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gin commit from L-1010036236

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Jonas B. Zimmermann vor 3 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 152 neuen und 1 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 152 1

+ 152 - 1

@@ -1,2 +1,153 @@
-# VerbalCommunicationIntracorticalALS
+# Verbal Communication using Intracortical Signals in a Completely Locked In-Patient
+The dataset in this repository accompanies an article published in Nature Communications.
+In case you use the data, please cite the paper:
+Ujwal Chaudhary, Ioannis Vlachos, Jonas B. Zimmermann, Arnau Espinosa, Alessandro Tonin, Andres Jaramillo-Gonzalez, Majid Khalili-Ardali, Helge Topka, Jens Lehmberg, Gerhard M. Friehs, Alain Woodtli, John P. Donoghue, and Niels Birbaumer: Verbal Communication using Intracortical Signals in a Completely Locked In-Patient. Nature Communications, **ToDo: update**.
+## License
+This dataset is share under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). See the `LICENSE` document.
+The Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, Geneva, Switzerland, is the owner of the dataset.
+## Description of the dataset
+This dataset contains intracranial data (threshold crossings converted to multi-unit spike rate
+estimates) as well as behavioral data (events from the BCI software) recorded from one
+participant in a clinical case over a year.
+The dataset contains data from two conditions:
+- auditory neurofeedback
+- speller (training and free)
+In addition, electrode array impedance files as well as neural event files from time points presented in the paper are shared.
+### Neurofeedback blocks
+Neurofeedback trial structure is described in the paper. A list of blocks is given in the Excel file
+`DataOverview.xlsx`, sheet 'neurofeedback'. The name of the datafile corresponds to the files stored in `KIAP_BCI_neurofeedback`. Each block is associated with a spike rate binary data file as well as
+two log files, an `events_*.txt` and an `info_*.log` file.
+The `info` file only contains decoder decision events, while `events` contains other events in the trial as well.
+#### Format of `info` files
+A line in the `info` log file has the following form:
+    2019-07-20 16:34:16.255668	feedback - Decoder decision: unclassified - ('feedback', 'down')
+1. `2019-07-20 16:34:16.255668` Timestamp in local time
+2. `feedback - Decoder decision:` task name
+3. `unclassified`: result of classification. One of {`yes`, `no`, `unclassified`}. `yes`: normalized firing rate crossed upper threshold.
+    `no`: normalized firing rate crossed lower threshold. `unclassified`: trial timed out without crossing the
+    threshold.
+4. `('feedback', 'down')`: task name and target; one of {`up`, `down`}. `up` maps to `yes`, `down` maps to `no`.
+Until 2019-07-19 (inclusive), the result logged was slightly different: Instead of logging the classification result, it
+was logged whether the patient reached the target or not. When the target was reached the result is logged
+as  `yes`, both for `up` and `down` targets. It was logged as `unclassified` in other cases, i.e. when
+the patient did not acquire the target within the timeout period.
+#### Format of `events` files
+Rows in the `events` files have the following format:
+    95862, b'feedback, Training, up, Block, start'
+    501039, b'feedback, Training, up, baseline, start'
+    558534, b'feedback, Training, up, baseline, stop'
+    558534, b'feedback, Training, up, stimulus, start'
+    585989, b'feedback, Training, up, stimulus, stop'
+    592204, b'feedback, Training, up, response, start'
+    659908, b'feedback, Training, up, response, stop'
+    659908, b'feedback, Training, up, Decoder decision is: no'
+    3231064, b'feedback, Training, down, Block, stop'
+1. First, there is a timestamp in sample clock ticks (1 tick = 1/30 millisecond)
+2. The message is enclosed by `b'` and `'`
+3. The message consists of task, mode, target cue, trial period, {start|stop} for trial phase messages
+4. At the end of the trial, there is a 'Decoder decision' message, which can be 'yes' (corresponding to 'up' target), 'no' ('down' target), and 'unclassified' (no class detected).
+5. The log messages should be enclosed in a 'Block, start' and 'Block, stop' message pair. For these
+    block messages, the target is irrelevant.
+Until 2019-07-19 (inclusive), the decoder decision logged was slightly different: Instead of logging the classification result, it
+was logged whether the patient reached the target or not. When the target was reached the result is logged
+as  `yes`, both for `up` and `down` targets. It was logged as `unclassified` in other cases, i.e. when
+the patient did not acquire the target within the timeout period.
+#### Format of `data` files
+Spike rate data files are binary files, consisting of a variable number of data records. Each data record has a header of constant size and a variable number of samples. All multi-byte data are stored in little-endian order.
+Each record consists of the following fields:
+| Field name         | Description                                                                                                                                   | Data Type                            | Length (bytes)               |
+| `Datetime`         | Computer's wall clock timestamp                                                                                                               | `datetime64[us]`                     | 8                            |
+| `NSP time`         | Timestamp of the data acquisition system in sample clock ticks                                                                                | `int64`                              | 8                            |
+| `NBytes`           | Number of bytes in following sample block                                                                                                     | `uint64`                             | 8                            |
+| `NSamples`         | Number of samples in following sample block                                                                                                   | `int64`                              | 8                            |
+| `NChannels`        | Number of channels in following sample block                                                                                                  | `int64`                              | 8                            |
+| `ChListLen`        | Number of bytes in following channel list                                                                                                     | `int16`                              | 2                            |
+| `ChList`           | List of channels that were recorded. Each channel ID is saved as `uint16`.                                                                    | `ChListLen` × `uint16`               | 2 × `ChListLen`              |
+| `Samples`          | Matrix of samples `NSamples` × `NChannels` (samples are stored by sample, i.e. for each sample time, channels are stored one after the other) | `NSamples` × `NChannels` × `float32` | 4 × `NSamples` × `NChannels` |
+| `SampleTimestamps` | List of timestamps in sample clock ticks, associated with each sample                                                                         | `NSamples` × `uint64`                | 8 × `NSamples`               |
+### Speller blocks
+Speller trial structure is described in the paper. A list of blocks is given in the Excel file
+`DataOverview.xlsx`, sheet 'speller'. The name of the datafile corresponds to the files stored in `KIAP_BCI_speller`. Each block is associated with a spike rate binary data file as well as
+two log files, an `events_*.txt` and an `info_*.log` file.
+The `info` file only contains decoder decision events, while `events` contains other events in the trial as well.
+#### Format of `info` files
+Lines in the `info` files contain the state of the speller after each decoding:
+    2019-08-14T14:26:01.132830	color - Decoder decision: no - ('', 'S')
+    2019-08-14T14:26:05.201561	color - Decoder decision: yes - ('', 'R')
+    2019-08-14T14:26:13.483555	color - Decoder decision: yes - ('R', 'gelb')
+    2019-08-14T14:26:17.974635	color - Decoder decision: yes - ('R', 'E')
+    2019-08-14T14:26:26.235286	color - Decoder decision: no - ('RE', 'gelb')
+    2019-08-14T14:26:31.320232	color - Decoder decision: no - ('RE', 'gruen')
+First item in each line is the computer's wall clock timestamp. The decoder decision 'yes', 'no', or 'unclassified' refers
+to the presented option, which is the second item in the tuple at the end of each line. The first item refers
+to the speller output so far.
+For example, in the first line, the speller status was 'empty'. Letter `S` was rejected, letter `R` was selected.
+The speller state then changes to 'R'. The speller after letter selection proceeds with presentation of letter groups,
+in this case `gelb` (yellow). Upon its selection, letter `E` was selected, and so on.
+#### Format of `events` files
+The format of `events` files is essentially the same as in the neurofeedback case:
+    30973163, b'color, Free, baseline, start'
+    31012029, b'color, Free, baseline, stop'
+    31012029, b'color, Free, stimulus, start'
+    31057116, b'color, Free, stimulus, stop'
+    31063329, b'color, Free, response, start'
+    31079659, b'color, Free, response, stop'
+    31079659, b'color, Free, Decoder decision is: no'
+timestamp in sample clock ticks, message. Message consists of `color` (for color speller), `Free` or `Validation`.
+Blocks marked `Validation` were copy speller blocks, i.e. with a given target to spell (see Excel table).
+The letter group and letter options were presented during the 'stimulus' period.
+### Impedances
+The folder `Impedances` contains six files covering the electrode array impedances over time. The files
+list channel label and impedance in kΩ. The order of the channel follows the logical order 1–128.
+### Spike data
+Raw Blackrock `nev` files containing unsorted multiunit threshold crossings. One file was acquired before the
+time covered in the paper, the rest covers the paper period. See Blackrock Neuroport manual for a description of the
+file format.