import unittest import McsPy.McsData import datetime import exceptions import os import numpy as np from McsPy import * test_raw_frame_data_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'TestData\\Sensors-10x100ms-10kHz.h5') test_data_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'TestData\\2014-07-09T10-17-35W8 Standard all 500 Hz.h5') average_segment_data_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'TestData\\20150402_00 Atrium_002.h5') #@unittest.skip("showing the principle structure of python unit tests") #class Test_TestRawDataStructures(unittest.TestCase): # def test_A(self): #"Not implemented") class Test_RawData(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = McsData.RawData(test_data_file_path) self.raw_frame_data = McsData.RawData(test_raw_frame_data_file_path) self.average_segments = McsData.RawData(average_segment_data_file_path) class Test_RawDataContainer(Test_RawData): # Test MCS-HDF5 version def test_mcs_hdf5_version(self): self.assertEqual(, "RawData", "The MCS-HDF5 protocol type was '%s' and not '%s' as expected!" % (, "RawData")) self.assertEqual(, 1, "The MCS-HDF5 protocol version was '%s' and not '1' as expected!" % def test_mcs_hdf5_version_frame(self): self.assertEqual(, "RawData", "The MCS-HDF5 protocol type was '%s' and not '%s' as expected!" % (, "RawData")) self.assertEqual(, 1, "The MCS-HDF5 protocol version was '%s' and not '1' as expected!" % # Test session: def test_session_attributes(self): self.assertEqual(, '', 'Comment is different!') self.assertEqual(, 'Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014', 'Clr-Date is different!') self.assertEqual(, 635404978551720981, 'Clr-Date-Ticks are different!') self.assertEqual(, datetime.datetime(2014, 7, 9, 10, 17, 35, 172098), 'Date is different!'); self.assertEqual(str(, '700b3ec2-d406-4943-bcef-79d73f0ac4d3', 'FileGUID is different!') self.assertEqual(str(, 'Linear8', 'Mea-Layout is different!') self.assertEqual(, '', 'MeaSN is different!') self.assertEqual(, 'Linear8', 'MeaName is different!') self.assertEqual(, 'Multi Channel Experimenter', 'Program name is different!') self.assertEqual(, '', 'Program version is different!') # Test recording: def test_count_recordings(self): self.assertEqual(len(, 1, 'There should be only one recording!') def test_recording_attributes(self): first_recording =[0] self.assertEqual(first_recording.comment, '', 'Recording comment is different!') self.assertEqual(first_recording.duration, 19700000, 'Recording duration is different!') self.assertEqual(first_recording.label, '', 'Recording label is different!') self.assertEqual(first_recording.recording_id, 0, 'Recording ID is different!') self.assertEqual(first_recording.recording_type, '', 'Recording type is different!') self.assertEqual(first_recording.timestamp, 0, 'Recording timestamp is different!') self.assertAlmostEqual(, 19.7, places = 1, msg = 'Recording timestamp is different!') # Test analog streams: def test_count_analog_streams(self): self.assertEqual(len([0].analog_streams), 3, 'There should be only one analog stream inside the recording!') def test_analog_stream_attributes(self): first_analog_stream =[0].analog_streams[0] self.assertEqual(first_analog_stream.info_version, 1, "Version of the Stream-Info was %s and not as expected 1!" % first_analog_stream.info_version) self.assertEqual(first_analog_stream.data_subtype, 'Electrode', 'Analog stream data sub type is different!') self.assertEqual(first_analog_stream.label, 'Filter (1) Filter Data', 'Analog stream label is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_analog_stream.source_stream_guid), '43f795b0-7881-408f-a840-0207bc8e203c', 'Analog stream source GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_analog_stream.stream_guid), 'a9d1ab04-2cf8-489c-a861-595e662fba4e', 'Analog stream GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(first_analog_stream.stream_type, 'Analog', 'Analog stream type is different!') def test_analog_stream(self): data_set =[0].analog_streams[0].channel_data self.assertEqual(data_set.shape, (8, 9850), 'Shape of dataset is different!') timestamp_index =[0].analog_streams[0].timestamp_index self.assertEqual(timestamp_index.shape, (1, 3), 'Shape of timestamp index is different!') channel_infos =[0].analog_streams[0].channel_infos self.assertEqual(len(channel_infos), 8, 'Number of channel info objects is different!') self.assertEqual(len(channel_infos[0].info), 16, 'Number of of components of an channel info object is different!') self.assertEqual(channel_infos[0].version, 1, 'InfoChannel-Type version 1 expected but was %s' % channel_infos[0].version) def test_analog_stream_data(self): analog_stream =[0].analog_streams[0] signal = analog_stream.get_channel_in_range(0, 1569, 1584) sig = signal[0] scale = 381469 * 10**-9 expected_sig = np.array([4, 5, 0, -3, 2, -1, -6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, -9], dtype=np.float) * scale np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sig, expected_sig, decimal = 5) #self.assertEquals(map(lambda x: x, sig), expected_sig, "Signal values were '%s' and not as expected '%s'" % (sig, expected_sig)) self.assertEqual(str(signal[1]), 'volt', "Unit of sampled values was expected to be 'volt' but was '%s'!" % str(signal[1])) def test_analog_stream_data_timestamps(self): analog_stream =[0].analog_streams[0] signal_ts = analog_stream.get_channel_sample_timestamps(6, 1996, 2000) sig_ts = signal_ts[0] expected_ts = [3992000, 3994000, 3996000, 3998000, 4000000] self.assertEquals(map(lambda x: x, sig_ts), expected_ts, "Selected timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '%s'" % (sig_ts, expected_ts)) self.assertEqual(str(signal_ts[1]), 'microsecond', "Unit of timestamps was expected to be 'microsecond' but was '%s'!" % str(signal_ts[1])) # Test frame streams: def test_count_frame_streams(self): self.assertEqual(len(self.raw_frame_data.recordings[0].frame_streams), 1, 'There should be only one frame stream!') self.assertEqual(len(self.raw_frame_data.recordings[0].frame_streams[0].frame_entity), 1, 'There should be only one frame entity inside the stream!') def test_frame_stream_attributes(self): first_frame_stream = self.raw_frame_data.recordings[0].frame_streams[0] self.assertEqual(first_frame_stream.info_version, 1, "Version of the Stream-Info was %s and not as expected 1!" % first_frame_stream.info_version) self.assertEqual(first_frame_stream.data_subtype, 'Unknown', 'Frame stream data sub type is different!') self.assertEqual(first_frame_stream.label, '', 'Frame stream label is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_frame_stream.source_stream_guid), '11bee63c-8714-4b2b-8cf9-228b1915f183', 'Frame stream source GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_frame_stream.stream_guid), '784bf2ba-0e1b-4f3a-acc6-825af9bd1bf1', 'Frame stream GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(first_frame_stream.stream_type, 'Frame', 'Frame stream type is different!') def test_frame_infos(self): conv_fact_expected = np.zeros(shape=(65,65), dtype=np.int32) + 1000 info_expected = { 'FrameLeft': 1, 'Exponent': -9, 'RawDataType': 'Short', 'LowPassFilterCutOffFrequency': '-1', 'Label': 'ROI 1', 'FrameTop': 1, 'ADZero': 0, 'LowPassFilterOrder': -1, 'ReferenceFrameTop': 1, 'FrameRight': 65, 'HighPassFilterType': '', 'Tick': 50, 'SensorSpacing': 1, 'HighPassFilterCutOffFrequency': '-1', 'FrameDataID': 0, 'FrameID': 1, 'GroupID': 1, 'ReferenceFrameRight': 65, 'ReferenceFrameBottom': 65, 'LowPassFilterType': '', 'HighPassFilterOrder': -1, 'ReferenceFrameLeft': 1, 'FrameBottom': 65, 'Unit': 'V' } frame_info = self.raw_frame_data.recordings[0].frame_streams[0].frame_entity[1].info self.assertEqual(len(, 24, 'Number of of components of an channel info object is different!') info_key_diff = set( - set(info_expected.keys()) if not info_key_diff: for key, value in self.assertEqual( value, info_expected[key], "Frame info object for key '%(k)s' is ('%(val)s') not as expected ('%(ex_val)s')!" % {'k':key, 'val':value, 'ex_val':info_expected[key]} ) self.assertEqual(frame_info.frame.height, 65, "Frame height was '%s' and not '65' as expected!" % frame_info.frame.height) self.assertEqual(frame_info.frame.width, 65, "Frame width was '%s' and not '65' as expected!" % frame_info.frame.width) self.assertEqual(frame_info.reference_frame.height, 65, "Frame height was '%s' and not '65' as expected!" % frame_info.reference_frame.height) self.assertEqual(frame_info.reference_frame.width, 65, "Frame width was '%s' and not '65' as expected!" % frame_info.reference_frame.width) self.assertEqual(frame_info.adc_basic_step.magnitude, 10**-9, "ADC step was '%s' and not '10^-9 V' as expected!" % frame_info.adc_basic_step) self.assertEqual(frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor(0,0).magnitude, 1000 * 10**-9, "ADC step was '%s' and not '1000 * 10^-9 V' as expected!" % frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor(0,0)) self.assertEqual(frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor(1,1).magnitude, 1000 * 10**-9, "ADC step was '%s' and not '1000 * 10^-9 V' as expected!" % frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor(1,1)) self.assertEqual(frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor(63,63).magnitude, 1000 * 10**-9, "ADC step was '%s' and not '1000 * 10^-9 V' as expected!" % frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor(63,63)) self.assertTrue((frame_info.conversion_factors == conv_fact_expected).all(), "Frame sensor conversion factors matrix is different from the expected one!") self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, frame_info.adc_step_for_sensor, 65,65) def test_frame_data(self): frame_entity = self.raw_frame_data.recordings[0].frame_streams[0].frame_entity[1] frame_data = frame = frame_data[:,:,1] self.assertEqual(frame.shape, (65,65), "Second slice was '%s' and not '(65,65)' as expected!" % str(frame.shape)) selected_values = [frame[0,0], frame[9,3], frame[0,5]] expected_values = [ -10000, 211, -727] self.assertEquals(selected_values, expected_values, "Selected ADC values were '%s' and not as expected '%s'" % (selected_values, expected_values)) sensor_signal = frame_entity.get_sensor_signal(30, 30, 0, 1000) sig = sensor_signal[0] self.assertEquals(len(sig), 1001, "Length of sensor signal was '%s' and not as expected '1001'" % len(sig)) def test_frame_data_timestamps(self): frame_entity = self.raw_frame_data.recordings[0].frame_streams[0].frame_entity[1] timestamps = frame_entity.get_frame_timestamps(0,2000) ts = timestamps[0] self.assertEqual(len(ts), 2001, "Number oftime stamps were '%s' and not as expected '2001'" % len(ts)) timestamps = frame_entity.get_frame_timestamps(1995,2005) ts = timestamps[0] self.assertEqual(len(ts), 11, "Number of timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '11'" % len(ts)) expected_ts = [199750, 199800, 199850, 199900, 199950, 200000, 1000000, 1000050, 1000100, 1000150, 1000200] self.assertEquals(map(lambda x: x, ts), expected_ts, "Timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '%s'" % (ts, expected_ts)) timestamps = frame_entity.get_frame_timestamps(0,5000) ts = timestamps[0] self.assertEqual(len(ts), 5001, "Number of timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '5001'" % len(ts)) selected_ts = [ ts[0], ts[1], ts[2000], ts[2001], ts[2002], ts[4001], ts[4002], ts[4003]] expected_ts = [100000,100050, 200000, 1000000, 1000050, 1100000, 3000000, 3000050] self.assertEquals(selected_ts, expected_ts, "Selected timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '%s'" % (selected_ts, expected_ts)) timestamps = frame_entity.get_frame_timestamps(16008,16008) ts = timestamps[0] self.assertEqual(len(ts), 1, "Number of timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '1'" % len(ts)) self.assertEquals(ts[0], 12500000, "Timestamps were '%s' and not as expected '%s'" % (ts, expected_ts)) self.assertEqual(str(timestamps[1]), 'microsecond', "Unit of timestamps was expected to be 'microsecond' but was '%s'!" % str(timestamps[1])) # Test event streams: def test_count_event_streams(self): self.assertEqual(len([0].event_streams), 1, 'There should be only one event stream inside the recording!') self.assertEqual(len([0].event_streams[0].event_entity), 1, 'There should be 1 event entities inside the stream!') def test_event_stream_attributes(self): first_event_stream =[0].event_streams[0] self.assertEqual(first_event_stream.info_version, 1, "Version of the Stream-Info was %s and not as expected 1!" % first_event_stream.info_version) self.assertEqual(first_event_stream.data_subtype, 'DigitalPort', 'Event stream data sub type is different from expected \'DigitalPort\'!') self.assertEqual(first_event_stream.label, 'Digital Events 1', 'Event stream label is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_event_stream.source_stream_guid), '0696bca6-7c30-4024-8e58-72da383aa248', 'Event stream source GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_event_stream.stream_guid), '92bc437b-7655-4673-adfa-abbeca2c53e0', 'Event stream GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(first_event_stream.stream_type, 'Event', 'Event stream type is different!') def test_event_infos(self): first_event_entity =[0].event_streams[0].event_entity[0] self.assertEqual(, 1, "EventEntityInfo-Version was %s and not \'1\' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(, 0, "ID is not as expected!") self.assertEqual(, 4, "RawDataBytes is not as expected!") self.assertEquals(, [8],"Source channel IDs are different!") self.assertEquals(, ["1"],"Source channels label is different (was '%s' instead of '['1']')!" % def test_event_data(self): first_event_entity =[0].event_streams[0].event_entity[0] self.assertEqual(first_event_entity.count, 12, "Count was expected to be 12 but was %s!" % first_event_entity.count) events = first_event_entity.get_events() self.assertEqual(str(events[1]), 'microsecond', "Event time unit was expected to be 'microsecond' but was '%s'!" % str(events[1])) self.assertEqual((events[0]).shape, (2,12), "Event structured was expected to be (2,12) but was %s!" % str(events[0].shape)) events_ts = first_event_entity.get_event_timestamps(0,3) #self.assertAlmostEquals(events[0],[1.204050, 2.099150, 2.106800] , places = 5, msg = "Event timestamps were not as expected!") np.testing.assert_almost_equal(events_ts[0],[216000, 1916000, 3616000], decimal = 5) events_ts = first_event_entity.get_event_timestamps(4,5) self.assertAlmostEqual(events_ts[0][0], 7016000, places = 4, msg = "Last event timestamp was %s and not as expected 216000!" % events[0][0]) events_duration = first_event_entity.get_event_durations(2,8) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(events_duration[0],[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], decimal = 5) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_event_entity.get_events, 16, 4) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_event_entity.get_events, 412, 500) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_event_entity.get_events, -1, 5) # Test segment streams: def test_count_segment_streams(self): self.assertEqual(len([0].segment_streams), 1, 'There should be only one segment stream inside the recording!') self.assertEqual(len([0].segment_streams[0].segment_entity), 8, 'There should be 8 segment entities inside the stream!') def test_segment_stream_attributes(self): first_segment_stream =[0].segment_streams[0] self.assertEqual(first_segment_stream.info_version, 1, "Version of the Stream-Info was %s and not as expected 1!" % first_segment_stream.info_version) self.assertEqual(first_segment_stream.stream_type, 'Segment', "Segment stream type was '%s' and not 'Segment'!" % first_segment_stream.stream_type) self.assertEqual(first_segment_stream.data_subtype, 'Spike', "Segment stream data sub type was '%s' and not 'Spike' as expected!" % first_segment_stream.data_subtype) self.assertEqual(first_segment_stream.label, 'Spike Detector (1) Spike Data', "Segment label was '%s' and not '' as expected!" % first_segment_stream.label) self.assertEqual(str(first_segment_stream.source_stream_guid), 'a9d1ab04-2cf8-489c-a861-595e662fba4e', "Segment stream source GUID was '%s' and not 'a9d1ab04-2cf8-489c-a861-595e662fba4e' as expected!" % str(first_segment_stream.source_stream_guid)) self.assertEqual(str(first_segment_stream.stream_guid), '7c2105e5-5ea4-4fdc-91d8-6b85f47773c2', "Segment stream GUID was '%s' and not '7c2105e5-5ea4-4fdc-91d8-6b85f47773c2' as expected!" % str(first_segment_stream.stream_guid)) def test_segment_infos(self): fifth_segment_entity =[0].segment_streams[0].segment_entity[4] self.assertEqual(, 1, "SegmentEntityInfo-Version was '%s' and not '1' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(, 4, "ID was '%s' and not '4' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(, 0, "Group ID was '%s' and not '0' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(, 1000, "Pre-Interval was '%s' and not '1000' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(str(, 'microsecond', "Pre-Interval unit was '%s' and not 'microsecond' as expected!" % str( self.assertEqual(, 2000, "Post-Interval was '%s' and not '2000' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(str(, 'microsecond', "Post-Interval unit was '%s' and not 'microsecond' as expected!" % str( self.assertEqual(, 'Cutout', "Type was '%s' and not 'Cutout' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(, 1, "Count of segments was '%s' and not '1' as expected!" % self.assertEquals(, [0], "Source channel dataset index was different (was '%s' instead of '['0']')!" % self.assertEquals([0].channel_id, 4, "Source channel ID was different (was '%s' instead of '4')!" %[0].channel_id) def test_segment_data(self): first_segment_entity =[0].segment_streams[0].segment_entity[0] self.assertEqual(first_segment_entity.segment_sample_count, 26, "Segment sample count was expected to be but was %s!" % first_segment_entity.segment_sample_count) signal = first_segment_entity.get_segment_in_range(0) self.assertEqual(signal[0].shape, (2, 26), "Matrix of segment signal points was expected to be '(2,26)' but was '%s'!" % str(signal[0].shape)) self.assertEqual(str(signal[1]), 'volt', "Unit of segment signal was expected to be 'volt' but was '%s'!" % str(signal[1])) signal_flat = first_segment_entity.get_segment_in_range(0, flat = True) self.assertEqual(len(signal_flat[0]), 52, "Vector ('flat = True') of segment signal points was expected to be '52' but was '%s'!" % len(signal_flat[0])) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_segment_entity.get_segment_in_range, segment_id = 0, flat = False, idx_start = 16, idx_end = 4) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_segment_entity.get_segment_in_range, segment_id = 0, flat = False, idx_start = 40, idx_end = 49) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_segment_entity.get_segment_in_range, segment_id = 0, flat = False, idx_start = -1, idx_end = 10) def test_segment_data_timestamps(self): first_segment_entity =[0].segment_streams[0].segment_entity[0] signal_ts = first_segment_entity.get_segment_sample_timestamps(0) self.assertEqual(signal_ts[0].shape, (2, 26), "Matrix of segment timestamps was expected to be '(2,26)' but was '%s'!" % str(signal_ts[0].shape)) self.assertEqual(str(signal_ts[1]), 'microsecond', "Unit of timestamps was expected to be 'microsecond' but was '%s'!" % str(signal_ts[1])) ts_selected = (signal_ts[0][:,0]).tolist() expected_ts_first_segment = [943000, 945000] self.assertEquals(ts_selected, expected_ts_first_segment, "Timestamps for the first segment were '%s' and not as expected '%s" % (ts_selected, expected_ts_first_segment)) ts_selected = (signal_ts[0][:,2]).tolist() expected_ts_third_segment = [963000, 965000] self.assertEquals(ts_selected, expected_ts_third_segment, "Timestamps for the third segment were '%s' and not as expected '%s" % (ts_selected, expected_ts_third_segment)) signal_flat_ts = first_segment_entity.get_segment_sample_timestamps(0, flat = True) self.assertEqual(len(signal_flat_ts[0]), 52, "Vector ('flat = True') of segment signal points was expected to be '52' but was '%s'!" % len(signal_flat_ts[0])) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_segment_entity.get_segment_sample_timestamps, segment_id = 0, flat = False, idx_start = 16, idx_end = 4) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_segment_entity.get_segment_sample_timestamps, segment_id = 0, flat = False, idx_start = 40, idx_end = 49) self.assertRaises(exceptions.IndexError, first_segment_entity.get_segment_sample_timestamps, segment_id = 0, flat = False, idx_start = -1, idx_end = 10) # Test average segment streams: def test_average_segment_stream_counts(self): self.assertEqual(len(self.average_segments.recordings[0].segment_streams), 1, 'There should be one segment streams inside the recording!') self.assertEqual(self.average_segments.recordings[0].segment_streams[0].data_subtype, 'Average', "The data subtype of the first segment stream should be 'Average'!") self.assertEqual(len(self.average_segments.recordings[0].segment_streams[0].segment_entity), 11, 'There should be 11 average segment entities inside the stream!') def test_average_segment_data(self): first_average_segment_entity = self.average_segments.recordings[0].segment_streams[0].segment_entity[18] self.assertEqual(first_average_segment_entity.number_of_averages, 8, "Number of averages was expected to be '8' but was %s!" % first_average_segment_entity.number_of_averages) # Test timestamp streams: def test_count_timestamp_streams(self): self.assertEqual(len([0].timestamp_streams), 1, 'There should be only one timestamp stream inside the recording!') self.assertEqual(len([0].timestamp_streams[0].timestamp_entity), 8, 'There should be 8 event entities inside the stream (found %s)!' % len([0].timestamp_streams[0].timestamp_entity)) def test_timestamp_stream_attributes(self): first_timestamp_stream =[0].timestamp_streams[0] self.assertEqual(first_timestamp_stream.info_version, 1, "Version of the Stream-Info was %s and not as expected 1!" % first_timestamp_stream.info_version) self.assertEqual(first_timestamp_stream.data_subtype, 'NeuralSpike', 'Timestamp stream data sub type is different from expected \'NeuralSpike\'!') self.assertEqual(first_timestamp_stream.label, 'Spike Detector (1) Spike Timestamps', 'Timestamp stream label is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_timestamp_stream.source_stream_guid), 'a9d1ab04-2cf8-489c-a861-595e662fba4e', 'Timestamp stream source GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(str(first_timestamp_stream.stream_guid), 'b71fc432-be6a-4135-9d15-3c7c1a4b4ed6', 'TimeStamp stream GUID is different!') self.assertEqual(first_timestamp_stream.stream_type, 'TimeStamp', 'Timestamp stream type is different!') def test_timestamp_infos(self): first_timestamp_entity =[0].timestamp_streams[0].timestamp_entity[0] self.assertEqual(, 1, "TimeStampEntityInfo-Version was '%s' and not '1' as expected!" % self.assertEqual(, 0, "ID is not as expected!") self.assertEqual(, 0, "Group ID is not as expected!") self.assertEqual(, 'Long', "DataType is not as expected!") self.assertEqual(, 's', "Unit is not as expected (was %s instead of \'s\')!" % self.assertEqual(, -6, "Exponent is not as expected (was %s instead of \'-6\')!" % self.assertEqual(, 1 * , "Exponent is not as expected (was %s instead of \'us\')!" % self.assertEquals(, [0],"Source channel IDs are different!") self.assertEquals(, ["E1"],"Source channels label is different (was '%s' instead of '['E1']')!" % def test_timestamp_data(self): first_timestamp_entity =[0].timestamp_streams[0].timestamp_entity[0] self.assertEqual(first_timestamp_entity.count, 26, "Count was expected to be 26 but was %s!" % first_timestamp_entity.count) timestamps = first_timestamp_entity.get_timestamps() self.assertEqual(timestamps[1], 1 *, "Timestamp time unit was expected to be 'us' but was '%s'!" % timestamps[1]) expected_ts = [944000, 954000, 964000, 3030000, 3040000, 3052000, 3096000, 5104000, 5116000, 5126000, 7204000, 7212000, 7226000, 9290000, 9298000, 11376000, 11386000, 11442000, 13462000, 13472000, 13528000, 15548000, 15558000, 17634000, 17644000, 17686000] self.assertEquals(timestamps[0][0].tolist(), expected_ts, "Timestamps of the first TS-Entity were '%s' and not as expected '%s" % (timestamps[0], expected_ts)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()