--- title: "KIAP Paper figure scripts" author: - Jonas B. Zimmermann date: 18 April 2020 --- # KIAP Paper figure scripts # ## Purpose ## This repository contains Python scripts to reproduce the figures published in the KIAP paper. ## Prerequisites ## 1. A copy of the KIAP BCI dataset. By default, these data should be in a folder `../data` relative to this file. The location can be changed in `basics.py`. 2. The output folder (by default `../out`) has to exist and be writable. 3. Install conda (e.g. https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) 4. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing this file. 5. Create a conda environment: `conda env create -f=environment.yml` 6. Activate the new environment: `conda activate kiap_paper` 7. Run `ipython` 8. From within IPython, run the figure producing scripts: run plot_figures_part_A.py run plot_figure_3A.py run plot_figure_4.py * `plot_figures_part_A.py` contains functions to produce figures 2, 3B, and S2. * `plot_figures_part_B.py` contains functions to produce figure 3A. * `plot_figures_part_C.py` contains functions to produce figure 4. The figures will be saved to the output directory, as eps, pdf, and svg files.