%% Close all figures, clear variables and command window close all clear clc %% Directory of the repository and the NIX library strMainPath = 'Human_Amygdala_MUA_sEEG_FearVideo'; % 'human_amygdala_mua_seeg_fearvideo' strNIXLibraryPath = 'nix-mx_Win64_1.4.1'; % For Mac: 'nix_mx_macOS_1.4.2_Matlab2020a' strFieldTripPath = 'fieldtrip-20200315'; strGrammPath = 'gramm-master'; % https://github.com/piermorel/gramm %% Add necessary folders to the MATLAB path addpath([strMainPath filesep 'code_MATLAB']) addpath(genpath(strNIXLibraryPath)) addpath(strFieldTripPath) addpath(strGrammPath) ft_defaults warning('strMainPath should be the full path of the folder for the repository Human_Amygdala_MUA_sEEG_FearVideo (or human_amygdala_mua_seeg_fearvideo)') warning('strNIXLibraryPath should be the full path of the NIX library ''nix-mx_Win64_1.4.1''') warning('strFieldTripPath should be the full path of the FieldTrip toolbox ''fieldtrip-2020xxxx''') warning('strGrammPath should be the full path of the Gramm toolbox ''gramm-master''') %% NIX data files strNIXFileNames = dir([strMainPath filesep 'data_NIX' filesep '*.h5']); strNIXFileNames = {strNIXFileNames.name}'; assert(~isempty(strNIXFileNames),'strMainPath should be the full path of the folder Human_Amygdala_MUA_sEEG_FearVideo') %% Figure 1 nExampleNeuron = 32; % neuron 32 reproduces the publication figure fig1 = Figure_1([strMainPath filesep 'data_NIX' filesep],nExampleNeuron); %% Figure 2 fig2 = Figure_2([strMainPath filesep 'data_NIX' filesep]);