function [r best best_val mn pwr]=yin(x,p,ploton) % YIN - Fundamental frequency (F0) of file or vector % % YIN('FILE') estimates and plots the F0 of signal in FILE. % F0 is plotted in octaves re: 440 Hz, together with residual % (aperiodicity) and power measures. A 'best' estimate is printed. % YIN(X,SR) estimates and plots the F0 of array X assuming sampling rate SR (Hz). % % R=YIN(X) produces no plot but returns result in structure R: % R.f0: fundamental frequency in octaves re: 440 Hz % R.ap: aperiodicity measure (ratio of aperiodic to total power) % R.pwr: period-smoothed instantaneous power % (R also lists the parameters used by YIN) % % YIN(NAME,P) uses parameters stored in P: % P.minf0: Hz - minimum expected F0 (default: 30 Hz) % P.maxf0: Hz - maximum expected F0 (default: SR/(4*dsratio)) % P.thresh: threshold (default: 0.1) % P.relfag: if ~0, thresh is relative to min of difference function (default: 1) % P.hop: samples - interval between estimates (default: 32) % P.range: samples - range of samples ([start stop]) to process % P.bufsize: samples - size of computation buffer (default: 10000) % Hz - sampling rate (usually taken from file header) % P.wsize: samples - integration window size (defaut: SR/minf0) % P.lpf: Hz - intial low-pass filtering (default: SR/4) % P.shift 0: shift symmetric, 1: shift right, -1: shift left (default: 0) % % See 'yin.html' for more info. % Version 28 July 2003. % Alain de Cheveign? CNRS/Ircam, 2002. % Copyright (c) 2002 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software without % fee is hereby granted FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES only, provided that this % copyright notice appears in all copies and in all supporting % documentation, and that the software is not redistributed for any % fee (except for a nominal shipping charge). % % For any other uses of this software, in original or modified form, % including but not limited to consulting, production or distribution % in whole or in part, specific prior permission must be obtained from CNRS. % Algorithms implemented by this software may be claimed by patents owned % by CNRS, France Telecom, Ircam or others. % % The CNRS makes no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express % or implied warranty. % Hidden parameters are integration window size (set equal to sr/minf0), search % range for 'best neighboring estimate' (set equal to +/- sr/(2*minf0)), maximum % expected width of period dip (stop/start ratio == 1.85), margin for "beam search" % of final estimate (+1.8/-0.6 times the initial estimate). % default parameter values ([]: to be determined) minf0 = 1000; % Hz - minimum frequency 30 maxf0 = []; % Hz - maximum frequency wsize = []; % s - integration window size lpf = []; % Hz - lowpass prefiltering cutoff thresh = 0.1; % difference function threshold relflag = 1; % if true threshold is relative to global min of difference function bufsize=10000; % computation buffer size 6.6.16 verändert von uwe (alter wert: 10000) hop = 32; % samples - interval between estimates 32 range=[]; % range of file samples to process sr=[]; % sampling rate shift=0; % flag to control the temporal shift of analysis windows (left/sym/right) plotthreshold=0.9; % aperiodicity above which plot is green or yellow 0.2 % if 2~=exist('allread') % error('sf routines missing: put them in your path & try again'); % end % handle parameters if nargin<1; help yin; return; end if nargin<2; p=[]; end fileinfo=sf_info(x); if ~isempty(; end % get sr from file if fileinfo.nchans > 1 disp(['warning: using column 1 of ', num2str(fileinfo.nchans), '-column data']); end if isa(p, 'double'); end if ~isfield(p, 'sr');; end if isempty(; error('YIN2: must specify SR'); end if ~isfield(p, 'range') || isempty(p.range); p.range=[1 fileinfo.nsamples]; end if ~isfield(p, 'minf0'); p.minf0=minf0; end if ~isfield(p, 'thresh'); p.thresh=thresh; end if ~isfield(p, 'relflag'); p.relflag=relflag; end if ~isfield(p, 'bufsize'); p.bufsize=bufsize; end if ~isfield(p, 'hop'); p.hop=hop; end if ~isfield(p, 'maxf0'); p.maxf0=floor(; end % default if ~isfield(p, 'wsize'); p.wsize=ceil(; end % default if ~isfield(p, 'lpf');; end % default if mod(p.hop,1); error('hop should be integer'); end if ~isfield(p, 'shift'); p.shift=shift; end % default if ~isfield(p, 'plotthreshold'); p.plotthreshold=plotthreshold; end % default % estimate period r=yink(p,fileinfo); prd=r.r1; % period in samples ap0=r.r2; % gross aperiodicity measure ap= r.r3; % fine aperiodicity measure pwr=r.r4; % period-smoothed instantaneous power f0 = log2( ./ prd) - log2(440); % convert to octaves re: 440 Hz % load estimates and major parameters in result structure clear r; % r.f0 = f0; r.f0 = 2.^(f0)*440; r.ap0 = ap0; r.ap = ap; r.pwr = pwr; =; r.range=p.range; r.minf0 = p.minf0; r.maxf0 = p.maxf0; r.thresh=p.thresh; r.relflag=p.relflag; r.hop = p.hop; r.bufsize = p.bufsize; r.wsize = p.wsize; r.lpf = p.lpf; r.shift = p.shift; r.plotthreshold=p.plotthreshold; % plot estimates (if nargout == 0) % if nargout<1 if ploton if isnan(f0) display('no estimates: signal too short or buffersize too small'); return; else figure end % choose sample to report as "the" f0 of the entire signal [mn, idx] = min(ap0); best=f0(idx); best_val=2^best*440; disp(['best: ', num2str(2^best*440), 'Hz (', note(best),... ') at ', num2str(idx/(, 's (aperiodic/total power: ', num2str(mn), ')']); % plot f0 in 3 colors according to periodicity good = f0; good(find(ap0>p.plotthreshold*2)) = nan; best = f0; best(find(ap0>p.plotthreshold)) = nan; subplot(211);; nframes=size(prd,2); if nframes <2; error('F0 track is too short to plot'); end % plot((1:nframes)/fsr, f0, 'r', (1:nframes)/fsr, good, 'g', (1:nframes)/fsr, best, 'b'); plot((1:nframes)/fsr, r.f0, 'r', (1:nframes)/fsr, 2.^(good)*440, 'g', ... (1:nframes)/fsr, 2.^(best)*440, 'b'); % lo = max(min(f0),min(good)); hi=min(max(f0),max(good)); % set(gca, 'ylim', [lo-0.5; hi+0.5]); set(gca, 'xlim', [1,nframes]/fsr); % set(get(gca,'ylabel'), 'string', 'Oct. re: 440 Hz'); set(get(gca,'ylabel'), 'string','f0 in Hz') set(get(gca,'xlabel'), 'string', 's'); % plot periodicity ap0=max(0,ap0); ap=max(0,ap); ap1=ap; ap(find(ap0>plotthreshold)) = nan; title('fundamental frequency by YIN') subplot(413); plot((1:nframes), ap0.^0.5, 'b'); %subplot(413); plot((1:nframes), ap0.^0.5, 'c', (1:nframes), ap1.^0.5, 'y', (1:nframes), ap.^0.5, 'b'); set(gca, 'ylim', [0 1]); set(gca, 'xlim', [1, nframes]); set(get(gca,'ylabel'), 'string', 'sqrt(apty)'); % plot power subplot(414); plot((1:nframes), sqrt(pwr), 'b'); set(gca, 'xlim', [1, nframes]); set(get(gca,'ylabel'), 'string', 'sqrt(power)'); set(get(gca,'xlabel'), 'string', 'frames'); if isa(x, 'double') set(gcf, 'Name', 'workspace matrix'); else set (gcf, 'Name', x); end end % convert octave re 440 to note: function s=note(o) n=round(12*o); cents = 100*(12*o-n); oct=floor((n-3)/12)+5; chroma=mod(n,12); chromalist = {'A'; 'A#'; 'B'; 'C'; 'C#'; 'D'; 'D#'; 'E'; 'F'; 'F#';... 'G'; 'G#'}; cents = sprintf('%+.0f',cents); s=[char(chromalist(chroma+1)),num2str(oct),' ',num2str(cents), ' cents'];