{ "id": "wiedemann_atac_paired_end", "name": "Wiedemann ATAC paired end pipeline", "description": "

This pipeline processes paired end ATAC data.

Input specifications
The input is expected as gzipped FASTQ files (.fq.gz / .fastq.gz) and might be organised in sub-folders. Paired reads must always reside in the same folder and end with _1 or _2 respectively.

System requirements
64 GB of RAM are recommended for pipeline execution.

", "steps": [ { "id": "qc_initial", "name": "Initial QC", "description": "

Performs an initial quality control of sequenced reads.


  1. Andrews S. (2010). FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. Available online at: Babraham Bioinformatics

", "container": "fastqc_initial", "dependencies": [], "variables": [ { "id": "ADAPTERS", "name": "Adapter sequences", "description": "A custom list of sequencing adapters. The global data repository must contain a file called qc_adapters.txt at its root.", "category": { "tag": "Global" } }, { "id": "KMERS", "name": "Kmer length", "description": "An integer that specifies the Kmer length to be used for Kmer content detection. Must be between 2 and 10.", "category": { "tag": "Number" } }, { "id": "SVG", "name": "SVG images", "description": "Saves all images as vector files instead of bitmaps.", "category": { "tag": "Boolean" } } ] }, { "id": "trimming", "name": "Trimming", "description": "

Performs trimming of adapters and low quality bases.


  1. Bolger, A. M., Lohse, M., & Usadel, B. (2014). Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data. Bioinformatics, btu170.

", "container": "trimmomatic", "dependencies": [], "variables": [ { "id": "ADAPTERS_CUSTOM", "name": "Custom adapter sequences", "description": "A custom list of sequencing adapters. The global data repository must contain a file called trimming_adapters.fa at its root. This will overwrite any of the predefined adapter sequences.", "category": { "tag": "Global" } }, { "id": "ADAPTERS_FIXED", "name": "Predefined adapter sequences", "description": "Specify which of the predefined adapter sequences to use for trimming.", "required": false, "category": { "tag": "Option", "content": [ { "name": "Nextera-PE", "value": "NexteraPE-PE.fa" }, { "name": "TrueSeq2-PE", "value": "TrueSeq2-PE.fa" }, { "name": "TrueSeq3-PE", "value": "TrueSeq3-PE.fa" }, { "name": "TrueSeq3-PE-2", "value": "TrueSeq3-PE-2.fa" } ] } }, { "id": "PHRED", "name": "PHRED score", "description": "Specify which PHRED score encoding to use.", "required": false, "category": { "tag": "Option", "content": [ { "name": "PHRED33", "value": "PHRED33" }, { "name": "PHRED64", "value": "PHRED64" } ] } } ] }, { "id": "qc_trimming", "name": "Trimming QC", "description": "

Performs a quality control of the trimmed reads.


  1. Andrews S. (2010). FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. Available online at: Babraham Bioinformatics

", "container": "fastqc_trimming", "dependencies": ["trimming"], "variables": [ { "id": "ADAPTERS", "name": "Adapter sequences", "description": "A custom list of sequencing adapters. The global data repository must contain a file called qc_adapters.txt at its root.", "category": { "tag": "Global" } }, { "id": "KMERS", "name": "Kmer length", "description": "An integer that specifies the Kmer length to be used for Kmer content detection. Must be between 2 and 10.", "category": { "tag": "Number" } }, { "id": "SVG", "name": "SVG images", "description": "Saves all images as vector files instead of bitmaps.", "category": { "tag": "Boolean" } } ] }, { "id": "alignment", "name": "Alignment", "description": "

Aligns trimmed reads against a reference genome and sorts the output.


  1. Langmead B, Salzberg S. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nature Methods. 2012, 9:357-359.
  2. HTSlib: C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data. James K Bonfield, John Marshall, Petr Danecek, Heng Li, Valeriu Ohan, Andrew Whitwham, Thomas Keane, Robert M Davies. GigaScience, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2021, giab007, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab007
  3. Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. Petr Danecek, James K Bonfield, Jennifer Liddle, John Marshall, Valeriu Ohan, Martin O Pollard, Andrew Whitwham, Thomas Keane, Shane A McCarthy, Robert M Davies, Heng Li. GigaScience, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2021, giab008, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab008

", "container": "bowtie", "dependencies": ["trimming"], "variables": [ { "id": "GENOME", "name": "Reference genome", "description": "The reference genome to align the reads against. The global data repository must contain a file called genome.fa and the according indices at its root. Indices can be generated by the reference genome preprocessing pipeline.", "category": { "tag": "Global" }, "required": true } ] }, { "id": "alignment_filtering", "name": "Post alignment filtering", "description": "

Filters low quality and misaligned reads.


  1. HTSlib: C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data. James K Bonfield, John Marshall, Petr Danecek, Heng Li, Valeriu Ohan, Andrew Whitwham, Thomas Keane, Robert M Davies. GigaScience, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2021, giab007, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab007
  2. Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. Petr Danecek, James K Bonfield, Jennifer Liddle, John Marshall, Valeriu Ohan, Martin O Pollard, Andrew Whitwham, Thomas Keane, Shane A McCarthy, Robert M Davies, Heng Li. GigaScience, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2021, giab008, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab008

", "container": "alignment_filtering", "dependencies": ["alignment"], "variables": [ { "id": "REMOVE_M", "name": "Remove mitochondrial reads", "description": "Remove all reads mapping to the mitochondiral genome.", "category": { "tag": "Boolean" } }, { "id": "REMOVE_INVALID", "name": "Removes misaligned reads", "description": "Remove all read pairs that are not properly aligned.", "category": { "tag": "Boolean" } }, { "id": "QUALITY_FILTER", "name": "Quality filtering", "description": "Filters all alignments with a PHRED quality score lower than the defined value.", "category": { "tag": "Number" } } ] }, { "id": "splitting", "name": "Splitting", "description": "

Splits the alignment into nucleosome specific chuncks.


  1. Buenrostro JD, Giresi PG, Zaba LC, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ. Transposition of native chromatin for fast and sensitive epigenomic profiling of open chromatin, DNA-binding proteins and nucleosome position. Nat Methods. 2013 Dec;10(12):1213-8. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2688. Epub 2013 Oct 6. PMID: 24097267; PMCID: PMC3959825.
  2. HTSlib: C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data. James K Bonfield, John Marshall, Petr Danecek, Heng Li, Valeriu Ohan, Andrew Whitwham, Thomas Keane, Robert M Davies. GigaScience, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2021, giab007, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab007
  3. Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. Petr Danecek, James K Bonfield, Jennifer Liddle, John Marshall, Valeriu Ohan, Martin O Pollard, Andrew Whitwham, Thomas Keane, Shane A McCarthy, Robert M Davies, Heng Li. GigaScience, Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2021, giab008, https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giab008

", "container": "splitting", "dependencies": ["alignment_filtering"], "variables": [] } ] }