{ "trial":{ "Description": "Trial number" }, "condition": { "Description": "The task condition during the trial. Each condiiton was given different instructions regarding cognitive task", "Levels": { "control": "think of nothing in particular", "strategy": "think of a safe and happy place (pre training)/apply your learned cognitive strategy (post training)" } }, "taskOnset":{ "Description": "Onset time of the cognitive task", "Units": "seconds" }, "stimulation":{ "Description": "Time of painful electrical stimulation event", "Units": "seconds" }, "VASonset":{ "Description": "Onset time of VAS rating of painful stimulus", "Units": "seconds" }, "VASduration":{ "Description": "Time given to participants to rate on the VAS", "Units": "seconds" }, "pain":{ "Description": "Pain rating of painful stimulation from 0 (no pain) to 100 (strongest pain imaginable)", }, "RIII":{ "Description": "RIII-reflex size evoked by painful stimulation, normalized to pre-experiment baseline measurement", }, }