{ "Acknowledgements": "We thank Terry Sacket and the rest of the DBIC (Dartmouth Brain Imaging Center) personnel for assistance in data collection, and Yaroslav Halchenko and Matteo Visconti for preparing BIDS dataset. TODO: more", "Authors": [ "TODO:", "First1 Last1", "First2 Last2", "..." ], "BIDSVersion": "1.4.1", "DatasetDOI": "TODO: eventually a DOI for the dataset", "Funding": [ "TODO", "GRANT #1", "GRANT #2" ], "HowToAcknowledge": "TODO: describe how to acknowledge -- either cite a corresponding paper, or just in acknowledgement section", "License": "TODO: choose a license, e.g. PDDL (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/)", "Name": "TODO: name of the dataset", "ReferencesAndLinks": [ "TODO", "List of papers or websites" ] }