import threading from textwrap import wrap from types import MappingProxyType from typing import ( List, Tuple, ) from queue import Queue from PySide6.QtCore import ( QObject, Signal, Slot, ) from PySide6.QtWidgets import ( QInputDialog, QLineEdit, QProgressBar, ) from datalad.ui.dialog import DialogUI from datalad.ui.progressbars import ProgressBarBase class DataladQtUIBridge(QObject): """Private class handling the DataladUI->QtUI bridging This is meant to be used by the GooeyUI singleton. """ # signal to be emmitted when message() was called message_received = Signal(str) question_asked = Signal(MappingProxyType) progress_update_received = Signal() def __init__(self, app): super().__init__() self._app = app self._conlog = app.get_widget('commandLog') # establishing this signal/slot connection is the vehicle # with which worker threads can thread-safely send messages # to the UI for display self.message_received.connect(self.show_message) # do not use this queue without an additional global lock # that covers the entire time from emitting the signal # that will lead to queue usage, until the queue is emptied # again self.messageq = Queue(maxsize=1) self.question_asked.connect(self.get_answer) # progress reporting # there is a single progress bar that tracks overall progress. # if multiple processes report progress simultaneously, # if report average progress across all of them self._progress_trackers = {} pbar = QProgressBar(app.main_window) # hide by default pbar.hide() self._progress_bar = pbar self.progress_update_received.connect(self.update_progressbar) self._progress_threadlock = threading.Lock() @Slot(str) def show_message(self, msg): self._conlog.appendPlainText(msg) @Slot(str) def get_answer(self, props: dict): if props.get('choices') is None: # we are asking for a string response, ok = self._get_text_answer( props['title'], props['text'], props.get('default'), props.get('hidden', False), ) # TODO implement internal repeat on request else: response, ok = self._get_choice( props['title'], props['text'], props['choices'], props.get('default'), ) # place in message Q for the asking thread to retrieve self.messageq.put((ok, response)) @property def progress_bar(self): return self._progress_bar def update_progressbar(self): with self._progress_threadlock: if not len(self._progress_trackers): self._progress_bar.hide() return progress = [ # assuming numbers c / t for c, t in self._progress_trackers.values() # ignore any tracker that has no total # TODO QProgressBar could also be a busy indicator # for those if t ] if not progress: # we have ignore a progress tracker and now we have nothing return progress = sum(progress) / len(progress) # default range setup is 0..100 self._progress_bar.setValue(progress * 100) def _update_from_progressbar(self, pbar): # called from within exec threads pbar_id = id(pbar) self._progress_trackers[pbar_id] = (pbar.current, self.progress_update_received.emit() def start_progress_tracker(self, pbar, initial=0): # called from within exec threads # GooeyUIProgress has applied the update already self._update_from_progressbar(pbar) def update_progress_tracker( self, pbar, size, increment=False, total=None): # called from within exec threads # GooeyUIProgress has applied the update already self._update_from_progressbar(pbar) def finish_progress_tracker(self, pbar): # called from within exec threads with self._progress_threadlock: del self._progress_trackers[id(pbar)] self.progress_update_received.emit() def _get_text_answer(self, title: str, label: str, default: str = None, hidden: bool = False) -> Tuple: return QInputDialog.getText( # parent self._app.main_window, # dialog title title, # input widget label # we have to perform manual wrapping, QInputDialog won't do it '\n'.join(wrap(label, 70)), # input widget echo mode # this could also be QLineEdit.Password for more hiding QLineEdit.Password if hidden else QLineEdit.Normal, # input widget default text default or '', # TODO look into the following for UI-internal input validation #inputMethodHints= ) def _get_choice(self, title: str, label: str, choices: List, default: str = None) -> Tuple: return QInputDialog.getItem( # parent self._app.main_window, # dialog title title, # input widget label # we have to perform manual wrapping, QInputDialog won't do it '\n'.join(wrap(label, 70)), choices, # input widget default choice id choices.index(default) if default else 0, ) class GooeyUI(DialogUI): # It may be possible to not derive from datalad class here, but for datalad # commands to not fail to talk to the UI (specially progressbars), # need to figure a bit more details of what to implement here. So, just derive # to not have most commands fail with AttributeError etc. #class GooeyUI: """Adapter between the Gooey Qt UI and DataLad's UI API""" _singleton = None _threadlock = threading.Lock() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._singleton: with cls._threadlock: if not cls._singleton: cls._singleton = super().__new__(cls) return cls._singleton def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._app = None def set_app(self, gooey_app) -> DataladQtUIBridge: """Connect the UI to a Gooey app providing the UI to use""" self._uibridge = DataladQtUIBridge(gooey_app) return self._uibridge # # the datalad API needed # def is_interactive(self): return True def message(self, msg: str, cr: str = '\n'): self._uibridge.message_received.emit(msg) # TODO handle `cr`, but this could be trickier... # handling a non-block addition, may require custom insertion # via cursor, see below for code that would need # to go in DataladQtUIBridge.show_message() #cursor = self._conlog.textCursor() #cursor.insertText(msg) #self._conlog.cursorPositionChanged.emit() #self._conlog.textChanged.emit() def question(self, text, title=None, choices=None, default=None, hidden=False, repeat=None): with self._threadlock: assert self._uibridge.messageq.empty() # acquire the lock before we emit the signal # to make sure that our signal is the only one putting an answer in # the queue self._uibridge.question_asked.emit(MappingProxyType(dict( title=title, text=text, choices=choices, default=default, hidden=hidden, repeat=repeat, ))) # this will block until the queue has the answer ok, answer = self._uibridge.messageq.get() if not ok: # This would happen if the user has pressed the CANCEL button. # DataLadUI seems to have no means to deal with this other than # exception, so here we behave as if the user had Ctrl+C'ed the # CLI. # MIH is not confident that this is how it is supposed to be raise KeyboardInterrupt return answer #def error #def input #def yesno def get_progressbar(self, *args, **kwargs): # all arguments are ignored return GooeyUIProgress(self._uibridge, *args, **kwargs) class GooeyUIProgress(ProgressBarBase): def __init__(self, uibridge, *args, **kwargs): # some of these do not make sense (e.g. `out`), just pass # them along and forget about them # but it also brings super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._uibridge = uibridge def start(self, initial=0): super().start(initial=initial) self._uibridge.start_progress_tracker(self, initial) def update(self, size, increment=False, total=None): super().update(size, increment=increment, total=total) self._uibridge.update_progress_tracker( self, size, increment=increment, total=total) def finish(self, clear=False, partial=False): self._uibridge.finish_progress_tracker(self)