transcription,mor,gra,segment_onset,segment_offset,speaker_id,speaker_role,speaker_type,words,raw_filename look [>] . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,7016,7620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right [<] . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,7407,7860,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha Mummy ? ,n:prop|Mummy ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,8626,9218,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha yes ? ,co|yes ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,9195,9868,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "what [*] should a minute this digger put his big level up very high , Mummy ? ",pro:int|what mod|should det:art|a n|minute det:dem|this n|dig&dv-AGT v|put&ZERO det:poss|his adj|big n|level adv|up adv|very adj|high cm|cm n:prop|Mummy ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|DET 4|7|PRED 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|OBJ 11|7|JCT 12|13|JCT 13|7|JCT 14|13|LP 15|13|ENUM 16|7|PUNCT,10693,16765,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,031003.cha putting his big digger up very high ? ,part|put-PRESP det:poss|his adj|big n|dig&dv-AGT adv|up adv|very adj|high ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|JCT 6|7|JCT 7|1|JCT 8|1|PUNCT,17216,18563,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha that's the &-uh +/. [+ IN] ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PUNCT,18447,19561,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha his big level . ,det:poss|his adj|big n|level .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,19457,20827,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha his level ? ,det:poss|his n|level ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,20873,21941,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,22046,22800,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha shovel you mean . ,v|shovel pro:per|you adj|mean .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,22928,24147,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha march [?] now Mummy . ,n|march adv|now n:prop|Mummy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,24321,25865,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha is it not called a shovel ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it neg|not part|call-PASTP det:art|a n|shovel ?,1|4|AUX 2|4|SUBJ 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,25877,27340,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,27328,27711,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha look Mummy . ,v|look n:prop|Mummy .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,27642,28779,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha oh yeah . ,co|oh co|yeah .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,29453,30080,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha oh I see . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|see .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,29882,30672,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha [//] oh that's different . ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|different .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,30524,31801,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha I didn't realize you've got a shovel on the front and a digger at the back . ,pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|realize pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:art|a n|shovel prep|on det:art|the n|front coord|and det:art|a n|dig&dv-AGT prep|at det:art|the n|back .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|7|CONJ 14|15|DET 15|13|COORD 16|15|NJCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|4|PUNCT,31638,34413,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha that's one of the Bob_the_Builder toys that Grandma and Grandad gave you this Christmas „ isn't it ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:indef|one prep|of det:art|the n:prop|Bob_the_Builder v|toy-3S comp|that n:prop|Grandma coord|and n:prop|Grandad v|give&PAST pro:per|you det:dem|this n:prop|Christmas end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|CPRED 8|12|LINK 9|12|SUBJ 10|9|CONJ 11|10|COORD 12|7|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|15|DET 15|12|JCT 16|17|ENDP 17|2|END 18|2|NEG 19|2|SUBJ 20|2|PUNCT,35133,39580,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha "which one's that , Thomas ? ",pro:rel|which adj|one&dn-POSS adv|that cm|cm n:prop|Thomas ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|LP 5|2|ENUM 6|2|PUNCT,46643,48709,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha it's Scoop . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n:prop|Scoop .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,48605,49685,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha Scoop . ,n:prop|Scoop .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,49650,50300,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "the yellow one's Scoop , is it ? ",det:art|the n|yellow adj|one&dn-POSS n:prop|Scoop cm|cm aux|be&3S pro:per|it ?,1|2|DET 2|7|SUBJ 3|4|MOD 4|2|APP 5|2|LP 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|7|PUNCT,50335,52053,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha Scoop Muck and Dizzy [>] . [+ R] ,n:prop|Scoop n:prop|Muck coord|and n:prop|Dizzy coord|and n:prop|Lolly post|too .,1|2|NAME 2|7|SUBJ 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|2|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|0|ROOT 8|7|PUNCT,52000,56121,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha [<] . [+ R] ,coord|and n:prop|Lolly post|too .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COORD 3|2|PQ 4|1|PUNCT,53997,56144,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha [<] . [+ R] ,n:prop|Lofty coord|and n:prop|Wendy v|join det:art|the v|queue .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,56114,59922,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha [>] . [+ R] ,n:prop|Lofty coord|and n:prop|Wendy v|join det:art|the v|queue .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,56114,59922,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha [>] . [+ R] ,n:prop|Bob coord|and det:art|the n|gang v|have adv|so qn|much n|fun part|work-PRESP adv|together inf|to v|get det:art|the n|job part|do&PASTP .,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|4|DET 4|2|COORD 5|0|ROOT 6|7|JCT 7|8|QUANT 8|5|OBJ 9|5|XJCT 10|9|JCT 11|12|INF 12|9|XJCT 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|14|XMOD 16|5|PUNCT,59887,67062,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha [<] +... [+ IN] [+ R] ,n:prop|Bob coord|and det:art|the n|gang v|have adv|so qn|much n|fun part|work-PRESP adv|together +...,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|4|DET 4|2|COORD 5|0|ROOT 6|7|JCT 7|8|QUANT 8|5|OBJ 9|8|XMOD 10|9|JCT 11|5|PUNCT,59968,65019,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,66098,67085,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha Bob_the_Builder +//. [+ IN] ,n:prop|Bob_the_Builder +//.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,67120,68676,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I've just let Purdie come in . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|just part|let&PASTP n:prop|Purdie v|come adv|in .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,68676,69848,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,69860,70382,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha are you going to pop your tabard [>] ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP inf|to v|pop det:poss|your n|tabard adv|back adv|on ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|5|JCT 10|1|PUNCT,70326,71917,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha Mummy [<] ? ,n:prop|Mummy ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,71824,72486,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you've washed your hands „ haven't you +/? [+ IN] ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|wash-PASTP det:poss|your n|hand-PL end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:per|you +/?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|9|ENDP 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|3|END 10|3|PUNCT,71825,73577,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha (be)cause [*] I needta pick something up at xxx level concrete . [+ PI] ,conj|because pro:sub|I v|need~inf|to v|pick pro:indef|something adv|up prep|at adj|level n|concrete .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,72695,78198,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha do you ? ,mod|do pro:per|you ?,1|2|AUX 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,78175,79185,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I 0had [*] better dig . ,pro:sub|I 0v|had adj|good&CP n|dig .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,79161,80752,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha beep@o here he is . ,on|beep adv|here pro:sub|he cop|be&3S .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,80729,83306,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha I can dig him . ,pro:sub|I mod|can v|dig pro:obj|him .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,83271,84781,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,84904,91963,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha it makes a good noise that „ doesn't it ? ,pro:per|it v|make-3S det:art|a adj|good n|noise adv|that end|end mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|JCT 7|10|ENDP 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|2|END 11|2|PUNCT,94206,96795,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,96714,97468,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "pussy , would you like feeding [>] +/? [+ IN] ",n|pussy cm|cm mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like part|feed-PRESP +/?,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|COMP 7|5|PUNCT,97445,99361,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha look [<] . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,98281,98595,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha it does another big noise . ,pro:per|it mod|do&3S qn|another adj|big n|noise .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,98571,100650,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha that's quite enough xxx and then she'll be happy . [+ PI] ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|quite adv|enough coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|she~mod|will cop|be adj|happy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|9|LINK 6|9|JCT 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|2|CJCT 10|9|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,104372,110143,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha "come on , puss . ",v|come adv|on cm|cm n|puss .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|LP 4|1|ENUM 5|1|PUNCT,110874,112325,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha there you are . ,adv|there pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,114694,115530,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha "now , Thomas . ",adv|now cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,119665,120663,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha we're going to ice those cakes that we made the other day „ aren't we ? ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|ice det:dem|those n|cake-PL pro:rel|that pro:sub|we v|make&PAST det:art|the qn|other n|day end|end aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|CMOD 11|13|DET 12|13|QUANT 13|10|OBJ 14|17|ENDP 15|17|AUX 16|15|NEG 17|3|END 18|3|PUNCT,120647,125151,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha can I dig something up ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|dig pro:indef|something adv|up ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|3|PUNCT,129110,131014,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha can I dig something up ? [+ SR] ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|dig pro:indef|something adv|up ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|3|PUNCT,133817,135593,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,134931,135535,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I don't think we can dig anything up . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:sub|we mod|can v|dig pro:indef|anything adv|up .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,135407,137230,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha what we needta do now +/. [+ IN] ,pro:int|what pro:sub|we v|need~inf|to v|do adv|now +/.,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,137218,139645,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha a chocolate biscuit . ,det:art|a n|chocolate n|biscuit .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,138832,140423,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha well . ,co|well .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,140365,141026,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha this is chocolate „ isn't it ? ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S n|chocolate end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|ENDP 5|2|END 6|2|NEG 7|2|SUBJ 8|2|PUNCT,141084,142942,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha we made icing . ,pro:sub|we v|make&PAST n|icing .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,142803,143859,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha do you remember when we made icing ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|remember conj|when pro:sub|we v|make&PAST n|icing ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CJCT 7|6|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,143824,145427,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha chocolates . ,n|chocolate-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,145043,146413,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha well that's in the fridge . ,co|well pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|fridge .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,146054,147493,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha [>] . ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|eat qn|some .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,147478,149614,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha well [<] . ,co|well .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,148460,149017,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,148808,148994,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha this is cooking chocolate . ,pro:dem|this aux|be&3S part|cook-PRESP n|chocolate .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,149075,150016,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha we're going to break three squares of chocolate into this bowl . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|break det:num|three n|square-PL prep|of n|chocolate prep|into det:dem|this n|bowl .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,149761,152873,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha look [>] +/. [+ IN] ,co|look +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,152884,153639,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha [<] ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|do pro:indef|one ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,152885,154115,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha listen . ,v|listen .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,154080,154661,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha underneath there's a bowl of very [/] very hot water that's just come out of the kettle . ,adv|underneath pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bowl prep|of adv|very adj|hot n|water pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S adv|just v|come adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|kettle .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|8|JCT 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|11|LINK 11|9|CMOD 12|13|JCT 13|11|CPRED 14|13|JCT 15|13|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|3|PUNCT,154603,158933,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha so I'm putting chocolate in the top bowl and that will melt . ,adv|so pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|put-PRESP n|chocolate prep|in det:art|the adj|top n|bowl coord|and pro:dem|that mod|will v|melt .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|13|LINK 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|4|CJCT 14|4|PUNCT,158943,163088,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha you mustn't tip that up . ,pro:per|you mod|must~neg|not v|tip comp|that adv|up .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,163866,165340,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha can I watch it melt ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|watch pro:per|it v|melt ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|3|PUNCT,165259,168045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,167976,168672,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha it smells good . ,pro:per|it v|smell-3S adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,170100,172213,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha now in the meantime let's [>] +/. [+ IN] ,adv|now prep|in det:art|the n|meantime v|let~pro:obj|us v|get det:dem|that n|icing pro:sub|we v|make&PAST det:art|the qn|other n|day +/.,1|5|JCT 2|5|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|11|JCT 10|11|SUBJ 11|7|COMP 12|14|DET 13|14|QUANT 14|11|OBJ 15|5|PUNCT,172220,176771,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha Mummy [<] . ,n:prop|Mummy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,175018,175692,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha later I can eat it . ,adv|later pro:sub|I mod|can v|eat pro:per|it .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,175993,177921,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha oh yes . ,co|oh co|yes .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,177874,178652,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha when it (h)as melted . ,conj|when pro:per|it aux|have&3S part|melt-PASTP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,178582,179825,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,180660,181043,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha this might be a bit stiff now (be)cause we did this the other day „ didn't we ? ,pro:dem|this mod|might cop|be det:art|a n|bit n|stiff adv|now conj|because pro:sub|we v|do&PAST det:dem|this det:art|the qn|other n|day end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|3|CJCT 11|14|DET 12|14|DET 13|14|QUANT 14|10|JCT 15|18|ENDP 16|18|AUX 17|16|NEG 18|3|END 19|3|PUNCT,181020,185246,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha what day was it (.) Sunday ? ,pro:int|what n|day cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it n:prop|Sunday ?,1|2|MOD 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|4|OM 6|3|PUNCT,186187,187684,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha can I dip it in there ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|dip pro:per|it prep|in n|there ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,187661,190320,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,191037,192407,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha well we've got to melt it first „ haven't we ? ,n|well pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|melt pro:per|it adv|first end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|12|ENDP 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|4|END 13|4|PUNCT,191768,193963,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha was it Sunday when we made these cakes ? ,cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it n:prop|Sunday conj|when pro:sub|we v|make&PAST det:dem|these n|cake-PL ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|OM 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|1|PUNCT,193893,195844,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha don't know . ,mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,195776,196461,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha it was „ wasn't it ? ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S end|end cop|be&PAST&13S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|ENDP 4|2|END 5|2|NEG 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,196391,197622,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha it was today . ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adv:tem|today .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,197576,199108,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha today ? ,adv:tem|today ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,199410,200362,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha well no . ,co|well co|no .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,200211,200664,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha we've just got them ready today to ice „ haven't we ? ,pro:sub|we~aux|have adv|just part|get&PASTP pro:obj|them v|ready adv:tem|today prep|to n|ice end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|13|ENDP 11|13|AUX 12|11|NEG 13|4|END 14|4|PUNCT,200659,203178,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha don't sniff please . ,mod|do~neg|not v|sniff co|please .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,203132,204328,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha can I do it ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|do pro:per|it ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,204246,205326,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,205315,205930,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,206499,207102,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha does that feel nice ? ,mod|do&3S adv|that v|feel adj|nice ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,207102,208055,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,208753,209775,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,210297,210982,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now let's put this white icing on the big one „ shall we ? ,adv|now v|let~pro:obj|us part|put&PASTP det:dem|this adj|white n|icing prep|on det:art|the adj|big pro:indef|one end|end mod|shall pro:sub|we ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|JCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|14|ENDP 13|14|AUX 14|2|END 15|2|PUNCT,210970,214871,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha there aren't as many left as when we made them „ are they [: there] [*] ? ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES~neg|not prep|as pro:indef|many v|leave&PAST adv|as conj|when pro:sub|we v|make&PAST pro:obj|them end|end cop|be&PRES adv|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|6|COORD 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|ENUM 7|2|JCT 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|2|CJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|13|ENDP 13|2|END 14|2|JCT 15|2|PUNCT,215046,217913,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha because what (h)as happened to some of the ones +... [+ IN] ,conj|because pro:int|what aux|have&3S part|happen-PASTP inf|to qn|some prep|of det:art|the pro:indef|one-PL +...,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|XJCT 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,217915,221874,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha (be)cause some bun cases have run out . ,conj|because qn|some n|bun n|case-PL v|have v|run adv|out .,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|4|MOD 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,221816,227412,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,227528,229096,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I don't think it's that . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:per|it~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,228968,230175,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha it's that some of them have been eaten „ don't you ? ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|that pro:indef|some prep|of pro:obj|them v|have aux|be&PASTP part|eat&PASTP end|end mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|9|JCT 4|9|SUBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|9|AUX 8|9|AUX 9|2|PRED 10|13|ENDP 11|13|AUX 12|11|NEG 13|2|END 14|2|PUNCT,230094,234285,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha since we made them ? ,conj|since pro:sub|we v|make&PAST pro:obj|them ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,234273,235829,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,236642,237303,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha why are you looking like that ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&PRES pro:per|you n:gerund|look-PRESP co|like pro:dem|that ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|4|COM 6|4|OM 7|2|PUNCT,237245,238488,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha have you eaten any buns ? ,v|have pro:per|you part|eat&PASTP qn|any n|bun-PL ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,238314,239567,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,239533,240206,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,240178,240851,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you wouldn't do „ would you ? ,pro:per|you mod|will&COND~neg|not v|do end|end mod|will&COND pro:per|you ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|ENDP 6|7|AUX 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,240751,241715,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha no [>] . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,241901,242423,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you [<] wouldn't do that . ,pro:per|you mod|will&COND~neg|not v|do pro:dem|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,241902,242586,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,242586,242981,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha course you wouldn't . ,v|course pro:per|you mod|will&COND~neg|not .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|2|INCROOT 4|3|NEG 5|3|PUNCT,242981,243758,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha (be)cause I +//. ,conj|because pro:sub|I +//.,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,243770,245210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha robbers do that . ,n|rob&dv-AGT-PL v|do pro:dem|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,245100,246586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha robbers do that „ do they ? ,n|rob&dv-AGT-PL v|do pro:dem|that end|end mod|do pro:sub|they ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|ENDP 5|6|AUX 6|2|END 7|2|PUNCT,246575,248177,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha do they . [+ I] ,mod|do pro:sub|they .,1|2|AUX 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,248154,249036,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha are you a little robber ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you det:art|a adj|little n|rob&dv-AGT ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OM 6|1|PUNCT,249024,250290,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,250267,250801,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha they come at night robbers . ,pro:sub|they v|come prep|at n|night n|rob&dv-AGT-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|MOD 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,253306,255907,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha oh is that when the cakes were eaten ? ,co|oh cop|be&3S pro:dem|that conj|when det:art|the n|cake-PL aux|be&PAST part|eat&PASTP ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|8|LINK 5|6|DET 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|2|CJCT 9|2|PUNCT,255849,257695,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,257695,258066,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha (be)cause we made quite a lot of cakes „ didn't we ? ,conj|because pro:sub|we v|make&PAST adv|quite det:art|a n|lot prep|of n|cake-PL end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|12|ENDP 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|3|END 13|3|PUNCT,258051,260222,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha because we used little bun cases . ,conj|because pro:sub|we v|use-PAST adj|little n|bun n|case-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,260152,261917,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha can I do one on my own ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|do pro:indef|one prep|on det:poss|my adj|own ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,261917,263902,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha course you can . ,v|course pro:per|you mod|can .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,263658,264645,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yes [>] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,264645,265168,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha [<] . ,prep|for pro:obj|me .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,264646,265133,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha scrape all the chocolate off . ,v|scrape qn|all det:art|the n|chocolate adv|off .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|QUANT 3|4|DET 4|1|OBJ 5|1|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,266670,268818,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,269394,270288,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha then in a minute [>] some sweeties . ,adv:tem|then prep|in det:art|a n|minute pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|go coord|and v|find qn|some n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL .,1|7|JCT 2|7|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|9|CONJ 11|10|COORD 12|13|QUANT 13|11|OBJ 14|7|PUNCT,270223,272754,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha xxx [<] . ,NA,NA,271419,272278,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha I know that . ,pro:sub|I v|know pro:dem|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,273718,274972,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha how to do it . ,pro:int|how inf|to v|do pro:per|it .,1|3|LINK 2|3|INF 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,274972,276191,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,276214,276516,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha how to find sweeties ? ,pro:int|how inf|to v|find n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|INF 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,276516,277816,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,277816,278664,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I thought you might . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you mod|might .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,278640,279952,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha "Mummy , no +/. [+ IN] ",n:prop|Mummy cm|cm co|no +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,280974,282344,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha [>] [/] they're probably a bit dry these buns now as well „ do you think ? ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|probable&dadj-LY det:art|a n|bit v|dry det:dem|these n|bun-PL adv|now prep|as n|well end|end v|do pro:per|you v|think ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|6|CJCT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|6|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|13|ENDP 13|6|END 14|15|SUBJ 15|6|CJCT 16|6|PUNCT,282294,288470,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha mountain [<] xxx +/. [+ IN] ,n|mountain +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,282549,285823,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha gosh there's a lot of ice on that one . ,co|gosh pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|lot prep|of n|ice prep|on det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,289051,290606,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha look at that one . ,v|look prep|at det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,290525,291582,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha it's overflowing „ isn't it ? ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S over#n:gerund|flow-PRESP end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|ENDP 5|2|END 6|2|NEG 7|2|SUBJ 8|2|PUNCT,291837,293254,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,294798,295541,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha here's that for that one . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that prep|for det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,295593,296498,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,296673,297265,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha 0the [*] chocolate doesn't seem to be doing a very good job of melting „ does it ? ,0det|the n|chocolate mod|do&3S~neg|not cop|seem inf|to aux|be part|do-PRESP det:art|a adv|very adj|good n|job prep|of n:gerund|melt-PRESP end|end mod|do&3S pro:per|it ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|8|INF 7|8|AUX 8|5|CPRED 9|12|DET 10|11|JCT 11|12|MOD 12|8|OBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|13|POBJ 15|17|ENDP 16|17|AUX 17|5|END 18|5|PUNCT,297609,300837,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,300883,301742,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha it's just sitting there in the bowl not doing anything . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S adv|just part|sit-PRESP adv|there prep|in det:art|the n|bowl neg|not part|do-PRESP pro:indef|anything .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|10|NEG 10|4|XJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|4|PUNCT,302241,304900,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,305968,306827,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha 0I [*] think he just likes sitting there . ,0pro|I v|think pro:sub|he adv|just v|like-3S part|sit-PRESP adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|JCT 5|2|COMP 6|5|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,307048,308952,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,308952,310206,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha Purdie's crying now . ,n:prop|Purdie~aux|be&3S part|cry-PRESP adv|now .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,311454,313253,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,313439,313822,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha she's lost in the dark . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|lose&PASTP prep|in det:art|the n|dark .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,313741,315923,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha is she lost in the dark ? ,cop|be&3S pro:sub|she v|lose&PAST prep|in det:art|the n|dark ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,316666,319360,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha 0it [*] doesn't matter puss . ,0pro|it mod|do&3S~neg|not n|matter n|puss .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,319406,320730,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha I'm coming later . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|come-PRESP adv|later .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,320660,322193,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha Mummy . ,n:prop|Mummy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,323888,324642,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,325027,325736,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that's just the job . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|just det:art|the n|job .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|JCT 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,326525,327849,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha can I lick the spoon when I've finished it ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|lick det:art|the n|spoon conj|when pro:sub|I~aux|have part|finish-PASTP pro:per|it ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|3|XJCT 10|9|OBJ 11|3|PUNCT,327837,329892,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha when you've finished but we've not finished yet . ,conj|when pro:per|you~aux|have part|finish-PASTP conj|but pro:sub|we~aux|have neg|not part|finish-PASTP adv|yet .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|9|LINK 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|4|CJCT 10|9|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,329683,332017,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha xxx dig it up . [+ PI] ,v|dig pro:per|it adv|up .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,331703,333398,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha scoop it up . ,v|scoop pro:per|it adv|up .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,333410,334942,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha Muck and Dizzy 0are [*] on this big scoop . ,n:prop|Muck coord|and n:prop|Dizzy 0aux|are prep|on det:dem|this adj|big n|scoop .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,334548,337299,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha well why don't I just before you do that . ,co|well pro:int|why mod|do~neg|not pro:sub|I adv|just conj|before pro:per|you v|do pro:dem|that .,1|9|COM 2|9|LINK 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|9|SUBJ 6|9|JCT 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|0|ROOT 10|9|OBJ 11|9|PUNCT,336934,338652,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha don't do anything with the icing yet . ,mod|do~neg|not v|do pro:indef|anything prep|with det:art|the n|icing adv|yet .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,338606,340150,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha let me move these that you've iced to the back of the baking tray and then we'll put the ones we haven't iced at the front . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|move det:dem|these pro:rel|that pro:per|you~aux|have part|ice-PASTP prep|to det:art|the n|back prep|of det:art|the n:gerund|bake-PRESP n|tray coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|we~mod|will v|put&ZERO det:art|the det:num|one-PL pro:sub|we aux|have~neg|not part|ice-PASTP prep|at det:art|the n|front .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|CMOD 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|11|NJCT 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|POBJ 16|20|LINK 17|20|JCT 18|20|SUBJ 19|20|AUX 20|8|CJCT 21|22|DET 22|20|OBJ 23|26|SUBJ 24|26|AUX 25|24|NEG 26|22|CMOD 27|26|JCT 28|29|DET 29|27|POBJ 30|1|PUNCT,339941,346710,MOT,Mother,FEM,29,031003.cha that's not much . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not adv|much .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,348184,350483,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha wasn't very much at all that „ was it ? ,cop|be&PAST&13S~neg|not adv|very adv|much prep|at qn|all pro:dem|that end|end cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|NEG 3|4|JCT 4|1|JCT 5|1|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|POBJ 8|9|ENDP 9|1|END 10|1|SUBJ 11|1|PUNCT,350824,352658,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha thank you mister . ,v|thank pro:per|you n|mister .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,352658,354527,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha you could try practicing your name in icing on those buns . ,pro:per|you mod|could v|try part|practice-PRESP det:poss|your n|name prep|in n|icing prep|on det:dem|those n|bun-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|4|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,357058,360599,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,361493,362678,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha perhaps not . ,adv|perhaps neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PUNCT,363676,364767,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha what do you think „ perhaps not ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|think end|end co|perhaps neg|not ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|ENDP 6|4|END 7|4|NEG 8|4|PUNCT,366035,367614,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,367614,368032,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha perhaps not ? ,adv|perhaps neg|not ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PUNCT,368542,369506,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yes .[+ SR] ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,369587,370087,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,369959,372618,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha I think we've nearly finished we 0have [*] got one two three four five six seven eight . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we~aux|have adv|near&dadj-LY part|finish-PASTP pro:sub|we 0aux|have v|get&PAST det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five det:num|six det:num|seven det:num|eight .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|JCT 6|2|COMP 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|17|DATE 11|13|DATE 12|13|DATE 13|14|DATE 14|15|DATE 15|16|DATE 16|17|DATE 17|9|OBJ 18|2|PUNCT,373322,380567,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,17,031003.cha let me do one [/] let me do one . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|do v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|do pro:indef|one .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|6|SUBJ 6|1|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,382927,384691,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha just a minute . ,adv|just det:art|a n|minute .,1|3|JCT 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,384645,385527,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha let me do it . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|do pro:per|it .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,385527,386735,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha I know how to do it . ,pro:sub|I v|know pro:int|how inf|to v|do pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|INF 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,387280,389150,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha do you ? ,mod|do pro:per|you ?,1|2|AUX 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,389138,390183,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha get and you need a big full of it . ,v|get coord|and pro:per|you v|need det:art|a adj|big adj|full prep|of pro:per|it .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|CJCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,390276,394397,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,394587,395423,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha you need more on your spoon I think love „ don't you ? ,pro:per|you v|need adv|more prep|on det:poss|your n|spoon pro:sub|I v|think n|love end|end mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|13|ENDP 11|13|AUX 12|11|NEG 13|2|END 14|2|PUNCT,395238,397153,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha big xxx lick I need . [+ PI] ,adj|big v|lick pro:sub|I v|need .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,397118,398477,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,398361,398686,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you're not licking that +//. [+ IN] ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|lick-PRESP comp|that +//.,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,398593,399963,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha hey . ,co|hey .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,400044,400601,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you cheeky monkey . ,pro:per|you adj|cheek&dn-Y n|monkey .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,400625,401890,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha xxx &=laughs . ,NA,NA,401519,403202,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha [/] I know we've not as many cakes to ice as we made but we've still got a good few without icing on . ,pro:sub|I v|know pro:sub|we~aux|have neg|not prep|as qn|many n|cake-PL inf|to v|ice conj|as pro:sub|we v|make&PAST conj|but pro:sub|we~aux|have adv|still part|get&PASTP det:art|a adj|good qn|few prep|without n|icing adv|on .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|8|SUBJ 4|8|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|8|COORD 7|8|QUANT 8|2|OBJ 9|10|INF 10|8|XMOD 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|CJCT 14|18|LINK 15|18|SUBJ 16|18|AUX 17|18|JCT 18|13|CJCT 19|20|DET 20|18|OBJ 21|24|QUANT 22|21|JCT 23|22|POBJ 24|20|JCT 25|2|PUNCT,403263,408929,MOT,Mother,FEM,24,031003.cha now don't be licking this spoon yet you cheeky monkey [/] monkey . ,adv|now mod|do~neg|not aux|be part|lick-PRESP det:dem|this n|spoon conj|yet pro:per|you adj|cheek&dn-Y n|monkey .,1|5|JCT 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|MOD 11|5|CJCT 12|5|PUNCT,408940,412342,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha "Thomas , don't . ",n:prop|Thomas cm|cm mod|do~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|NEG 5|1|PUNCT,412342,413968,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha ah . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,413283,413863,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha thank you mister . ,v|thank pro:per|you n|mister .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,414838,417311,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha blister [/] blister . [+ SR] ,n|blister .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,417363,419070,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha thank you mister [/] blister ? ,v|thank pro:per|you v|blister ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,419306,420826,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha who's mister blister ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S n|mister n|blister ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,420826,422371,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha he's a blister . ,pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|blister .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,422336,423857,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha is he ? ,cop|be&3S pro:sub|he ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|PUNCT,423933,424409,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha 0 [=! makes noise of disgust] . ,NA,NA,424421,425408,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha doesn't sound nice „ does it ? ,mod|do&3S~neg|not adj|sound adj|nice end|end mod|do&3S pro:per|it ?,1|4|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|7|ENDP 6|7|AUX 7|4|END 8|4|PUNCT,425319,426759,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha a blister on your foot . ,det:art|a n|blister prep|on det:poss|your n|foot .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,426654,428105,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,428639,429174,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I had one yesterday „ didn't I ? ,pro:sub|I v|have&PAST det:num|one adv:tem|yesterday end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|I ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|JCT 5|8|ENDP 6|8|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|2|END 9|2|PUNCT,429162,431681,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha blister on your foot ? ,n|blister prep|on det:poss|your n|foot ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,431612,432598,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha "well it wasn't yesterday , love , it was quite a long time ago . ",co|well pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S~neg|not adv:tem|yesterday cm|cm n|love cm|cm pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adv|quite det:art|a adj|long n|time post|ago .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|NEG 5|10|JCT 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|10|SUBJ 10|3|PRED 11|10|JCT 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|POBJ 15|14|POSTMOD 16|3|PUNCT,432529,435153,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha I had a blister [>] . ,pro:sub|I v|have&PAST det:art|a n|blister .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,435164,436708,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha [<] +/. [+ IN] ,pro:per|you v|go&PAST prep|to det:art|the +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ,435536,436198,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha you went to the doctor's „ didn't you ? ,pro:per|you v|go&PAST prep|to det:art|the adj|doctor&dn-POSS end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|9|ENDP 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|2|END 10|2|PUNCT,436650,437869,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha it was on your toe „ do you remember ? ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S prep|on det:poss|your n|toe end|end v|do pro:per|you v|remember ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|7|ENDP 7|2|END 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|CJCT 10|2|PUNCT,437835,439518,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha [>] . [+ IN] ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,440417,441485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha <(be)cause we know> [<] . [+ IN] ,conj|because pro:sub|we v|know .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,440650,441427,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha a blister . ,det:art|a n|blister .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,441253,442437,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha well we noticed on your foot and we didn't know what it was on your toe and it was all infected so we [//] daddy took you to the doctor . ,co|well pro:sub|we v|notice-PAST prep|on det:poss|your n|foot coord|and pro:sub|we mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|know pro:int|what pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S prep|on det:poss|your n|toe coord|and pro:per|it aux|be&PAST&13S adv|all part|infect-PASTP adv|so pro:sub|we n|daddy v|take&PAST pro:per|you prep|to det:art|the n|doctor .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|11|LINK 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|3|CJCT 12|14|LINK 13|14|SUBJ 14|11|COMP 15|14|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|22|LINK 19|22|SUBJ 20|22|AUX 21|22|JCT 22|14|CJCT 23|26|JCT 24|26|SUBJ 25|26|SUBJ 26|22|COMP 27|26|OBJ 28|26|JCT 29|30|DET 30|28|POBJ 31|3|PUNCT,442004,450166,MOT,Mother,FEM,30,031003.cha all by [*] his own . ,adv|all prep|by det:poss|his adj|own .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,450410,452534,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha on his own and in fact it was the nurse who saw you and the nurse was quite cross and said we should have taken you before . ,prep|on det:poss|his adj|own coord|and prep|in n|fact pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|nurse pro:rel|who v|saw pro:per|you coord|and det:art|the n|nurse cop|be&PAST&13S adv|quite adj|cross coord|and v|say&PAST pro:sub|we mod|should aux|have part|take&PASTP pro:per|you adv|before .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|8|LINK 5|8|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|CMOD 9|10|DET 10|8|PRED 11|12|LINK 12|10|CMOD 13|12|OBJ 14|17|LINK 15|16|DET 16|17|SUBJ 17|12|CJCT 18|19|JCT 19|17|PRED 20|17|CONJ 21|20|COORD 22|25|SUBJ 23|25|AUX 24|25|AUX 25|21|COMP 26|25|OBJ 27|25|JCT 28|1|PUNCT,452565,457883,MOT,Mother,FEM,27,031003.cha and she said we hadta take you out the next day and when I took you back we saw a different nurse who didn't know why we had taken you . ,coord|and pro:sub|she v|say&PAST pro:sub|we mod|have&PAST~inf|to v|take pro:per|you prep|out det:art|the adj|next n|day coord|and conj|when pro:sub|I v|take&PAST pro:per|you adj|back pro:sub|we v|see&PAST det:art|a adj|different n|nurse pro:rel|who mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|know pro:int|why pro:sub|we aux|have&PAST part|take&PASTP pro:per|you .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|INF 7|3|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|20|LINK 14|16|LINK 15|16|SUBJ 16|20|CJCT 17|16|OBJ 18|16|JCT 19|20|SUBJ 20|7|CJCT 21|23|DET 22|23|MOD 23|20|OBJ 24|27|LINK 25|27|AUX 26|25|NEG 27|23|CMOD 28|31|LINK 29|31|SUBJ 30|31|AUX 31|27|COMP 32|31|OBJ 33|3|PUNCT,457883,463374,MOT,Mother,FEM,32,031003.cha so there you go . ,adv|so adv|there pro:per|you v|go .,1|2|JCT 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,464361,465476,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha I don't know why we had taken you really . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|why pro:sub|we aux|have&PAST part|take&PASTP pro:per|you adv|real&dadj-LY .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|8|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,466653,468905,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha 0I [*] did . ,0pro|I v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,469150,469974,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha that looks like a heart shape that one . ,pro:rel|that v|look-3S conj|like det:art|a n|heart v|shape det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,469986,472308,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,472161,472916,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha doesn't it ? ,mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,472719,473810,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,474948,475482,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I think we will eat the xxx . [+ PI] ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we mod|will v|eat det:art|the .,1|2|SUBJ 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|PUNCT,475482,476724,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha leave that . ,v|leave pro:dem|that .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,476527,477305,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,477618,478257,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I think we're +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we~cop|be&PRES +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,479709,480556,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha I wanna lick it . ,pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|lick pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,479952,481299,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha you can lick it . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|lick pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,480695,481415,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha we're nearly at the stage where you can lick the spoon . ,pro:sub|we~cop|be&PRES adv|near&dadj-LY prep|at det:art|the n|stage pro:rel|where pro:per|you mod|can v|lick det:art|the n|spoon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|6|CMOD 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|2|PUNCT,481241,483459,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha I'll just scrape this round . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will adv|just n|scrape pro:dem|this v|round .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|INCROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|4|PUNCT,484283,486140,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha now are there any with white icing on that look like they need a little bit more icing ? ,adv|now cop|be&PRES adv|there qn|any prep|with n|white n|icing prep|on pro:dem|that v|look conj|like pro:sub|they v|need det:art|a adj|little n|bit adv|more n|icing ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|4|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|10|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|18|CJCT 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|JCT 18|10|OBJ 19|2|PUNCT,486895,491063,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha what are you doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,490900,491701,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha you're underneath the baking tray pinching all the icing that's running past [>] . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adv|underneath det:art|the n:gerund|bake-PRESP n|tray part|pinch-PRESP qn|all det:art|the n|icing pro:rel|that~aux|be&3S part|run-PRESP adj|past .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|6|XMOD 8|10|QUANT 9|10|DET 10|7|OBJ 11|13|LINK 12|13|AUX 13|10|CMOD 14|13|JCT 15|2|PUNCT,491574,495126,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha [<] dropping [>] licking them . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|drop-PRESP adv|off conj|so pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|lick-PRESP pro:obj|them .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|3|CJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|3|PUNCT,494314,497553,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha [<] ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it part|drop-PRESP adv|off ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,496125,497471,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,497553,498505,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha hm . [+ I] ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,498505,499677,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha hm . [+ SR] ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,502510,503079,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha "does that taste good , Tom ? ",mod|do&3S pro:dem|that v|taste adj|good cm|cm n:prop|Tom ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|3|PUNCT,503068,504276,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha hm . [+ SR] ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,504287,505390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you'll probably make yourself sick tonight by eating [>] all these . ,pro:per|you~mod|will adv|probable&dadj-LY v|make pro:refl|yourself adj|sick adv:tem|tonight adv|by part|eat-PRESP adv|all det:dem|these .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT 7|6|JCT 8|9|JCT 9|6|XMOD 10|11|JCT 11|9|INCROOT 12|11|PUNCT,511468,515171,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha nice [<] . ,adj|nice .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,514428,515148,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha there you are . ,adv|there pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,517853,518677,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha would you like to eat [//] lick that now ? ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|lick comp|that adv|now ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|6|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,518677,520941,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,521847,522880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha what I'm going to do I'm going to +/. [+ IN] ,pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|do pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP prep|to +/.,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|4|XJCT 10|9|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,522845,525202,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha I'm going to pop that in the microwave for a couple of seconds just to see if we can melt it quickly . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|pop pro:dem|that prep|in det:art|the n|microwave prep|for det:art|a n|couple prep|of n|second-PL adv|just inf|to v|see conj|if pro:sub|we mod|can v|melt pro:per|it adv|quick&dadj-LY .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|5|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|13|POBJ 15|17|JCT 16|17|INF 17|5|XJCT 18|21|LINK 19|21|SUBJ 20|21|AUX 21|17|COMP 22|21|OBJ 23|21|JCT 24|3|PUNCT,526647,532975,MOT,Mother,FEM,23,031003.cha yummy . ,adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,538416,539252,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we've got to be careful because it can go hard . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to cop|be co|careful conj|because pro:per|it mod|can v|go adv|hard .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|3|CJCT 11|10|JCT 12|3|PUNCT,542347,546306,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha back in the microwave . ,adv|back prep|in det:art|the n|microwave .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,548720,550473,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha and when the chocolate's ready we can do the chocolate one . ,coord|and conj|when det:art|the n|chocolate~cop|be&3S adj|ready pro:sub|we mod|can v|do det:art|the n|chocolate det:num|one .,1|9|LINK 2|5|LINK 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|9|CJCT 6|5|PRED 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|0|ROOT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|OBJ 13|9|PUNCT,553040,555745,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,556302,558102,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha yum . ,n|yum .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,563453,564939,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I'll just put this in for another ten seconds [>] . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will adv|just part|put&PASTP det:dem|this adv|in prep|for qn|another det:num|ten n|second-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|JCT 7|4|JCT 8|10|QUANT 9|10|QUANT 10|7|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,565450,568724,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha yummy [<] . ,adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,569316,570141,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha don't pick any of the buns and then we've got to choose some sweeties to put on top . ,mod|do~neg|not v|pick qn|any prep|of det:art|the n|bun-PL coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|choose qn|some n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL inf|to v|put&ZERO prep|on n|top .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|12|LINK 9|12|JCT 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|4|CJCT 13|14|INF 14|12|COMP 15|16|QUANT 16|14|OBJ 17|18|INF 18|14|COMP 19|18|JCT 20|19|POBJ 21|3|PUNCT,569317,573484,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,574309,575261,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha does that sound like a good idea ? ,mod|do&3S adv|that adj|sound prep|like det:art|a adj|good n|idea ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,574796,576155,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha Mr Thomas Henry ? ,n:prop|Mr n:prop|Thomas n:prop|Henry ?,1|2|NAME 2|0|ROOT 3|2|APP 4|2|PUNCT,576468,577966,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yum [/] yummy . ,co|yum adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,578113,581561,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha hm [>] . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,589341,590223,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yummy [<] . [+ SR] ,adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,589352,590200,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha let me look at it . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|look prep|at pro:per|it .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,592315,593906,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha [>] . [+ SR] ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|look .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,593867,595470,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha [<] . ,mod|do~neg|not v|sniff co|please .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,593868,595946,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha it just needs a little longer „ doesn't it ? ,pro:per|it adv|just v|need-3S det:art|a adj|little adj|long-CP end|end mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|10|ENDP 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|3|END 11|3|PUNCT,598005,600176,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha a fraction longer . ,det:art|a n|fraction adj|long-CP .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POSTMOD 4|2|PUNCT,601105,602521,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha there isn't very much chocolate actually to melt . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&3S~neg|not adv|very adv|much n|chocolate adv|actual&dadj-LY inf|to v|melt .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|5|JCT 5|2|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|INF 9|6|XMOD 10|2|PUNCT,605424,608059,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,612386,614325,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha hm . [+ SR] ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,620098,621421,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,621421,622524,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I think that (h)as done the trick . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that aux|have&3S part|do&PASTP det:art|the n|trick .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,623407,624579,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha steady . ,adv|steady .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,624579,625090,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha this tastes [/] tastes of hm . ,pro:dem|this n|taste-PL prep|of co|hm .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,625601,631894,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha 0it tastes of hm „ does it ? ,0pro|it n|taste-PL prep|of co|hm end|end mod|do&3S pro:per|it ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|7|ENDP 6|7|AUX 7|1|END 8|1|PUNCT,631870,633995,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha it tastes like banana . ,pro:per|it v|taste-3S co|like n|banana .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|COM 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,635691,640335,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha banana ? ,n|banana ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,640335,641101,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha why does it taste of banana ? ,pro:int|why mod|do&3S pro:per|it v|taste prep|of n|banana ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,641078,642854,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha well it just does . ,co|well pro:per|it adv|just v|do&3S .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,642854,644862,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha like all the days it does . ,co|like adv|all det:art|the n|day-PL pro:per|it mod|do&3S .,1|4|COM 2|4|JCT 3|4|DET 4|0|INCROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|4|PUNCT,644770,647730,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,648148,648926,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha all right . ,post|all co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COM 3|1|PUNCT,648613,649356,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha no more now . ,co|no adv|more adv|now .,1|3|COM 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,649349,650626,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha hm . [+ SR] ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,650638,651219,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha let's put a drop of chocolate on these ones . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|put&ZERO det:art|a n|drop prep|of n|chocolate prep|on det:dem|these pro:indef|one-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,651242,654237,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha "right , Tom . ",adv|right cm|cm n:prop|Tom .,1|3|JCT 2|1|LP 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,655108,655944,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha before we do you stand still I'm going to get a tissue and wipe your nose and your hands . ,conj|before pro:sub|we v|do pro:per|you n|stand adj|still pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get det:art|a n|tissue coord|and v|wipe det:poss|your n|nose coord|and det:poss|your n|hand-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|9|CJCT 4|9|SUBJ 5|6|MOD 6|9|JCT 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|0|ROOT 10|11|INF 11|9|COMP 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|9|CONJ 15|14|COORD 16|17|DET 17|15|OBJ 18|15|CONJ 19|20|DET 20|18|COORD 21|9|PUNCT,655770,662678,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,661679,662608,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha put that down please . ,v|put&ZERO pro:dem|that prep|down co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,665602,667064,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,667761,668272,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha stand still . ,n|stand adv|still .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,668283,669050,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha Thomas . ,n:prop|Thomas .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,669990,670931,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha oy . ,co|oy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,671023,671592,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha 0 [=! growls] . ,NA,NA,671685,672985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,676898,677455,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no more doing that . ,co|no adv|more part|do-PRESP comp|that .,1|3|COM 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,677455,678860,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha let's wipe your hands as well please . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|wipe det:poss|your n|hand-PL conj|as adv|well co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|8|COORD 7|8|JCT 8|1|CJCT 9|1|PUNCT,680175,682009,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha I'm just eating the white sugar . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|eat-PRESP det:art|the adj|white n|sugar .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,684157,685725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,685771,686015,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you're not doing any more anything now . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|do-PRESP qn|any qn|more pro:indef|anything adv|now .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|4|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,685992,687605,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha pop that chocolate on there . ,v|pop det:dem|that n|chocolate prep|on n|there .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,687571,689777,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,689777,690253,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha here you go do you wanna do it on your own ? ,adv|here pro:per|you v|go v|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|do pro:per|it prep|on det:poss|your adj|own ?,1|4|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|4|SRL 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|8|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|4|PUNCT,690218,691727,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,692268,693475,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha squadge@d . ,dia|squadge .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,693092,693870,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha a squadge@d . ,det:art|a dia|squadge .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,693789,694485,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,694439,695194,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,695147,695577,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you've got sleeves on it's a bit thicker than the icing this chocolate . ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP n|sleeve-PL adv|on pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bit adj|thick-CP prep|than det:art|the n|icing det:dem|this n|chocolate .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|9|DET 9|15|MOD 10|15|MOD 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|15|DET 15|7|PRED 16|3|PUNCT,695961,698422,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha it (h)as melted but it's a bit thick „ isn't it ? ,pro:per|it aux|have&3S part|melt-PASTP conj|but pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bit adj|thick end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|9|JCT 9|6|PRED 10|11|ENDP 11|3|END 12|13|NEG 13|3|OBJ 14|3|PUNCT,698410,701940,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,703344,704517,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,705156,705516,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha do you wanna do the others ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|do det:art|the n:pt|others ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,705388,706735,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha oh [>] 0need [*] a rest . ,co|oh co|no det:poss|my n|foot&PL 0v|need det:art|a n|rest .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|DET 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|POSTMOD 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,708093,710403,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha [<] +... [+ IN] ,mod|shall pro:sub|I v|go coord|and +...,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|3|PUNCT,708283,709363,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha take my feet resting [*] . ,v|take det:poss|my n|foot&PL part|rest-PRESP .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|XJCT 5|1|PUNCT,710723,712767,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha you want your feet resting ? ,pro:per|you v|want det:poss|your n|foot&PL part|rest-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|XMOD 6|2|PUNCT,712847,714159,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha okay [>] . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,714124,714670,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha [<] again I need that . ,co|oh neg|not adv|again pro:sub|I v|need pro:dem|that .,1|5|COM 2|1|NEG 3|1|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,714125,716562,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha what do you need ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|need ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,716922,717909,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha that chocolate to eat . ,det:dem|that n|chocolate inf|to v|eat .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|XMOD 5|2|PUNCT,718141,720300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha you need the chocolate to eat ? ,pro:per|you v|need det:art|the n|chocolate inf|to v|eat ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|2|PUNCT,720300,722274,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha I'm sure in a minute we can treat ourselves to one of them „ don't you ? ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|sure prep|in det:art|a n|minute pro:sub|we mod|can v|treat pro:refl|ourselves prep|to pro:indef|one prep|of pro:obj|them end|end mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|9|CJCT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|0|ROOT 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|13|POBJ 15|18|ENDP 16|18|AUX 17|16|NEG 18|9|END 19|9|PUNCT,722326,726471,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha [/] yummy . [+ SR] ,adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,724822,726761,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I think these little ones we made in tiny cases are quite good „ aren't they ? ,pro:sub|I v|think det:dem|these adj|little det:num|one-PL pro:sub|we v|make&PAST prep|in adj|tiny n|case-PL cop|be&PRES adv|quite adj|good end|end aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|11|SUBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CMOD 8|7|JCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|POBJ 11|2|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|11|PRED 14|17|ENDP 15|17|AUX 16|15|NEG 17|2|END 18|2|PUNCT,728468,732392,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha xxx [>] . ,NA,NA,732392,734377,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha [<] [/] we'll hafta think about these for +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|we~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|think prep|about pro:dem|these prep|for +/.,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|JCT 9|5|PUNCT,733065,736896,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha what's your name Mummy ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:poss|your n|name n:prop|Mummy ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|APP 6|2|PUNCT,735840,737093,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha what's my name ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:poss|my n|name ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,736931,737674,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha my name's Mummy . ,det:poss|my n|name~cop|be&3S n:prop|Mummy .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,737674,738638,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha what's your name ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:poss|your n|name ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,738626,739520,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha poo poo . ,n|poo n|poo .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,740507,741482,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha poo poo ? ,n|poo n|poo ?,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,741436,742121,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha that suits you quite nicely poo poo doesn't it ? ,pro:rel|that v|suit-3S pro:per|you adv|quite adv|nice&dadj-LY n|poo n|poo mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|10|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|2|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,742086,744303,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha [/] poo poo . ,n|poo n|poo .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,744512,746393,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha like Winnie_the_poo poo or just poo poo ? ,conj|like n:prop|Winnie_the_poo n|poo coord|or adj|just n|poo n|poo ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|4|COORD 8|3|PUNCT,745680,747979,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha just poo poo . ,adv|just n|poo n|poo .,1|2|JCT 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,747990,749081,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha poo poo ? ,n|poo n|poo ?,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,748791,749407,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,749407,749917,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha hello poo poo . ,co|hello n|poo n|poo .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,749917,751044,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha hello Mrs poo . ,co|hello n:prop|Mrs n|poo .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,751531,753203,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha do you know what is very special about people called poo poo ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what cop|be&3S adv|very adj|special prep|about n|person&PL v|call-PAST n|poo n|poo ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|JCT 7|5|PRED 8|10|JCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|CMOD 11|12|MOD 12|10|OBJ 13|3|PUNCT,753458,756175,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,756198,757092,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha they can't eat cakes with chocolate on top . ,pro:sub|they mod|can~neg|not v|eat n|cake-PL prep|with n|chocolate prep|on n|top .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,757162,759484,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha they can eat [>] . ,pro:sub|they mod|can v|eat n|pooey n|cake-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,759835,762564,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha no [<] . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,760857,761298,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha they can't eat any cakes . ,pro:sub|they mod|can~neg|not v|eat qn|any n|cake-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,762227,763783,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha anybody called poo poo no cakes . ,pro:indef|anybody v|call-PAST n|poo n|poo qn|no n|cake-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,763725,766302,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha but poo poo no xxx it's marshmallows . [+ PI] ,conj|but n|poo n|poo co|no pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n|marshmallow-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|6|COM 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CMOD 7|6|PRED 8|3|PUNCT,766801,772502,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha is it ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|PUNCT,772525,773222,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha do you know who likes marshmallows ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:rel|who v|like-3S n|marshmallow-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|LINK 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,773214,775234,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha who ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,775130,775768,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I was speaking to Avril on the phone the other day about your birthday party . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|speak-PRESP prep|to n:prop|Avril prep|on det:art|the n|phone det:art|the qn|other n|day prep|about det:poss|your n|+n|birth+n|day n|party .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|11|DET 10|11|QUANT 11|3|JCT 12|3|JCT 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|POBJ 16|3|PUNCT,775908,780656,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha and she said she would come along to the birthday party and eat all the marshmallows . ,coord|and pro:sub|she v|say&PAST pro:sub|she mod|will&COND v|come adv|along prep|to det:art|the n|+n|birth+n|day n|party coord|and v|eat qn|all det:art|the n|marshmallow-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|6|CONJ 13|12|COORD 14|16|QUANT 15|16|DET 16|13|OBJ 17|3|PUNCT,782305,789178,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha off the cake ? ,prep|off det:art|the n|cake ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,789050,790652,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha well we weren't actually going to have any marshmallows but if Avril's coming we'll get some marshmallows especially for her . ,co|well pro:sub|we aux|be&PAST~neg|not adv|actual&dadj-LY part|go-PRESP inf|to v|have qn|any n|marshmallow-PL conj|but comp|if n:prop|Avril~aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP pro:sub|we~mod|will v|get qn|some n|marshmallow-PL adv|especial&dadj-LY prep|for pro:obj|her .,1|6|COM 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|6|JCT 6|0|ROOT 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|10|QUANT 10|8|OBJ 11|6|CONJ 12|15|LINK 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|11|COORD 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|15|COMP 19|20|QUANT 20|18|OBJ 21|18|JCT 22|18|JCT 23|22|POBJ 24|6|PUNCT,790624,796324,MOT,Mother,FEM,23,031003.cha so at your party we're going to hafta watch Avril . ,adv|so prep|at det:poss|your n|party pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to mod|have~inf|to v|watch n:prop|Avril .,1|7|JCT 2|7|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|11|INF 9|11|AUX 10|11|INF 11|7|COMP 12|11|OBJ 13|7|PUNCT,796499,800214,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha okay ? ,co|okay ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,800887,801514,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha in fact we'll be seeing her on Wednesday . ,prep|in n|fact pro:sub|we~mod|will aux|be part|see-PRESP pro:obj|her prep|on n:prop|Wednesday .,1|6|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|6|PUNCT,801502,804219,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha tomorrow [/] that's tomorrow „ isn't it Wednesday ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv:tem|tomorrow end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it n:prop|Wednesday ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|ENDP 5|2|END 6|2|NEG 7|2|PRED 8|7|OM 9|2|PUNCT,804213,806593,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha she's coming to do a tape . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP inf|to v|do det:art|a n|tape .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,807789,809762,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha yes [>] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,810482,811121,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha so [<] when we see her +... ,co|so conj|when pro:sub|we v|see pro:obj|her +...,1|4|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,811028,812235,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,814627,815312,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha have you stuck your finger in that ? ,v|have pro:per|you v|stick&PAST det:poss|your n|finger prep|in pro:dem|that ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|1|PUNCT,816748,818826,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,818826,819918,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,819377,820073,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha you little mess pot . ,pro:per|you adj|little n|mess n|pot .,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,819911,821455,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,821455,822058,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha well I was about to let you lick this but I don't think I will now . ,co|well pro:sub|I cop|be&PAST&13S prep|about inf|to v|let&ZERO pro:per|you v|lick det:dem|this conj|but pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:sub|I mod|will adv|now .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|INF 6|4|CPOBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|14|LINK 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|9|CJCT 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|14|JCT 18|3|PUNCT,822003,824581,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha oh dear [>] . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,824581,825846,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha [<] off you go then . ,v|go adv|on adv:tem|then adv|off pro:per|you v|go adv:tem|then .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|JCT 4|1|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|1|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|1|PUNCT,825486,826972,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha [>] I'll get some sweeties . ,pro:per|you v|lick det:dem|this coord|and pro:sub|I~mod|will v|get qn|some n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|CJCT 8|9|QUANT 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,826880,828551,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha xxx [<] . ,NA,NA,827158,828180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,829213,830165,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha oh I don't like this milk and chocolate . ,co|oh pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like det:dem|this n|milk coord|and n|chocolate .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|5|PUNCT,829480,832986,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,832928,833637,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha because I don't like it . ,conj|because pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like pro:per|it .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,833787,835065,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha don't you ? ,mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,835018,835645,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha you don't like chocolate ? ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|like n|chocolate ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,835645,836678,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha well that's because you're called pooey . ,co|well pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S conj|because pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|call-PASTP n|pooey .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|CJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,836634,838120,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,838120,838967,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha "don't take any more , Thomas . ",mod|do~neg|not v|take qn|any pro:indef|more cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|3|PUNCT,838851,840500,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha I mean it . ,pro:sub|I v|mean pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,840430,841498,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha sit still please [>] . ,v|sit adv|still co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|COM 4|1|PUNCT,841185,842334,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha [<] past to the shop . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|walk-PRESP adj|past prep|to det:art|the n|shop .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,841835,844111,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha you're not walking past to the shop at all . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|walk-PRESP adj|past prep|to det:art|the n|shop prep|at pro:indef|all .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,843611,846015,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,845991,846874,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha come on . ,v|come adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,846688,847222,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha otherwise no sweeties go on top of those . ,adv|otherwise qn|no n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL v|go prep|on n|top prep|of pro:dem|those .,1|2|JCT 2|3|QUANT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,847141,849393,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha [/] you . ,pro:per|you .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,850241,851774,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha by [/] your . ,prep|by det:poss|your .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,852447,854432,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha you've [>] . ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|learn inf|to v|wait .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,854398,856127,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha [<] . ,n|poo n|poo n|poo .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,854734,856069,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha shh . ,co|shh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,856255,856673,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha don't be silly . ,mod|do~neg|not cop|be adj|silly .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,856603,857672,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,857579,859448,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha you're just being a silly boy now „ aren't you ? ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adj|just n:gerund|be-PRESP det:art|a adj|silly n|boy adv|now end|end aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|JCT 9|12|ENDP 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|2|END 13|2|PUNCT,859367,862617,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha "right , Thomas . ",adv|right cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|3|JCT 2|1|LP 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,864418,865892,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha don't . ,mod|do~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PUNCT,865892,866275,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha come here now and get some sweeties . ,v|come adv|here adv|now coord|and v|get qn|some n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|JCT 4|1|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,866275,868005,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha come here ? ,v|come adv|here ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,868075,869305,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha where you are ? ,pro:int|where pro:per|you cop|be&PRES ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,869712,871059,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha yes please xxx . [+ PI] ,co|yes co|please .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,871059,873241,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha hello xxx . [+ PI] ,co|hello .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,871929,873125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha coming . ,part|come-PRESP .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,875424,876492,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha well I'm going to have a very special bun . ,co|well pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|have det:art|a adv|very adj|special n|bun .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|10|DET 8|9|JCT 9|10|MOD 10|6|OBJ 11|4|PUNCT,877103,880411,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,880411,881062,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha could you put on top of two of the chocolate buns +/. [+ IN] ,mod|could pro:per|you v|put&ZERO prep|on n|top prep|of det:num|two prep|of det:art|the n|chocolate n|bun-PL +/.,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,884000,886159,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha we (h)ad better do three so we can all have one . ,pro:sub|we v|have&PAST adv|good&CP v|do det:num|three conj|so pro:sub|we mod|can post|all v|have pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|10|LINK 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|8|PQ 10|2|CJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|2|PUNCT,886205,888794,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha one of those Rolos on top of each of the chocolate ones . ,det:num|one prep|of det:dem|those n:prop|Rolos prep|on n|top prep|of qn|each prep|of det:art|the n|chocolate pro:indef|one-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|1|PUNCT,888876,892521,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha just the chocolate . ,adv|just det:art|the n|chocolate .,1|3|JCT 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,893009,894089,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha (be)cause they are the same . ,conj|because pro:sub|they cop|be&PRES det:art|the adj|same .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,895222,897323,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha can [>] ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|have pro:indef|one ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,909050,910838,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha [<] . ,co|oh pro:int|how adj|love&dn-LY .,1|3|COM 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,909051,910095,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha there you are there's some smarties in there . ,adv|there pro:per|you cop|be&PRES pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL prep|in n|there .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|PRED 6|7|QUANT 7|5|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,910246,912498,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha there we go . ,adv|there pro:sub|we v|go .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,915682,916367,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha which one I'm going to have . ,pro:rel|which det:num|one pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|have .,1|2|LINK 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|5|PUNCT,915705,917551,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha that one (be)cause there's chocolate on . ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one conj|because pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|chocolate adv|on .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CMOD 6|5|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|2|PUNCT,917714,920175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,920164,920732,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha they look nice little buns with chocolate icing and Rolos . ,pro:sub|they v|look adj|nice adj|little n|bun-PL prep|with n|chocolate n|icing coord|and n:prop|Rolos .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|MOD 8|6|POBJ 9|8|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|2|PUNCT,920744,923647,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha very nice . ,adv|very adj|nice .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,924390,925272,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I'm just going to this corner shop with the sweets . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|go-PRESP prep|to det:dem|this n|corner n|shop prep|with det:art|the n|sweet-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|4|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,925638,929782,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,031003.cha and I've given you some smarties . ,coord|and pro:sub|I~aux|have part|give&PASTP pro:per|you qn|some n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ2 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,930318,932315,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha "and then we've got some little jelly sweets here , Thomas . ",coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP qn|some adj|little n|jelly n|sweet-PL adv|here cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|5|LINK 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|9|QUANT 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|5|OBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|9|LP 12|9|ENUM 13|5|PUNCT,933337,938944,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha in different colors . ,prep|in adj|different n|color-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|MOD 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,938944,940616,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha why are you licking your lips ? ,pro:int|why aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|lick-PRESP det:poss|your n|lip-PL ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,940616,943089,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha (be)cause I eated [*] some of that . ,NA,NA,943036,944906,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha have you ? ,v|have pro:per|you ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,944813,945753,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yum . ,n|yum .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,945753,946322,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we've got to keep these buns upright otherwise the icing all drops off onto the floor . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|keep det:dem|these n|bun-PL adj|upright adv|otherwise det:art|the n|icing adv|all n|drop-PL adv|off prep|onto det:art|the n|floor .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|13|MOD 9|13|JCT 10|11|DET 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|JCT 13|7|CMOD 14|13|JCT 15|13|NJCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|3|PUNCT,946322,950908,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha can I please stick an orange one right in the middle of that ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I co|please v|stick det:art|a n|orange det:num|one n|right prep|in det:art|the n|middle prep|of pro:dem|that ?,1|4|AUX 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|COM 4|0|ROOT 5|8|DET 6|8|MOD 7|8|QUANT 8|4|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|11|NJCT 13|12|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,950873,953404,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,953369,954345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha oh that's a nice one . ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|nice pro:indef|one .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,954368,955715,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha tick [//] stick a blue one on for me please . ,v|stick det:art|a n|blue det:num|one adv|on prep|for pro:obj|me co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|5|QUANT 5|1|JCT 6|1|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|1|COM 9|1|PUNCT,955514,959090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha which bun would you like a blue one putting on ? ,pro:rel|which n|bun mod|will&COND pro:per|you conj|like det:art|a n|blue pro:indef|one part|put-PRESP adv|on ?,1|2|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|7|POSTMOD 9|8|XMOD 10|9|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,959093,961101,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha that one . ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,961101,961565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha that one ? ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,961565,962483,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,962483,962784,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha next to my orange one ? ,adv|next prep|to det:poss|my n|orange pro:indef|one ?,1|5|JCT 2|5|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,962784,963969,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha oh that's nice „ isn't it ? ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|nice end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|ENDP 6|3|END 7|3|NEG 8|3|PRED 9|3|PUNCT,963969,965582,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha put that one on as well . ,part|put&PASTP adv|that det:num|one adv|on adv|as adv|well .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|4|QUANT 4|1|JCT 5|6|JCT 6|1|JCT 7|1|PUNCT,967939,969333,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,968926,969669,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha we'll hafta be quick now because the icing's setting and the chocolate's setting and &-uh +... [+ IN] ,pro:sub|we~mod|will mod|have~inf|to cop|be adv|quick adv|now conj|because det:art|the n|icing~aux|be&3S part|set-PRESP coord|and det:art|the n|chocolate~aux|be&3S part|set-PRESP coord|and +...,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|12|LINK 9|10|DET 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|5|CJCT 13|17|LINK 14|15|DET 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|12|CJCT 18|17|CONJ 19|5|PUNCT,969245,974760,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha who is having that one ? ,pro:int|who aux|be&3S part|have-PRESP det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,974777,976101,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha the orange one . ,det:art|the n|orange pro:indef|one .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,976287,977355,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha oops . ,co|oops .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,977389,977924,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha that (h)as gone on the floor . ,pro:dem|that aux|have&3S part|go&PASTP prep|on det:art|the n|floor .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,977947,979642,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha ah . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,980176,981012,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha there we've got icing on the chocolate . ,adv|there pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP n|icing prep|on det:art|the n|chocolate .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,981000,983253,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha where (h)as it gone ? ,pro:rel|where aux|have&3S pro:per|it part|go&PASTP ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,984766,985822,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,987181,987994,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,988261,988458,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "we've got to be ever so quick with the chocolate ones really quick now , Tom . ",pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to cop|be adv|ever adv|so adv|quick prep|with det:art|the n|chocolate det:num|one-PL adv|real&dadj-LY adv|quick adv|now cm|cm n:prop|Tom .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|5|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|14|QUANT 13|14|JCT 14|15|JCT 15|11|NJCT 16|11|LP 17|11|ENUM 18|3|PUNCT,988458,990942,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha because [//] they're too late to put things on if we don't do it quick . ,conj|because pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|too adj|late inf|to v|put&ZERO n|thing-PL adv|on conj|if pro:sub|we mod|do~neg|not v|do pro:per|it adv|quick .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|7|INF 7|5|XMOD 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|14|LINK 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|3|CJCT 15|14|OBJ 16|14|JCT 17|3|PUNCT,990931,996318,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha do the chocolate ones first please because the other icing's a bit runnier . ,v|do det:art|the n|chocolate det:num|one-PL adv|first co|please conj|because det:art|the qn|other n|icing~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bit adj|run&dv-Y-CP .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|6|QUANT 5|4|JCT 6|11|COM 7|11|LINK 8|10|DET 9|10|QUANT 10|11|SUBJ 11|3|CMOD 12|13|DET 13|11|PRED 14|13|POSTMOD 15|1|PUNCT,996763,1001581,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha let's put something on . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|put&ZERO pro:indef|something prep|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,1001756,1003427,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1003404,1004101,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha [>] . ,co|oh_gosh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1004136,1005448,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [<] this orange one up here ? ,mod|shall pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO det:dem|this adj|orange pro:indef|one prep|up n|here ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,1004252,1006609,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1006609,1006910,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that one go [* 0es] in there . ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one v|go prep|in n|there .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,1006876,1008710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha well I tell you what . ,co|well pro:sub|I v|tell pro:per|you pro:int|what .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,1008164,1009128,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1009128,1009383,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I was going to say [/] we [>] could always use a little bit of that white icing there . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|say pro:sub|we mod|could adv|always v|use det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of det:dem|that adj|white n|icing adv|there .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|9|JCT 9|5|COMP 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|OBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|POBJ 17|9|JCT 18|3|PUNCT,1009470,1015182,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha &=laughs [<] . ,NA,NA,1011269,1012651,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha to stick things „ couldn't we ? ,inf|to v|stick n|thing-PL end|end mod|could~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|7|ENDP 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|2|END 8|2|PUNCT,1015681,1017725,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha how's that ? ,pro:int|how~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1017690,1018386,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha then it doesn't matter if it (h)as melted . ,adv:tem|then pro:per|it mod|do&3S~neg|not v|matter conj|if pro:per|it aux|have&3S part|melt-PASTP .,1|5|JCT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|5|CJCT 10|5|PUNCT,1018944,1020929,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha "Mummy , can I have that chocolate ? ",n:prop|Mummy cm|cm mod|can pro:sub|I v|have det:dem|that n|chocolate ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,1022675,1024405,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1023812,1024265,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha not yet . ,neg|not adv|yet .,1|2|NEG 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1024242,1024788,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha we haven't decorated all of the cakes yet . ,pro:sub|we aux|have~neg|not part|decorate-PASTP pro:indef|all prep|of det:art|the n|cake-PL adv|yet .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|4|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,1024590,1026343,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1026343,1026773,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we have . ,pro:sub|we v|have .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1026692,1027504,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1027040,1027528,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we haven't . ,pro:sub|we aux|have~neg|not .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PUNCT,1027516,1027969,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha "we can't eat until the job's done , Thomas . ",pro:sub|we mod|can~neg|not v|eat prep|until det:art|the adj|job&dn-POSS part|do&PASTP cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|7|XMOD 9|8|LP 10|8|ENUM 11|4|PUNCT,1027888,1030175,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha do you need some more sweets ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|need qn|some qn|more n|sweet-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|QUANT 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,1030883,1032520,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha oh yes . ,co|oh co|yes .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1032775,1033797,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha you've got a lot on that one „ haven't you ? ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:art|a n|lot prep|on det:dem|that pro:indef|one end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|12|ENDP 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|3|END 13|3|PUNCT,1033751,1035411,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha how many things have you got on there ? ,pro:int|how qn|many n|thing-PL v|have pro:per|you v|get&PAST prep|on n|there ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,1035301,1037240,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha one two three . [+ R] ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1037205,1039353,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha three ? ,det:num|three ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1039341,1040270,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1041280,1041965,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1041722,1042244,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha here we are some more smarties and a couple more jelly sweets . ,adv|here pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES qn|some pro:indef|more n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL coord|and det:art|a n|couple qn|more n|jelly n|sweet-PL .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|CONJ 8|9|DET 9|12|MOD 10|11|QUANT 11|12|MOD 12|7|COORD 13|3|PUNCT,1043788,1048838,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha there you are . ,adv|there pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1049864,1051014,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha now no . ,adv|now co|no .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1051583,1052662,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha if you've licked your fingers you've got to come and get your hands washed . ,conj|if pro:per|you~aux|have part|lick-PASTP det:poss|your n|finger-PL pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|come coord|and v|get det:poss|your n|hand-PL v|wash-PAST .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|9|CJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|0|ROOT 10|11|INF 11|9|COMP 12|11|CONJ 13|12|COORD 14|15|DET 15|16|SUBJ 16|13|COMP 17|9|PUNCT,1052720,1054857,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha I haven't . ,pro:sub|I aux|have~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,1054729,1055356,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha ah you have I saw you . ,co|ah pro:per|you v|have pro:sub|I v|see&PAST pro:per|you .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,1055367,1056319,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha come on . ,v|come adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,1056273,1056842,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1056935,1057399,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1057585,1057968,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I was just [>] wiping something off . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S adv|just part|wipe-PRESP pro:indef|something prep|off .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,1058084,1060302,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha no [<] . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1058583,1059106,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1060278,1060627,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you weren't . ,pro:per|you cop|be&PAST~neg|not .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PUNCT,1060534,1061254,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,1061498,1062090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha "you don't touch food , Thomas . ",pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|touch n|food cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|4|PUNCT,1061954,1063394,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha when you've done that . ,conj|when pro:per|you~aux|have part|do&PASTP pro:dem|that .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,1063243,1064288,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha naughty . ,adj|naughty .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1064253,1065147,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha 0 [=! screams] . ,NA,NA,1064636,1065716,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha come on . ,v|come adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,1065716,1066610,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha no sweets until you've wiped [>] your hands . ,qn|no n|sweet-PL prep|until pro:per|you~aux|have part|wipe-PASTP det:poss|your n|hand-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|6|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|PUNCT,1066610,1068479,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha da_da@b [<] . ,bab|da_da .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1067318,1068003,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1068410,1069396,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1069396,1070627,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha good boy . ,adj|good n|boy .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1072403,1073193,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha that's yours . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:poss|yours .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1073193,1074319,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1074284,1074923,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha well [/] +//. [+ IN] ,co|well +//.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1074900,1076339,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha buns . ,n|bun-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1076351,1077291,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha put some on some buns that haven't got any [/] anything on . ,v|put&ZERO pro:indef|some adv|on qn|some n|bun-PL pro:rel|that aux|have~neg|not part|get&PASTP pro:indef|anything prep|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|5|QUANT 5|1|OBJ 6|9|LINK 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|5|CMOD 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|1|PUNCT,1077315,1081286,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1082389,1083666,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha those Rolo ones look really nice „ don't they ? ,pro:dem|those n:prop|Rolo det:num|one-PL v|look adv|real&dadj-LY adj|nice end|end mod|do~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|QUANT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|10|ENDP 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|4|END 11|4|PUNCT,1085407,1088066,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I want one icing . ,pro:sub|I v|want det:num|one n|icing .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,1088124,1090144,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha well you can have one that you chose then we'll save one for Daddy and Mummy will have one . ,n|well pro:per|you mod|can aux|have pro:indef|one pro:rel|that pro:per|you v|choose&PAST adv:tem|then pro:sub|we~mod|will v|save det:num|one prep|for n:prop|Daddy coord|and n:prop|Mummy mod|will v|have pro:indef|one .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|12|JCT 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|8|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|13|NJCT 15|14|POBJ 16|19|LINK 17|19|SUBJ 18|19|AUX 19|8|CJCT 20|19|OBJ 21|5|PUNCT,1090204,1094663,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha well [/] that looks nice . ,adv|well adv|that v|look-3S adj|nice .,1|3|JCT 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COMP 5|3|PUNCT,1096719,1098380,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1098380,1098681,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha two eyes and a little bit of chocolate there that looks like a nose and can you see it looks like a smile at the bottom ? ,det:num|two n|eye-PL coord|and det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of n|chocolate adv|there pro:rel|that v|look-3S prep|like det:art|a n|nose coord|and mod|can pro:per|you v|see pro:per|it v|look-3S prep|like det:art|a n|smile prep|at det:art|the n|bottom ?,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|COORD 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|6|NJCT 10|11|LINK 11|9|CMOD 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|11|CONJ 16|18|AUX 17|18|SUBJ 18|15|COORD 19|20|SUBJ 20|18|COMP 21|20|JCT 22|23|DET 23|21|POBJ 24|20|JCT 25|26|DET 26|24|POBJ 27|2|PUNCT,1098681,1102838,MOT,Mother,FEM,26,031003.cha oh Mummy do you know what this is ? ,co|oh n:prop|Mummy v|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what det:dem|this cop|be&3S ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|8|LINK 7|8|DET 8|5|COMP 9|3|PUNCT,1103024,1105322,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha hm ? ,co|hm ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1105311,1105775,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha a smile . ,det:art|a n|smile .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1105775,1106855,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha it is a smile „ isn't it ? ,pro:per|it cop|be&3S det:art|a n|smile end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|6|ENDP 6|2|END 7|2|NEG 8|2|SUBJ 9|2|PUNCT,1106739,1108178,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha that . ,comp|that .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1108086,1108759,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1108639,1108918,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha don't put any more on that one because there are others without anything on . ,mod|do~neg|not v|put&ZERO qn|any pro:indef|more prep|on det:dem|that pro:indef|one conj|because adv|there cop|be&PRES n:pt|others prep|without pro:indef|anything prep|on .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|3|CJCT 12|11|PRED 13|11|JCT 14|13|POBJ 15|14|NJCT 16|3|PUNCT,1108720,1111623,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha that's his hair . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:poss|his n|hair .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,1112377,1113921,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha is it ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|PUNCT,1113921,1114630,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha and that . ,coord|and pro:dem|that .,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1114514,1115222,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha is that +... [+ IN] ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that +...,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|PUNCT,1117660,1118705,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha [?] more [*] chocolate ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|think pro:per|you mod|can v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|do qn|some adj|little qn|more n|chocolate ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|12|QUANT 10|12|MOD 11|12|QUANT 12|8|OBJ 13|3|PUNCT,1118786,1121654,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,031003.cha more chocolate ? ,qn|more n|chocolate ?,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1121647,1122378,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha do you mean more smarties ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|mean adv|more n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,1122216,1123632,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1123632,1124270,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [/] yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1124067,1127190,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha when we made those cakes the big cakes +//. [+ IN] ,conj|when pro:sub|we v|make&PAST det:dem|those n|cake-PL det:art|the adj|big n|cake-PL +//.,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|APP 9|3|PUNCT,1126702,1132600,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha there we go that's the end of the tube . ,adv|there pro:sub|we v|go pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|end prep|of det:art|the n|tube .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,1132577,1135305,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha we've put them all in big cases these have been made in little cases „ haven't they ? ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|put&PASTP pro:obj|them adv|all prep|in adj|big n|case-PL det:dem|these aux|have aux|be&PASTP part|make&PASTP prep|in adj|little n|case-PL end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|8|MOD 8|6|POBJ 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|AUX 12|3|JCT 13|12|JCT 14|15|MOD 15|13|POBJ 16|19|ENDP 17|19|AUX 18|17|NEG 19|3|END 20|3|PUNCT,1136352,1139696,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha you must've just licked some icing because you've just wiped your hands all on your own . ,pro:per|you mod|must~aux|have adv|just v|lick-PAST qn|some n|icing conj|because pro:per|you~aux|have adv|just part|wipe-PASTP det:poss|your n|hand-PL adv|all prep|on det:poss|your adj|own .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|12|LINK 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|JCT 12|5|CJCT 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|16|JCT 16|12|JCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|5|PUNCT,1139948,1143315,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha don't do that . ,mod|do~neg|not v|do pro:dem|that .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,1143338,1144174,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha all right [?] a red one on that please . [+ PI] ,qn|all n|right mod|do pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO det:art|a det:num|one det:art|a n|red det:num|one adv|on pro:rel|that co|please .,1|2|QUANT 2|5|JCT 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|9|QUANT 8|9|DET 9|5|OBJ 10|11|QUANT 11|9|NJCT 12|13|LINK 13|11|INCROOT 14|13|PUNCT,1144997,1148584,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha there's another pearl [?] one for you . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|another n|pearl det:num|one prep|for pro:per|you .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|4|POSTMOD 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,1148642,1150500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1150093,1150581,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha that one's got two [/] two smarties +//. ,comp|that adj|one&dn-POSS v|get&PAST det:num|two n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL +//.,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,1150523,1152682,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha [/] blue for [>] . ,adj|blue prep|for det:poss|my n|house .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,1151626,1153925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha [<] . ,adv|right adv|now .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1153228,1153658,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha let's put +/. ,v|let~pro:obj|us part|put&PASTP +/.,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,1153634,1154157,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha we've no more sweets now so we've got to put these on the [>] icing on otherwise some will have none . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have co|no adv|more n|sweet-PL adv|now conj|so pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|put&ZERO pro:dem|these prep|on det:art|the qn|other n|bun-PL prep|without n|icing adv|on adv|otherwise qn|some mod|will v|have pro:indef|none .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|5|COM 4|5|JCT 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|NJCT 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|5|CJCT 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|12|JCT 15|17|DET 16|17|QUANT 17|14|POBJ 18|12|JCT 19|18|POBJ 20|12|JCT 21|12|JCT 22|24|QUANT 23|24|AUX 24|21|CPOBJ 25|24|OBJ 26|5|PUNCT,1154132,1160216,MOT,Mother,FEM,25,031003.cha [<] . ,n|ouch .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1157139,1158172,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1160274,1160703,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha put some on ones without anything on . ,v|put&ZERO qn|some prep|on det:num|one-PL prep|without pro:indef|anything prep|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|1|JCT 8|1|PUNCT,1160680,1162526,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha "just one on each , Thomas . ",adv|just det:num|one prep|on qn|each cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|QUANT 5|4|LP 6|3|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,1169862,1171336,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1171336,1171661,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha because we're going to run out . ,conj|because pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|run adv|out .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,1171638,1172613,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha there aren't going to be any smarties left . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES~neg|not part|go-PRESP inf|to cop|be qn|any n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL v|leave&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|XJCT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|PRED 9|6|ENUM 10|2|PUNCT,1172613,1174436,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1174761,1175191,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha one on each of the others . ,det:num|one prep|on qn|each prep|of det:art|the n:pt|others .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,1175191,1176596,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha if you've any left you can put another one on . ,conj|if pro:per|you~aux|have qn|any adj|left pro:per|you mod|can v|put&ZERO qn|another pro:indef|one adv|on .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|QUANT 5|8|CJCT 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|10|QUANT 10|8|OBJ 11|8|JCT 12|8|PUNCT,1177513,1179661,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha look at that one it (h)as risen right in the middle „ hasn't it ? ,v|look prep|at det:dem|that pro:indef|one pro:per|it aux|have&3S part|rise&PASTP n|right prep|in det:art|the adj|middle end|end aux|have&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|1|XJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|15|ENDP 13|15|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|1|END 16|1|PUNCT,1180555,1183492,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha Mummy ? ,n:prop|Mummy ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1183794,1184456,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha yes ? ,co|yes ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1184560,1185001,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha all done . ,post|all part|do&PASTP .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1186144,1187374,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha 0 [=! coughs] . ,NA,NA,1187432,1188175,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha excuse me . ,v|excuse pro:obj|me .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,1188443,1188989,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I had this nice chair [?] . ,pro:sub|I v|have&PAST det:dem|this adj|nice n|chair .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,1188710,1190521,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha all right . ,post|all co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COM 3|1|PUNCT,1190452,1190823,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha well go and sit in your chair then please . ,co|well v|go coord|and v|sit prep|in det:poss|your n|chair adv:tem|then co|please .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|JCT 9|4|COM 10|2|PUNCT,1190800,1192379,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha yummy [/] yum . ,adj|yum&dn-Y n|yum .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1192054,1194887,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha [>] . ,v|come coord|and v|sit prep|in det:poss|your n|chair adv|now .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|JCT 8|1|PUNCT,1193772,1195641,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha [<] . ,adj|yum&dn-Y n|yum n|yum n|yum .,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1195653,1197545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha and shall I have this one ? ,coord|and mod|shall pro:sub|I v|have pro:dem|this pro:indef|one ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,1195920,1197325,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1197545,1197975,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you can . ,pro:per|you mod|can .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1197812,1198880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha and shall we save that other one for Daddy ? ,coord|and mod|shall pro:sub|we v|save adv|that qn|other pro:indef|one prep|for n:prop|Daddy ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,1198520,1200285,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I'm going to sit on the floor . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|sit prep|on det:art|the n|floor .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,1200842,1202270,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1202270,1202944,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha oh sit [/] sitting on the stall . ,co|oh part|sit-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|stall .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,1203631,1208368,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha that's nice you've got icing all round your mouth . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|nice pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP n|icing adv|all v|round det:poss|your n|mouth .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|CMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|9|JCT 9|6|COMP 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|2|PUNCT,1209238,1211746,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha this is a treat sitting down eating little buns with chocolate icing and Rolo on top and when I'm sitting on this stool +/. [+ IN] ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|a n|treat part|sit-PRESP adv|down part|eat-PRESP adj|little n|bun-PL prep|with n|chocolate n|icing coord|and n:prop|Rolo prep|on n|top coord|and conj|when pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|sit-PRESP prep|on det:dem|this n|stool +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|5|JCT 7|4|XMOD 8|9|MOD 9|7|OBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|12|MOD 12|10|POBJ 13|12|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|14|NJCT 16|15|POBJ 17|4|CONJ 18|21|LINK 19|21|SUBJ 20|21|AUX 21|17|COORD 22|21|JCT 23|24|DET 24|22|POBJ 25|2|PUNCT,1213290,1227489,MOT,Mother,FEM,24,031003.cha oh look Purdie (h)as come . ,co|oh v|look n:prop|Purdie aux|have&3S part|come&PASTP .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,1227459,1228527,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1229444,1230152,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha do you know what I can see ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what pro:sub|I mod|can v|see ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,1230478,1231836,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1231871,1232324,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha rows and rows of little buns with smarties on top . ,n|row-PL coord|and v|row-3S prep|of adj|little n|bun-PL prep|with n|smart&dadj-DIM-PL prep|on n|top .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|3|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|4|POBJ 7|3|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,1232869,1235481,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha that's nice „ isn't it ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|nice end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|ENDP 5|2|END 6|2|NEG 7|2|PRED 8|2|PUNCT,1235714,1237711,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha I can see lots_of Rolos . ,pro:sub|I mod|can v|see qn|lots_of n:prop|Rolos .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,1238755,1241089,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha mass of Rolos ? ,n|mass prep|of n:prop|Rolos ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,1241217,1242447,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I think there's only one more left with a Rolo on and that's for Daddy „ isn't it ? ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|only pro:indef|one adv|more adj|left prep|with det:art|a n:prop|Rolo adv|on coord|and pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S prep|for n:prop|Daddy end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|QUANT 6|4|PRED 7|8|JCT 8|6|PRED 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|8|JCT 13|8|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|8|ENUM 16|15|JCT 17|16|POBJ 18|19|ENDP 19|2|COMP 20|19|NEG 21|19|PRED 22|2|PUNCT,1242239,1244886,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha are the buns nice or are they a bit hard these small ones ? ,cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|bun-PL adj|nice coord|or cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they det:art|a n|bit adv|hard det:dem|these adj|small pro:indef|one-PL ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|13|JCT 4|3|POSTMOD 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|13|SUBJ 8|9|DET 9|13|JCT 10|13|JCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|1|PRED 14|1|PUNCT,1245501,1248346,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha they've probably dried out a bit (be)cause we made them on Sunday „ didn't we ? ,pro:sub|they~aux|have adv|probable&dadj-LY part|dry-PASTP prep|out det:art|a n|bit conj|because pro:sub|we v|make&PAST pro:obj|them prep|on n:prop|Sunday end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|17|ENDP 15|17|AUX 16|15|NEG 17|4|END 18|4|PUNCT,1248694,1252270,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1254035,1254871,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha very nice . ,adv|very adj|nice .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1259201,1260188,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha are you tired now ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you v|tire-PAST adv|now ?,1|3|CJCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,1265002,1265977,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha are you a tired boy ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you det:art|a part|tire-PASTP n|boy ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OM 6|1|PUNCT,1267429,1269170,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1270122,1270923,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we've had quite a busy day today „ haven't we ? ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|have&PASTP adv|quite det:art|a adj|busy n|day adv:tem|today end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|8|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|JCT 9|12|ENDP 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|3|END 13|3|PUNCT,1271713,1273454,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha "sit up properly , Tom please . ",v|sit adv|up adv|proper&dadj-LY cm|cm n:prop|Tom co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|JCT 4|1|LP 5|1|ENUM 6|5|COM 7|1|PUNCT,1276864,1278872,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1279418,1280904,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha can't get up . ,mod|can~neg|not v|get adv|up .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,1283180,1284155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha I think I'm stuck . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|stick&PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,1285383,1286649,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha do you ? ,mod|do pro:per|you ?,1|2|AUX 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1286660,1287542,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha oh well . ,co|oh co|well .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1287742,1288531,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha you'll hafta stay there then . ,pro:per|you~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|stay adv|there adv:tem|then .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,1288531,1289750,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha a shame really because all these buns need eating but if you're stuck you'll hafta stay there . ,det:art|a n|shame adv|real&dadj-LY conj|because qn|all det:dem|these n|bun-PL n|need part|eat-PRESP conj|but conj|if pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|stick&PASTP pro:per|you~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|stay adv|there .,1|2|DET 2|9|SUBJ 3|9|JCT 4|8|LINK 5|8|QUANT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|0|ROOT 10|9|CONJ 11|14|LINK 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|10|COORD 15|19|SUBJ 16|19|AUX 17|19|AUX 18|19|INF 19|14|COMP 20|19|JCT 21|9|PUNCT,1291329,1297378,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,1297424,1298504,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha and you can get down when we've eaten them all . ,coord|and pro:per|you mod|can v|get adv|down pro:rel|when pro:sub|we~aux|have part|eat&PASTP pro:obj|them post|all .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|4|COMP 10|9|OBJ 11|10|PQ 12|4|PUNCT,1298443,1302181,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha I can't . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,1302611,1303504,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha are we allowed another one ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:sub|we v|allow-PAST qn|another pro:indef|one ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,1304793,1306337,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha course . ,n|course .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1306882,1307753,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha which one would you like me to have ? ,pro:rel|which det:num|one mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like pro:obj|me inf|to v|have ?,1|2|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|8|INF 8|5|COMP 9|5|PUNCT,1307753,1309042,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha &-um can't think but [>] you want . ,mod|can~neg|not v|think conj|but v|choose 0det|the pro:indef|one pro:per|you v|want .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|5|SUBJ 7|5|OBJ 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|CMOD 10|3|PUNCT,1309367,1313396,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha [<] ? ,pro:dem|this pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1312002,1312583,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I'll have this because it's nearest „ how's that ? ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|have pro:dem|this conj|because pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|nearest end|end pro:rel|how~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|11|LINK 11|9|CMOD 12|11|PRED 13|3|PUNCT,1313477,1315892,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha fine . ,adv|fine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1315903,1316728,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha this has got white icing on and a little jelly sweet . ,pro:dem|this aux|have&3S part|get&PASTP n|white n|icing adv|on coord|and det:art|a adj|little n|jelly co|sweet .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|CONJ 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|COORD 11|10|COM 12|3|PUNCT,1316704,1319305,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1320274,1320832,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha the small buns are really quite dry now „ aren't they ? ,det:art|the adj|small n|bun-PL cop|be&PRES adv|real&dadj-LY adv|quite v|dry adv|now end|end aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|JCT 6|7|JCT 7|4|PRED 8|7|JCT 9|12|ENDP 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|4|END 13|4|PUNCT,1322833,1325457,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha it's a pity because I was thinking +/. [+ IN] ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|pity conj|because pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|think-PRESP +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|2|CJCT 9|2|PUNCT,1326908,1328696,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha hello . ,co|hello .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1328243,1328951,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha "hello , Thomas_Henry . ",co|hello cm|cm n:prop|Thomas_Henry .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,1328905,1330356,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I was thinking +//. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|think-PRESP +//.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1330588,1331668,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I get up . ,pro:sub|I v|get adv|up .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,1330589,1331076,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha I thought these would be nice for your party but not if they're going to be so dry . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:dem|these mod|will&COND cop|be adj|nice prep|for det:poss|your n|party conj|but neg|not conj|if pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to cop|be adv|so adj|dry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|5|CONJ 11|10|NEG 12|15|LINK 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|10|COORD 16|17|INF 17|15|COMP 18|19|JCT 19|17|PRED 20|2|PUNCT,1331726,1334640,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha it's keeping us quiet eating these „ isn't it ? ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|keep-PRESP pro:obj|us n|quiet part|eat-PRESP pro:dem|these end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|OBJ 6|5|XMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|9|ENDP 9|3|END 10|11|NEG 11|3|OBJ 12|3|PUNCT,1345526,1348231,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1350300,1353980,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha nice ? ,adj|nice ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1355037,1355722,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yum ? ,n|yum ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1357857,1358786,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha well I think that was rather nice . ,co|well pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S adv|rather adj|nice .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|JCT 7|5|PRED 8|3|PUNCT,1364393,1366134,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha "now which one , Mummy ? ",adv|now pro:rel|which det:num|one cm|cm n:prop|Mummy ?,1|3|JCT 2|3|LINK 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|3|ENUM 6|3|PUNCT,1366262,1368921,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha the one that (h)as just gone in my tummy . ,det:art|the pro:indef|one pro:rel|that v|have&3S adv|just part|go&PASTP prep|in det:poss|my n|tum-DIM .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|LINK 4|2|CMOD 5|6|JCT 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,1368921,1370953,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha it had white icing on it and a little jelly sweet . ,pro:per|it v|have&PAST n|white n|icing prep|on pro:per|it coord|and det:art|a adj|little n|jelly co|sweet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|CONJ 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|COORD 11|2|COM 12|2|PUNCT,1371006,1374233,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha but it (h)as gone . ,conj|but pro:per|it aux|have&3S part|go&PASTP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1375092,1376126,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha "no , Mummy . ",co|no cm|cm n:prop|Mummy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,1377136,1378297,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha but Mummy do you want another one ? ,conj|but n:prop|Mummy v|do pro:per|you v|want qn|another pro:indef|one ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|5|CJCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,1378262,1381780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha do you think I've got room in my tummy ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|think pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP n|room prep|in det:poss|my n|tum-DIM ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,1381907,1383660,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha I think yes [>] . ,pro:sub|I v|think co|yes .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,1383681,1384958,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha [<] choose another small one for me please ? ,mod|will pro:per|you v|choose qn|another adj|small pro:indef|one prep|for pro:obj|me co|please ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|JCT 6|9|SUBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|5|ENUM 10|3|PUNCT,1384633,1386897,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha not that one . ,neg|not adv|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|NEG 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1388383,1388987,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that one's Daddy's . ,comp|that adj|one&dn-POSS adj|Daddy&dn-POSS .,1|3|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1389057,1389927,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that . ,comp|that .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1390392,1390879,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that one . ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1390879,1391646,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1391704,1392145,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha what's this ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|this ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1392599,1393412,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha a chocolate iced on with a little orange jelly sweet on it . ,det:art|a n|chocolate v|ice-PAST adv|on prep|with det:art|a adj|little adj|orange n|jelly n|sweet prep|on pro:per|it .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|10|DET 7|10|MOD 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|5|POBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|11|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,1393339,1397878,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha that's very nice and then no more . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|very adj|nice coord|and adv:tem|then co|no adv|more .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|CONJ 6|8|JCT 7|8|COM 8|5|COORD 9|2|PUNCT,1399922,1401884,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha mind you these tiny ones are only the equivalent of one big one . ,v|mind pro:per|you det:dem|these adj|tiny pro:indef|one-PL cop|be&PRES adv|only det:art|the n|equivalent prep|of det:num|one adj|big pro:indef|one .,1|6|LINK 2|6|SUBJ 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|13|QUANT 12|13|MOD 13|10|POBJ 14|6|PUNCT,1401942,1405065,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha oops . ,co|oops .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1404902,1405669,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha the jelly sweet fell off . ,det:art|the n|jelly n|sweet v|fall&PAST adv|off .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|PUNCT,1405599,1406946,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I don't think we were quite quick enough . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:sub|we cop|be&PAST adv|quite adv|quick adv|enough .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|JCT 9|6|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,1407217,1409574,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha with our chocolate icing putting the decorations on it set before we (h)ad [/] we (h)ad decorated it „ didn't it ? ,prep|with det:poss|our n|chocolate n|icing part|put-PRESP det:art|the n|decoration-PL prep|on pro:per|it v|set&ZERO conj|before pro:sub|we pro:sub|we aux|have&PAST part|decorate-PASTP pro:per|it end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|10|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|10|SUBJ 5|10|XJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|15|LINK 12|15|LINK 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|10|COMP 16|15|OBJ 17|20|ENDP 18|20|AUX 19|18|NEG 20|10|END 21|10|PUNCT,1410398,1417875,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha it did . ,pro:per|it v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1418455,1419117,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha if you find that little orange sweet you can have it . ,conj|if pro:per|you v|find det:dem|that adj|little n|orange n|sweet pro:per|you mod|can v|have pro:per|it .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|10|CJCT 4|7|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|OBJ 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|0|ROOT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|PUNCT,1419161,1421703,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha are you sure ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you adj|sure ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|OM 4|1|PUNCT,1423178,1424165,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1424165,1424780,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'm quite sure . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|quite adj|sure .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,1425813,1427067,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha look after my chocolate . ,v|look prep|after det:poss|my n|chocolate .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,1428623,1430539,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha I will . ,pro:sub|I mod|will .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1430539,1431189,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I'm going under . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP prep|under .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,1431810,1434782,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha going under xxx ? [+ PI] ,part|go-PRESP prep|under ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,1435861,1437812,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1437673,1438346,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha 0it [*] looks like I found it over here . ,0pro|it v|look-3S conj|like pro:sub|I v|find&PAST pro:per|it prep|over n|here .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,1438416,1440784,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha what have you found ? ,pro:int|what v|have pro:per|you part|find&PASTP ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,1440598,1441713,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha just a cone . ,adv|just det:art|a n|cone .,1|3|JCT 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1441597,1442769,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha a cone ? ,det:art|a n|cone ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1442584,1443083,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1443002,1443257,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha look for the jelly sweet nothing else because your hands are a bit sticky don't +/. [+ IN] ,v|look prep|for det:art|the n|jelly n|sweet pro:indef|nothing post|else conj|because det:poss|your n|hand-PL cop|be&PRES det:art|a n|bit n|sticky mod|do~neg|not +/.,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT 7|6|PQ 8|11|LINK 9|10|DET 10|11|SUBJ 11|6|ROOT 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|PRED 15|17|AUX 16|15|NEG 17|14|ROOT,1443218,1446202,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1445842,1446353,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha play with anything else . ,n|play prep|with pro:indef|anything post|else .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|3|PQ 5|1|PUNCT,1446318,1447688,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha I can't find a cone . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|find det:art|a n|cone .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,1447351,1449209,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha I can't find it . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|find pro:per|it .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,1450382,1451949,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha we're looking for a little orange +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|look-PRESP prep|for det:art|a adj|little n|orange +/.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,1452483,1453853,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha "oh it's here , Thomas . ",co|oh pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|here cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|LP 6|3|ENUM 7|3|PUNCT,1453667,1455142,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha here you are . ,adv|here pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1455780,1457022,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I'll put a little bit of white icing that (h)as fallen off the table . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|put&ZERO det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of n|white part|ice-PRESP pro:dem|that aux|have&3S part|fall&PASTP prep|off det:art|the n|table .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|6|XMOD 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|9|COMP 13|12|JCT 14|15|DET 15|13|POBJ 16|3|PUNCT,1459233,1463261,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha ah . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1463226,1464074,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha here you are I've stuck it on top of your bun . ,adv|here pro:per|you cop|be&PRES pro:sub|I~aux|have part|stick&PASTP pro:per|it prep|on n|top prep|of det:poss|your n|bun .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|6|PUNCT,1465235,1467429,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha thanks . ,co|thanks .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1467441,1468857,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I'm climbing over you . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|climb-PRESP adv|over pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,1471993,1474152,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1473409,1474013,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'm stepping onto my Denise [?] . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S n:gerund|step-PRESP prep|onto det:poss|my n:prop|Denise .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,1474280,1476904,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha that's nice . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|nice .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1481699,1482999,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha we're being very piggy „ aren't we ? ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|be-PRESP adv|very adj|pig&dn-Y end|end aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|9|ENDP 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|3|END 10|3|PUNCT,1481700,1481701,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha eating all these buns . ,part|eat-PRESP qn|all det:dem|these n|bun-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|QUANT 3|4|DET 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,1489141,1491220,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha it's funny that the icing when it doesn't go to the bottom of the bun and it leaves a sort of semi circle at the bottom it looks like a smile „ doesn't it ? ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|fun&dn-Y adv|that det:art|the n|icing conj|when pro:per|it mod|do&3S~neg|not v|go prep|to det:art|the n|bottom prep|of det:art|the n|bun coord|and pro:per|it v|leave-3S det:art|a n|sort prep|of n|semi n|circle prep|at det:art|the n|bottom pro:per|it v|look-3S conj|like det:art|a n|smile end|end mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|MOD 4|6|JCT 5|6|DET 6|2|PRED 7|11|LINK 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|2|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|14|NJCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|20|LINK 19|20|SUBJ 20|11|CJCT 21|22|DET 22|20|OBJ 23|22|NJCT 24|25|MOD 25|23|POBJ 26|20|JCT 27|28|DET 28|26|POBJ 29|30|SUBJ 30|20|CJCT 31|30|JCT 32|33|DET 33|31|POBJ 34|37|ENDP 35|37|AUX 36|35|NEG 37|30|OBJ 38|2|PUNCT,1497558,1507090,MOT,Mother,FEM,36,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1506879,1507877,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I think when we've had this we (h)ad better not have any more because we're not going to eat our tea . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:int|when pro:sub|we~aux|have part|have&PASTP det:dem|this pro:sub|we v|have&PAST adv|good&CP neg|not v|have qn|any pro:indef|more conj|because pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|go-PRESP inf|to v|eat det:poss|our n|tea .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|12|NEG 12|9|COMP 13|14|QUANT 14|12|OBJ 15|19|LINK 16|19|SUBJ 17|19|AUX 18|17|NEG 19|12|CJCT 20|21|INF 21|19|COMP 22|23|DET 23|21|OBJ 24|2|PUNCT,1518539,1523520,MOT,Mother,FEM,23,031003.cha I'll eat masses and masses and masses and masses . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|eat n|mass-PL coord|and n|mass-PL coord|and n|mass-PL coord|and n|mass-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|3|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|8|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|3|PUNCT,1523624,1526631,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1526956,1527467,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I think I have all gone . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I v|have qn|all part|go&PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|QUANT 6|4|COMP 7|2|PUNCT,1527966,1529835,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha no no . ,co|no co|no .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1529708,1530660,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha you've not eaten that one yet . ,pro:per|you~aux|have neg|not part|eat&PASTP adv|that det:num|one adv|yet .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,1530509,1532169,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha no but please can I xxx ? [+ PI] ,co|no conj|but co|please mod|can pro:sub|I ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|5|COM 4|5|AUX 5|2|COORD 6|1|PUNCT,1532057,1534437,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1534437,1534925,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha please ? ,co|please ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1534994,1536144,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you can finish mine off . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|finish n|mine adv|off .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,1544976,1546625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1546555,1546962,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha all you really want is the sweetie off the top „ isn't it ? ,qn|all pro:per|you adv|real&dadj-LY v|want aux|be&3S det:art|the co|sweetie prep|off det:art|the n|top end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|QUANT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|7|AUX 6|7|DET 7|12|COM 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|12|ENDP 12|4|COMP 13|12|NEG 14|12|PRED 15|4|PUNCT,1546892,1549469,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1550514,1551315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we're going to have pasta for tea tonight . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|have n|pasta prep|for n|tea adv:tem|tonight .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|9|MOD 9|7|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,1551367,1554537,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha would you like that ? ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like pro:dem|that ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,1555651,1556963,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1557184,1558008,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no ? ,co|no ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1559738,1560516,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1560562,1561178,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1561073,1561596,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha because I don't like it . ,conj|because pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like pro:per|it .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,1562095,1563546,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha you do . ,pro:per|you v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1563511,1564974,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha [/] no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1564951,1566112,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha ding_dong@o . ,on|ding_dong .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1568327,1570161,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha xxx please can I have sausages and bacon over please . [+ PI] ,co|please mod|can pro:sub|I v|have n|sausage-PL coord|and n|bacon adv|over co|please .,1|4|COM 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|7|NJCT 9|7|COM 10|4|PUNCT,1570637,1575037,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha you can have sausages with it . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|have n|sausage-PL prep|with pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,1575049,1576999,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1576047,1576697,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha with bacon ding_dong@o . ,prep|with n|bacon on|ding_dong .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|MOD 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,1578218,1579495,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha put pasta with it . ,v|put&ZERO n|pasta prep|with pro:per|it .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,1581572,1582826,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha yes 0 [=! babbles] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1582969,1585593,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no [/] no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1585535,1587195,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha Mummy to eat [*] . ,n:prop|Mummy inf|to v|eat .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|INF 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1588041,1589678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1589643,1590537,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha are you going to eat your Mummy ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP inf|to v|eat det:poss|your n:prop|Mummy ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,1590490,1591733,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha we need now to put these in the tin . ,pro:sub|we v|need adv|now inf|to v|put&ZERO pro:dem|these prep|in det:art|the n|tin .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|INF 5|2|XJCT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,1592197,1594171,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha "Mum , look . ",n:prop|Mum cm|cm v|look .,1|3|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1594206,1595401,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha what's that ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1595901,1596493,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha I don't know . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1596481,1597108,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha I noticed that this morning . ,pro:sub|I v|notice-PAST adv|that det:dem|this n|morning .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,1597004,1598199,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I don't know darling . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know co|darling .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,1598199,1599175,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha there's a big scratch down my arm and the only thing I can think of is that perhaps I've picked Purdie up and she (h)as scratched me . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|big n|scratch prep|down det:poss|my n|arm coord|and det:art|the qn|only n|thing pro:sub|I mod|can v|think prep|of cop|be&3S pro:dem|that adv|perhaps pro:sub|I~aux|have part|pick-PASTP n:prop|Purdie adv|up coord|and pro:sub|she aux|have&3S part|scratch-PASTP pro:obj|me .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|18|LINK 10|12|DET 11|12|QUANT 12|18|SUBJ 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|12|CMOD 16|15|JCT 17|16|POBJ 18|2|CJCT 19|22|JCT 20|22|SUBJ 21|22|AUX 22|18|COMP 23|22|OBJ 24|22|JCT 25|28|LINK 26|28|SUBJ 27|28|AUX 28|22|CJCT 29|28|OBJ 30|2|PUNCT,1602625,1608360,MOT,Mother,FEM,29,031003.cha or perhaps I've caught my arm in something . ,coord|or co|perhaps pro:sub|I~aux|have part|catch&PASTP det:poss|my n|arm prep|in pro:indef|something .,1|5|LINK 2|5|COM 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,1609939,1612505,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha "Thomas , come here please [/] . ",n:prop|Thomas cm|cm v|come adv|here .,1|3|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,1612598,1614351,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha come here please . ,v|come adv|here co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|COM 4|1|PUNCT,1614316,1616127,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha come on . ,v|come adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,1617714,1618306,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha we're going to put these buns in the tin now . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|put&ZERO det:dem|these n|bun-PL prep|in det:art|the n|tin adv|now .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|5|JCT 12|3|PUNCT,1618306,1620268,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha puss [?] Purds . ,n|puss n:prop|Purds .,1|2|MOD 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1621359,1623182,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha 0 [=! moans] . ,NA,NA,1624633,1625632,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1625922,1626584,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1627118,1627663,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha can you help ? ,mod|can pro:per|you n|help ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1627838,1628685,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that's for Daddy so we could take that up for Daddy „ couldn't we ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S prep|for n:prop|Daddy conj|so pro:sub|we mod|could v|take adv|that adv|up prep|for n:prop|Daddy end|end mod|could~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|2|CJCT 9|8|JCT 10|8|JCT 11|8|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|16|ENDP 14|16|AUX 15|14|NEG 16|2|END 17|2|PUNCT,1634400,1636862,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha when he comes home . ,conj|when pro:sub|he v|come-3S adv|home .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,1636699,1637651,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha how's that ? ,pro:int|how~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1638313,1639567,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1640136,1640391,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we'll put this to one side for Daddy . ,pro:sub|we~mod|will v|put&ZERO pro:dem|this prep|to det:num|one n|side prep|for n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|POBJ 8|3|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,1640391,1641947,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha are you still eating that one ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you adv|still part|eat-PRESP comp|that pro:indef|one ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|JCT 4|2|XMOD 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,1642086,1643711,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha "I think you needta take the paper off , poppet , please . ",pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you v|need~inf|to v|take det:art|the n|paper adv|off cm|cm n|poppet cm|cm co|please .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|9|LP 11|9|ENUM 12|11|LP 13|6|COM 14|2|PUNCT,1643934,1647336,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha I don't think it will be very nice to eat the bun paper „ do you ? ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:per|it mod|will cop|be adv|very adj|nice inf|to v|eat det:art|the n|bun n|paper end|end v|do pro:per|you ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|JCT 9|7|PRED 10|11|INF 11|9|XMOD 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|OBJ 15|16|ENDP 16|4|END 17|4|OBJ 18|4|PUNCT,1650238,1652816,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha pardon ? ,n|pardon ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1653013,1653930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I don't think it will be nice to eat the bun paper . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:per|it mod|will cop|be adj|nice inf|to v|eat det:art|the n|bun n|paper .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|7|PRED 9|10|INF 10|8|XMOD 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|OBJ 14|4|PUNCT,1654081,1656322,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha yes it will . ,co|yes pro:per|it mod|will .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1656682,1658075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha do you think so ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|think co|so ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COM 5|3|PUNCT,1657960,1659190,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha course it will . ,v|course pro:per|it mod|will .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,1659051,1660421,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1660421,1661269,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I don't think that'll be very pleasant . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think comp|that~mod|will cop|be adv|very adj|pleasant .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|JCT 9|7|PRED 10|4|PUNCT,1661947,1665152,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha oh yes it will . ,co|oh co|yes pro:per|it mod|will .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1665198,1666684,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1666638,1667114,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yes it will . [+ SR] ,co|yes pro:per|it mod|will .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1667392,1668739,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha will it ? ,mod|will pro:per|it ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,1668669,1669563,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1669563,1670341,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha oh a green smartie (h)as just fallen down I think it must've fallen off one of the chocolate buns . ,co|oh det:art|a n|green n|smart&dadj-DIM aux|have&3S adv|just part|fall&PASTP n|down pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|it mod|must~aux|have part|fall&PASTP prep|off det:num|one prep|of det:art|the n|chocolate n|bun-PL .,1|7|COM 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|JCT 7|10|XJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|14|AUX 14|10|COMP 15|14|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|16|NJCT 18|20|DET 19|20|MOD 20|17|POBJ 21|10|PUNCT,1670376,1675949,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,1676809,1677888,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha listen to me in a minute . ,v|listen prep|to pro:obj|me prep|in det:art|a n|minute .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,1677273,1679386,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1679096,1679642,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I've popped a little bit of white icing on it and I've popped it in the bun tin . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have part|pop-PASTP det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of n|white n|icing prep|on pro:per|it coord|and pro:sub|I~aux|have part|pop-PASTP pro:per|it prep|in det:art|the n|bun n|tin .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|MOD 9|7|POBJ 10|3|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|15|LINK 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|3|CJCT 16|15|OBJ 17|15|JCT 18|20|DET 19|20|MOD 20|17|POBJ 21|3|PUNCT,1679491,1686631,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1686724,1687467,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha sorry . ,co|sorry .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1687467,1688198,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'm coming to eat it . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|come-PRESP inf|to v|eat pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|XJCT 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,1692895,1694985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha the chocolate ones with the little smartie on . ,det:art|the n|chocolate det:num|one-PL prep|with det:art|the adj|little n|smart&dadj-DIM adv|on .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,1695391,1698398,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1698421,1698735,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha look to me like little Easter nests they remind me of little Easter +/. [+ IN] ,v|look prep|to pro:obj|me prep|like adj|little n:prop|Easter n|nest-PL pro:sub|they v|remind pro:obj|me prep|of adj|little n:prop|Easter +/.,1|9|CJCT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|JCT 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|9|SUBJ 9|0|ROOT 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|13|MOD 13|11|POBJ 14|9|PUNCT,1699455,1702868,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha why has that sweet fallen off ? ,pro:rel|why aux|have&3S adv|that adj|sweet part|fall&PASTP adv|off ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|5|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,1702871,1704972,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha well it was that green one but I've stuck it back on and popped it in the bun tin . ,co|well pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adv|that adj|green pro:indef|one conj|but pro:sub|I~aux|have part|stick&PASTP pro:per|it adv|back adv|on coord|and v|pop-PAST pro:per|it prep|in det:art|the n|bun n|tin .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|3|CJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|10|JCT 14|10|CONJ 15|14|COORD 16|15|OBJ 17|15|JCT 18|20|DET 19|20|MOD 20|17|POBJ 21|3|PUNCT,1705263,1709593,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1709036,1709976,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1709941,1710476,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha how is that ? ,pro:int|how cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1710476,1711044,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha fine . ,adv|fine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1711683,1712519,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha is that fine ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that adv|fine ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,1712496,1713378,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha so is that . ,adv|so cop|be&3S pro:dem|that .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1713366,1714214,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1715561,1715816,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha in this Tweenies part that we have the sweeties in shall we put that little bun for Daddy ? ,prep|in det:dem|this n:prop|Tweenies adj|part comp|that pro:sub|we v|have det:art|the n|sweet&dadj-DIM-PL adv|in mod|shall pro:sub|we v|put&ZERO det:dem|that adj|little n|bun prep|for n:prop|Daddy ?,1|13|JCT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|13|SUBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CMOD 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|13|JCT 11|13|AUX 12|13|SUBJ 13|0|ROOT 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|OBJ 17|16|NJCT 18|17|POBJ 19|13|PUNCT,1715645,1721508,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1722971,1723563,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that looks nice „ doesn't it ? ,adv|that v|look-3S adj|nice end|end mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|7|ENDP 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|2|END 8|2|PUNCT,1723482,1724863,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1727980,1728548,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha the lid's going on the tin now . ,det:art|the n|lid~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|tin adv|now .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,1728564,1730445,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha oh good grief . ,co|oh adj|good n|grief .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1730619,1732152,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha oh good grief ? ,co|oh adj|good n|grief ?,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1732407,1733974,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I think we can pop some of these bun cases in the bin . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we mod|can v|pop pro:indef|some prep|of det:dem|these n|bun n|case-PL prep|in det:art|the n|bin .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|5|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,1734195,1737550,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha well that was nice . ,co|well pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S adj|nice .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,1743525,1744546,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha 0 [=! babbles] . ,NA,NA,1744245,1745638,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha are you hiding from Purdie ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|hide-PRESP prep|from n:prop|Purdie ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,1752744,1754241,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1754288,1755054,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha are you a little bit frightened that she's going to eat your cake ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you det:art|a adj|little n|bit part|frighten-PASTP comp|that pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|eat det:poss|your n|cake ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OM 6|5|XMOD 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|6|COMP 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|1|PUNCT,1755054,1757457,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1757457,1758479,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I don't think she would [//] I don't think Purdie really likes cakes „ do you ? ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:sub|she pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think n:prop|Purdie adv|real&dadj-LY v|like-3S n|cake-PL end|end v|do pro:per|you ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|9|SUBJ 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|4|COMP 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|JCT 12|9|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|15|ENDP 15|4|END 16|4|OBJ 17|4|PUNCT,1758555,1762352,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha "I don't think it's the sort of thing she would pinch from you , Thomas . ",pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|sort prep|of n|thing pro:sub|she mod|will&COND v|pinch prep|from pro:per|you cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|8|ENUM 14|13|JCT 15|14|POBJ 16|13|LP 17|8|ENUM 18|4|PUNCT,1766009,1770165,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha you needn't panic . ,pro:per|you mod|need~neg|not v|panic .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1770154,1771233,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha what are you doing over there ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,1777784,1779572,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha you haven't pinched another bun „ have you ? ,pro:per|you aux|have~neg|not part|pinch-PASTP qn|another n|bun end|end aux|have pro:per|you ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|9|ENDP 8|9|AUX 9|4|END 10|4|PUNCT,1783275,1785284,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha hm . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1785470,1786747,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1786747,1787351,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I didn't think you would . ,pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|think pro:per|you mod|will&COND .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,1787351,1788767,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha not my Thomas . ,neg|not det:poss|my n:prop|Thomas .,1|3|NEG 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1788871,1790474,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha when the xxx come out I'll wipe your hands . [+ PI] ,conj|when det:art|the v|come adv|out pro:sub|I~mod|will v|wipe det:poss|your n|hand-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|7|CJCT 4|3|JCT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|PUNCT,1795532,1798492,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha and then we can have a little break while I tidy away . ,coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|we mod|can v|have det:art|a adj|little n|break conj|while pro:sub|I v|tidy adv|away .,1|5|LINK 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|5|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|5|PUNCT,1799723,1802916,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha and then I've got another job that [>] +/. [+ IN] ,coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP qn|another n|job pro:rel|that pro:per|you mod|can v|have det:art|a v|go prep|at +/.,1|5|LINK 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|7|CMOD 12|13|DET 13|11|COMP 14|13|JCT 15|5|PUNCT,1803810,1806108,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha " [<] . ",v|look cm|cm n:prop|Mummy .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,1805087,1806132,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha I just had a little break . ,pro:sub|I adv|just v|have&PAST det:art|a adj|little n|break .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,1806097,1807978,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha [//] well we have just had a little break we had a little sit down and eating some cakes „ didn't we ? ,co|well pro:sub|we aux|have adv|just part|have&PASTP det:art|a adj|little n|break pro:sub|we v|have&PAST det:art|a adj|little v|sit adv|down coord|and part|eat-PRESP qn|some n|cake-PL end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|10|XJCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|OBJ 14|13|JCT 15|13|CONJ 16|15|COORD 17|18|QUANT 18|16|OBJ 19|22|ENDP 20|22|AUX 21|20|NEG 22|10|END 23|10|PUNCT,1807914,1812500,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,031003.cha I didn't have any black currant . ,pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|have qn|any adj|black n|currant .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|QUANT 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,1813452,1815345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha swim . ,n|swim .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1815345,1816459,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you didn't have any black currant juice ? ,pro:per|you mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|have qn|any adj|black n|currant n|juice ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|8|QUANT 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|4|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,1816784,1818224,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha does that mean you want some now ? ,mod|do&3S pro:dem|that v|mean pro:per|you v|want qn|some adv|now ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,1818154,1819548,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1819966,1821069,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha what do you say ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|say ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1820987,1821835,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha poo poo . ,n|poo n|poo .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1822591,1823416,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha oh well you don't get any then „ do you ? ,co|oh n|well pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|get qn|any adv:tem|then end|end v|do pro:per|you ?,1|6|COM 2|6|COM 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|QUANT 8|6|JCT 9|10|ENDP 10|6|END 11|6|OBJ 12|6|PUNCT,1823416,1825471,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha just get me it please . ,adv|just v|get pro:obj|me pro:per|it co|please .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|OBJ 5|2|COM 6|2|PUNCT,1826074,1827909,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1828779,1829267,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I don't get anything unless somebody asks nicely . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|get pro:indef|anything conj|unless pro:indef|somebody v|ask-3S adv|nice&dadj-LY .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|CJCT 9|8|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,1829325,1833075,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha please . ,co|please .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1833214,1834608,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha please may I have . ,co|please mod|may pro:sub|I v|have .,1|4|COM 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1835799,1837238,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha can I poo in a poo poo . ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|poo prep|in det:art|a n|poo n|poo .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,1837196,1840238,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha [/] no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1839907,1840894,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha not doing it now . ,neg|not part|do-PRESP pro:per|it adv|now .,1|2|NEG 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,1840894,1842287,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha poo pooey . ,n|poo n|pooey .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1842333,1844261,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1843820,1844365,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1845909,1846200,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha [>] +/. [+ IN] ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|have det:art|a +/.,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ,1846072,1846919,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha [<] . ,det:dem|that n|cake .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1846073,1847001,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1848649,1849032,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha let's have a little break . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|have det:art|a adj|little n|break .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,1849021,1850820,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1852248,1852724,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha just wait here please . ,adv|just v|wait adv|here co|please .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|COM 5|2|PUNCT,1852585,1853804,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha wait here . ,v|wait adv|here .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,1853804,1854628,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha and then we can do a few more jobs in a minute when I've tidied up . ,coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|we mod|can v|do det:art|a qn|few qn|more n|job-PL prep|in det:art|a n|minute pro:rel|when pro:sub|I~aux|have part|tidy-PASTP adv|up .,1|5|LINK 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|9|DET 7|8|QUANT 8|9|QUANT 9|5|OBJ 10|5|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|16|LINK 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|AUX 16|12|CMOD 17|16|JCT 18|5|PUNCT,1858055,1861434,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,031003.cha how about that ? ,pro:int|how adv|about pro:dem|that ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1861480,1862200,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,1863988,1864940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha "right , Tom . ",adv|right cm|cm n:prop|Tom .,1|3|JCT 2|1|LP 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1866519,1867273,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha are you going to help Mummy do this ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP inf|to v|help n:prop|Mummy v|do pro:dem|this ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|1|PUNCT,1867111,1868562,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha oh yes of course . ,co|oh co|yes prep|of n|course .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,1868530,1871050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha can I kiss you ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|kiss pro:per|you ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,1871050,1872362,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha of course you can kiss me . ,prep|of n|course pro:per|you mod|can v|kiss pro:obj|me .,1|5|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,1872350,1874126,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha I'm just rolling my sleeves up . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|roll-PRESP det:poss|my n|sleeve-PL adv|up .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,1874312,1876332,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha well you'll need your sleeves rolled up this is why I thought we've do this while we've still got aprons after doing the icing because I've washed up . ,co|well pro:per|you~mod|will v|need det:poss|your n|sleeve-PL v|roll-PAST adv|up pro:dem|this cop|be&3S pro:rel|why pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:sub|we~aux|have v|do det:dem|this n|while pro:sub|we~aux|have adv|still part|get&PASTP n|apron-PL prep|after n:gerund|do-PRESP det:art|the n|icing conj|because pro:sub|I~aux|have part|wash-PASTP adv|up .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|COMP 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|CJCT 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|AUX 16|13|COMP 17|18|DET 18|16|OBJ 19|22|SUBJ 20|22|AUX 21|22|JCT 22|18|CMOD 23|22|OBJ 24|16|JCT 25|24|POBJ 26|27|DET 27|25|OBJ 28|31|LINK 29|31|SUBJ 30|31|AUX 31|13|CJCT 32|31|JCT 33|4|PUNCT,1875957,1882691,MOT,Mother,FEM,32,031003.cha now this plant pot (h)as been outside and it's very [/] very dirty and you see these little things here ? ,adv|now pro:dem|this n|plant n|pot aux|have&3S aux|be&PASTP adv|outside coord|and pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|very v|dirty coord|and pro:per|you v|see det:dem|these adj|little n|thing-PL adv|here ?,1|10|JCT 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|10|SUBJ 5|10|AUX 6|10|AUX 7|10|JCT 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|12|JCT 12|10|CPRED 13|15|LINK 14|15|SUBJ 15|12|CJCT 16|18|DET 17|18|MOD 18|15|OBJ 19|18|NJCT 20|10|PUNCT,1882737,1888589,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1888565,1889053,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha they're weeds so I'm going to just pull those out . ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES n|weed-PL adv|so pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to adj|just v|pull det:dem|those adv|out .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|7|JCT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|2|XJCT 8|10|INF 9|10|JCT 10|7|COMP 11|12|DET 12|10|JCT 13|2|PUNCT,1889104,1891286,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha can I do one ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|do pro:indef|one ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,1891286,1892494,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha which weeds ? ,pro:rel|which v|weed-3S ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1892772,1894479,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha those are little weeds there . ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES adj|little n|weed-PL adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,1895164,1896894,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha do you mean these ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|mean pro:dem|these ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,1897138,1898833,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1898740,1899495,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha those tiny green things . ,det:dem|those adj|tiny adj|green n|thing-PL .,1|4|DET 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1899471,1900923,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha now in this pot here . ,adv|now prep|in det:dem|this n|pot adv|here .,1|5|JCT 2|5|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,1901909,1904046,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I think this one xxx . [+ PI] ,pro:sub|I v|think det:dem|this pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,1903987,1906298,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha oops . ,co|oops .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1906694,1906984,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha ouch . ,n|ouch .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1906950,1907472,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha "sorry , love . ",co|sorry cm|cm n|love .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,1907449,1908238,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,1908238,1909190,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha I'm ever so sorry . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|ever conj|so co|sorry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|LINK 5|2|CJCT 6|2|PUNCT,1909121,1910526,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that was an accident . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a n|accident .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,1910392,1911924,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha now we've got three plants here . ,adv|now pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:num|three n|plant-PL adv|here .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,1912099,1914142,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha 0 [=! babbles] . ,NA,NA,1913898,1915164,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha ones we bought in Didsbury today . ,det:num|one-PL pro:sub|we v|buy&PAST prep|in n:prop|Didsbury adv:tem|today .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,1915907,1917358,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1917346,1917648,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'll have these to dig . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|have pro:dem|these inf|to v|dig .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|3|PUNCT,1918008,1919750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha [/] no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1919645,1921073,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha why can't I dig them ? ,pro:int|why mod|can~neg|not pro:sub|I v|dig pro:obj|them ?,1|5|JCT 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,1921236,1923209,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1923178,1923433,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha working on the kitchen floor it's not ideal for gardening but it's &-uh +/. [+ IN] ,part|work-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|kitchen n|floor pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not n|ideal prep|for n:gerund|garden-PRESP conj|but pro:per|it~cop|be&3S +/.,1|7|XJCT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|NEG 9|7|PRED 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|14|LINK 13|14|SUBJ 14|7|CJCT 15|7|PUNCT,1923561,1927067,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha "ding^ding@o knock , Mummy . ",on|dingding n|knock cm|cm n:prop|Mummy .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|LP 4|2|ENUM 5|2|PUNCT,1927299,1929551,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha those here a big digger today . ,pro:dem|those adv|here det:art|a adj|big n|dig&dv-AGT adv:tem|today .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|5|POSTMOD 7|1|PUNCT,1929598,1932373,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1932222,1932616,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you read it what does it say ? ,pro:per|you v|read&ZERO pro:per|it pro:int|what mod|do&3S pro:per|it v|say ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|7|OBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|COMP 8|2|PUNCT,1932570,1934660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha "Mummy , this digger say [* 0es] ? ",n:prop|Mummy cm|cm det:dem|this n|dig&dv-AGT co|say ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|4|DET 4|1|ENUM 5|4|COM 6|1|PUNCT,1934590,1936436,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha it says Homebase@q . ,pro:per|it v|say-3S meta|Homebase .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,1936332,1937911,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha it's obviously where we bought the shovel from „ isn't it ? ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|obvious&dadj-LY pro:int|where pro:sub|we v|buy&PAST det:art|the n|shovel prep|from end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CPRED 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|11|ENDP 11|2|END 12|2|NEG 13|2|SUBJ 14|2|PUNCT,1938237,1942823,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha the little trowel . ,det:art|the adj|little n|trowel .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1942765,1943741,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha now I've got these three spring plants that I was going to put around this silvery plant . ,adv|now pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:dem|these det:num|three n|spring n|plant-PL pro:rel|that pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|put&ZERO prep|around det:dem|this adj|silver-Y n|plant .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|8|DET 6|7|QUANT 7|8|MOD 8|4|OBJ 9|12|LINK 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|8|CMOD 13|14|INF 14|12|COMP 15|14|JCT 16|18|DET 17|18|MOD 18|15|POBJ 19|4|PUNCT,1944089,1948164,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha I don't know what this silvery plant's called but it looks a little bit dead on top „ doesn't it ? ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what det:dem|this adj|silver-Y n|plant~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP conj|but pro:per|it v|look-3S det:art|a adj|little n|bit adj|dead prep|on n|top end|end mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|10|LINK 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|4|COMP 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|4|CJCT 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|OBJ 17|16|POSTMOD 18|17|JCT 19|18|POBJ 20|23|ENDP 21|23|AUX 22|21|NEG 23|4|END 24|4|PUNCT,1948117,1952715,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,031003.cha it does . ,pro:per|it mod|do&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1952506,1953690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha so we'll put +/. [+ IN] ,adv|so pro:sub|we~mod|will v|put&ZERO +/.,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1953620,1954584,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha can I put xxx . [+ PI] ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,1953841,1954839,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha [/] no because that's not a dead leaf I'm just pulling off these two dead ones at the top . ,co|no conj|because pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a adj|dead n|leaf pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|pull-PRESP prep|off det:dem|these det:num|two adj|dead pro:indef|one-PL prep|at det:art|the n|top .,1|4|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|LINK 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|4|PRED 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|JCT 12|8|CMOD 13|12|JCT 14|16|DET 15|16|QUANT 16|13|POBJ 17|16|OBJ 18|17|NJCT 19|20|DET 20|18|POBJ 21|4|PUNCT,1954584,1958299,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha oh yeah . ,co|oh co|yeah .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,1958694,1959750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha that's the dead bit . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|dead n|bit .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,1959379,1960180,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1960157,1960993,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1960969,1961596,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha okay [<] [>] . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1962154,1962885,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yak . ,n|yak .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1962409,1962850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha and I thought a couple of these nice spring plants I don't know whether they're called Primulas or Primroses I always get mixed up . ,coord|and pro:sub|I v|think&PAST det:art|a n|couple prep|of det:dem|these adj|nice n|spring n|plant-PL pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know comp|whether pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|call-PASTP n:prop|Primulas coord|or n:prop|Primroses pro:sub|I adv|always v|get v|mix-PAST adv|up .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|POBJ 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|3|CJCT 15|18|LINK 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|14|COMP 19|18|OBJ 20|19|CONJ 21|20|COORD 22|24|SUBJ 23|24|JCT 24|14|COMP 25|24|OBJ 26|24|JCT 27|3|PUNCT,1964466,1970399,MOT,Mother,FEM,26,031003.cha what can I do ? ,pro:int|what mod|can pro:sub|I v|do ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,1970422,1971699,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha nothing at the moment . ,pro:indef|nothing prep|at det:art|the n|moment .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,1971641,1973347,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha "will you just sit a little further back please , Thomas . ",mod|will pro:per|you adv|just v|sit det:art|a adj|little adj|further n|back co|please cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|4|AUX 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|8|DET 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|4|OBJ 9|8|POSTMOD 10|9|LP 11|9|ENUM 12|4|PUNCT,1975200,1977487,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha you're too close . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adv|too adj|close .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,1977243,1978613,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1978579,1979449,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha here's one . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,1979101,1979902,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha you pick that up then . ,pro:per|you v|pick adv|that adv|up adv:tem|then .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,1980157,1981760,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I wanna dig it up . ,pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|dig pro:per|it adv|up .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,1982375,1983884,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,1984302,1984511,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha this plant at the front door (h)as always looked a bit tired . ,det:dem|this n|plant prep|at det:art|the n|front n|door aux|have&3S adv|always part|look-PASTP det:art|a n|bit part|tire-PASTP .,1|2|DET 2|9|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|9|AUX 8|9|JCT 9|0|ROOT 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|11|XMOD 13|9|PUNCT,1984476,1987274,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha so I've brought these little spring plants to liven it up and now I've got it inside and looked at it properly can you see round here we've got some spring plants obviously from last year in the same tub . ,co|so pro:sub|I~aux|have part|bring&PASTP det:dem|these adj|little n|spring v|plant-3S inf|to v|liven pro:per|it adv|up coord|and adv|now pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP pro:per|it adv|inside coord|and v|look-PAST prep|at pro:per|it adv|proper&dadj-LY mod|can pro:per|you v|see adv|round adv|here pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP qn|some n|spring v|plant-3S adv|obvious&dadj-LY prep|from adj|last n|year prep|in det:art|the adj|same n|tub .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|10|CONJ 14|17|JCT 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|13|COORD 18|17|OBJ 19|17|JCT 20|17|CONJ 21|20|COORD 22|21|JCT 23|22|POBJ 24|27|JCT 25|27|AUX 26|27|SUBJ 27|21|CJCT 28|27|JCT 29|27|JCT 30|32|SUBJ 31|32|AUX 32|27|COMP 33|34|QUANT 34|35|SUBJ 35|32|COMP 36|35|JCT 37|35|JCT 38|39|MOD 39|37|POBJ 40|39|NJCT 41|43|DET 42|43|MOD 43|40|POBJ 44|4|PUNCT,1987571,2000087,MOT,Mother,FEM,43,031003.cha that are just starting to flower „ aren't they ? ,pro:rel|that aux|be&PRES adv|just part|start-PRESP prep|to n|flower end|end aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|10|ENDP 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|4|END 11|4|PUNCT,2000754,2002786,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha "shooting , eh ? ",part|shoot-PRESP cm|cm co|eh ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|COM 4|1|PUNCT,2002716,2003552,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha can I dig something up ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|dig pro:indef|something adv|up ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|3|PUNCT,2004666,2005978,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha "we're not digging anything up , Thomas . ",pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|dig-PRESP pro:indef|anything adv|up cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|LP 8|4|ENUM 9|4|PUNCT,2005920,2007906,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha we're planting . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|plant-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2007662,2008811,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha we're putting new things into +/. [+ PI] ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|put-PRESP adj|new n|thing-PL prep|into +/.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,2008811,2010413,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha can I dig something up and then plant it back down ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|dig pro:indef|something adv|up coord|and adv:tem|then v|plant pro:per|it adv|back adv|down ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|8|LINK 7|8|JCT 8|3|CJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|8|JCT 11|8|JCT 12|3|PUNCT,2010506,2013908,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,031003.cha do you think ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|think ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2013908,2015406,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha Mummy you can have that and I can have another . ,n:prop|Mummy pro:per|you mod|can v|have pro:dem|that coord|and pro:sub|I mod|can v|have qn|another .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|4|CJCT 10|9|OBJ 11|4|PUNCT,2015396,2018647,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha do you think those would look pretty in there ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|think det:dem|those mod|will&COND co|look adj|pretty prep|in n|there ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|DET 5|7|AUX 6|7|COM 7|3|JCT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,2018635,2021061,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha anyway you can have that I can have another . ,co|anyway pro:per|you mod|can v|have comp|that pro:sub|I mod|can v|have qn|another .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|4|PUNCT,2020957,2023465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha how about +//. [+ IN] ,pro:int|how adv|about +//.,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2023453,2024347,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha which two together because I don't think there's room for all three . ,pro:rel|which det:num|two adv|together conj|because pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|room prep|for qn|all det:num|three .,1|2|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|8|LINK 5|8|SUBJ 6|8|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|3|CJCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|COMP 11|10|PRED 12|11|NJCT 13|14|QUANT 14|12|POBJ 15|3|PUNCT,2024347,2027319,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha we want that one in and which one shall we put with it „ this one ? ,pro:sub|we v|want comp|that det:num|one adv|in coord|and pro:int|which pro:indef|one mod|shall pro:sub|we v|put&ZERO prep|with pro:per|it end|end det:dem|this pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|QUANT 5|3|JCT 6|5|CONJ 7|11|LINK 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|SUBJ 11|6|COORD 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|16|ENDP 15|16|DET 16|3|END 17|2|PUNCT,2027267,2031029,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2031017,2031470,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha or this one ? ,coord|or det:dem|this pro:indef|one ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2031586,2032631,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that one . ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2033338,2033849,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha that one ? ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2033849,2034488,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2034557,2035033,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha can I have the other ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|have det:art|the qn|other ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,2034975,2036810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha "well we're not actually digging up , Tom . ",co|well pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not adv|actual&dadj-LY part|dig-PRESP adv|up cm|cm n:prop|Tom .,1|6|COM 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|6|JCT 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|6|LP 9|6|ENUM 10|6|PUNCT,2037042,2038702,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha we're just going to +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES adv|just part|go-PRESP inf|to +/.,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OM 6|4|PUNCT,2038679,2039770,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,2039933,2040618,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2040676,2041024,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we don't wanna dig up . ,pro:sub|we mod|do~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|dig adv|up .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,2040920,2042023,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha I won't dig up . ,pro:sub|I mod|will~neg|not v|dig adv|up .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|PUNCT,2042580,2043927,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha just planting up . ,adv|just part|plant-PRESP adv|up .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,2044658,2046411,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha just planting up are you ? ,adv|just part|plant-PRESP adv|up aux|be&PRES pro:per|you ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|AUX 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,2046232,2048171,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2048844,2049193,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'm slicing up this big cheese . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|slice-PRESP prep|up det:dem|this adj|big n|cheese .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,2049193,2052734,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha [/] slice [/] slicey@wp [>] . ,n|slice wplay|slicey .,1|2|MOD 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2052757,2056402,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha [<] . ,v|watch det:poss|your n|foot&PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,2054162,2055021,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha look at all the weeds in this little plant . [+ PI] ,v|look prep|at qn|all det:art|the n|weed-PL prep|in det:dem|this adj|little n|plant .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|DET 5|2|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,2055311,2057366,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I will dig it up [>] . ,pro:sub|I mod|will v|dig pro:per|it adv|up .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2057598,2060141,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha now [<] if we just stick that in there like that „ can't we ? ,adv|now conj|if pro:sub|we adj|just n|stick pro:rel|that prep|in n|there prep|like pro:dem|that end|end mod|can~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|MOD 5|1|PUNCT 6|14|LINK 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|14|ENDP 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|5|ROOT 15|14|PUNCT,2059427,2063154,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha where can I dig ? ,pro:int|where mod|can pro:sub|I v|dig ?,1|4|JCT 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,2065232,2066928,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha "well we're not digging , Thomas . ",co|well pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|dig-PRESP cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|5|PUNCT,2067148,2068611,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha we don't needta dig at all . ,pro:sub|we mod|do~neg|not v|need~inf|to v|dig prep|at pro:indef|all .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,2068611,2070434,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha we're just planting +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES adv|just part|plant-PRESP +/.,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,2072177,2073501,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha do you know what this is for ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what det:dem|this cop|be&3S prep|for ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|DET 6|3|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,2072561,2074418,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha telling us it's xxx to dig . [+ PI] ,part|tell-PRESP pro:obj|us pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|to n|dig .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,2074511,2076949,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha "what's it for , love ? ",pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:per|it prep|for cm|cm n|love ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|JCT 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|2|PUNCT,2077542,2079609,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha this tells it when it's time to dig and then I dig it . ,pro:dem|this v|tell-3S pro:per|it conj|when pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n|time prep|to n|dig coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|I v|dig pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|6|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|13|LINK 11|13|JCT 12|13|SUBJ 13|6|CJCT 14|13|OBJ 15|2|PUNCT,2080057,2085060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,031003.cha ah I needta do it . ,co|ah pro:sub|I v|need~inf|to v|do pro:per|it .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2085351,2087324,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2087255,2087986,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha we'll just put it in there . ,pro:sub|we~mod|will adv|just v|put&ZERO pro:per|it prep|in n|there .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,2087893,2089484,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha watch your feet . ,v|watch det:poss|your n|foot&PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,2089484,2090192,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha will you sit further back xxx I don't wanna go through your foot . [+ PI] ,mod|will pro:per|you v|sit adv|further adj|back pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|go adj|through det:poss|your n|foot .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|3|CJCT 10|11|INF 11|9|COMP 12|14|MOD 13|14|DET 14|11|OBJ 15|3|PUNCT,2090061,2093857,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2093776,2093973,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there's a little wooden worm in there . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|little adj|wooden n|worm prep|in n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,2093962,2095204,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2095134,2095471,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha look in there . ,v|look prep|in n|there .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,2095579,2096531,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha can you see ? ,mod|can pro:per|you v|see ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2096716,2097622,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha can you see that ? ,mod|can pro:per|you v|see comp|that ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,2098040,2098980,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2099050,2099723,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha tiny worm . ,adj|tiny n|worm .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2099723,2100699,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha Perhaps it's really a bit bigger but it's just hidden from us . ,n:prop|Perhaps pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|real&dadj-LY det:art|a n|bit adj|big-CP conj|but pro:per|it~aux|be&3S adv|just part|hide&PASTP prep|from pro:obj|us .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|JCT 5|6|DET 6|7|JCT 7|3|PRED 8|12|LINK 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|JCT 12|3|CJCT 13|12|JCT 14|13|POBJ 15|3|PUNCT,2101883,2104507,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha dig [/] dig . ,n|dig .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2105819,2106678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [/] no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2106434,2107409,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha hey . ,co|hey .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2108721,2109348,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we're not digging anything . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|dig-PRESP pro:indef|anything .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,2109201,2110525,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I want 0a [*] digger . ,pro:sub|I v|want 0det|a n|dig&dv-AGT .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2110536,2112649,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha now we needta put some of this soil round . ,adv|now pro:sub|we v|need~inf|to part|put&PASTP qn|some prep|of det:dem|this n|soil adv|round .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|XJCT 6|10|QUANT 7|10|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|5|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,2112858,2115389,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha oh wow . ,co|oh co|wow .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2116933,2118002,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha that's all from outside that's compost I've just got it from the bag of compost round at the back of the shed . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:indef|all prep|from adj|outside pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S n|compost pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|just part|get&PASTP pro:per|it prep|from det:art|the n|bag prep|of n|compost adv|round prep|at det:art|the adv|back prep|of det:art|the n|shed .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|7|LINK 7|5|CMOD 8|7|PRED 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|JCT 12|8|CMOD 13|12|OBJ 14|12|JCT 15|16|DET 16|14|POBJ 17|16|NJCT 18|17|POBJ 19|12|JCT 20|12|JCT 21|22|DET 22|20|POBJ 23|22|NJCT 24|25|DET 25|23|POBJ 26|2|PUNCT,2118248,2125701,MOT,Mother,FEM,25,031003.cha can I have one ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|have pro:indef|one ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,2125887,2127013,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2127338,2127744,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha a bag of compost ? ,det:art|a n|bag prep|of n|compost ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2127614,2128659,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2128624,2129100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,2129110,2130189,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha told [*] . ,v|tell&PAST .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2130187,2131058,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha "well it's a great big bag I think actually your Grandad got it from B Q „ didn't he , one day ? ",co|well pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|great adj|big n|bag pro:sub|I v|think adv|actual&dadj-LY det:poss|your n:prop|Grandad v|get&PAST pro:per|it prep|from n:prop|B n:prop|Q end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|he cm|cm det:num|one n|day ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|9|JCT 4|7|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|PRED 8|9|SUBJ 9|0|ROOT 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|13|SUBJ 13|9|COMP 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|17|NAME 17|15|POBJ 18|24|ENDP 19|21|AUX 20|19|NEG 21|24|SUBJ 22|21|LP 23|24|QUANT 24|9|JCT 25|9|PUNCT,2131894,2136550,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,031003.cha do you remember that ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|remember comp|that ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,2137049,2138141,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha I can get it . ,pro:sub|I mod|can aux|get pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,2138141,2139603,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha well I've just gone out with a little bowl and got enough compost in the bowl for potting this . ,co|well pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|just part|go&PASTP adv|out prep|with det:art|a adj|little n|bowl coord|and v|get&PAST adj|enough n|compost prep|in det:art|the n|bowl prep|for n:gerund|pot-PRESP pro:dem|this .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|5|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|14|MOD 14|12|OBJ 15|14|NJCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|12|JCT 19|18|POBJ 20|19|OBJ 21|5|PUNCT,2140346,2145954,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha are you alright ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you co|alright ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|OM 4|1|PUNCT,2147578,2148866,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2148866,2149656,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I'm going round in circles . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP adv|round prep|in n|circle-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2149993,2151908,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha look at you . ,v|look prep|at pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,2151839,2152930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha (be)cause [*] I can't see so much of you . ,conj|because pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|see adv|so adv|much prep|of pro:per|you .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,2153348,2155844,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha can't you ? ,mod|can~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2155774,2156250,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha do you wanna see a bit more of me ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to co|see det:art|a n|bit adv|more prep|of pro:obj|me ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|7|COM 6|7|DET 7|3|JCT 8|7|NJCT 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,2156239,2157690,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2157678,2158073,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that's nice . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|nice .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2158073,2159269,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I can go round here . ,pro:sub|I mod|can v|go adv|round adv|here .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2159246,2161649,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2162823,2163183,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now this is the pink plant that's going here . ,adv|now pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|pink n|plant pro:rel|that~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP adv|here .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|9|LINK 8|9|AUX 9|6|CMOD 10|9|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,2163183,2164728,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha "no , Tom . ",co|no cm|cm n:prop|Tom .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,2164681,2165180,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I can't work with you on my back will you go round this way please ? ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|work prep|with pro:per|you prep|on det:poss|my n|back mod|will pro:per|you v|go adv|round pro:dem|this adv|way co|please ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|SUBJ 12|4|CJCT 13|12|JCT 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|JCT 16|12|COM 17|4|PUNCT,2165157,2167769,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha hey 0 [=! cries] . ,co|hey .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2167920,2169534,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I can't . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,2170207,2172309,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha well you've just come from that way . ,co|well pro:per|you~aux|have adv|just v|come prep|from det:dem|that n|way .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,2173075,2174596,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha "you can't climb on my back , darling , while I'm doing this . ",pro:per|you mod|can~neg|not v|climb prep|on det:poss|my n|back cm|cm n|darling cm|cm conj|while pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|do-PRESP pro:dem|this .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|LP 9|4|ENUM 10|9|LP 11|14|LINK 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|4|CJCT 15|14|OBJ 16|4|PUNCT,2174545,2176948,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha I won't . ,pro:sub|I mod|will~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,2176948,2178899,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha and then do you know what we're going to do in a minute when we've done this ? ,coord|and adv:tem|then v|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|do prep|in det:art|a n|minute pro:rel|when pro:sub|we~aux|have part|do&PASTP pro:dem|this ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|5|COMP 10|11|INF 11|9|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|18|LINK 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|14|CMOD 19|18|OBJ 20|3|PUNCT,2178982,2181861,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha "please , Thomas . ",co|please cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,2183150,2184113,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha move back . ,n|move adv|back .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|1|PUNCT,2184113,2184821,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,2184903,2186273,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha we're going to get an apple and cut it in half +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get det:art|a n|apple coord|and v|cut&ZERO pro:per|it prep|in n|half +/.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,2189175,2193413,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha ++ and xxx plant the seeds . [+ PI] ,coord|and v|plant det:art|the n|seed-PL .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2194238,2197071,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha and plant the seeds . ,coord|and v|plant det:art|the n|seed-PL .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2196664,2197883,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2197640,2198232,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha we'll use one of those little Tweenie's yoghurt pots because we seem to have a lot of those at the moment . ,pro:sub|we~mod|will v|use det:num|one prep|of det:dem|those adj|little adj|Tweenie&dn-POSS n|yoghurt n|pot-PL conj|because pro:sub|we cop|seem inf|to v|have det:art|a n|lot prep|of det:dem|those prep|at det:art|the n|moment .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|JCT 6|10|DET 7|10|MOD 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|5|POBJ 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|3|CJCT 14|15|INF 15|13|CPRED 16|17|DET 17|15|OBJ 18|17|NJCT 19|18|POBJ 20|19|NJCT 21|22|DET 22|20|POBJ 23|3|PUNCT,2198127,2202202,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,031003.cha do you know what I've got ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,2203212,2204873,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha what have you got ? ,pro:int|what v|have pro:per|you v|get&PAST ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,2205302,2206173,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha these two machines . ,det:dem|these det:num|two n|machine-PL .,1|3|DET 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2205743,2207636,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2207322,2207647,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "will you move them right out of the way I don't want anything that's going to get soil on it , Thomas . ",mod|will pro:per|you v|move pro:obj|them adv|right adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|way pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want pro:indef|anything pro:rel|that~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get n|soil prep|on pro:per|it cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|13|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|13|SUBJ 11|13|AUX 12|11|NEG 13|3|COMP 14|13|OBJ 15|17|LINK 16|17|AUX 17|14|CMOD 18|19|INF 19|17|COMP 20|19|OBJ 21|19|JCT 22|21|POBJ 23|17|LP 24|17|OBJ 25|3|PUNCT,2207323,2210718,MOT,Mother,FEM,23,031003.cha put them down please . ,v|put&ZERO pro:obj|them adv|down co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|COM 5|1|PUNCT,2210613,2212192,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha that's a good boy . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|boy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,2213574,2214688,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha oh put them in a big power . ,co|oh v|put&ZERO pro:obj|them prep|in det:art|a adj|big n|power .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,2214677,2217939,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2219332,2219924,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now how does that seem ? ,adv|now pro:rel|how mod|do&3S pro:dem|that cop|seem ?,1|5|JCT 2|4|JCT 3|4|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,2219908,2221638,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I haven't covered up those other plants we've just discovered „ have we ? ,pro:sub|I aux|have~neg|not part|cover-PASTP adv|up det:dem|those qn|other n|plant-PL pro:sub|we~aux|have adv|just part|discover-PASTP end|end v|have pro:sub|we ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|QUANT 8|4|JCT 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|12|JCT 12|8|CMOD 13|14|ENDP 14|4|END 15|4|JCT 16|4|PUNCT,2221638,2224726,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha me . ,pro:obj|me .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2225422,2226560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha "do you think they look nice in there , Thomas ? ",mod|do pro:per|you v|think pro:sub|they v|look adj|nice prep|in n|there cm|cm n:prop|Thomas ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|6|LP 10|6|ENUM 11|3|PUNCT,2226514,2229103,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2229103,2230275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha now we needta get these Tweenie pots . ,adv|now pro:sub|we v|need~inf|to v|get pro:dem|these n:prop|Tweenie v|pot-3S .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|8|XJCT 6|5|OBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|COMP 9|3|PUNCT,2230252,2233399,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha there's one on the welsh dresser up there . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S pro:indef|one prep|on det:art|the adj|welsh n|dresser prep|up n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|NJCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,2233507,2235771,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I will get it right away . ,pro:sub|I mod|will v|get pro:per|it adv|right adv|away .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,2238581,2241727,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha got two colors on . ,v|get&PAST det:num|two n|color-PL prep|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|OBJ 4|1|JCT 5|1|PUNCT,2244930,2247554,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha just xxx [>] . [+ PI] ,adv|just .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2247482,2249595,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right [<] . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2247749,2248144,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha that's it now . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it adv|now .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,2249149,2249915,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha if you would like to get some compost with that trowel and put it into that little pot . ,conj|if pro:per|you mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|get qn|some n|compost prep|with det:dem|that n|trowel coord|and v|put&ZERO pro:per|it prep|into det:dem|that adj|little n|pot .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|CONJ 13|12|COORD 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|18|DET 17|18|MOD 18|15|POBJ 19|4|PUNCT,2249654,2255784,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2255865,2256457,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha and I'll wash my hands and find another little pot for us . ,coord|and pro:sub|I~mod|will v|wash det:poss|my n|hand-PL coord|and v|find qn|another adj|little n|pot prep|for pro:obj|us .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|11|QUANT 10|11|MOD 11|8|OBJ 12|8|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,2256457,2259696,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2259696,2260602,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I'm digging up the earth . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|dig-PRESP prep|up det:art|the n|earth .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2261252,2263528,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2263528,2264503,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha very carefully . ,adv|very adv|care&dadj-FULL-LY .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2264551,2265817,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2267024,2268069,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha good boy . ,adj|good n|boy .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2269404,2270147,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha digging up . ,part|dig-PRESP adv|up .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,2271262,2272574,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha I don't think you'll need very much to fill a little pot like that „ will you ? ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:per|you~mod|will v|need adv|very adv|much prep|to n|fill det:art|a adj|little n|pot prep|like pro:dem|that end|end mod|will pro:per|you ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|JCT 9|7|JCT 10|7|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|7|OBJ 15|14|NJCT 16|15|POBJ 17|19|ENDP 18|19|AUX 19|4|END 20|4|PUNCT,2275081,2278785,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2279530,2280610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I do . ,pro:sub|I v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2280610,2281120,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha do you ? ,mod|do pro:per|you ?,1|2|AUX 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2282189,2283257,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha oh yes . ,co|oh co|yes .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2283814,2284731,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha now there's two more pots here . ,adv|now pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:num|two adv|more n|pot-PL adv|here .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|JCT 6|3|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|3|PUNCT,2284731,2287030,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha ah . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2287843,2288203,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I tell you what before I fill them up +//. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I v|tell pro:per|you pro:int|what conj|before pro:sub|I v|fill pro:obj|them adv|up +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|7|LINK 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,2288481,2291697,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha we've done one with soil . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|do&PASTP pro:indef|one prep|with n|soil .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2291622,2292737,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha don't do any more just this +//. [+ IN] ,mod|do~neg|not v|do qn|any pro:indef|more adv|just pro:dem|this +//.,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|7|JCT 7|5|OM 8|3|PUNCT,2292691,2293875,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha "no , Thomas . ",co|no cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,2293875,2294978,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I'm going to get this very sharp stick that +//. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get pro:dem|this adv|very adj|sharp n|stick pro:rel|that +//.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|8|JCT 8|9|MOD 9|5|PRED 10|9|OM 11|3|PUNCT,2294954,2298136,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha this is what Mummy tests cakes with to see if they're baked . ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S pro:int|what n:prop|Mummy v|test-3S n|cake-PL prep|with inf|to v|see conj|if pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|bake-PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|9|INF 9|7|POBJ 10|13|LINK 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|9|COMP 14|2|PUNCT,2297567,2300922,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha I'm going to make +... [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|make +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|3|PUNCT,2300829,2302315,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that will fall out . ,pro:dem|that mod|will v|fall adv|out .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,2303627,2305415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha well the soil won't fall out because the hole's not very big but [//] when we start to water them we need little drainage holes . ,co|well det:art|the n|soil mod|will~neg|not v|fall adv|out conj|because det:art|the adj|hole&dn-POSS neg|not adv|very adj|big conj|but conj|when pro:sub|we v|start inf|to v|water pro:obj|them pro:sub|we v|need adj|little n|drainage n|hole-PL .,1|6|COM 2|3|DET 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|22|LINK 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|13|NEG 12|13|JCT 13|22|JCT 14|13|CONJ 15|17|LINK 16|17|SUBJ 17|14|COORD 18|19|INF 19|17|COMP 20|19|OBJ 21|22|SUBJ 22|6|CJCT 23|25|MOD 24|25|MOD 25|22|OBJ 26|6|PUNCT,2305801,2314555,MOT,Mother,FEM,25,031003.cha one two [>] . [+ R] ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four .,1|4|DATE 2|4|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,2314543,2318944,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha [<] . [+ R] ,det:num|three det:num|four .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2317434,2318874,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2319002,2319513,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I think I'll do four in this one . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I~mod|will v|do det:num|four prep|in det:dem|this pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,2319533,2321287,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2322151,2322976,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha if you would like to put some in those two pots . ,conj|if pro:per|you mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|put&ZERO qn|some prep|in det:dem|those det:num|two n|pot-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|7|JCT 9|11|DET 10|11|QUANT 11|8|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,2322771,2325488,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha "don't fill it very full , darling . ",mod|do~neg|not v|fill pro:per|it adv|very adj|full cm|cm co|darling .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|6|LP 8|6|ENUM 9|3|PUNCT,2325476,2327101,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha only about half way up . ,adv|only adv|about n|half adv|way adv|up .,1|3|JCT 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2327078,2328831,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha not as much as that . ,neg|not prep|as adv|much prep|as pro:dem|that .,1|2|NEG 2|3|COORD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,2336898,2338268,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2338214,2338992,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2339352,2340060,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now do the other one . ,adv|now v|do det:art|the qn|other pro:indef|one .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|QUANT 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,2340147,2340960,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha "just do it over here so it's not going everywhere , Thomas . ",adv|just v|do pro:per|it prep|over n|here adv|so pro:per|it~aux|be&3S neg|not part|go-PRESP adv|everywhere cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|10|JCT 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|2|XJCT 11|10|JCT 12|10|LP 13|10|ENUM 14|2|PUNCT,2340902,2343491,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha you're sitting too close . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES n:gerund|sit-PRESP adv|too adj|close .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,2344071,2346695,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha xxx to it somewhere . [+ PI] ,inf|to pro:per|it adv|somewhere .,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,2348564,2350712,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha [/] no don't . ,co|no mod|do~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,2350457,2351072,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha [/] no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2351072,2352337,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you must stay where you are . ,pro:per|you mod|must v|stay pro:int|where pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|3|PUNCT,2353758,2355000,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha you can't walk round the kitchen filling up +... [+ IN] ,pro:per|you mod|can~neg|not v|walk adv|round det:art|the n|kitchen part|fill-PRESP adv|up +...,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|XJCT 9|8|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,2354954,2357636,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha Thomas . ,n:prop|Thomas .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2357647,2358425,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha come on . ,v|come adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,2358402,2359075,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha concentrate . ,n|concentrate .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2359191,2360921,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2363789,2364021,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha use two hands . ,v|use det:num|two n|hand-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,2363998,2364857,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha use one to hold the pot . ,v|use det:num|one inf|to v|hold det:art|the n|pot .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|INF 4|1|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,2364799,2366424,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha no not +//. [+ IN] ,co|no neg|not +//.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PUNCT,2366924,2367551,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2367493,2368212,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that's better . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|good&CP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2368203,2369445,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2373009,2373497,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now my hands are clean and I've got an apple here . ,adv|now det:poss|my n|hand-PL cop|be&PRES adj|clean coord|and pro:sub|I~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:art|a n|apple adv|here .,1|4|JCT 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|4|CJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|9|JCT 13|4|PUNCT,2373497,2376051,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha wash . ,n|wash .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2376051,2376852,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2378292,2378617,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no more compost in there . ,qn|no qn|more n|compost prep|in n|there .,1|3|QUANT 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,2378570,2379987,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that [/] that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2379711,2380605,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that's it finished now . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it v|finish-PAST adv|now .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|4|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,2380338,2381348,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha Mummy [/] +/. [+ IN] ,n:prop|Mummy +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2382823,2384135,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha move right over there please . ,n|move adv|right prep|over n|there co|please .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|1|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|COM 6|1|PUNCT,2383415,2384924,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha we could eat the big bit . ,pro:sub|we mod|could v|eat det:art|the adj|big n|bit .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2384634,2386317,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha well we can eat it later „ can't we ? ,co|well pro:sub|we mod|can v|eat pro:per|it adv|later end|end mod|can~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|10|ENDP 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|4|END 11|4|PUNCT,2387362,2389499,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I'll just give the apple a rinse . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will adv|just v|give det:art|the n|apple det:art|a n|rinse .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,2389715,2392351,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha we could eat the bit we cut in half . ,pro:sub|we mod|could v|eat det:art|the n|bit pro:sub|we v|cut&ZERO prep|in n|half .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|7|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,2394673,2396995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2397053,2397471,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha (be)cause [*] . ,conj|because .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2398040,2398783,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right now . ,adv|right adv|now .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2399781,2400547,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha we can have a little snack . ,pro:sub|we mod|can v|have det:art|a adj|little n|snack .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2400536,2402033,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha well we'll have a snack later . ,adv|well pro:sub|we~mod|will v|have det:art|a n|snack adv|later .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,2402050,2403978,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha now we've got to keep this well away from the soil if we are going to eat it . ,adv|now pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|keep det:dem|this adv|well adv|away prep|from det:art|the n|soil conj|if pro:sub|we aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|eat pro:per|it .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|JCT 9|6|JCT 10|6|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|16|LINK 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|AUX 16|4|CJCT 17|18|INF 18|16|COMP 19|18|OBJ 20|4|PUNCT,2404430,2407008,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha this sharp knife . ,det:dem|this adj|sharp n|knife .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2406996,2407948,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2408285,2408703,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha one apple . ,det:num|one n|apple .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2408703,2409481,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha cut it in two that's two halves . ,v|cut&ZERO pro:per|it prep|in det:num|two pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S det:num|two n|half-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|6|LINK 6|4|CMOD 7|8|QUANT 8|6|PRED 9|1|PUNCT,2409562,2411687,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha cut it again and we've got four quarters . ,v|cut&ZERO pro:per|it adv|again coord|and pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:num|four n|quarter-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|CONJ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COORD 8|9|QUANT 9|7|OBJ 10|1|PUNCT,2412174,2416412,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha now look at the pips . ,adv|now v|look prep|at det:art|the n|pip-PL .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,2416866,2418376,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha let's get the pips out . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|get det:art|the n|pip-PL adv|out .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|1|PUNCT,2418353,2419734,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha xxx plant one . [+ PI] ,n|plant pro:indef|one .,1|2|MOD 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2419804,2421963,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha that's it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2421894,2422904,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha how many pips ? ,pro:int|how qn|many n|pip-PL ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2422904,2423925,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha one two . ,det:num|one det:num|two .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2423925,2426038,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha I never touched pips before . ,pro:sub|I adv|never part|touch-PASTP n|pip-PL adv|before .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2426375,2429278,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha have you never touched pips before ? ,aux|have pro:per|you adv|never part|touch-PASTP n|pip-PL adv|before ?,1|4|AUX 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,2429507,2431516,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2431783,2432398,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2432178,2432538,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha how many pips have you got now ? ,pro:int|how qn|many n|pip-PL v|have pro:per|you v|get&PAST adv|now ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,2432516,2434176,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha three . ,det:num|three .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2434176,2434896,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha three ? ,det:num|three ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2434919,2435546,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I need four . ,pro:sub|I v|need det:num|four .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,2435558,2436684,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha there's four . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:num|four .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2437230,2438101,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2439598,2440353,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha where shall I put them ? ,pro:int|where mod|shall pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO pro:obj|them ?,1|4|JCT 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,2440887,2442013,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2441665,2441897,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha just leave them where they were . ,adv|just v|leave pro:obj|them pro:int|where pro:sub|they cop|be&PAST .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|2|PUNCT,2441885,2443186,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha just leave them there don't touch them any more please . ,adv|just v|leave pro:obj|them adv|there mod|do~neg|not v|touch pro:obj|them qn|any pro:indef|more co|please .,1|2|JCT 2|7|SUBJ 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|0|ROOT 8|7|OBJ2 9|10|QUANT 10|7|OBJ 11|10|COM 12|7|PUNCT,2443081,2445287,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha xxx no . [+ PI] ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2445287,2446111,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you mustn't touch the apple . ,pro:per|you mod|must~neg|not v|touch det:art|the n|apple .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,2446088,2447261,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha (be)cause you've not washed your hands after touching the soil . ,conj|because pro:per|you~aux|have neg|not part|wash-PASTP det:poss|your n|hand-PL prep|after n:gerund|touch-PRESP det:art|the n|soil .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|5|PUNCT,2447274,2449527,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2449527,2450188,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we'll get another apple because I'm sure we'll eat it later . ,pro:sub|we~mod|will v|get qn|another n|apple conj|because pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|sure pro:sub|we~mod|will v|eat pro:per|it adv|later .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|12|CJCT 9|8|PRED 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|3|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|12|JCT 15|3|PUNCT,2450188,2453126,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha I'll give it a rinse . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|give pro:per|it det:art|a n|rinse .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|DET 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2453126,2454670,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha (be)cause you always needta wash apples [>] +/. [+ IN] ,conj|because pro:per|you adv|always v|need~inf|to v|wash n|apple-PL +/.,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,2456504,2459674,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha [<] (be)cause now we've cut them up we'll eat them later so +... [+ IN] ,co|well co|yes conj|because adv|now pro:sub|we~aux|have v|cut&ZERO pro:obj|them adv|up pro:sub|we~mod|will v|eat pro:obj|them adv|later adv|so +...,1|2|COM 2|12|COM 3|7|LINK 4|7|JCT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|12|CJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|0|ROOT 13|12|OBJ 14|12|JCT 15|12|JCT 16|12|PUNCT,2458714,2461617,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha xxx . ,NA,NA,2461617,2462302,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha we'll do the same . ,pro:sub|we~mod|will v|do det:art|the adj|same .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,2463312,2464310,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2464171,2464578,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha what am I doing now ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&1S pro:sub|I part|do-PRESP adv|now ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,2464554,2465367,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I'm cutting it +... [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|cut-PRESP pro:per|it +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,2465321,2466354,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha two quarters . ,det:num|two n|quarter-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2466307,2467840,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha two halves . ,det:num|two n|half-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2467817,2468722,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha that's two quarters „ isn't it ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:num|two n|quarter-PL end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|6|ENDP 6|2|END 7|2|NEG 8|2|SUBJ 9|2|PUNCT,2469726,2471747,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha two quarters . [+ I] ,det:num|two n|quarter-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2471714,2473130,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha and when I've done it again we've got +... [+ IN] ,coord|and conj|when pro:sub|I~aux|have part|do&PASTP pro:per|it adv|again pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP +...,1|10|LINK 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|10|CJCT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|0|ROOT 11|10|PUNCT,2473025,2474454,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha four quarters . ,det:num|four n|quarter-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2474384,2475916,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha four quarters . ,det:num|four n|quarter-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2475139,2475916,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha you clever boy . ,pro:per|you adj|clever n|boy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2475847,2476903,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha now how many pips ? ,adv|now pro:int|how qn|many n|pip-PL ?,1|4|JCT 2|3|JCT 3|4|QUANT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,2476857,2478064,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha one two three four five . [+ R] ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five .,1|5|DATE 2|4|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,2478111,2481512,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha one two three [>] four five . [+ R] ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five .,1|5|DATE 2|4|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,2481199,2487306,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha three [<] . [+ SR] ,det:num|three .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2482987,2483625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that's good . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2488791,2489279,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha five in that one . ,det:num|five prep|in det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,2489244,2490289,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha oh six . ,co|oh det:num|six .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2490231,2491903,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha is that right ? ,cop|be&3S comp|that co|right ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|OM 4|1|PUNCT,2491880,2492924,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2492611,2493842,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha let's see if there's any in this side . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|see comp|if pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|any prep|in det:dem|this n|side .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|6|PRED 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,2493400,2494701,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2494643,2495037,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha gosh this is a good apple . ,co|gosh pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|apple .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,2494979,2496814,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2497348,2497766,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha let's see what we've got in this one . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|see pro:int|what pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP prep|in det:dem|this pro:indef|one .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,2497754,2498985,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha how many ? ,pro:int|how qn|many ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2499159,2500169,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha two . ,det:num|two .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2500622,2501493,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha so let's count them up all together . ,adv|so v|let~pro:obj|us v|count pro:obj|them adv|up post|all adv|together .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,2502504,2504107,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha how many pips have we got ? ,pro:int|how qn|many n|pip-PL v|have pro:sub|we v|get&PAST ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,2504095,2505604,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha one two three four five six seven eight nine ten . [+ R] ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five det:num|six det:num|seven det:num|eight det:num|nine det:num|ten .,1|7|LINK 2|4|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|7|DATE 7|10|DATE 8|9|DATE 9|10|DATE 10|0|ROOT 11|10|PUNCT,2505662,2509761,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven I get . ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five det:num|six det:num|seven det:num|eight det:num|nine det:num|ten det:num|eleven pro:sub|I v|get .,1|7|LINK 2|3|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|7|DATE 7|11|DATE 8|9|DATE 9|10|DATE 10|11|DATE 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|0|ROOT 14|13|PUNCT,2509900,2514997,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha two four six eight ten eleven . [+ R] ,det:num|two det:num|four det:num|six det:num|eight det:num|ten det:num|eleven .,1|2|QUANT 2|6|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,2514582,2520190,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha take that away please . ,v|take pro:dem|that adv|away co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|COM 5|1|PUNCT,2520184,2522471,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha two four six eight ten eleven . [+ R] ,det:num|two det:num|four det:num|six det:num|eight det:num|ten det:num|eleven .,1|2|QUANT 2|6|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,2522494,2525582,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha now we've got three pots so if you'd like to put three in each . ,adv|now pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:num|three n|pot-PL adv|so conj|if pro:per|you~mod|genmod v|like inf|to v|put&ZERO det:num|three prep|in qn|each .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|8|JCT 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|4|CJCT 12|13|INF 13|11|COMP 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|4|PUNCT,2525546,2535101,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha one two three . [+ R] ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2537870,2541446,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha oh no . ,co|oh co|no .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2542712,2543223,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha not +/. [+ IN] ,neg|not +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2543118,2543327,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2543327,2543850,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we've got to divide it up between the pots „ Thomas . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|divide pro:per|it adv|up prep|between det:art|the n|pot-PL end|end n:prop|Thomas .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|12|ENDP 12|3|END 13|3|PUNCT,2544024,2546183,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha just put three in each one please . ,adv|just part|put&PASTP det:num|three prep|in qn|each pro:indef|one co|please .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|POBJ 7|2|COM 8|2|PUNCT,2546172,2548018,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha that's too full we'll hafta tip some compost out . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|too adj|full pro:sub|we~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|tip qn|some n|compost adv|out .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|9|SUBJ 6|9|AUX 7|9|AUX 8|9|INF 9|4|CMOD 10|11|QUANT 11|9|OBJ 12|9|JCT 13|2|PUNCT,2548041,2550293,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2552290,2552755,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha put three in that one . ,v|put&ZERO det:num|three prep|in det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,2552755,2553962,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha one . ,det:num|one .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2554345,2554868,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I've put one in . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have part|put&PASTP pro:indef|one adv|in .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2554810,2555669,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha two three . ,det:num|two det:num|three .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2555642,2557650,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2557660,2558414,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2558403,2558681,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we get another pot now and put three in that one . ,pro:sub|we v|get qn|another n|pot adv|now coord|and v|put&ZERO det:num|three prep|in det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,2558600,2562385,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha one two three . ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2562710,2565369,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha now two pots can have one more in each . ,adv|now det:num|two n|pot-PL mod|can v|have pro:indef|one adv|more prep|in qn|each .,1|5|JCT 2|3|QUANT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,2565301,2567785,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2567623,2568505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha just two pots can have one more . ,adv|just det:num|two n|pot-PL mod|can v|have det:num|one pro:indef|more .,1|2|JCT 2|3|QUANT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,2568563,2570769,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha that one and that one . ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one coord|and det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|5|DET 5|3|COORD 6|2|PUNCT,2570688,2573172,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2573625,2574705,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha now we'll just move the apples well out of the way . ,adv|now pro:sub|we~mod|will adj|just v|move det:art|the n|apple-PL co|well adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|way .,1|5|JCT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|COM 9|5|JCT 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|5|PUNCT,2574705,2577956,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha cause we're going to eat them in a minute . ,n|cause pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|eat pro:obj|them prep|in det:art|a n|minute .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,2578176,2580185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,031003.cha now let's push these seeds down . ,adv|now v|let~pro:obj|us v|push det:dem|these n|seed-PL adv|down .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,2580580,2582577,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha oh let me do one . ,co|oh v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|do pro:indef|one .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,2582589,2583750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha you push the seeds down . ,pro:per|you v|push det:art|the n|seed-PL adv|down .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,2583762,2585062,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2585029,2585888,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha not down to the bottom but just further down . ,neg|not adv|down prep|to det:art|the n|bottom conj|but adv|just adv|further adv|down .,1|2|NEG 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|CONJ 7|8|JCT 8|9|JCT 9|6|COORD 10|2|PUNCT,2586120,2588930,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha how's that ? ,pro:int|how~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,2589522,2590613,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I'm planting them . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|plant-PRESP pro:obj|them .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,2590590,2591879,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha you're planting them ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|plant-PRESP pro:obj|them ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,2591821,2592866,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha and they're all hidden away . ,coord|and pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES post|all part|hide&PASTP adv|away .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|PQ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,2592900,2595071,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2595071,2596000,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha now we needta get a tiny bit more compost [>] . ,adv|now pro:sub|we v|need~inf|to v|get det:art|a adj|tiny n|bit qn|more n|compost adv|out prep|of adv|there .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|PRED 9|10|QUANT 10|8|OBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|3|PUNCT,2596612,2600873,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha [<] . ,pro:sub|I mod|will v|dig .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2599642,2600513,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha well let's use what's on the floor with your hands . ,co|well v|let~pro:obj|us v|use pro:int|what~cop|be&3S prep|on det:art|the n|floor prep|with det:poss|your n|hand-PL .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|6|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,2600852,2603208,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha just scoop it up with your hands and then we won't put it to [//] right to the top but nearly to the top . ,adv|just v|scoop pro:per|it adv|up prep|with det:poss|your n|hand-PL coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|we mod|will~neg|not v|put&ZERO pro:per|it adj|right prep|to det:art|the n|top conj|but adv|near&dadj-LY prep|to det:art|the n|top .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|13|LINK 9|13|JCT 10|13|SUBJ 11|13|AUX 12|11|NEG 13|2|CJCT 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|15|JCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|15|CONJ 20|21|JCT 21|19|COORD 22|23|DET 23|21|POBJ 24|2|PUNCT,2603162,2609246,MOT,Mother,FEM,23,031003.cha that's a good boy . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|boy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,2614203,2615573,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha we can't eat apples with messy hands . ,pro:sub|we mod|can~neg|not v|eat n|apple-PL prep|with adj|mess&dn-Y n|hand-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|MOD 8|6|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,2617667,2620593,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2620581,2620790,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha we (h)ad better wash them . ,pro:sub|we v|have&PAST adv|good&CP v|wash pro:obj|them .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,2620790,2622624,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha we will hafta water these in a few minutes . ,pro:sub|we mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|water det:dem|these prep|in det:art|a n|few n|minute-PL .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|6|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|5|PUNCT,2626301,2628739,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha goody . ,co|goody .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2628739,2629517,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha and now I'm starving . ,coord|and adv|now pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|starve-PRESP .,1|5|LINK 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,2629848,2632599,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha oh are you ? ,co|oh aux|be&PRES pro:per|you ?,1|3|COM 2|3|AUX 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2632599,2633226,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2633656,2634387,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you're only saying that because you've seen some apples seeds . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES adv|only part|say-PRESP comp|that conj|because pro:per|you~aux|have part|see&PASTP qn|some n|apple-PL v|seed-3S .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|12|LINK 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|12|CJCT 10|11|QUANT 11|12|SUBJ 12|4|COMP 13|4|PUNCT,2633993,2636303,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha now which was the pot without the holes in the bottom ? ,adv|now pro:rel|which cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|pot prep|without det:art|the n|hole-PL prep|in det:art|the n|bottom ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|LINK 3|1|CMOD 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|1|PUNCT,2636369,2638935,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha that was this one . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S det:dem|this pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,2639415,2641006,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha let me get that sharp stick and we'll put some holes in the bottom of that one . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|get det:dem|that adj|sharp n|stick coord|and pro:sub|we~mod|will v|put&ZERO qn|some n|hole-PL prep|in det:art|the n|bottom prep|of det:dem|that pro:indef|one .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|3|CJCT 11|12|QUANT 12|10|OBJ 13|10|JCT 14|15|DET 15|13|POBJ 16|15|NJCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|1|PUNCT,2641087,2647008,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha the easiest way is if we do it like this . ,det:art|the adj|ease&dn-Y-SP n|way cop|be&3S conj|if pro:sub|we v|do pro:per|it v|like pro:dem|this .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|9|CJCT 8|9|SUBJ 9|4|CPRED 10|9|OBJ 11|4|PUNCT,2648556,2651680,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha oh ouch . ,co|oh n|ouch .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2653502,2655302,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha what's the matter ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the v|matter ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|CPRED 5|2|PUNCT,2655197,2655940,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha that banged [?] my toe . ,pro:rel|that v|bang-PAST det:poss|my n|toe .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2655929,2657136,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha what have you done ? ,pro:int|what v|have pro:per|you part|do&PASTP ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,2657113,2657717,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha cut your toe on the radiator ? ,v|cut&ZERO det:poss|your n|toe prep|on det:art|the n|radiator ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,2657670,2658947,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2658913,2659156,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I bumped it . ,pro:sub|I v|bump-PAST pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,2659180,2660410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha don't +/. [+ IN] ,mod|do~neg|not +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PUNCT,2660364,2660875,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha where's your sock ? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:poss|your n|sock ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,2660840,2661861,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha you've taken your sock off „ haven't you ? ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|take&PASTP det:poss|your n|sock adv|off end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|10|ENDP 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|3|END 11|3|PUNCT,2661809,2663527,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I don't know . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,2663560,2664907,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha why did you take your sock off ? ,pro:int|why mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|take det:poss|your n|sock adv|off ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,2665024,2666533,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha because it was wet . ,conj|because pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adj|wet .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,2666533,2667752,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha because it was wet ? ,conj|because pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adj|wet ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,2667776,2668449,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha why was it wet ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it adj|wet ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,2668391,2669285,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha because I dropped it outside the cone [?] so I picked it up on Purdie's mat so I got wet socks . ,conj|because pro:sub|I v|drop-PAST pro:per|it adj|outside det:art|the n|cone adv|so pro:sub|I v|pick-PAST pro:per|it adv|up prep|on adj|Purdie&dn-POSS n|mat adv|so pro:sub|I v|get&PAST adj|wet n|sock-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|10|CJCT 4|3|OBJ 5|7|MOD 6|7|DET 7|3|OBJ 8|10|JCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|10|JCT 14|15|MOD 15|13|POBJ 16|18|JCT 17|18|SUBJ 18|10|CJCT 19|20|MOD 20|18|OBJ 21|10|PUNCT,2669262,2677911,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,20,031003.cha oh I see . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|see .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2677830,2678771,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2678852,2679502,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2679351,2679862,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now we needta water those . ,adv|now pro:sub|we v|need~inf|to v|water pro:dem|those .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,2679932,2682648,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha shall we find a nice little train to stand them on top ? ,mod|shall pro:sub|we v|find det:art|a adj|nice adj|little n|train inf|to v|stand pro:obj|them prep|on n|top ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|OBJ 8|9|INF 9|7|XMOD 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,2682746,2686055,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha I think in here we've got an old xxx . [+ PI] ,pro:sub|I v|think prep|in n|here pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:art|a adj|old .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|2|XJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,2687228,2691500,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha I needta wash my hands xxx [>] . [+ PI] ,pro:sub|I v|need~inf|to v|wash det:poss|my n|hand-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,2691733,2694519,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha [<] stay there please . [+ PI] ,adv|just v|stay adv|there co|please .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|COM 5|2|PUNCT,2694353,2696326,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha just sit down again please . ,adv|just v|sit adv|down adv|again co|please .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|2|COM 6|2|PUNCT,2696326,2697963,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha Thomas_Henry . ,n:prop|Thomas_Henry .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2699542,2701156,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,2700297,2701086,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha you rude boy . ,pro:per|you adj|rude n|boy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2701028,2702445,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha you pooey Mummy . ,pro:per|you n|pooey n:prop|Mummy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|APP 4|2|PUNCT,2702387,2704430,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha you very [/] very rude child I heard you . ,pro:per|you adv|very adj|rude n|child pro:sub|I v|hear&PAST pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|4|MOD 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|PUNCT,2704430,2707135,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha yuck pooey [/] pooey Mummy . ,n|yuck n|pooey n:prop|Mummy .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|APP 4|2|PUNCT,2706954,2709148,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2709287,2709577,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha would you like to put the three pots onto that tray . ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|put&ZERO det:art|the det:num|three n|pot-PL prep|onto det:dem|that n|tray .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|QUANT 8|5|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,2709461,2713548,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha what (h)as the tray got a picture of on it ? ,pro:int|what aux|have&3S det:art|the n|tray part|get&PASTP det:art|a n|picture prep|of adv|on pro:per|it ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|DET 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|XMOD 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|10|JCT 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,2713606,2715649,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha flowers . ,n|flower-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2715591,2716451,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha what sort of flowers „ do you know ? ,pro:int|what n|sort prep|of n|flower-PL end|end v|do pro:per|you v|know ?,1|2|MOD 2|8|JCT 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|6|ENDP 6|2|END 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|8|PUNCT,2716520,2717960,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha sunflowers . ,n|sunflower-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2717960,2719005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha xxx sunflowers . ,n|sunflower-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2719144,2720468,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha daffodils . ,n|daffodil-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2720386,2721408,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha daffodils . [+ I] ,n|daffodil-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2721613,2722867,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2722403,2723274,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha let me have that . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|have pro:dem|that .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,2723437,2724702,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha well I think that's a bit sharp to play with „ isn't it ? ,co|well pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bit adj|sharp prep|to n|play prep|with end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|11|JCT 8|7|POSTMOD 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|5|PRED 12|13|ENDP 13|3|END 14|15|NEG 15|3|OBJ 16|3|PUNCT,2724702,2726955,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha xxx I'm counting my sheep up . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|count-PRESP det:poss|my n|sheep adv|up .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,2726850,2730496,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha are you ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|SUBJ 3|1|PUNCT,2730496,2731366,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2731506,2732121,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha oh yeah . ,co|oh co|yeah .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2732202,2732957,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha are you counting up sheep ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|count-PRESP adv|up n|sheep ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,2732644,2733642,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha it looks like Little_Bo_Peep +/. [+ IN] ,pro:per|it v|look-3S conj|like n:prop|Little_Bo_Peep +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2733642,2735233,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha ++ lost her sheep . ,v|lose&PAST det:poss|her n|sheep .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,2735964,2737218,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha what's it called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:per|it v|call-PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|2|PUNCT,2737102,2738263,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha the sheep is called Elaya [?] . ,det:art|the n|sheep aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP n:prop|Elaya .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,2739159,2742758,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha Elaya [?] ? ,n:prop|Elaya ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2742758,2743652,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2743872,2744023,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha but she has a crook . ,conj|but pro:sub|she v|have&3S det:art|a n|crook .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,2744000,2746542,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha that's the word . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|word .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,2746693,2747367,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha a crook . ,det:art|a n|crook .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2747274,2747912,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha like a walking stick „ isn't it ? ,prep|like det:art|a n:gerund|walk-PRESP n|stick end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|6|JCT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|POBJ 5|6|ENDP 6|0|ROOT 7|6|NEG 8|6|PRED 9|6|PUNCT,2747912,2749306,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha but she uses it for pulling her sheep back . ,conj|but pro:sub|she v|use-3S pro:per|it prep|for n:gerund|pull-PRESP det:poss|her n|sheep adv|back .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,2749306,2750780,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha a crook . [+ SR] ,det:art|a n|crook .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2751477,2752510,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2752576,2752890,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha what do think to that ? ,pro:int|what mod|do v|think inf|to adv|that ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2752866,2754016,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha was that a good day's work ? ,cop|be&PAST&13S pro:rel|that det:art|a adj|good adj|day&dn-POSS n|work ?,1|0|ROOT 2|6|LINK 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|1|PRED 7|1|PUNCT,2755107,2756709,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2756709,2757591,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2757614,2758114,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha do you know what I'm digging ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|dig-PRESP ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,2758044,2759251,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2760018,2760401,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha don't do that because it'll damage the kitchen sink and it's too sharp to play with . ,mod|do~neg|not v|do pro:dem|that conj|because pro:per|it~mod|will v|damage det:art|the n|kitchen n|sink coord|and pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|too adj|sharp prep|to n|play prep|with .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|3|CJCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|OBJ 12|14|LINK 13|14|SUBJ 14|8|CJCT 15|16|JCT 16|14|PRED 17|16|JCT 18|17|POBJ 19|16|JCT 20|3|PUNCT,2760366,2763501,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2763698,2764116,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I think now we hafta go and get our hands washed „ don't you ? ,pro:sub|I v|think adv|now pro:sub|we mod|have~inf|to v|go coord|and v|get det:poss|our n|hand-PL v|wash-PAST end|end mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|INF 7|2|COMP 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|11|DET 11|12|SUBJ 12|9|COMP 13|16|ENDP 14|16|AUX 15|14|NEG 16|2|END 17|2|PUNCT,2764093,2766554,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha and tidy up . ,coord|and v|tidy adv|up .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,2766508,2767309,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha and then I'll have nice scrummy@d apples . ,coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|I~mod|will aux|have adj|nice dia|scrummy n|apple-PL .,1|8|LINK 2|8|JCT 3|8|SUBJ 4|8|AUX 5|8|AUX 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|0|INCROOT 9|8|PUNCT,2767794,2770940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha all right . ,post|all co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COM 3|1|PUNCT,2770360,2771172,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha we can eat the apples . ,pro:sub|we mod|can v|eat det:art|the n|apple-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,2771127,2772288,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha okay ? ,co|okay ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2772125,2772845,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha say bye bye for now we'll be back later „ won't we ? ,co|say co|bye co|bye prep|for adv|now pro:sub|we~mod|will cop|be adv|back adv|later end|end mod|will~neg|not pro:sub|we ?,1|2|COM 2|8|COM 3|8|COM 4|8|JCT 5|8|JCT 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|8|JCT 10|8|JCT 11|14|ENDP 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|8|END 15|8|PUNCT,2772857,2775538,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha back later ? ,adv|back adv|later ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2775840,2776920,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2776920,2777454,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [>] . ,co|bye co|bye .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2777582,2778244,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha [<] later . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|do pro:per|it adv|later .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,2777721,2778778,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha [/] bye . ,co|bye .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2778685,2781042,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha bye bye . [+ I] ,co|bye co|bye .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2781262,2782353,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha come on let's have a little look at this xxx . [+ PI] ,v|come adv|on v|let~pro:obj|us v|have det:art|a adj|little v|look prep|at pro:dem|this .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|JCT 8|5|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,2785130,2787754,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha are you looking at your shadow in the sun ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|look-PRESP prep|at det:poss|your n|shadow prep|in det:art|the n|sun ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,2788486,2790529,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,2790459,2792131,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,031003.cha there's not really a lot of sun today „ has there ? ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S neg|not adv|real&dadj-LY det:art|a n|lot prep|of n|sun adv:tem|today end|end aux|have&3S adv|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|9|JCT 5|6|DET 6|9|SUBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|JCT 10|11|ENDP 11|2|END 12|11|JCT 13|2|PUNCT,2794595,2797427,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha well I don't know . ,co|well pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,2797074,2797806,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha it was nice this morning [//] it was quite nice and sunny and warm this morning then we had xxx showers [?] . [+ PI] ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adj|nice det:dem|this pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adv|quite adj|nice coord|and adj|sun&dn-Y coord|and v|warm det:dem|this n|morning adv:tem|then pro:sub|we v|have&PAST n|shower-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|8|JCT 8|6|PRED 9|8|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|6|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|17|JCT 16|17|SUBJ 17|14|CMOD 18|17|OBJ 19|2|PUNCT,2797643,2803239,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha oh I know this one about a tree in the jungle . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|know det:dem|this pro:indef|one prep|about det:art|a n|tree prep|in det:art|the n|jungle .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,2802655,2808054,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,031003.cha about a tree in the jungle ? ,prep|about det:art|a n|tree prep|in det:art|the n|jungle ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,2808375,2810024,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha well actually it's called The_Little_Tree and it was really a book you got for Christmas but there's no reason why we shouldn't look at it now „ is there ? ,co|well adv|actual&dadj-LY pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP n:prop|The_Little_Tree coord|and pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adv|real&dadj-LY det:art|a n|book pro:per|you v|get&PAST prep|for n:prop|Christmas conj|but pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|no n|reason pro:rel|why pro:sub|we mod|should~neg|not v|look prep|at pro:per|it adv|now end|end cop|be&3S adv|there ?,1|5|COM 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|CJCT 10|12|JCT 11|12|DET 12|9|PRED 13|14|SUBJ 14|12|CMOD 15|14|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|19|LINK 18|19|SUBJ 19|5|CJCT 20|21|QUANT 21|19|PRED 22|26|LINK 23|26|SUBJ 24|26|AUX 25|24|NEG 26|21|CMOD 27|26|JCT 28|27|POBJ 29|26|JCT 30|31|ENDP 31|5|END 32|5|JCT 33|5|PUNCT,2810339,2817688,MOT,Mother,FEM,31,031003.cha called The_Little_Tree . ,part|call-PASTP n:prop|The_Little_Tree .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,2817619,2819407,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha it was the middle of winter and in a deep dark forest a little tree stood in a clearing .[+ R] ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|middle prep|of n|winter coord|and prep|in det:art|a n|deep adj|dark n|forest det:art|a adj|little n|tree v|stand&PAST prep|in det:art|a n|clearing .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|16|LINK 8|16|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|12|MOD 12|16|JCT 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|16|SUBJ 16|4|CJCT 17|16|JCT 18|19|DET 19|17|POBJ 20|2|PUNCT,2820477,2828801,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha there was the sound of rustling in the leafs and some tiny wood mice appeared with brightly colored toadstools . [+ R] ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|sound prep|of part|rustle-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|leaf-PL coord|and qn|some adj|tiny n|wood n|mouse&PL v|appear-PAST prep|with adv|bright&dadj-LY v|color-PAST n|+n|toad+n|stool-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|15|LINK 11|14|QUANT 12|14|MOD 13|14|MOD 14|15|SUBJ 15|6|CJCT 16|15|JCT 17|18|JCT 18|16|POBJ 19|18|OBJ 20|2|PUNCT,2828826,2834817,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha what are the toadstools ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|+n|toad+n|stool-PL ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,2834840,2836767,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha they're strawberries [/] [>] yum . ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES n|strawberry-PL n|yum .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,2836744,2840703,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha yes [<] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2838161,2838892,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha but it says and rabbits came with strawberries . ,conj|but pro:per|it v|say-3S coord|and n|rabbit-PL v|come&PAST prep|with n|strawberry-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CJCT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,2839159,2842433,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2842445,2842630,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha what are they carrying the strawberries in ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they part|carry-PRESP det:art|the n|strawberry-PL adv|in ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,2842673,2844229,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha leafs . ,n|leaf-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2845332,2846725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha leafs and baskets and look . ,n|leaf-PL coord|and n|basket-PL coord|and v|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|1|PUNCT,2846748,2848281,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha this little rabbit has got some in his paws . ,det:dem|this adj|little n|rabbit aux|have&3S part|get&PASTP qn|some adv|in det:poss|his n|paw-PL .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,2848258,2850440,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha badgers brought acorns and squirrels brought hazelnuts and deer came festooned with ivy . [+ R] ,v|badger-3S v|bring&PAST n|acorn-PL coord|and n|squirrel-PL v|bring&PAST n|+n|hazel+n|nut-PL coord|and n|deer v|come&PAST v|festoon-PAST prep|with n|ivy .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|2|OBJ 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|6|OBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|6|ENUM 11|10|OBJ 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|1|PUNCT,2851896,2862995,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2864331,2864714,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha all round the deer's antlers they've got ivy . ,qn|all adv|round det:art|the adj|deer&dn-POSS n|antler-PL pro:sub|they~aux|have part|get&PASTP n|ivy .,1|2|QUANT 2|5|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|5|CMOD 9|8|OBJ 10|5|PUNCT,2864714,2867210,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha oh and who brought the holly ? ,co|oh coord|and pro:rel|who v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|holly ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|4|LINK 4|2|COORD 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,2867198,2869253,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha fox . ,n|fox .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2869253,2870554,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha foxes brought bunches of holly and elfs came with jewels sparkling in the moonlight . [+ R] ,n|fox-PL v|bring&PAST n|bunch-PL prep|of n|holly coord|and n|elf-PL v|come&PAST prep|with n|jewel-PL part|sparkle-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|moonlight .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|8|XJCT 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,2870507,2877554,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha which sticker shall we pull off at that point ? ,pro:rel|which v|sticker mod|shall pro:sub|we v|pull adv|off prep|at det:dem|that n|point ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,2878003,2881381,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha next . ,adv|next .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2881695,2882577,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha which one shall we pull off ? ,pro:rel|which pro:indef|one mod|shall pro:sub|we v|pull adv|off ?,1|2|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,2881696,2883541,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha squabbling happily ken [?] goblins with conkers and with the noise of tiny wings beating the light fairys appeared with candles and the water fairys brought dew drops . [+ R] ,part|squabble-PRESP adv|happy&dadj-LY v|know n|goblin-PL prep|with n|conk&dv-AGT-PL coord|and prep|with det:art|the n|noise prep|of adj|tiny n|wing-PL part|beat-PRESP det:art|the adj|light n|fairy-PL v|appear-PAST prep|with n|candle-PL coord|and det:art|the n|water n|fairy-PL part|bring&PASTP n|dew n|drop-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|13|MOD 13|11|POBJ 14|8|XJCT 15|17|DET 16|17|MOD 17|18|SUBJ 18|14|COMP 19|18|JCT 20|19|POBJ 21|20|CONJ 22|24|DET 23|24|MOD 24|21|COORD 25|24|XMOD 26|27|MOD 27|25|OBJ 28|1|PUNCT,2883516,2898609,MOT,Mother,FEM,27,031003.cha the hedgerow fairys brought berries and what do you think the orchard fairys brought ? ,det:art|the n|+n|hedge+n|row n|fairy-PL v|bring&PAST n|berry-PL coord|and pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|think det:art|the n|orchard n|fairy-PL part|bring&PASTP ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|10|LINK 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|10|SUBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|OBJ 14|13|XMOD 15|4|PUNCT,2900224,2906063,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha snow . ,n|snow .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2907201,2907968,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha snow ? ,n|snow ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2908118,2908873,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha shiny apples and golden pears . [+ R] ,adj|shine&dn-Y n|apple-PL coord|and adj|golden n|pear-PL .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|5|MOD 5|3|COORD 6|2|PUNCT,2909024,2911451,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha the tree was watching as well . ,det:art|the n|tree aux|be&PAST&13S part|watch-PRESP adv|as adv|well .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,2913529,2915863,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2915898,2916490,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha and the ice fairys brought icicle snow flakes and frosted leafs . [+ R] ,coord|and det:art|the n|ice n|fairy-PL part|bring&PASTP n|icicle n|snow v|flake-3S coord|and v|frost-PAST n|leaf-PL .,1|8|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|8|SUBJ 5|8|XJCT 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|8|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|10|OBJ 12|8|PUNCT,2916478,2922237,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha and finally the baby fairys brought glitter from sun beams and moon beams and the tiniest fairy of all borrowed a star from the sky . [+ R] ,coord|and adv|final&dadj-LY det:art|the n|baby n|fairy-PL part|bring&PASTP n|glitter prep|from n|sun n|beam-PL coord|and n|moon n|beam-PL coord|and det:art|the adj|tiny-SP n|fairy prep|of adv|all v|borrow-PAST det:art|a n|star prep|from det:art|the n|sky .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|5|XMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|POBJ 11|5|CONJ 12|13|MOD 13|11|COORD 14|5|CONJ 15|17|DET 16|17|MOD 17|14|COORD 18|17|NJCT 19|20|JCT 20|18|POBJ 21|22|DET 22|20|OBJ 23|20|JCT 24|25|DET 25|23|POBJ 26|1|PUNCT,2923387,2934974,MOT,Mother,FEM,25,031003.cha it was Christmas day at last . ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S n:prop|Christmas n|day prep|at n|last .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,2935374,2937789,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha look how brightly that tree is decorated „ isn't it nice ? ,v|look pro:rel|how adv|bright&dadj-LY pro:dem|that n|tree aux|be&3S part|decorate-PASTP end|end cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it adj|nice ?,1|0|ROOT 2|7|LINK 3|4|JCT 4|7|CJCT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|1|COMP 8|9|ENDP 9|1|END 10|11|NEG 11|1|OBJ 12|11|PRED 13|1|PUNCT,2937718,2940783,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha it (h)as got all the things on it that the people brought . ,pro:per|it aux|have&3S part|get&PASTP qn|all det:art|the n|thing-PL prep|on pro:per|it comp|that det:art|the n|person&PL v|bring&PAST .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|DET 6|3|OBJ 7|3|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|12|LINK 10|11|DET 11|12|SUBJ 12|8|CMOD 13|3|PUNCT,2940574,2943581,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha you can't see what the pages xxx . [+ PI] ,pro:per|you mod|can~neg|not v|see pro:int|what det:art|the n|page-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|MOD 6|7|DET 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,2942989,2947134,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha well these pages now say “how to have fun with your stickers” . ,co|well det:dem|these n|page-PL adv|now v|say pro:int|how inf|to v|have n|fun prep|with det:poss|your v|sticker-3S .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|8|LINK 7|8|INF 8|5|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|8|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|5|PUNCT,2947134,2951233,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha only use your stickers to decorate your own little tree which you'll find by opening the flap that way you'll be able to use them again and again . [+ R] ,qn|only v|use det:poss|your v|sticker-3S inf|to v|decorate det:poss|your adj|own adj|little n|tree pro:rel|which pro:per|you~mod|will v|find adv|by part|open-PRESP det:art|the v|flap adv|that adv|way pro:per|you~mod|will cop|be adj|able inf|to v|use pro:obj|them adv|again coord|and adv|again .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|2|XJCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|OBJ 11|14|LINK 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|10|CMOD 15|14|JCT 16|14|XJCT 17|18|DET 18|16|OBJ 19|23|JCT 20|23|JCT 21|23|SUBJ 22|23|AUX 23|18|COMP 24|23|PRED 25|26|INF 26|24|XMOD 27|26|OBJ 28|26|JCT 29|26|CONJ 30|29|COORD 31|2|PUNCT,2951221,2958083,MOT,Mother,FEM,30,031003.cha and look . ,coord|and v|look .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,2957955,2958326,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha there's a fairy saying “this way to your little tree” . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fairy part|say-PRESP pro:dem|this adv|way prep|to det:poss|your adj|little n|tree .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|5|OBJ 7|8|JCT 8|4|NJCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,2958297,2960793,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha so let's get the book of stickers out of the middle pages „ shall we ? ,adv|so v|let~pro:obj|us v|get det:art|the n|book prep|of v|sticker-3S adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|middle v|page-3S end|end mod|shall pro:sub|we ?,1|2|JCT 2|13|SUBJ 3|2|OBJ 4|13|AUX 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|13|JCT 10|13|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|0|ROOT 14|16|ENDP 15|16|AUX 16|13|END 17|13|PUNCT,2960772,2964255,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha I'm not tearing the page out I'm just taking the sticker page out . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S neg|not part|tear-PRESP det:art|the n|page prep|out pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|take-PRESP det:art|the v|sticker v|page adv|out .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|JCT 11|7|POBJ 12|13|DET 13|4|CJCT 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|4|PUNCT,2966149,2971478,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2971594,2972058,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there's the tree now . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|tree adv|now .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|2|PUNCT,2971884,2973184,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I wanna get the stickers . ,pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|get det:art|the n|stick&dv-AGT-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,2973184,2975007,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha you can get the stickers and you can decorate the tree just like all those people did [>] . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|get det:art|the v|sticker-3S coord|and pro:per|you mod|can v|decorate det:art|the n|tree adv|just prep|like qn|all det:dem|those n|person&PL v|do&PAST prep|in det:art|the n|story .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|3|CJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|13|JCT 13|17|JCT 14|16|QUANT 15|16|DET 16|17|SUBJ 17|9|CJCT 18|17|JCT 19|20|DET 20|18|POBJ 21|3|PUNCT,2974666,2979728,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,031003.cha okay [<] . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2978427,2979147,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2980204,2980552,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I think actually there's some on this book from when we decorated it before because look there's one of the light fairys with a candle and there's an owl . ,pro:sub|I v|think adv|actual&dadj-LY pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some prep|on det:dem|this n|book prep|from pro:int|when pro:sub|we v|decorate-PAST pro:per|it adv|before conj|because co|look pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S pro:indef|one prep|of det:art|the adj|light n|fairy-PL prep|with det:art|a n|candle coord|and pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|owl .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|5|JCT 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|CPOBJ 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|19|LINK 17|19|COM 18|19|SUBJ 19|5|CJCT 20|19|PRED 21|20|NJCT 22|24|DET 23|24|MOD 24|21|POBJ 25|20|NJCT 26|27|DET 27|25|POBJ 28|30|LINK 29|30|SUBJ 30|19|CJCT 31|32|DET 32|30|PRED 33|2|PUNCT,2980519,2987404,MOT,Mother,FEM,32,031003.cha you've stuck an owl right on top of the tree „ haven't you ? ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|stick&PASTP det:art|a n|owl adv|right prep|on n|top prep|of det:art|the n|tree end|end aux|have~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|JCT 7|3|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|15|ENDP 13|15|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|3|END 16|3|PUNCT,2987450,2990144,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,031003.cha I can't get the others out . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|get det:art|the n:pt|others adv|out .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,2990167,2992454,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha well which one would you like and I'll help you . ,co|well pro:int|which pro:indef|one mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like coord|and pro:sub|I~mod|will v|help pro:per|you .,1|6|COM 2|6|LINK 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|6|COMP 11|10|OBJ 12|6|PUNCT,2992183,2994947,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha strawberries . ,n|strawberry-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2994111,2995121,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha strawberries ? ,n|strawberry-PL ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,2995086,2995945,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I thought you might like a strawberry one . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you mod|might prep|like det:art|a n|strawberry det:num|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|8|SUBJ 4|8|AUX 5|8|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,2995876,2997664,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,2997873,2999034,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha who brought the strawberries ? ,pro:rel|who v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|strawberry-PL ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,2999139,3000207,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha can you remember which animals ? ,mod|can pro:per|you v|remember pro:int|which n|animal-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,3000184,3001647,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha "can you remember in the book who brought the strawberries , Thomas ? ",mod|can pro:per|you v|remember prep|in det:art|the n|book pro:rel|who v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|strawberry-PL cm|cm n:prop|Thomas ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|8|LINK 8|6|CMOD 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|10|LP 12|10|ENUM 13|3|PUNCT,3004399,3006732,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha I did . ,pro:sub|I v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3006732,3007406,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha who did ? ,pro:int|who mod|do&PAST ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|AUX 3|1|PUNCT,3007603,3008172,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha the rabbit . ,det:art|the n|rabbit .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3007951,3008520,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha the rabbit ? ,det:art|the n|rabbit ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3008613,3009391,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3009530,3010146,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha I couldn't remember without looking back . ,pro:sub|I mod|could~neg|not v|remember prep|without part|look-PRESP adv|back .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,3010122,3012050,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3012421,3013338,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha wait . ,co|wait .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3013338,3014186,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha and I just stick it right on top of the tree . ,coord|and pro:sub|I adv|just v|stick pro:per|it adv|right prep|on n|top prep|of det:art|the n|tree .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|7|JCT 7|4|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,3015479,3019658,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3020053,3021075,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha stuck xxx right there . ,v|stick&PAST adv|right adv|there .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|JCT 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,3021075,3023745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha oh that's right it looks like the owl's bringing the strawberries „ doesn't it ? ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|right pro:per|it v|look-3S prep|like det:art|the n|owl~aux|be&3S part|bring-PRESP det:art|the n|strawberry-PL end|end mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CPRED 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|11|AUX 11|6|COMP 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|17|ENDP 15|17|AUX 16|15|NEG 17|3|END 18|3|PUNCT,3024175,3027367,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3027727,3028041,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha now what would you like to decorate the tree with ? ,adv|now pro:int|what mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|decorate det:art|the n|tree prep|with ?,1|5|JCT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|5|PUNCT,3028026,3030069,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3030754,3031381,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you've got lots_of things to choose from . ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP qn|lots_of n|thing-PL inf|to v|choose prep|from .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|7|INF 7|5|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,3033463,3035379,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha do you know what this is down here ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what det:dem|this cop|be&3S prep|down n|here ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,3035391,3036865,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha mistletoe . ,n|mistletoe .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3038537,3039930,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha nothing else . ,pro:indef|nothing post|else .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|PUNCT,3040152,3042323,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha nothing else ? ,pro:indef|nothing post|else ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|PUNCT,3042311,3043182,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3043078,3043472,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha we've got to decorate the tree with something else . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP inf|to v|decorate det:art|the n|tree prep|with pro:indef|something post|else .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|9|PQ 11|3|PUNCT,3043500,3045172,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha so far we've got two strawberries on top . ,adv|so adj|far pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:num|two n|strawberry-PL prep|on n|top .,1|2|JCT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,3045125,3047145,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha decorate it later . ,v|decorate pro:per|it adv|later .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,3049490,3052486,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha pardon ? ,n|pardon ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3052335,3053078,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha decorate it later . ,v|decorate pro:per|it adv|later .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,3053212,3054965,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha decorate it later ? ,v|decorate pro:per|it adv|later ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,3054408,3055453,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha "well I think we'd better decorate it now , love „ don't you ? ",co|well pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we~mod|genmod adj|good&CP v|decorate pro:per|it adv|now cm|cm n|love end|end mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|JCT 7|3|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|7|LP 11|7|ENUM 12|15|ENDP 13|15|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|3|END 16|3|PUNCT,3055395,3057613,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,031003.cha [/] no not like +//. [+ IN] ,co|no neg|not prep|like +//.,1|3|COM 2|1|NEG 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3057589,3060260,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha &=laughs . ,NA,NA,3061258,3063127,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,031003.cha well I'm going to decorate it with +... [+ IN] ,co|well pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|decorate pro:per|it prep|with +...,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,3062582,3064195,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3064184,3064741,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha what shall I decorate it with ? ,pro:int|what mod|shall pro:sub|I v|decorate pro:per|it prep|with ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,3064676,3065814,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3065767,3066104,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there's a +/. [+ IN] ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PUNCT,3066069,3066754,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha did you say it was a rabbit bringing the strawberries ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|say pro:per|it aux|be&PAST&13S det:art|a n|rabbit part|bring-PRESP det:art|the n|strawberry-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|8|SUBJ 5|8|AUX 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|COMP 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|3|PUNCT,3066761,3069199,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha but there isn't a picture of a rabbit „ is there ? ,conj|but adv|there cop|be&3S~neg|not det:art|a n|picture prep|of det:art|a n|rabbit end|end cop|be&3S adv|there ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|NEG 5|6|DET 6|3|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|11|ENDP 11|3|END 12|3|JCT 13|3|PUNCT,3069048,3070952,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha "let's sit down , Thomas . ",v|let~pro:obj|us v|sit adv|down cm|cm n:prop|Thomas .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|1|LP 6|1|ENUM 7|1|PUNCT,3071149,3072450,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha what's that ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,3072438,3073204,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha it's a picture of a squirrel . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|picture prep|of det:art|a n|squirrel .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,3073169,3074644,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3075259,3076327,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha strawberry [>] . ,n|strawberry .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3076989,3078185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [<] . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|little n|mouse .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,3077662,3079009,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha strawberry [>] . ,n|strawberry .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3079079,3080205,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [<] another ? ,co|well v|do pro:per|you v|want qn|another ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,3079508,3080205,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3080228,3080437,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there are some different strawberries here there's some with three strawberries on a strand and [>] two . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES qn|some adj|different n|strawberry-PL adv|here pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some prep|with det:num|three n|strawberry-PL prep|on det:art|a n|strand coord|and qn|some prep|with det:num|two .,1|2|SUBJ 2|8|CJCT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|8|PRED 10|9|JCT 11|12|QUANT 12|10|POBJ 13|9|JCT 14|15|DET 15|13|POBJ 16|9|CONJ 17|16|COORD 18|17|JCT 19|18|POBJ 20|8|PUNCT,3080370,3085548,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,031003.cha two [<] . ,det:num|two .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3084648,3085159,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3085658,3086076,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha put some more strawberries on . ,v|put&ZERO qn|some qn|more n|strawberry-PL adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|QUANT 3|4|QUANT 4|1|OBJ 5|1|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,3086122,3087121,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha I would like to do the toadstools actually . ,pro:sub|I mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|do det:art|the n|+n|toad+n|stool-PL adv|actual&dadj-LY .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,3087195,3089540,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3089284,3089969,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha you can . ,pro:per|you mod|can .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3089958,3090538,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha thank you . ,v|thank pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,3090503,3091014,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha who brought the toadstools ? ,pro:rel|who v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|+n|toad+n|stool-PL ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,3090980,3092245,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha can you remember ? ,mod|can pro:per|you v|remember ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3092291,3093116,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha the mice . ,det:art|the n|mouse&PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3092802,3093731,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha the mice ? ,det:art|the n|mouse&PL ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3093754,3094683,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha which way up ? ,pro:rel|which adv|way adv|up ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3095995,3096877,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha that way up so they look like umbrellas . ,det:dem|that n|way adv|up co|so pro:sub|they co|look co|like n|umbrella-PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|JCT 4|8|COM 5|8|SUBJ 6|8|COM 7|8|COM 8|2|ENUM 9|2|PUNCT,3096854,3099664,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3099966,3101127,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha all right . ,post|all co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COM 3|1|PUNCT,3101315,3102128,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha what else would you like ? ,pro:int|what post|else mod|will&COND pro:per|you conj|like ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|OM 6|1|PUNCT,3102105,3103138,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3103115,3103463,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'm going to do a pear as well . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|do det:art|a n|pear prep|as adv|well .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|9|COORD 9|5|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,3103440,3104822,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha and a strawberry . ,coord|and det:art|a n|strawberry .,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3104380,3106993,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha who was it the orchard fairys that brought the pears „ was it [*] ? ,pro:int|who cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it det:art|the n|orchard n|fairy-PL pro:rel|that v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|pear-PL end|end cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|8|LINK 8|6|CMOD 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|12|ENDP 12|2|END 13|2|JCT 14|2|PUNCT,3107062,3109965,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,031003.cha I'm trying to get that sticker off . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|try-PRESP inf|to v|get adv|that v|sticker adv|off .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|JCT 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,3110093,3112960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,031003.cha I can't . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,3112960,3113935,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3113959,3114411,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I'm dangling that pear from that branch . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|dangle-PRESP comp|that n|pear prep|from det:dem|that n|branch .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,3114374,3116278,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3116301,3116731,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha oh look . ,co|oh co|look .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3116791,3117476,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha and I've met a little rain fairy who's coming with some rain drops . ,coord|and pro:sub|I~aux|have part|meet&PASTP det:art|a adj|little n|rain n|fairy pro:rel|who~aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP prep|with qn|some n|rain n|drop-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|8|DET 6|7|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|4|OBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|AUX 11|8|CMOD 12|11|JCT 13|14|QUANT 14|15|MOD 15|12|POBJ 16|4|PUNCT,3117418,3120413,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha or dew drops . ,coord|or n|dew n|drop-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3121214,3122085,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I can't remember what it was now . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|remember pro:int|what pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S adv|now .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,3122027,3123432,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha can I have these ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|have pro:dem|these ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,3123699,3125057,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha oh there's one strawberry on it's own there . ,co|oh pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:num|one n|strawberry adv|on pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|own adv|there .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|PRED 6|8|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|8|PRED 10|8|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,3124988,3127484,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3127600,3127844,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha take [?] them out . ,v|take pro:obj|them adv|out .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,3128029,3129388,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha here you are . ,adv|here pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3129411,3130293,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha I've made a new friend . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have part|make&PASTP det:art|a adj|new n|friend .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,3130298,3131935,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,031003.cha you're making a friend ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|friend ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,3131911,3133200,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3133374,3133850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,3133839,3134895,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha for that strawberry . ,prep|for det:dem|that n|strawberry .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,3134535,3135754,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha oh you're making a friend for that strawberry . ,co|oh pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|friend prep|for det:dem|that n|strawberry .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,3135754,3137925,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3137937,3138401,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha so now on top of the tree we've got a sprig with two strawberries on it another sprig with three strawberries on it and a strawberry on it's own . ,adv|so adv|now prep|on n|top prep|of det:art|the n|tree pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:art|a n|sprig prep|with det:num|two n|strawberry-PL prep|on pro:per|it qn|another n|sprig prep|with det:num|three n|strawberry-PL prep|on pro:per|it coord|and det:art|a n|strawberry adv|on pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|own .,1|2|JCT 2|10|JCT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|0|ROOT 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|15|QUANT 15|13|POBJ 16|10|JCT 17|16|POBJ 18|19|QUANT 19|17|OBJ 20|19|NJCT 21|22|QUANT 22|20|POBJ 23|10|JCT 24|23|POBJ 25|30|LINK 26|27|DET 27|30|SUBJ 28|30|JCT 29|30|SUBJ 30|24|CJCT 31|30|PRED 32|10|PUNCT,3138401,3144961,MOT,Mother,FEM,31,031003.cha I have another strawberry . ,pro:sub|I v|have qn|another n|strawberry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,3145845,3148840,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha there's some nice &-uh baubles there . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some adj|nice n|bauble-PL adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|2|PUNCT,3149305,3152207,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha who brought the bauble type things . ,pro:rel|who v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|bauble n|type n|thing-PL .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,3152161,3153972,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha can you remember ? ,mod|can pro:per|you v|remember ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3153844,3154773,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha xxx they're yours . [+ PI] ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES pro:poss|yours .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,3154727,3158186,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha oh thank you . ,co|oh v|thank pro:per|you .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,3158854,3160247,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha can I just flick back and see who brought those . ,mod|can pro:sub|I adj|just n|flick adv|back coord|and co|see pro:rel|who v|bring&PAST pro:dem|those .,1|4|AUX 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|9|LINK 9|7|CMOD 10|9|OBJ 11|4|PUNCT,3160293,3162499,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3162476,3162743,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there we are . ,adv|there pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3162708,3163080,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha let's go back to the book . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|go adv|back prep|to det:art|the n|book .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|1|PUNCT,3163080,3164101,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha we've got mice with toadstools rabbits with strawberries deer with ivy foxes with holly squirrels with hazelnuts badgers with acorns . ,pro:sub|we~aux|have part|get&PASTP n|mouse&PL prep|with n|+n|toad+n|stool-PL n|rabbit-PL prep|with n|strawberry-PL n|deer prep|with n|ivy n|fox-PL prep|with n|holly n|squirrel-PL prep|with n|+n|hazel+n|nut-PL v|badger-3S prep|with n|acorn-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|3|JCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|POBJ 11|3|JCT 12|13|MOD 13|11|POBJ 14|3|JCT 15|16|MOD 16|14|POBJ 17|19|JCT 18|19|SUBJ 19|3|CJCT 20|19|JCT 21|20|POBJ 22|3|PUNCT,3164110,3176022,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,031003.cha ah it was the elfs with jewels . ,co|ah pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|elf-PL prep|with n|jewel-PL .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,3175987,3178600,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha and the elfs came with jewels sparkling in the moonlight . [+ R] ,coord|and det:art|the n|elf-PL v|come&PAST prep|with n|jewel-PL part|sparkle-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|moonlight .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|XJCT 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,3178671,3182247,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,031003.cha so that's what I've just put on . ,co|so pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|just part|put&PASTP prep|on .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|8|LINK 5|8|SUBJ 6|8|AUX 7|8|JCT 8|3|CPRED 9|8|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,3182212,3183745,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha some little sparkly jewels . ,qn|some adj|little adj|sparkle&dv-Y n|jewel-PL .,1|4|QUANT 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,3183756,3185556,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha "Mummy , I wanna get down the strawberries off [*] . ",n:prop|Mummy cm|cm pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|get adv|down det:art|the n|strawberry-PL adv|off .,1|4|JCT 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|6|OBJ 10|6|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,3185579,3188691,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha there you are . ,adv|there pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3188667,3190780,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3191624,3191833,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there's some cherries there as well . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some n|cherry-PL adv|there adv|as adv|well .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|COORD 7|5|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,3191786,3192913,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha Miss_Muffet sat on her tuffet . [+ R] ,n:prop|Miss_Muffet v|sit&PAST prep|on det:poss|her n|tuffet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,3194178,3196837,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha Miss_Muffet who sat on her tuffet brought the cherries „ did she ? ,n:prop|Miss_Muffet pro:rel|who v|sit&PAST prep|on det:poss|her n|tuffet v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|cherry-PL end|end mod|do&PAST pro:sub|she ?,1|7|SUBJ 2|3|LINK 3|7|CJCT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|12|ENDP 11|12|AUX 12|7|END 13|7|PUNCT,3196837,3199832,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3200471,3201028,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha I'm not going to put the cherries there because otherwise +... [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S neg|not part|go-PRESP inf|to v|put&ZERO det:art|the n|cherry-PL adv|there conj|because adv|otherwise +...,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|4|OM 11|10|JCT 12|4|PUNCT,3201016,3203547,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,031003.cha shall we put it there and see if that little fox is going to pinch them ? ,mod|shall pro:sub|we v|put&ZERO pro:per|it adv|there coord|and v|see conj|if det:dem|that adj|little n|fox aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|pinch pro:obj|them ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|13|LINK 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|7|COMP 14|15|INF 15|13|COMP 16|15|OBJ 17|3|PUNCT,3203562,3208079,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,031003.cha well I don't like to because the fox might say “hm: tea” . ,adv|well pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like prep|to conj|because det:art|the n|fox mod|might v|say co|hm n|tea .,1|5|JCT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|11|LINK 8|9|DET 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|5|CJCT 12|13|COM 13|11|OBJ 14|5|PUNCT,3209661,3216151,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,031003.cha tea . ,n|tea .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3216464,3217230,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3217230,3217811,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha there's some candles there . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some n|candle-PL adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|2|PUNCT,3218101,3219494,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha look . ,co|look .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3219494,3220028,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha he won't reach my other strawberries because it's at the top . ,pro:sub|he mod|will~neg|not v|reach det:poss|my qn|other n|strawberry-PL conj|because pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|at det:art|the n|top .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,3220072,3224844,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,031003.cha no he won't . ,co|no pro:sub|he mod|will~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|1|PUNCT,3224844,3225831,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,031003.cha no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3225819,3226063,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha he'll hafta go a long way up the tree to reach the strawberries „ won't he ? ,pro:sub|he~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|go det:art|a adj|long n|way prep|up det:art|the n|tree inf|to v|reach det:art|the n|strawberry-PL end|end mod|will~neg|not pro:sub|he ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|5|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|13|INF 13|5|XJCT 14|15|DET 15|13|OBJ 16|19|ENDP 17|19|AUX 18|17|NEG 19|5|END 20|5|PUNCT,3226063,3228536,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,031003.cha did you help Daddy decorate the tree this year ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you co|help n:prop|Daddy v|decorate det:art|the n|tree det:dem|this n|year ?,1|5|AUX 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|COM 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|9|DET 9|7|APP 10|5|PUNCT,3229197,3231786,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3231786,3232611,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha and last year you had +//. [+ IN] ,coord|and adv|last n|year pro:per|you part|have&PASTP +//.,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|1|COORD 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|CMOD 6|1|PUNCT,3232699,3234138,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,031003.cha let me have strawberries back on the tree please . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|have n|strawberry-PL adv|back prep|on det:art|the n|tree co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|COM 10|1|PUNCT,3233546,3239804,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,031003.cha pardon ? ,n|pardon ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3239711,3240292,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha can I put strawberries on the tree ? ,mod|can pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO n|strawberry-PL prep|on det:art|the n|tree ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,3240547,3243426,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3243299,3243624,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha you can . ,pro:per|you mod|can .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3243473,3243867,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha there's some more strawberries here . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some qn|more n|strawberry-PL adv|here .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|2|PUNCT,3243844,3245295,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,031003.cha there you are . ,adv|there pro:per|you cop|be&PRES .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3245295,3246027,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha "thanks , mister . ",co|thanks cm|cm n|mister .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,3245990,3248230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,031003.cha and last year I think you did &-um +... [+ IN] ,coord|and adv|last n|year pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you v|do&PAST +...,1|5|LINK 2|5|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|5|PUNCT,3248150,3250843,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha he won't go all the way up there [>] cause [/] cause he'll be tired . ,pro:sub|he mod|will~neg|not v|go adv|all det:art|the n|way prep|up n|there n|cause pro:sub|he~mod|will aux|be part|tire-PASTP .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|JCT 6|7|DET 7|4|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|POBJ 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|14|AUX 14|7|CJCT 15|4|PUNCT,3251006,3257647,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,031003.cha no [<] . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3253514,3254059,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3257240,3257716,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I think last year you helped Nana decorate a tree and Auntie Sharron didn't +/. [+ IN] ,pro:sub|I v|think adv|last n|year pro:per|you v|help-PAST n:prop|Nana v|decorate det:art|a n|tree coord|and n:prop|Auntie n:prop|Sharron mod|do&PAST~neg|not +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|8|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|12|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|14|NEG 16|2|PUNCT,3257811,3262804,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,031003.cha were you not staying in Blackpool for the weekend or you went to visit that weekend when they were decorating the tree ? ,cop|be&PAST pro:per|you neg|not part|stay-PRESP prep|in n:prop|Blackpool prep|for det:art|the n|+n|week+n|end coord|or pro:per|you v|go&PAST inf|to v|visit det:dem|that n|+n|week+n|end conj|when pro:sub|they aux|be&PAST part|decorate-PRESP det:art|the n|tree ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|12|LINK 11|12|SUBJ 12|4|CJCT 13|14|INF 14|12|COMP 15|16|DET 16|14|OBJ 17|20|LINK 18|20|SUBJ 19|20|AUX 20|4|CJCT 21|22|DET 22|20|OBJ 23|4|PUNCT,3262711,3267947,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,031003.cha I come to help [*] . ,pro:sub|I v|come inf|to co|help .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,3268330,3270420,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,031003.cha pardon ? ,n|pardon ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3270420,3271256,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha I was coming to help . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|come-PRESP inf|to co|help .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|XJCT 6|3|PUNCT,3271329,3273106,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,031003.cha you came to help „ didn't you ? ,pro:per|you v|come&PAST inf|to v|help end|end mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|8|ENDP 6|8|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|2|END 9|2|PUNCT,3273094,3274453,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,031003.cha very good . ,adv|very adj|good .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,3275103,3276124,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,031003.cha right . ,co|right .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3276983,3277982,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "let's just see what the time is , Tom . ",v|let~pro:obj|us adv|just v|see pro:int|what det:art|the n|time cop|be&3S cm|cm n:prop|Tom .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|JCT 4|1|COMP 5|8|LINK 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|4|LP 10|4|ENUM 11|1|PUNCT,3279247,3281035,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,031003.cha just . ,adv|just .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3281024,3281337,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,031003.cha "don't grab my hair now sweetheart , please . ",mod|do~neg|not v|grab det:poss|my n|hair adv|now n|+n|sweet+n|heart cm|cm co|please .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|LP 9|7|ENUM 10|3|PUNCT,3281291,3283369,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,031003.cha that all right ? ,comp|that qn|all co|right ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3283566,3284739,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,031003.cha yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,3284739,3285482,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,031003.cha [/] three blind mice . [+ R] ,det:num|three adj|blind n|mouse&PL .,1|3|QUANT 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,3286451,3292268,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,031003.cha