{ "InstitutionName": "Institut de Neuroscience de la Timone, Marseille, France”, "InstitutionAddress": "Faculté de Médecine, 27, boulevard Jean Moulin, 13005 Marseille, France", "Collaborators": [ "Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6), 52425 Jülich, Germany", "Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6), 52425 Jülich, Germany", "JARA Institute Brain Structure-Function Relationships (INM-10), 52425 Jülich, Germany" ], "PowerLineFrequency": 60.0, "PowerLineFrequencyUnit": "Hz", "ChannelId": { "Description": "Unique identifier of the channel" }, "ContactId": { "Description": "Unique identifier of the contact" }, "SamplingSrequency": { "Description": "Sampling frequency of the recording signal" }, "Units": { "Description": "Units of the recording signal" }, "ChannelName": { "Description": "Custom name of the recording channel" }, "FileOrigin": { "Description": "Source file of the signal" }, "ConnectorId": { "Description": "Id of the connector used for recording the signal" }, "ConnectorPinId": { "Description": "Pin used for recording the signal" }, "NevDigFactor": { "Description": "Digitization factor of the nev file" }, "NbSortedUnits": { "Description": "Number of sorted units on this channel" }, "NevHiFreqOrder": { "Description": "High pass order of the frequency filter" }, "NevHiFreqType": { "Description": "Type of the high pass frequency filter" }, "NevLoFreqOrder": { "Description": "Low pass order of the frequency filter" }, "NevLoFreqType": { "Description": "Type of the high pass frequency filter" }, "NsxHiFreqOrder": { "Description": "Order of the high pass frequency filter" }, "NsxLoFreqOrder": { "Description": "Order of the low pass frequency filter" }, "NsxHiFreqType": { "Description": "Type of the high pass frequency filter" }, "NsxLoFreqType": { "Description": "Type of the low pass frequency filter" }, "Nsx": { "Description": "NsX value used for storing of the signal" }, "HiPassFreq": { "Description": "Cutoff frequency of the high pass filter" }, "LoPassFreq": { "Description": "Cutoff frequency of the low pass filter" }, "HiPassOrder": { "Description": "Order of the high pass filter" }, "LoPassOrder": { "Description": "Order of the low pass filter" }, "FilterType": { "Description": "Type of filter used" }, "ElectrodeRejectLfc": { "Description": "Rejection of the signal in low frequency components (TRUE/FALSE)" }, "ElectrodeRejectIfc": { "Description": "Rejection of the signal in intermediate frequency components (TRUE/FALSE)" }, "ElectrodeRejectHfc": { "Description": "Rejection of the signal in high frequency components (TRUE/FALSE)" }, "ConnectorAlignedId": { "Description": "channelId in a spatially organized grid" }, "CoordinatesX": { "Description": "X-coordinate of the channel" }, "CoordinatesY": { "Description": "Y-coordinate of the channel" } }