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Piret Kleis 2 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 2 en 2 verwijderingen
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     # Additional information about the resource, e.g., a brief abstract.
     description: |
-    	Here we provide the electrophysiological datasets and Python scripts used to analyze the data, which underlie the conclusions in our paper about application of the novel potassium channel-based optogenetic silencer, PACK, in vivo (Kleis et al., submitted to BMC Biology in 2021). Local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded with wire electrodes, which were chronically implanted into the hippocampus of freely behaving healthy or non-epileptic adult male mice. We had six experimental groups, which are presented in the file named, LFP_nomenclature_and_datasets.xlsx. Further details about the experimental groups and methods are presented in the published article.
+    	"Here we provide the electrophysiological datasets and Python scripts used to analyze the data, which underlie the conclusions in our paper about application of the novel potassium channel-based optogenetic silencer, PACK, in vivo (Kleis et al., submitted to BMC Biology in 2021). Local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded with wire electrodes, which were chronically implanted into the hippocampus of freely behaving healthy or non-epileptic adult male mice. We had six experimental groups, which are presented in the file named, LFP_nomenclature_and_datasets.xlsx. Further details about the experimental groups and methods are presented in the published article.
         The datasets contain LFPs resampled at 500 Hz in .h5 file format. 
-        The Python codes that were used to analyze the data and generate the figures, can be found in three scripts
+        The Python codes that were used to analyze the data and generate the figures, can be found in three scripts."