import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.lines import Line2D import numpy as np from munch import Munch from .kaux import mergemunch def plot_df(df, plot_order, plot_t, fb_states, fig=None, options=None): """ options: Munch dictionary with keys: show_beginning: 0: don't show beginning of trial trace 1: mark beginning by a symbol > 1: show first number of samples with a heavy line show_end: 0: don't show end of trial trace 1: mark end by a symbol > 1: show last number of samples with a heavy line show_thresholds: T: will use thresholds in fb_states to plot horizontal lines show_median: T: will show median lines for groups """ default_options = Munch({'show_beginning': 1, 'show_end': 2, 'show_thresholds': True, 'show_median':True}) if options is None: options = default_options else: options = Munch(mergemunch(default_options, options)) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(34, figsize=(16, 4)) fig.clf() n_rows = np.max([x.r for x in plot_order.p]) + 1 n_c = np.max([x.c for x in plot_order.p]) + 1 n_cols = len(plot_order.s) * n_c axs = fig.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, False, True, squeeze=False) for i, s in enumerate(plot_order.s): good_sample_idx = f'{s.dcol}_good' xtr_n = plot_t[s.dcol].twin xtr_n = xtr_n - xtr_n[0] xtr_n = xtr_n / xtr_n[-1] i_c = i i_r = 0 if s.dcol == 'stimulus_start_samples': stim_end_t = np.mean((df.stimulus_stop - df.stimulus_start) / 3e4) # rect = patches.Rectangle((0.0,0.0), stim_end_t, 1, linewidth=1, edgecolor='none', facecolor=(.01,.01,.01,.14)) # axs[i_c].add_patch(rect) for (st, vals) in fb_states.items(): axs[i_r, i_c].plot([0, stim_end_t], [vals[0], vals[0]], lw=4, ls='-', c=plot_order.state[st].c, alpha=.99, clip_on=False) axs[i_r, i_c].text(0, vals[0] + .02, plot_order.state[st].d, c=plot_order.state[st].c, alpha=1) for jj, pp in enumerate(plot_order.p): pdd = df[pp.sel(df)] if len(pdd) == 0: continue i_c = i + pp.c * len(plot_order.s) i_r = pp.r axs[i_r, i_c].spines['top'].set_visible(False) axs[i_r, i_c].spines['right'].set_visible(False) # if s.dcol == 'stimulus_start_samples': # stim_end_t = np.mean((df.stimulus_stop - df.stimulus_start) / 3e4) # # axs[i_r, i_c].plot([0, stim_end_t], [fb_states[pp.t][0], fb_states[pp.t][0]], lw=4, ls='-', # c=plot_order.state[pp.t].c, alpha=.99, clip_on=False) # axs[i_r, i_c].text(0, fb_states[pp.t][0] + .02, plot_order.state[pp.t].d, c=plot_order.state[pp.t].c, # alpha=1) for ix, pd_row in pdd.iterrows(): if pd_row[s.dcol] is None: continue y = pd_row[s.dcol][pd_row[good_sample_idx]] xtr = plot_t[s.dcol].twin[pd_row[good_sample_idx]] if s.norm: xtr = xtr - xtr[0] xtr = xtr / xtr[-1] axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr, y, c=pp.col, alpha=.3, lw=.8) if options.show_beginning == 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[0], y[0], c=pp.col, alpha=.3, lw=.8, marker='o', markersize=2) elif options.show_beginning > 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[:(options.show_beginning - 1)], y[:(options.show_beginning - 1)], c=pp.col, alpha=.8, lw=1.5) if options.show_end == 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[-1], y[-1], c=pp.col, alpha=.3, lw=.8, marker='o', markersize=2) elif options.show_end > 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[(-options.show_end ):], y[(-options.show_end ):], c=pp.col, alpha=.8, lw=1.5) # axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr_n, pd_row['response_start_samples_norm'], c=plot_order.cols[i_col], alpha=.3, lw=1) if options.show_median and not pdd[s.dcol].empty: if s.norm: all_traces = np.vstack(pdd[f'{s.dcol}_norm'].to_numpy()) mean_tr = np.median(all_traces, 0) axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr_n, mean_tr, c=pp.col, alpha=.6, lw=4, else: all_traces = np.vstack(pdd[s.dcol].to_numpy()) mean_tr = np.nanmedian(all_traces, 0) axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin, mean_tr, c=pp.col, alpha=.6, lw=4, axs[i_r, i_c].set_title(f'{s.title} {pp.desc} n={len(pdd)}') if options.show_thresholds: thr = fb_states.up axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin[[0,-1]], [thr[1], thr[1]], linestyle='-', c="#333333", lw=0.5, alpha=.4) thr = fb_states.down axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin[[0,-1]], [thr[2], thr[2]], linestyle='-', c="#333333", lw=0.5, alpha=.4) axs[i_r, i_c].set_xlim(plot_t[s.dcol].t) return fig def plot_df_combined(df, plot_order, plot_t, fb_states, fig=None, options=None): """ options: Munch dictionary with keys: show_beginning: 0: don't show beginning of trial trace 1: mark beginning by a symbol > 1: show first number of samples with a heavy line show_end: 0: don't show end of trial trace 1: mark end by a symbol > 1: show last number of samples with a heavy line show_thresholds: T: will use thresholds in fb_states to plot horizontal lines show_median: T: will show median lines for groups """ default_options = Munch({'show_beginning': 1, 'show_end': 2, 'show_thresholds': True, 'show_median':True}) if options is None: options = default_options else: options = Munch(mergemunch(default_options, options)) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(35, figsize=(16, 4)) fig.clf() n_cols = len(plot_order.s) axs = fig.subplots(1, n_cols, False, True, squeeze=False) for i, s in enumerate(plot_order.s): good_sample_idx = f'{s.dcol}_good' xtr_n = plot_t[s.dcol].twin xtr_n = xtr_n - xtr_n[0] xtr_n = xtr_n / xtr_n[-1] i_c = i i_r = 0 axs[i_r, i_c].set_title(f'{s.title}') if options.show_thresholds: thr = fb_states.up axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin[[0,-1]], [thr[1], thr[1]], linestyle='-', c="#333333", lw=0.5, alpha=.4) thr = fb_states.down axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin[[0,-1]], [thr[2], thr[2]], linestyle='-', c="#333333", lw=0.5, alpha=.4) axs[i_r, i_c].set_xlim(plot_t[s.dcol].t) axs[i_r, i_c].spines['top'].set_visible(False) axs[i_r, i_c].spines['right'].set_visible(False) for jj, pp in enumerate(plot_order.p): pdd = df[pp.sel(df)] if s.dcol == 'stimulus_start_samples': stim_end_t = np.mean((df.stimulus_stop - df.stimulus_start) / 3e4) axs[i_r, i_c].plot([0, stim_end_t], [fb_states[pp.t][0], fb_states[pp.t][0]], lw=4, ls='-', c=plot_order.state[pp.t].c, alpha=.99, clip_on=False) axs[i_r, i_c].text(0, fb_states[pp.t][0] + .02, plot_order.state[pp.t].d, c=plot_order.state[pp.t].c, alpha=1) my_label = f"{pp.desc} (n = {len(pdd)})" for ix, pd_row in pdd.iterrows(): y = pd_row[s.dcol][pd_row[good_sample_idx]] xtr = plot_t[s.dcol].twin[pd_row[good_sample_idx]] if s.norm: xtr = xtr - xtr[0] xtr = xtr / xtr[-1] axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr, y, c=pp.col, alpha=.3, lw=.8,, label=my_label) my_label = None if options.show_beginning == 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[0], y[0], c=pp.col, alpha=.3, lw=.8, marker='o', markersize=2) elif options.show_beginning > 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[:(options.show_beginning - 1)], y[:(options.show_beginning - 1)], c=pp.col, alpha=.8, lw=1.5) if options.show_end == 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[-1], y[-1], c=pp.col, alpha=.3, lw=.8, marker='o', markersize=2) elif options.show_end > 1: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr[(-options.show_end ):], y[(-options.show_end ):], c=pp.col, alpha=.8, lw=1.5) # axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr_n, pd_row['response_start_samples_norm'], c=plot_order.cols[i_col], alpha=.3, lw=1) if options.show_median and not pdd[s.dcol].empty: if s.norm: all_traces = np.vstack(pdd[f'{s.dcol}_norm'].to_numpy()) mean_tr = np.median(all_traces, 0) axs[i_r, i_c].plot(xtr_n, mean_tr, c=pp.col, alpha=.6, lw=4, else: all_traces = np.vstack(pdd[s.dcol].to_numpy()) mean_tr = np.nanmedian(all_traces, 0) axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin, mean_tr, c=pp.col, alpha=.6, lw=4,, label=pp.desc) axs[i_r, i_c].legend() return fig def plot_df_avg(df, plot_order, plot_t, fb_states, fig=None, show_stimulus_start=False): if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(35, figsize=(16, 4)) fig.clf() n_rows = 1 # n_c = len(plot_order.c) n_cols = len(plot_order.s) axs = fig.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, False, True, squeeze=False) i_r = 0 for i, s in enumerate(plot_order.s): good_sample_idx = f'{s.dcol}_good' xtr_n = plot_t[s.dcol].twin xtr_n = xtr_n - xtr_n[0] xtr_n = xtr_n / xtr_n[-1] i_c = i i_r = 0 axs[i_r, i_c].spines['top'].set_visible(False) axs[i_r, i_c].spines['right'].set_visible(False) if s.dcol == 'stimulus_start_samples': stim_end_t = np.mean((df.stimulus_stop - df.stimulus_start) / 3e4) # rect = patches.Rectangle((0.0,0.0), stim_end_t, 1, linewidth=1, edgecolor='none', facecolor=(.01,.01,.01,.14)) # axs[i_c].add_patch(rect) for (st, vals) in fb_states.items(): axs[i_r, i_c].plot([0, stim_end_t], [vals[0], vals[0]], lw=4, ls='-', c=plot_order.state[st].c, alpha=.99, clip_on=False) axs[i_r, i_c].text(0, vals[0] + .02, plot_order.state[st].d, c=plot_order.state[st].c, alpha=1) for jj, pp in enumerate(plot_order.p): pdd = df[pp.sel(df)] i_r = 0 if not pdd[s.dcol].empty: if s.norm: all_traces = np.vstack(pdd[f'{s.dcol}_norm'].to_numpy()) avg_x = xtr_n else: all_traces = np.vstack(pdd[s.dcol].to_numpy()) avg_x = plot_t[s.dcol].twin mean_tr = np.nanmedian(all_traces, 0) perct_tr = np.nanpercentile(all_traces, [25, 75], axis=0) axs[i_r, i_c].plot(avg_x, mean_tr, c=pp.col, alpha=1, lw=pp.lw, clip_on=False, if pp.show_var: axs[i_r, i_c].plot(avg_x, perct_tr[0, :], c=pp.col, alpha=.1, lw=pp.lw, clip_on=False, axs[i_r, i_c].plot(avg_x, perct_tr[1, :], c=pp.col, alpha=.1, lw=pp.lw, clip_on=False, axs[i_r, i_c].fill_between(avg_x, perct_tr[0, :], perct_tr[1, :], alpha=0.20, facecolor=pp.col, edgecolor='none',, lw=1, antialiased=True, clip_on=False) if show_stimulus_start and s.dcol == 'stimulus_stop_samples': stim_start_offset = (pdd.stimulus_start - pdd.stimulus_stop) / 3e4 for x in stim_start_offset: axs[i_r, i_c].axvline(x, c=[0, 0, 0], alpha=.1) thr = fb_states.up # axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin[[0,-1]], [thr[1], thr[1]], linestyle='--', c="#333333") thr = fb_states.down # axs[i_r, i_c].plot(plot_t[s.dcol].twin[[0,-1]], [thr[2], thr[2]], linestyle='--', c="#333333") # axs[i_c].set_ylim([0,1]) if s.norm: axs[i_r, i_c].set_xlim([0, 1]) axs[i_r, i_c].set_xlabel('t (normalized)') else: axs[i_r, i_c].set_xlim(plot_t[s.dcol].t) axs[i_r, i_c].set_xlabel('t [s]') if i_c == 0: axs[i_r, i_c].set_ylabel('normalized neural activity') axs[i_r, i_c].set_title(f'{s.title}') custom_lines = [Line2D([0], [0], color=(.3, .3, .3), lw=2, ls='-'), Line2D([0], [0], color=(.3, .3, .3), lw=2, ls=':')] axs[i_r, n_cols - 1].legend(custom_lines, ['Correct Trials', 'Error Trials']) return fig