# Calcium_imaging_CA1_raw A large-scale, annotated collection of 2-photon raw calcium imaging data (*.tif format) in CA1 of the murine hippocampus under three distinct anesthetics (Isoflurane, Keta/Xyl and MMF), during natural sleep, and wakefulness. This repository contains raw calcium imaging recordings. Processed recordings are available in [another repository](https://gin.g-node.org/SW_lab/Anesthesia_CA1). **Awake** | **Isoflurane** | **Keta/Xyl** | **MMF** :-------------------------:|:-------------------------:|:-------------------------:|:-------------------------: ![](repo_figures/51_awake_256_256.gif) | ![](repo_figures/51_iso_256_256.gif) | ![](repo_figures/51_keta_256_256.gif) | ![](repo_figures/51_MMF_256_256.gif) 03/04/2022 The archived copy of the dataset contains an erroneously included file "Sleep_pupillometry/raw_2PM/8235_1st_006 20-12-08 22-31-21-converted_ds.mp4", which is not part of the dataset described in the Data Descriptor article. This file was removed from the current version of the dataset.