Noise4Sam_g0_imec0 * neuropixel1 * given by Pierre Le Merre * Noise4Sam_g0_t0.imec0.ap.bin has been shortened to only 3 data packets TEST_20210920_0_g0 * neuropixel2 * given by AntonioST * * shorten to 1000 samples by Samuel Garcia multi_trigger_multi_gate * recorded and given by Graham Findlay * contains more sophisticated recording (multi probe x multi gate x multi trigger) * to get more details please read the file in this sub folder NP2_*** * recorded with NP2 commercial 4-shank probe (probe type 2013) * contains sync/no sync and all channels/subset * provided by Jennifer Colonell * clipped to 1000 samples by Alessio Buccino long_nhp_stubbed * given by Cody Backer * Long NHP probe