function [SSQs, DFs, MSQs, Fs, Ps]=Stat_ANOVA2_Mixed(X,suppress_output) % simple function for mixed (between- and within-subjects) ANOVA % % Based loosely on BWAOV2 ( by Antonio Trujillo-Ortiz % (insofar as I used that function to figure out the basic equations, as it is apparently very hard to find documentation % on mixed-model ANOVAs on the Internet). However, the code is all original. % % The major advantage of this function over the existing BWAOV2 is that it corrects a bug that occurs when the groups % have unequal numbers of subjects, as pointed out in the Matlab Central File Exchange by Jaewon Hwang. The code is also, % at least in my opinion, much cleaner. % % At present this function only supports mixed models with a single between-subjects factor and a single within-subjects % (repeated measures) factor, each with as many levels as you like. I would be happy to add more bells and whistles in % future editions, such as the ability to define multiple factors, apply Mauchly's test and add in non-sphericity % corrections when necessary, etc. I'm a better programmer than I am a statistician, though, so if anyone out there would % like to lend a hand with the math (e.g., feed me the equations for these features), I'd be more than happy to implement % them. Email matthew DOT r DOT johnson AT aya DOT yale DOT edu % % Also feel free to modify this file for your own purposes and upload your changes to the Matlab Central File Exchange if % you like. % % I have checked this function against the example data in David M. Lane's HyperStat online textbook, which is the same % data that breaks BWAOV2 (, question 6). I have also checked it % against SPSS and gotten identical results. However, I haven't tested every possible case so bugs may remain. Use at % your own risk. If you find bugs and let me know, I'm happy to try to fix them. % % =============== % USAGE % =============== % % Inputs: % % X: design matrix with four columns (future versions may allow different input configurations) % - first column (i.e., X(:,1)) : all dependent variable values % - second column (i.e., X(:,2)) : between-subjects factor (e.g., subject group) level codes (ranging from 1:L where % L is the # of levels for the between-subjects factor) % - third column (i.e., X(:,3)) : within-subjects factor (e.g., condition/task) level codes (ranging from 1:L where % L is the # of levels for the within-subjects factor) % - fourth column (i.e., X(:,4)) : subject codes (ranging from 1:N where N is the total number of subjects) % % suppress_output: defaults to 0 (meaning it displays the ANOVA table as output). If you don't want to display the table, % just pass in a non-zero value % % Outputs: % % SSQs, DFs, MSQs, Fs, Ps : Sum of squares, degrees of freedom, mean squares, F-values, P-values. All the same values % that are shown in the table if you choose to display it. All will be cell matrices. Values within will be in the same % order that they are shown in the output table. % % Enjoy! -MJ % Example by JSW % dHP_Pre=[PopulationAvgFr.Pre_dHP_PYR_1]'; % dHP_Main=[PopulationAvgFr.Main_dHP_PYR_1]'; % iHP_Pre=[PopulationAvgFr.Pre_iHP_PYR_1]'; % iHP_Main=[PopulationAvgFr.Main_iHP_PYR_1]'; % % Y = [dHP_Pre; dHP_Main; iHP_Pre; iHP_Main]; % BS = [GetGroupingVar(dHP_Pre,1); GetGroupingVar(dHP_Main,1); GetGroupingVar(iHP_Pre,2); GetGroupingVar(iHP_Main,2)]; % WS = [GetGroupingVar(dHP_Pre,1); GetGroupingVar(dHP_Main,2); GetGroupingVar(iHP_Pre,1); GetGroupingVar(iHP_Main,2)]; % S = [GetGroupingVar(dHP_Pre); GetGroupingVar(dHP_Main); GetGroupingVar(iHP_Pre)+length(dHP_Pre); GetGroupingVar(iHP_Main)+length(dHP_Pre)]; % X = [Y BS WS S]; % [SSQs, DFs, MSQs, Fs, Ps] = Stat_ANOVA2_Mixed(X); if nargin < 1, error('No input'); end; if nargin < 2 || isempty(suppress_output) suppress_output=0; end all_dvs=X(:,1); all_bs_labels=X(:,2); all_ws_labels=X(:,3); all_subj_labels=X(:,4); bs_levels=sort(unique(all_bs_labels)); ws_levels=sort(unique(all_ws_labels)); subj_levels=sort(unique(all_subj_labels)); n_bs_levels=length(bs_levels); n_ws_levels=length(ws_levels); n_subjects=length(subj_levels); if any(bs_levels(:)~=(1:n_bs_levels)') || any(ws_levels(:)~=(1:n_ws_levels)') || any(subj_levels(:)~=(1:n_subjects)') error('Levels of factors (including subject labels) must be numbered 1:L (where L is the # of levels for that factor'); end for i=1:n_bs_levels for j=1:n_ws_levels this_cell_inds=find(all_bs_labels==i & all_ws_labels==j); if isempty(this_cell_inds) error('At least one empty cell found'); end n_subs_per_cell(i,j)=length(this_cell_inds); %#ok cell_totals(i,j)=sum(all_dvs(this_cell_inds)); %#ok end if any(n_subs_per_cell(i,:)~=n_subs_per_cell(i,1)) error('At least one subject missing at least one repeated measure (or is possibly entered more than once)'); %technically this is not a failsafe check, as it could be that subject ! has only conditions A & B, % whereas subject 2 has only condition C, which still gives equal values for all the conditions. % We'll double-check for that circumstance below end end for k=1:n_subjects this_subj_inds=find(all_subj_labels==k); if length(this_subj_inds)~=n_ws_levels %our second check for this issue error('At least one subject missing at least one repeated measure (or is possibly entered more than once)'); end subj_totals(k)=sum(all_dvs(this_subj_inds)); %#ok end correction_term = sum(all_dvs)^2 / length(all_dvs); SStot = sum(all_dvs.^2) - correction_term; %don't really need this for calculations, but can uncomment if we want to print % DFtot = length(all_dvs) - 1; %total degrees of freedom %subject "factor" (i.e. differences in subject means) SSsub = sum(subj_totals .^ 2)/n_ws_levels - correction_term; %between-subjects factor SStmp=[]; for i=1:n_bs_levels SStmp(i)=(sum(cell_totals(i,:))^2) / sum(n_subs_per_cell(i,:)); %#ok end SSbs = sum(SStmp) - correction_term; DFbs = n_bs_levels - 1; MSbs = SSbs / DFbs; %error terms for between-subjects factor ERRbs = SSsub - SSbs; DFERRbs = n_subjects - n_bs_levels; MSERRbs = ERRbs / DFERRbs; %correction with harmonic mean of cell sizes if cell sizes are not all equal n_subs_hm=harmmean(n_subs_per_cell(:)); cell_totals_hm = (cell_totals ./ n_subs_per_cell) * n_subs_hm; correction_term_hm = sum(cell_totals_hm(:))^2 / (n_subs_hm * n_bs_levels * n_ws_levels); n_subs_per_cell_hm = ones(n_bs_levels,n_ws_levels) * n_subs_hm; %within-subjects factor SStmp=[]; for j=1:n_ws_levels SStmp(j)=(sum(cell_totals_hm(:,j))^2) ./ sum(n_subs_per_cell_hm(:,j)); %#ok end SSws = sum(SStmp) - correction_term_hm; DFws = n_ws_levels - 1; MSws = SSws / DFws; %uncorrected version of within-subjects factor for calculating interaction SStmp=[]; for j=1:n_ws_levels SStmp(j)=(sum(cell_totals(:,j))^2) ./ sum(n_subs_per_cell(:,j)); %#ok end SSws_unc = sum(SStmp) - correction_term; %interaction of between-subjects and within-subjects factor SStmp = sum((cell_totals(:) .^ 2) ./ n_subs_per_cell(:)); SSint = SStmp - SSbs - SSws_unc - correction_term; DFint = DFbs * DFws; MSint = SSint / DFint; %error terms (for both within-subjects factor and interaction) ERRws = SStot - SSbs - ERRbs - SSws_unc - SSint; DFERRws = DFERRbs * DFws; MSERRws = ERRws / DFERRws; %F-values Fbs = MSbs / MSERRbs; Fws = MSws / MSERRws; Fint = MSint / MSERRws; %P-values Pbs = 1-fcdf(Fbs, DFbs, DFERRbs); Pws = 1-fcdf(Fws, DFws, DFERRws); Pint = 1-fcdf(Fint,DFint,DFERRws); if ~suppress_output disp(' '); disp(' '); fprintf(1,' Source SSq df MSq F p \n'); fprintf(1,'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'); fprintf(1,' Between-subjects factor %9.3f %9i %9.3f %9.3f %9.7f\n',SSbs,DFbs,MSbs,Fbs,Pbs); fprintf(1,' Between-subjects error %9.3f %9i %9.3f\n',ERRbs,DFERRbs,MSERRbs); fprintf(1,' Within-subjects factor %9.3f %9i %9.3f %9.3f %9.7f\n',SSws,DFws,MSws,Fws,Pws); fprintf(1,' Within x between int. %9.3f %9i %9.3f %9.3f %9.7f\n',SSint,DFint,MSint,Fint,Pint); fprintf(1,' Within-subjects error %9.3f %9i %9.3f\n',ERRws,DFERRws,MSERRws); disp(' '); disp(' '); end SSQs = { SSbs; ERRbs; SSws; SSint; ERRws }; DFs = { DFbs; DFERRbs; DFws; DFint; DFERRws }; MSQs = { MSbs; MSERRbs; MSws; MSint; MSERRws }; Fs = { Fbs; []; Fws; Fint; [] }; Ps = { Pbs; []; Pws; Pint; [] };