # Parameter widget implementations # class ChoiceParamWidget(QComboBox, GooeyParamWidgetMixin): def __init__(self, choices=None, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox.NoInsert) # TODO: We may need to always have --none-- as an option. # That's b/c of specs like EnsureChoice('a', 'b') | EnsureNone() # with default None. if choices: for c in choices: self._add_item(c) else: # avoid making the impression something could be selected self.setPlaceholderText('No known choices') self.setDisabled(True) self.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._handle_input) self._adjust_width() def _adjust_width(self, max_chars=80, margin_chars=3): if not self.count(): return self.setMinimumContentsLength( min( max_chars, max(len(self.itemText(r)) for r in range(self.count())) + margin_chars ) ) def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): self.setCurrentText(self._gooey_map_val2label(value)) def _handle_input(self): self._set_gooey_param_value(self.currentData()) def _add_item(self, value) -> None: # we add items, and we stick their real values in too # to avoid tricky conversion via str self.addItem(self._gooey_map_val2label(value), userData=value) def _gooey_map_val2label(self, val): return '--none--' if val is None else str(val) class PosIntParamWidget(QSpinBox, GooeyParamWidgetMixin): def __init__(self, allow_none=False, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) if allow_none: self.setMinimum(-1) self.setSpecialValueText('none') else: # this is not entirely correct, but large enough for any practical # purpose # TODO libshiboken: Overflow: Value 9223372036854775807 exceedsi # limits of type [signed] "i" (4bytes). # Do we need to set a maximum value at all? #self.setMaximum(sys.maxsize) pass self._allow_none = allow_none self.valueChanged.connect(self._handle_input) def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): # generally assumed to be int and fit in the range self.setValue(-1 if value is None and self._allow_none else value) def _handle_input(self): val = self.value() # convert special value -1 back to None self._set_gooey_param_value( None if val == -1 and self._allow_none else val ) class BoolParamWidget(QCheckBox, GooeyParamWidgetMixin): def __init__(self, allow_none=False, parent=None) -> None: super().__init__(parent) if allow_none: self.setTristate(True) self.stateChanged.connect(self._handle_input) def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): if value not in (True, False): # if the value is not representable by a checkbox # leave it in "partiallychecked". In cases where the # default is something like `None`, we can distinguish # a user not having set anything different from the default, # even if the default is not a bool self.setCheckState(Qt.PartiallyChecked) else: # otherwise flip the switch accordingly self.setChecked(value) def _handle_input(self): state = self.checkState() # convert to bool/None self._set_gooey_param_value( None if state == Qt.PartiallyChecked else state == Qt.Checked ) class StrParamWidget(QLineEdit, GooeyParamWidgetMixin): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setPlaceholderText('Not set') self.textChanged.connect(self._handle_input) def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): if value in (_NoValue, None): # we treat both as "unset" self.clear() else: self.setText(str(value)) def _handle_input(self): self._set_gooey_param_value(self.text()) class PathParamWidget(QWidget, GooeyParamWidgetMixin): def __init__(self, basedir=None, pathtype: QFileDialog.FileMode = QFileDialog.AnyFile, disable_manual_edit: bool = False, parent=None): """Supported `pathtype` values are - `QFileDialog.AnyFile` - `QFileDialog.ExistingFile` - `QFileDialog.Directory` """ super().__init__(parent) self._basedir = basedir self._pathtype = pathtype hl = QHBoxLayout() # squash the margins to fit into a list widget item as much as possible margins = hl.contentsMargins() # we stay with the default left/right, but minimize vertically hl.setContentsMargins(margins.left(), 0, margins.right(), 0) self.setLayout(hl) # the main widget is a simple line edit self._edit = QLineEdit(self) if disable_manual_edit: # in e.g. simplified mode we do not allow manual entry of paths # to avoid confusions re interpretation of relative paths # self._edit.setDisabled(True) self._edit.setPlaceholderText('Not set') self._edit.textChanged.connect(self._handle_input) self._edit.textEdited.connect(self._handle_input) hl.addWidget(self._edit) # next to the line edit, we place to small button to facilitate # selection of file/directory paths by a browser dialog. if pathtype in ( QFileDialog.AnyFile, QFileDialog.ExistingFile): file_button = QToolButton(self) file_button.setToolTip( 'Select path' if pathtype == QFileDialog.AnyFile else 'Select file') file_button.setIcon( gooey_resources.get_best_icon( 'path' if pathtype == QFileDialog.AnyFile else 'file')) hl.addWidget(file_button) # wire up the slots file_button.clicked.connect(self._select_path) if pathtype in ( QFileDialog.AnyFile, QFileDialog.Directory): # we use a dedicated directory selector. # on some platforms the respected native # dialogs are different... so we go with two for the best "native" # experience dir_button = QToolButton(self) dir_button.setToolTip('Choose directory') dir_button.setIcon(gooey_resources.get_best_icon('directory')) hl.addWidget(dir_button) dir_button.clicked.connect( lambda: self._select_path(dirs_only=True)) def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): if value and value is not _NoValue: self._edit.setText(str(value)) else: self._edit.clear() def _handle_input(self): val = self._edit.text() # treat an empty path as None self._set_gooey_param_value(val if val else None) def set_gooey_param_docs(self, docs: str) -> None: # only use edit tooltip for the docs, and let the buttons # have their own self._edit.setToolTip(docs) def _select_path(self, dirs_only=False): dialog = QFileDialog(self) dialog.setFileMode( QFileDialog.Directory if dirs_only else self._pathtype) dialog.setOption(QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks) if self._basedir: # we have a basedir, so we can be clever dialog.setDirectory(str(self._basedir)) # we need to turn on 'System' in order to get broken symlinks # too if not dirs_only: dialog.setFilter(dialog.filter() | QDir.System) dialog.finished.connect(self._select_path_receiver) def _select_path_receiver(self, result_code: int): """Internal slot to receive the outcome of _select_path() dialog""" if not result_code: if not self._edit.isEnabled(): # if the selection was canceled, clear the path, # otherwise users have no ability to unset a pervious # selection self._set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(_NoValue) # otherwise just keep the present value as-is return dialog = self.sender() paths = dialog.selectedFiles() if paths: # ignores any multi-selection # TODO prevent or support specifically self._set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(paths[0]) def _init_gooey_from_other_params(self, spec: Dict) -> None: if self._gooey_param_name == 'dataset': # prevent update from self return if 'dataset' in spec: self._basedir = spec['dataset'] class CfgProcParamWidget(ChoiceParamWidget): """Choice widget with items from `run_procedure(discover=True)`""" def __init__(self, choices=None, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) def _init_gooey_from_other_params(self, spec: Dict) -> None: if self.count() and spec.get('dataset', _NoValue) is _NoValue: # we have items and no context change is required return # we have no items yet, or the dataset has changed: query! # reset first while self.count(): self.removeItem(0) from datalad.local.run_procedure import RunProcedure for res in RunProcedure.__call__( dataset=spec.get('dataset'), discover=True, return_type='generator', result_renderer='disabled', on_failure='ignore', ): proc_name = res.get('procedure_name', '') if res.get('status') != 'ok' \ or not proc_name.startswith('cfg_'): # not a good config procedure continue # strip 'cfg_' prefix, even when reporting, we do not want it # because commands like `create()` put it back themselves self._add_item(proc_name[4:]) if self.count(): self.setEnabled(True) self.setPlaceholderText('Select procedure') class SiblingChoiceParamWidget(ChoiceParamWidget): """Choice widget with items from `siblings()`""" def __init__(self, choices=None, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self._saw_dataset = False self._set_placeholder_msg() def _set_placeholder_msg(self): if not self._saw_dataset: self.setPlaceholderText('Select dataset first') elif not self.count(): self.setPlaceholderText('No known siblings') else: self.setPlaceholderText('Select sibling') def _init_gooey_from_other_params(self, spec: Dict) -> None: if 'dataset' not in spec: # we have items and no context change is required return self._saw_dataset = True # the dataset has changed: query! # reset first self.clear() from datalad.distribution.siblings import Siblings from import ( CapturedException, NoDatasetFound, ) try: for res in Siblings.__call__( dataset=spec['dataset'], action='query', return_type='generator', result_renderer='disabled', on_failure='ignore', ): sibling_name = res.get('name') if (not sibling_name or res.get('status') != 'ok' or res.get('type') != 'sibling' or (sibling_name == 'here' # be robust with Path objects and res.get('path') == str(spec['dataset']))): # not a good sibling continue self._add_item(sibling_name) except NoDatasetFound as e: CapturedException(e) # TODO this should happen upon validation of the # `dataset` parameter value QMessageBox.critical( self, 'No dataset selected', 'The path selected for the dataset parameter ' 'does not point to a valid dataset. ' 'Please select another path!' ) self._saw_dataset = False # always update the placeholder, even when no items were created, # because we have no seen a dataset, and this is the result self._set_placeholder_msg() if self.count(): self.setEnabled(True) class CredentialChoiceParamWidget(QComboBox, GooeyParamWidgetMixin): """Choice widget with items from `credentials()`""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.setEditable(True) self.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox.InsertAtTop) self.setEnabled(True) self.currentTextChanged.connect(self._handle_input) self.setSizeAdjustPolicy( QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon) self.setPlaceholderText('--auto--') self._saw_dataset = False def _init_gooey_from_other_params(self, spec: Dict) -> None: if 'dataset' not in spec: # we have items and no context change is required return self._saw_dataset = True self._init_choices( spec['dataset'] if spec['dataset'] != _NoValue else None) def _init_choices(self, dataset=None): # the dataset has changed: query! # reset first self.clear() from datalad_next.credentials import Credentials from import ( CapturedException, NoDatasetFound, ) self.addItem('') try: for res in Credentials.__call__( dataset=dataset, action='query', return_type='generator', result_renderer='disabled', on_failure='ignore', ): name = res.get('name') if (not name or res.get('status') != 'ok' or res.get('type') != 'credential'): # not a good sibling continue self.addItem(name) except NoDatasetFound as e: CapturedException(e) # TODO this should happen upon validation of the # `dataset` parameter value QMessageBox.critical( self, 'No dataset selected', 'The path selected for the dataset parameter ' 'does not point to a valid dataset. ' 'Please select another path!' ) self._saw_dataset = False def _set_gooey_param_value_in_widget(self, value): self.setCurrentText(value or '') def _handle_input(self): self._set_gooey_param_value( self.currentText() or _NoValue)