Naima_020427_0_3749233.csv 218 KB

  1. transcription,mor,gra,pho,mod,sit,com,segment_onset,segment_offset,speaker_id,speaker_role,speaker_type,words,raw_filename
  2. you don't wanna have the bag pack on . ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|have det:art|the n|bag n|pack adv|on .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|6|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,0,2380,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  3. because that I want my microphone . ,conj|because adv|that pro:sub|I v|want det:poss|my n|microphone .,1|4|LINK 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈbiˈcʌz ðə ˈaɪ ˈwɑn ˈmaɪ ˈmaɪkəˈfon,bɪˈkɑz ˈðæt ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈmaɪ ˈmaɪkɹəˌfoʊn,NA,NA,2380,6280,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  4. well ah how about if we put a little sleeve less shirt on . ,co|well co|ah pro:int|how adv|about conj|if pro:sub|we v|put&ZERO det:art|a adj|little n|sleeve adj|less n|shirt adv|on .,1|7|COM 2|7|COM 3|7|JCT 4|5|JCT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|OBJ 11|12|MOD 12|10|CMOD 13|12|JCT 14|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,6280,15170,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  5. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈhɪntɛˈdaʊdə,*,difficult to hear,NA,15170,17715,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  6. yyy I ‹want to› be naked in the house . ,pro:sub|I v|want inf|to cop|be adj|naked prep|in det:art|the n|house .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈʌ ˈaɪ ‹ˈwʌ nə› bi ˈneɪkəd ˈɪn də ˈhaʊs,* ˈaɪ ‹ˈwɑnt ˈtuː› ˈbiː ˈneɪkəd ˈɪn ðə ˈhaʊs,NA,NA,17715,24415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  7. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,24415,26570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  8. okay you gonna be the librarian . ,co|okay pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to cop|be det:art|the n|librarian .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,26570,28595,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  9. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,28595,29845,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  10. yyy xxx . ,NA,NA,ˈaɪˈɡʌnˈtinæd *,* *,utterance because difficult to hear,NA,29845,32220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  11. alright . ,co|alright .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,32220,33415,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  12. this yyy bird xxx . ,det:dem|this n|bird .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈdɪs ˈbæd ˈbɜ˞d *,ˈðɪs * ˈbʌɹd *,microphone not picking up the entire utternace,NA,33415,38250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  13. oh I think Carwen is really gonna enjoy that book . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Carwen aux|be&3S adv|real&dadj-LY part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|enjoy comp|that n|book .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|JCT 7|3|COMP 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|11|MOD 11|9|OBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,38250,42460,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  14. what else bird book yyy bird book what else bird book ? ,pro:int|what post|else n|bird n|book n|bird n|book pro:int|what post|else n|bird n|book ?,1|10|MOD 2|10|MOD 3|6|MOD 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|10|MOD 7|10|MOD 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|0|INCROOT 11|10|PUNCT,əwəˈwʌwəˈwʌt ˈɛls ˈbʊdə ˈbuk dədɛnd ˈbɜ˞rd ˈbuk ˈwʌt ˈɛls ˈbɜ˞rd ˈbuk,ˈwʌt ˈɛls ˈbʌɹd ˈbʊk * ˈbʌɹd ˈbʊk ˈwʌt ˈɛls ˈbʌɹd ˈbʊk,NA,NA,42460,53790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  15. I'm trying to think what other how about chicken and earmuffs that's about birds . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|try-PRESP inf|to v|think pro:int|what pro:indef|other pro:rel|how prep|about n|chicken coord|and n|+n|ear+n|muff-PL pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S prep|about n|bird-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|JCT 10|7|CMOD 11|10|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|14|LINK 14|12|CMOD 15|14|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,53790,58625,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  16. yyy ‹chicken and› earmuffs . ,n|chicken coord|and n|+n|ear+n|muff-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,ˈmʊn ˈtʃɪkəm ˈirˈmʌfs,* ‹ˈʧɪkən ˈænd› ˈɪɹˌmʌfs,NA,NA,58625,61815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  17. that has the chickens in it and the foxes . ,pro:rel|that v|have&3S det:art|the n|chicken-PL prep|in pro:per|it coord|and det:art|the n|fox-PL .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|CONJ 8|9|DET 9|7|COORD 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,61815,64510,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  18. I bet the birds would like that story . ,pro:sub|I v|bet&ZERO det:art|the n|bird-PL mod|will&COND prep|like pro:dem|that n|story .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|XMOD 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,64510,67395,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  19. Carwen are you going to listen to the story ? ,n:prop|Carwen aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP inf|to v|listen prep|to det:art|the n|story ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,67395,76900,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  20. ‹we [?]› gonna read that one first . ,pro:sub|we part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|read&ZERO det:dem|that pro:indef|one adj|first .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|POSTMOD 8|2|PUNCT,həˈhi ˈɡʌnə ˈwid ˈdæt ˈwʌnz ˈfɜ˞st,ˈwiː ˈɡɑnə ˈɹiːd ˈðæt ˈwʌn ˈfʌɹst,NA,NA,76900,81590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  21. Mommy is fixing a microphone here for you . ,n:prop|Mommy aux|be&3S part|fix-PRESP det:art|a n|microphone adv|here prep|for pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,81590,84445,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  22. yyy . ,NA,NA,ɡəˈwɑ,*,NA,NA,84440,85515,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  23. there so you don't hafta wear the backpack that way . ,adv|there conj|so pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not mod|have~inf|to v|wear det:art|the n|+n|back+n|pack det:dem|that n|way .,1|0|INCROOT 2|8|LINK 3|8|SUBJ 4|8|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|8|AUX 7|8|INF 8|1|CPOBJ 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|12|DET 12|8|JCT 13|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,85515,88940,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  24. what do you think . ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|think .,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,88940,90220,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  25. you don't wanna wear the back pack so this is a good way to have be close to you . ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|wear det:art|the adj|back n|pack co|so pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|way inf|to v|have aux|be adj|close prep|to pro:per|you .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|12|COM 11|12|SUBJ 12|4|CJCT 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|PRED 16|17|INF 17|15|XMOD 18|17|OBJ 19|18|PRED 20|19|JCT 21|20|POBJ 22|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,90220,94275,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  26. and who where are the children ? ,coord|and pro:int|who pro:rel|where cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|child&PL ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COORD 3|4|LINK 4|2|CMOD 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,94275,97205,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  27. where are the bird children who are gonna be at the library listening to the stories . ,pro:int|where cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|bird n|child&PL pro:rel|who aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to cop|be prep|at det:art|the n|library part|listen-PRESP prep|to det:art|the n|story-PL .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|8|LINK 7|8|AUX 8|5|CMOD 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|10|XJCT 15|14|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,97205,102995,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  28. ‹no [?]› +/. ,co|no +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈnʌ,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,102995,107815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  29. yyy see yyy now yyy see see yyy . ,v|see adv|now v|see v|see .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|ENUM 4|3|COMP 5|1|PUNCT,ˈhʌˈsizɡə ˈsi də ˈnaʊ bɪ ˈsɪ ˈsɪ səsə,* ˈsiː * ˈnaʊ * ˈsiː ˈsiː *,NA,NA,107815,118970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  30. it needs yeah closer to the librarian . ,pro:per|it v|need-3S co|yeah adj|close-CP prep|to det:art|the n|librarian .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COM 4|2|JCT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,118970,127230,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  31. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,127230,132080,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  32. I'm just gonna look and see if we have any other books about birds too . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|look coord|and v|see conj|if pro:sub|we v|have qn|any qn|other n|book-PL prep|about n|bird-PL post|too .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|COMP 12|14|QUANT 13|14|QUANT 14|11|OBJ 15|11|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|16|PQ 18|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,132080,139105,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  33. you wanna start reading them that book ? ,pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|start part|read-PRESP pro:obj|them det:dem|that n|book ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|8|DET 8|5|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,139105,141105,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  34. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,141105,142120,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  35. okay you can tell them what's in that book . ,co|okay pro:per|you mod|can v|tell pro:obj|them pro:int|what~cop|be&3S prep|in det:dem|that n|book .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,142120,147860,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  36. yyy about ‹that's [?]› about a bird . ,adv|about pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S prep|about det:art|a n|bird .,1|3|JCT 2|3|LINK 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈidə əˈbaʊ ˈɛs əˈbaʊd ə ˈbɜ˞d,* əˈbaʊt ˈðæts əˈbaʊt ə ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,147860,154315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  37. that's an albatross . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|albatross .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdæs ə ˈɛlːbəˈtwɑs,ˈðæts ˈæn ˈælbəˌtɹɑs,NA,Original Orthography: a < n >,154315,157255,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  38. that bird is an albatross . ,det:dem|that n|bird cop|be&3S det:art|a n|albatross .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d ˈɪz ən ˈɛlbəˈtwɑs,ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈɪz ˈæn ˈælbəˌtɹɑs,NA,NA,157255,162325,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  39. that a red yyy black birds . ,comp|that det:art|a adj|red adj|black n|bird-PL .,1|5|LINK 2|5|DET 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈdæd ə ˈwɛd wən ˈblæk ˈbɜ˞dz,ˈðæt ə ˈɹɛd * ˈblæk ˈbʌɹdz,NA,NA,162325,167310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  40. that those 0are the cardinals . ,comp|that pro:dem|those 0cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|cardinal-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,ˈdæ ˈdo də ˈkɑdnəlz,ˈðæt ˈðoʊz ðə ˈkɑɹdənəlz,NA,Original Orthography: tho < se >,167310,170680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  41. those are ducks I think that's a mallard and I don't know what the other ducks are called . ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES n|duck-PL pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|mallard coord|and pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what det:art|the qn|other n|duck-PL aux|be&PRES part|call-PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|5|CJCT 3|2|PRED 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|PRED 10|14|LINK 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|9|CMOD 15|20|LINK 16|18|DET 17|18|QUANT 18|20|SUBJ 19|20|AUX 20|14|COMP 21|5|PUNCT,ˈðoz ə ˈdʌːks ˈaɪ ˈsɪnk ˈdæts ə ˈmæləd ˈæ̃nd ˈaɪ ˈdont ˈno ˈwʌt də ˈʌðə ˈdʌks ɑ ˈkɑld,ˈðoʊz ˈɑɹ ˈdʌks ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈðæts ə ˈmæləɹd ˈænd ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈnoʊ ˈwʌt ðə ˈʌðəɹ ˈdʌks ˈɑɹ ˈkɑld,NA,NA,170680,182075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,20,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  42. oh do you want me to come look at that ? ,co|oh v|do pro:per|you v|want pro:obj|me inf|to v|come v|look prep|at pro:dem|that ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|7|INF 7|4|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,182075,184790,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  43. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,184790,186010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  44. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,186010,188915,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  45. that's an egret . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|egret .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdæs ə ˈiːɡwɛt,ˈðæts ˈæn ˈiːɡɹɛt,NA,Original Orthography: a < n >,188915,191745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  46. mallard yeah I think that's called a teal . ,n|mallard co|yeah pro:sub|I v|think comp|that~aux|be&3S v|call-PAST det:art|a adj|teal .,1|4|JCT 2|1|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,191745,195581,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  47. that's called 0a teal . ,pro:dem|that~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP 0det:art|a adj|teal .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈðæts ˈkʌd ˈtil,ˈðæts ˈkɑld ˈtiːl,NA,NA,195580,197260,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  48. and let me see . ,coord|and v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|see .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,197260,198985,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  49. see that might be the mallard . ,co|see adv|that mod|might cop|be det:art|the n|mallard .,1|4|COM 2|4|JCT 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,198985,201240,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  50. and oh that is called a . ,coord|and co|oh pro:rel|that aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP det:art|a .,1|5|LINK 2|5|COM 3|5|LINK 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,201240,205806,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  51. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,205805,206740,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  52. oh I know what's that called . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|know pro:int|what~aux|be&3S adv|that part|call-PASTP .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|JCT 7|3|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,206740,209320,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  53. but I've forgotten . ,conj|but pro:sub|I~aux|have part|forget&PASTP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,209320,213940,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  54. who +/? ,pro:rel|who +/?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhud,ˈhuː,NA,NA,213940,215185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  55. who's +/? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S +/?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz,ˈhuːz,NA,NA,215185,219010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  56. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈmɑmi,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,219010,220675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  57. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,220675,221285,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  58. oh Mommy notice that the feathers . ,co|oh n:prop|Mommy n|notice pro:rel|that det:art|the n|feather-PL .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|DET 6|3|CMOD 7|3|PUNCT,o ˈmɑmiː ˈnotɪs ˈdæ də ˈfɛdəz,ˈoʊ ˈmɑmiː ˈnoʊtəs ˈðæt ðə ˈfɛðəɹz,NA,NA,221285,225030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  59. Mommy ! ,n:prop|Mommy !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑˈmi,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,225030,226655,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  60. I'm right here and . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|right adv|here coord|and .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD,NA,NA,NA,NA,226655,229010,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  61. yyy the birds . ,det:art|the n|bird-PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈdo də ˈbɜ˞d,* ðə ˈbʌɹdz,NA,Original Orthography: bird < s >,229010,235051,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  62. what's that bird Mommy ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|bird n:prop|Mommy ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈdæt ˈbɜ˞d ˈmɑmi,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,235050,237625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  63. that is a gull . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S det:art|a n|gull .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,237625,239810,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  64. a gull . ,det:art|a n|gull .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈɡʌl,ə ˈɡʌl,NA,NA,239810,240795,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  65. gull . ,n|gull .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,240795,241685,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  66. gull ! ,n|gull !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈɡʌl,ˈɡʌl,NA,NA,241685,242545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  67. what's that bird called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|bird v|call-PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d ˈkɑld,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈkɑld,NA,NA,242545,246275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  68. what's that bird ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|bird ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,246275,248390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  69. that's another these are all different kinds of humming+birds . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S qn|another pro:dem|these cop|be&PRES adv|all adj|different n|kind-PL prep|of n|+adj|humming+n|bird-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|PRED 6|7|JCT 7|8|MOD 8|5|PRED 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,248390,251885,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  70. what's that the humming+bird ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|the n|+adj|humming+n|bird ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|DET 5|3|OM 6|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈdæ dəm ˈhʌmɪŋˈbɜ˞d,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ðə ‹ˈhʌmɪŋ ˈbʌɹd›,NA,NA,251885,253985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  71. I think that's ruby throated humming+bird . ,pro:sub|I v|think comp|that~aux|be&3S n|ruby part|throat-PASTP n|+adj|humming+n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT 4|3|INCROOT 5|4|PRED 6|5|XMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,253985,257035,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  72. what's that one ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌs ˈdæʔ ˈwʌn,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,257035,258180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  73. I don't know what that kind is . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what det:dem|that adj|kind cop|be&3S .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|8|LINK 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,258180,259860,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  74. what's that one called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one v|call-PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈdæ wən ˈkɑl,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈwʌn ˈkɑld,NA,Original Orthography: [wha < t's > ] [that] [one] [call < ed > ?],259860,261050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  75. I don't know . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,261050,261825,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  76. what's that one ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈdæʔ ˈwʌn,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,Original Orthography: wha < t's >,261825,265380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  77. what's the ruby throated humming+bird doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|ruby part|throat-PASTP n|+adj|humming+n|bird part|do-PRESP ?,1|7|SUBJ 2|7|AUX 3|4|DET 4|7|SUBJ 5|4|XMOD 6|5|OBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|PUNCT,ˈwʌ də ˈwubi ˈfwodəd ˈhʌmɪŋˈbɜ˞d ˈduɛŋ,ˈwʌts ðə ˈɹuːbiː ˈθɹoʊtəd ‹ˈhʌmɪŋ ˈbʌɹd› ˈduːɪŋ,NA,Original Orthography: what < 's >,265380,269455,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  78. it's in in the picture . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|in prep|in det:art|the n|picture .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,269455,271315,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  79. those are owls ! ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES n|owl-PL !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈdoz ə ˈaʊwəl,ˈðoʊz ˈɑɹ ˈaʊlz,NA,Original Orthography: owl < s >,271315,274345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  80. mm owls yes . ,co|mm n|owl-PL co|yes .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|COM 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,274345,276880,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  81. what letter does does owl starts with ? ,pro:int|what n|letter mod|do&3S mod|do&3S n|owl v|start-3S prep|with ?,1|2|MOD 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|6|AUX 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,276880,283050,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  82. o@l . ,n:let|o .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈoːuː,ˈoʊ,NA,NA,283050,285900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  83. Parrot_Darrot wanted to know . ,n:prop|Parrot_Darrot v|want-PAST inf|to v|know .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,285900,287740,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  84. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,287740,288810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  85. what kind of birds are those Parrot_Darrot asks ? ,pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|bird-PL cop|be&PRES det:dem|those n:prop|Parrot_Darrot v|ask-3S ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CPRED 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,288810,292410,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  86. those are pelican Parrot_Darrot ! ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES n|pelican n:prop|Parrot_Darrot !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdod ə ˈpɛləkən ‹ˈpeɪwət ˈdeɪwət›,ˈðoʊz ˈɑɹ ˈpɛləkən ‹ˈpɛɹət ˈdɛɹət›,NA,NA,292410,295835,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  87. pelicans do those begin with p@l just like parrot does ? ,n|pelican-PL v|do pro:dem|those v|begin prep|with n:let|p adv|just co|like n|parrot v|do&3S ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|8|JCT 8|10|COM 9|10|SUBJ 10|6|OM 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,295835,299675,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  88. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,299675,300415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  89. yay . ,co|yay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,305855,307210,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  90. yay . ,co|yay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,307210,310410,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  91. yay . ,co|yay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,310410,312105,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  92. my name Parrot_Darrot starts with a letter p@l just like ? ,det:poss|my n|name n:prop|Parrot_Darrot v|start-3S prep|with det:art|a n|letter n:let|p adv|just prep|like ?,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|2|APP 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|7|POSTMOD 9|10|JCT 10|8|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,312105,315740,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  93. pelican starts with p@l . ,n|pelican v|start-3S prep|with n:let|p .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,315740,318575,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  94. hello Daddy . ,co|hello n:prop|Daddy .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,318575,320610,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  95. hi Parrot_Darrot . ,co|hi n:prop|Parrot_Darrot .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,320610,323695,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  96. we're making a bird library . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|bird n|library .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,wə ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə ˈbɜ˞d ˈlaɪbweɪwi,ˈwʌɹ ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə ˈbʌɹd ˈlaɪˌbɹɛɹiː,NA,NA,323695,327130,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  97. I see that's excellent . ,pro:sub|I v|see pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|excellent .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,327130,330100,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  98. yyy yes yyy where did yyy the yellow one go ? ,co|yes pro:int|where mod|do&PAST det:art|the n|yellow det:num|one v|go ?,1|7|COM 2|5|JCT 3|5|AUX 4|5|DET 5|7|PRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|PUNCT,iwi ˈjɛs tui ˈweɪ ˈdɪ dədə də ˈjɛlo ˈwʌn ˈɡo,* ˈjɛs * ˈwɛɹ ˈdɪd * ðə ˈjɛloʊ ˈwʌn ˈɡoʊ,NA,NA,330100,335540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  99. this book . ,det:dem|this n|book .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,335540,336325,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  100. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,336325,338020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  101. do we have any birds that Daddy can bring in ? ,mod|do pro:sub|we v|have qn|any n|bird-PL pro:rel|that n:prop|Daddy mod|can v|bring adv|in ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|5|CMOD 10|9|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,338020,341130,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  102. we couldn't find motor cycle chicken . ,pro:sub|we mod|could~neg|not v|find n|motor n|cycle n|chicken .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,341130,343340,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  103. ah: . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,343340,346875,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  104. here's motor cycle chicken . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S n|motor n|cycle n|chicken .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,346875,350900,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  105. what what that bird called ? ,pro:int|what pro:int|what det:dem|that n|bird v|call-PAST ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|LINK 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈwʌ ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d ˈkɑl,ˈwʌt ˈwʌt ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈkɑld,NA,Original Orthography: call < ed >,350900,353995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  106. xxx that is an umbrella bird . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S det:art|a n|umbrella n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,MOT gasps,NA,353995,357085,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  107. there's motor cycle chicken . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|motor n|cycle n|chicken .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,357085,363696,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  108. don't fall over . ,mod|do~neg|not v|fall adv|over .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,363695,364885,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  109. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI giggling,NA,364885,371745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  110. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,371745,372880,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  111. yyy what yyy what 0is that bird called Mommy ? ,pro:int|what pro:int|what 0cop|be&3S comp|that n|bird v|call-PAST n:prop|Mommy ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CPRED 7|6|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,wə ˈwʌt wʊwu ˈwʌt ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d ˈkɑld ˈmɑmi,* ˈwʌt * ˈwʌt ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈkɑld ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,372880,379855,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  112. that's a vulture . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|vulture .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,379855,382190,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  113. what's that bird called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|bird v|call-PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌs ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d ˈkɑld,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈkɑld,NA,NA,382190,387710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  114. v@l . ,n:let|v .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈviː,ˈviː,NA,NA,387710,389005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  115. oh v@l just like the Vakas . ,co|oh n:let|v adv|just prep|like det:art|the n:prop|Vakas .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,389005,391265,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  116. oh my gosh . ,co|oh det:poss|my co|gosh .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,391315,392290,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  117. v@l stands for Vakas and vulture . ,n:let|v n|stand-PL prep|for n:prop|Vakas coord|and n|vulture .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,392290,395980,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  118. yeah: [: yes] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,395980,397380,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  119. what umbrella ‹words [?]› that sound yyy what letters umbrella words sound with Parrot_Darrot ? ,pro:int|what n|umbrella n|word-PL det:dem|that n|sound pro:int|what n|letter-PL n|umbrella n|word-PL n|sound prep|with n:prop|Parrot_Darrot ?,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|10|MOD 4|5|DET 5|10|MOD 6|10|MOD 7|10|MOD 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|0|ROOT 11|10|NJCT 12|11|POBJ 13|10|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈʌmˈbwɛlə ˈwɜ˞dz ˈdæʔ ˈsaʊnd wəwəə ˈwʌt ˈlɛdəz ˈʌmˈbwɛlə ˈwɜ˞dz ˈsaʊnd ˈwɪθ ‹ˈpeɪwɪt ˈdeɪwɪt›,ˈwʌt əmˈbɹɛlə ˈwʌɹdz ˈðæt ˈsaʊnd * ˈwʌt ˈlɛtəɹz əmˈbɹɛlə ˈwʌɹdz ˈsaʊnd ˈwɪθ ‹ˈpɛɹət ˈdɛɹət›,NA,NA,397380,405345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  120. oh I think that letter I can read that letter says Parrot_Darrot that's a u@l . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|think comp|that n|letter pro:sub|I mod|can v|read&ZERO det:dem|that n|letter v|say-3S n:prop|Parrot_Darrot pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n:let|u .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|8|LINK 5|8|JCT 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|3|COMP 9|10|DET 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|COMP 12|11|OBJ 13|14|SUBJ 14|11|COMP 15|16|DET 16|14|PRED 17|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,405345,410990,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  121. that letter right there is a u@l . ,det:dem|that n|letter adv|right adv|there cop|be&3S det:art|a n:let|u .,1|2|DET 2|5|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|2|NJCT 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,410990,413260,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  122. umbrella bird . ,n|umbrella n|bird .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɪmːˈbrɛlə ˈbɜ˞d,əmˈbɹɛlə ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,413260,416930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  123. u@l m@l b@l r@l e@l l@l l@l a@l b@l i@l r@l d@l . ,n:let|u n:let|m n:let|b n:let|r n:let|e n:let|l n:let|l n:let|a n:let|b n:let|i n:let|r n:let|d .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|9|POSTMOD 11|10|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,416930,420505,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  124. yyy what letters with pick+up begin with ? ,pro:int|what n|letter-PL prep|with n|+v|pick+prep|up v|begin prep|with ?,1|2|MOD 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,ˈwʌtɪzwə ˈwʌt ˈlɛdəz ˈwɪθ ˈpɪkˈʌp biˈɡɪn ˈwɪθ,* ˈwʌt ˈlɛtəɹz ˈwɪθ ‹ˈpɪk ˈʌp› bɪˈɡɪn ˈwɪθ,NA,NA,420505,424515,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  125. ha is that a w@l ? ,co|ha cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|a n:let|w ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|DET 5|3|OM 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,424515,428150,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  126. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,428150,429140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  127. oh yes it is . ,co|oh co|yes pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,429140,431590,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  128. yyy ‹Darrot [?]› . ,n:prop|Darrot .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈteɪ ˈdeɪweɪ,* ˈdɛɹət,"CHI screeching , difficult to hear sounds",NA,431590,435120,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  129. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɛts,*,high pitched screech,NA,435120,439235,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  130. because I'm a toddler bird just like you . ,conj|because pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a n|toddle&dv-AGT n|bird adv|just prep|like pro:per|you .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|8|JCT 8|6|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,439235,442895,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  131. yyy that bird took his ‹picture [?]› in 0the wood . ,det:dem|that n|bird v|take&PAST det:poss|his n|picture prep|in 0det:art|the n|wood .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,həˈhiˈhʊwəwə ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d ˈtʊk əz ˈpɪkən ˈɪn ˈwʊd,* ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈtʊk ˈhɪz ˈpɪkʧəɹ ˈɪn ˈwʊd,NA,NA,442895,448435,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  132. yes on a tree trunk . ,co|yes prep|on det:art|a n|tree n|trunk .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,448435,451575,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  133. yyy what's that bird xxx ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|bird ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,wəwə ˈwʌts ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d *,* ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd *,"microphone making loud humming sound , end of utterance inaudible",NA,451575,454770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  134. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,microphone noise drowining out CHI,NA,454770,459995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  135. Zenaida dove . ,n:prop|Zenaida n|dove .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,459995,462740,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  136. a Zenaida dove ? ,det:art|a n:prop|Zenaida n|dove ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ə ˈzaɪnaɪˈidə ˈdʌ,ə zəˈnaɪdə ˈdʌv,"microphone still making loud noise , difficult to hear",NA,462740,464540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  137. yes yeah I've never heard of that before . ,co|yes co|yeah pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|hear&PASTP prep|of pro:dem|that adv|before .,1|6|COM 2|6|COM 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|JCT 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|6|JCT 10|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,464540,467660,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  138. that's what it says on that page . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:per|it v|say-3S prep|on det:dem|that n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,467660,472075,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  139. xxx up there . ,prep|up n|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,* ˈʌp ˈdeɪə,* ˈʌp ˈðɛɹ,microphone noise drowns out beginning of utterance,NA,472075,475810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  140. where ? ,pro:rel|where ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,475810,476530,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  141. there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈðeɪə,ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,476530,477275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  142. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,477275,478560,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  143. that's what that color Zenaida dove does everybody know what that is ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what det:dem|that n|color n:prop|Zenaida n|dove mod|do&3S pro:indef|everybody v|know pro:int|what adv|that cop|be&3S ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|10|LINK 4|5|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|10|SUBJ 10|2|CPRED 11|13|LINK 12|13|JCT 13|10|COMP 14|2|PUNCT,ˈdæs ˈwʌ ˈdæʔ ˈkʌlə zaɪˈinə ˈdʌv ˈdʌz ˈɛviˈbʌdi ˈno ˈwʌt ˈdæʔ ˈɪːz,ˈðæts ˈwʌt ˈðæt ˈkʌləɹ zəˈnaɪdə ˈdʌv ˈdʌz ˈɛvɹiːˌbɑdiː ˈnoʊ ˈwʌt ˈðæt ˈɪz,NA,NA,478560,487830,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  144. does anybody know what this is ? ,mod|do&3S pro:indef|anybody v|know pro:int|what det:dem|this cop|be&3S ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|DET 6|3|COMP 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,487830,489495,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  145. I know I know which one are you pointing to ? ,pro:sub|I v|know pro:sub|I v|know pro:int|which pro:indef|one cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|point-PRESP prep|to ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|COMP 8|7|PRED 9|8|XMOD 10|9|JCT 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,489495,493680,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  146. that that's a Zenaida dove . ,comp|that pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n:prop|Zenaida n|dove .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,ˈdæt ˈdæts ə ˈzaɪˈinə ˈdʌv,ˈðæt ˈðæts ə zəˈnaɪdə ˈdʌv,NA,NA,493680,497905,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  147. yes I think that's a letter z@l that's start with . ,co|yes pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|letter n:let|z pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S v|start prep|with .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|7|XMOD 9|10|LINK 10|8|CMOD 11|10|PRED 12|11|JCT 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,497905,501280,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  148. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,MOT makes the noise of a letter z,NA,501280,503360,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  149. yyy what's that bird ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|bird ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈʊduhəmhəmˈwʌhəm ˈwʌs ˈdæʔ ˈbɜ˞d,* ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,503360,507815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  150. that is a . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S det:art|a .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,507815,510010,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  151. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,510010,511410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  152. Xantes_Murrelet . ,n:prop|Xantes_Murrelet .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,MOT is reading the name of a tag on a toy,NA,511410,514075,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  153. what's that one ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌz ˈdæʔ ˈbwʌn,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,514075,515750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  154. that's the same kind Xantes_Murrelet . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|same n|kind n:prop|Xantes_Murrelet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|APP 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,515750,517950,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  155. what's that one ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈdæʔ ˈwʌn,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,517950,519140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  156. the Xantes_Murrelet is flying . ,det:art|the n:prop|Xantes_Murrelet aux|be&3S part|fly-PRESP .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,də ‹ˈzæ̃ntəs ˈmɛrlət› ˈɪz ˈflaɪːɪŋ,ðə ‹ˈzæntəs ˈmɛɹlət› ˈɪz ˈflaɪɪŋ,NA,NA,519140,523095,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  157. what's that one ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌz ˈdæʔ ˈwʌn,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,523095,524530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  158. that's a yellow throated warbler . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|yellow part|throat-PASTP n|warble&dv-AGT .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|5|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,524530,526730,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  159. yellow throated warbler . ,n|yellow part|throat-PASTP n|warble&dv-AGT .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XMOD 3|2|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,526730,530085,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  160. look it's throat is yellow . ,co|look pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n|throat cop|be&3S adj|yellow .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|PRED 6|5|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,530085,533740,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  161. I think that's the end of the alphabet . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|end prep|of det:art|the n|alphabet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,533740,537030,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  162. oh oh yeah now I'm gonna read that one ! ,co|oh co|oh co|yeah adv|now pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|read&ZERO det:dem|that pro:indef|one !,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|7|COM 4|7|JCT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|7|PUNCT,ˈo ˈo ˈjæ ˈnaʊ ˈaɪm ˈɡʌnə ˈwi ˈdæʔ ˈwʌn,ˈoʊ ˈoʊ ˈjæ ˈnaʊ ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈɹiːd ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,537030,544020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  163. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,544020,545480,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  164. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,545480,548240,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  165. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,548240,549005,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  166. look at all these little birds listening to you read to them . ,v|look prep|at qn|all det:dem|these adj|little n|bird-PL part|listen-PRESP prep|to pro:per|you v|read&ZERO prep|to pro:obj|them .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|6|QUANT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|2|POBJ 7|1|XJCT 8|10|JCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,549005,558910,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  167. how many bird children do we have here today ? ,pro:int|how qn|many n|bird n|child&PL mod|do pro:sub|we v|have adv|here adv:tem|today ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|4|MOD 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|9|JCT 9|7|JCT 10|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,558910,562765,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  168. one two three . ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈwʌn ˈtu ˈθwiː,ˈwʌn ˈtuː ˈθɹiː,NA,NA,562765,567155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  169. you're right three . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adj|right det:num|three .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,567155,568645,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  170. yyy why'd [: why did] 0it need to be lined up ? ,pro:int|why mod|do&PAST 0pro:per|it v|need inf|to aux|be part|line-PASTP adv|up ?,1|4|JCT 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|INF 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈwaɪdə ˈni də ˈbiwə ˈlaɪnd ˈʌp,* ˈwaɪd ˈniːd ˈtuː ˈbiː ˈlaɪnd ˈʌp,NA,NA,568645,574145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  171. twelfth today is August twelfth two thousand and three . ,adj|twelfth adv:tem|today cop|be&3S n:prop|August adj|twelfth det:num|two det:num|thousand coord|and det:num|three .,1|2|MOD 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|MOD 6|7|QUANT 7|4|COORD 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,574145,578645,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  172. and we are here at the bird library . ,coord|and pro:sub|we cop|be&PRES adv|here prep|at det:art|the n|bird n|library .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,578645,584090,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  173. did you did everybody like that story ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|do&PAST pro:indef|everybody prep|like pro:dem|that n|story ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈdɪd ˈju ˈdɪd ˈɛwiˈbʌdi ˈlaɪk ˈdæʔ ˈstowi,ˈdɪd ˈjuː ˈdɪd ˈɛvɹiːˌbɑdiː ˈlaɪk ˈðæt ˈstɔɹiː,NA,NA,584090,590100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  174. yes tweet tweet . ,co|yes v|tweet v|tweet .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COMP 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,590100,596328,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  175. we and ‹Mom [?]› yyy . ,pro:sub|we coord|and n:prop|Mom .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,ˈwi ən ˈmɑm ˈɡʌtəˈduˈdæʔ,ˈwiː ˈænd ˈmɑm *,NA,NA,596328,600955,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  176. I'll help them sit again don't worry . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|help pro:obj|them v|sit adv|again mod|do~neg|not v|worry .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|5|COMP 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,600955,603570,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  177. I made him him yyy . ,pro:sub|I v|make&PAST pro:obj|him pro:obj|him .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈmeɪd ɪm ˈhɪm ˈsɛks,ˈaɪ ˈmeɪd ˈhɪm ˈhɪm *,NA,NA,603570,606240,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  178. are you gonna read make way for ducklings to them ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|read&ZERO v|make adv|way prep|for n|duckling-PL prep|to pro:obj|them ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,606240,616120,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  179. I bet they like that one . ,pro:sub|I n|bet pro:sub|they co|like adv|that pro:indef|one .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|COM 5|6|JCT 6|2|CMOD 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,616120,619075,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  180. oh we got a little xxx keep this there . ,co|oh pro:sub|we v|get&PAST det:art|a adj|little v|keep det:dem|this adv|there .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,619075,626705,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  181. yyy yyy Mom yyy read that the third bird . ,n:prop|Mom v|read&ZERO comp|that det:art|the adj|third n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ki ˈjɔɪjɔɪjɔɪjɔɪ ˈmɑ də ˈwi ˈdæ də ˈθɜ˞rd ˈbɜ˞rd,* * ˈmɑm * ˈɹiːd ˈðæt ðə ˈθʌɹd ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,626705,629925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  182. alright . ,co|alright .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,629925,631115,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  183. I'm the I'm he librarian knows how to read those books . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|the pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S pro:sub|he n|librarian v|know-3S pro:int|how inf|to v|read&ZERO det:dem|those n|book-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|PRED 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|11|LINK 10|11|INF 11|8|COMP 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ðə ˈaɪm də dəˈlaɪˈbweɪwiən ˈnoz ˈhaʊ də ˈwi ˈdoz ˈbʊks,ˈaɪm ðə ˈaɪm ˈhiː laɪˈbɹɛɹiːən ˈnoʊz ˈhaʊ ˈtuː ˈɹiːd ˈðoʊz ˈbʊks,NA,NA,631115,637045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  184. the librarian knows how to read those books . ,det:art|the n|librarian v|know-3S pro:int|how inf|to v|read&ZERO det:dem|those n|book-PL .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,637045,638955,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  185. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,638955,640700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  186. oh there's Mr and Mrs Mallard they're looking for a place to live . ,co|oh pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n:prop|Mr coord|and n:prop|Mrs n:prop|Mallard pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|look-PRESP prep|for det:art|a n|place inf|to v|live .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|3|PRED 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|7|CMOD 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|15|INF 15|10|XJCT 16|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,640700,647215,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  187. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪː,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,647215,648010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  188. I think maybe they're gonna have some chicks . ,pro:sub|I v|think adv|maybe pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|have qn|some n|chick-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|XJCT 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|10|QUANT 10|8|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,648010,650415,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  189. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,650415,653195,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  190. so they're trying to figure out where's a good place to build our nest . ,adv|so pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|try-PRESP inf|to v|figure adv|out pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|place inf|to v|build det:poss|our n|nest .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|PRED 13|14|INF 14|12|XMOD 15|16|DET 16|14|OBJ 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,653195,657975,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  191. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,657975,659105,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  192. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,659105,662835,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  193. you wouldn't wanna build a nest in someone's bath room . ,pro:per|you mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|in adj|someone&dn-POSS n|bath n|room .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|12|MOD 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,662835,665635,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  194. you wouldn't wanna build a nest right on a street would you ? ,pro:per|you mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest adv|right prep|on det:art|a n|street mod|will&COND pro:per|you ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|10|JCT 10|6|JCT 11|12|DET 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|10|POBJ 15|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,665635,670090,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  195. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,670090,671040,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  196. because it wouldn't be safe . ,conj|because pro:per|it mod|will&COND~neg|not cop|be n|safe .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PRED 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,671040,672630,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  197. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,672630,673775,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  198. let see what happens to them . ,v|let&ZERO v|see pro:int|what v|happen-3S prep|to pro:obj|them .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,673775,677515,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  199. when they go to Boston xxx oh boy . ,conj|when pro:sub|they v|go prep|to n:prop|Boston co|oh n|boy .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|MOD 6|7|COM 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,MOT yawns,NA,677515,682895,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  200. yyy nest . ,n|nest .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,həhoəˈwoəˈweɪˈʌdəˈdoˈdwʌmˈbɪzdə ˈnɛːz,* ˈnɛst,NA,NA,682895,687540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  201. well what else would be a bad place to build a nest . ,co|well pro:int|what post|else mod|will&COND cop|be det:art|a adj|bad n|place inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|PQ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|PRED 9|10|INF 10|8|XMOD 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,687540,689840,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  202. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,689840,690500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  203. let's ask let see if bird children know the answer to that question . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|ask part|let&PASTP v|see conj|if n|bird n|child&PL v|know det:art|the n|answer prep|to det:dem|that n|question .,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|OBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|XJCT 5|0|ROOT 6|9|LINK 7|8|MOD 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|CJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|11|NJCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,690500,694145,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  204. yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy don't you wanna yyy nest where ? ,mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|nest pro:rel|where ?,1|4|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OM 8|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌwəˈweɪ hʊ ˈweɪˈʌˈɪzˈɪzənˈɪzəˈbæ ˈdwo ˈdo ˈdont ˈju ˈwʌnəbə wədə ˈnɛs ˈweɪə,* * * * * ˈdoʊnt ˈjuː ˈwɑnə * ˈnɛst ˈwɛɹ,NA,NA,694145,709125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  205. well I wouldn't wanna build a nest right near some foxes . ,co|well pro:sub|I mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest adv|right prep|near qn|some n|fox-PL .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|11|JCT 11|7|JCT 12|13|QUANT 13|11|POBJ 14|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,709125,713475,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  206. and I wouldn't wanna live in a nest where there wasn't any food near by . ,coord|and pro:sub|I mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|live prep|in det:art|a n|nest pro:int|where adv|there cop|be&PAST&13S~neg|not qn|any n|food prep|near adv|by .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|5|COMP 14|13|NEG 15|16|QUANT 16|13|PRED 17|16|NJCT 18|17|POBJ 19|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,713475,720825,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  207. and I wouldn't wanna build a nest next to a play ground where there're lots_of noisy children all the time . ,coord|and pro:sub|I mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest adv|next prep|to det:art|a n|play n|ground pro:rel|where pro:exist|there~cop|be&PRES qn|lots_of adj|noise&dn-Y n|child&PL qn|all det:art|the n|time .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|7|JCT 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|POBJ 15|17|LINK 16|17|SUBJ 17|14|CMOD 18|20|QUANT 19|20|MOD 20|17|PRED 21|23|QUANT 22|23|DET 23|20|OBJ 24|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,720825,730755,MOT,Mother,FEM,23,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  208. I wouldn't build a nest in a refrigerator . ,pro:sub|I mod|will&COND~neg|not v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|in det:art|a n|refrigerator .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,730755,736510,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  209. it will be to cold . ,pro:per|it mod|will cop|be inf|to adv|cold .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,736510,738090,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  210. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,738090,739215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  211. hey Mom yyy that one . ,co|hey n:prop|Mom adv|that pro:indef|one .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,həˈheɪ ˈmɑm ˈeɪmɑnədəˈsaʊndɪ ˈdæt ˈwʌn,ˈheɪ ˈmɑm * ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,739215,744755,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  212. xxx yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,* ˈeɪːˈmeɪeɪ ˈeɪˈmeɪ,* * *,NA,NA,744755,751993,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  213. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,751990,752875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  214. because that's what birds really speak . ,conj|because pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what n|bird-PL adv|real&dadj-LY v|speak .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|JCT 7|3|CPRED 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,752875,754850,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  215. yyy Mommy tell tell say I yyy wanna yyy near 0a camera . ,n:prop|Mommy v|tell v|tell v|say pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|near 0det:art|a n|camera .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|COMP 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|8|INF 8|2|XJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,ˈeɪːˈjʊaɪˈjʊə ˈmɑmi ˈtɛl ˈtɛl ˈseɪ ˈaɪ wənz ˈwɑnəvə vənənəz ˈniə ˈkæ̃mrə,* ˈmɑmiː ˈtɛl ˈtɛl ˈseɪ ˈaɪ * ˈwɑnə * ˈnɪɹ ˈkæməɹə,NA,NA,754850,763305,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  216. yes ‹he [?]› do you do wanna xxx . ,co|yes pro:sub|he v|do pro:per|you v|do v|want~inf|to .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈjɛs i ˈdu hu ˈdu ˈwʌn *,ˈjɛs ˈhiː ˈduː ˈjuː ˈduː ˈwɑnə *,difficult to hear because MOT laughing loudly,NA,763305,771010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  217. why Naima ? ,pro:rel|why n:prop|Naima ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,771010,772920,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  218. yeah Mom yyy Naima says I would like to build yyy near 0a bear . ,co|yeah n:prop|Mom n:prop|Naima v|say-3S pro:sub|I mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|build prep|near 0det:art|a n|bear .,1|3|COM 2|3|NAME 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|4|PUNCT,ˈjæ məm əˈwiweɪ ˈniəˈmaɪə ˈseɪ ˈaɪ ˈwʌnˈwʊd ˈlaɪk ə bəd nə ˈni ˈbeɪə,ˈjæ ˈmɑm * ˌnaɪˈimə ˈsɛz ˈaɪ ˈwʊd ˈlaɪk ˈtuː ˈbɪld * ˈnɪɹ ˈbɛɹ,NA,Original Orthography: say < s >,772920,781406,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  219. oh I wouldn't wanna build a nest right next to a bear . ,co|oh pro:sub|I mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest adv|right adv|next prep|to det:art|a n|bear .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|11|JCT 11|5|JCT 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,781405,786710,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  220. that would be scary . ,pro:dem|that mod|will&COND cop|be adj|scare&dn-Y .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,786710,788270,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  221. yyy build a bird yyy . ,v|build det:art|a n|bird .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈɡiː əˈbɪl o ˈbɜ˞ əwə,* ˈbɪld ə ˈbʌɹd *,NA,Original Orthography: bi < rd >,788270,791540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  222. I wouldn't wanna build a nest on an airplane . ,pro:sub|I mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|on det:art|a n|airplane .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,791540,795355,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  223. yyy Naima says I won't wanna build a nest near 0a cat . ,n:prop|Naima v|say-3S pro:sub|I mod|will~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|near 0det:art|a n|cat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|2|COMP 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|8|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,ˈaʊ ˈniəˈmaɪə ˈseɪ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈwɑnə ˈbɪld ə ˈnɛst ˈni ˈkæːʔ,* ˌnaɪˈimə ˈsɛz ˈaɪ ˈwoʊnt ˈwɑnə ˈbɪld ə ˈnɛst ˈnɪɹ ˈkæt,NA,Original Orthography: say < s >,795355,801276,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  224. I definitely wouldn't wanna build a nest near a cat . ,pro:sub|I adv|definite&dadj-LY mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|near det:art|a n|cat .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|JCT 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,801275,804810,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  225. yyy yyy Mommy to say say that one yyy Mommy yyy to say I want yyy to build a nest near dog . ,n:prop|Mommy inf|to v|say v|say comp|that det:num|one n:prop|Mommy inf|to v|say pro:sub|I v|want inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|near n|dog .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|XMOD 4|3|COMP 5|11|LINK 6|7|QUANT 7|11|JCT 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|11|SUBJ 11|4|COMP 12|13|INF 13|11|COMP 14|15|DET 15|13|OBJ 16|13|JCT 17|16|POBJ 18|1|PUNCT,ˈkɪdˈmɑtə mə ˈmɑmi tə ˈseɪwə ˈseɪwə ˈdæʔ ˈwʌn wən ˈmɑmi tə tə seɪ ˈaɪ wənt lədəɡə tə ˈbɪld ə ˈnɛd ˈni ˈdɑɡ,* * ˈmɑmiː ˈtuː ˈseɪ ˈseɪ ˈðæt ˈwʌn * ˈmɑmiː * ˈtuː ˈseɪ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt * ˈtuː ˈbɪld ə ˈnɛst ˈnɪɹ ˈdɑɡ,NA,NA,804415,815360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,17,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  226. I definitely wouldn't wanna build a nest near a dog yikes yikes yikes . ,pro:sub|I adv|definite&dadj-LY mod|will&COND~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|near det:art|a n|dog co|yikes co|yikes co|yikes .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|JCT 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|15|COM 14|15|COM 15|7|CJCT 16|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,815360,821463,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  227. xxx why yyy dog barking yyy the dog is barking is loud . ,pro:rel|why n|dog part|bark-PRESP det:art|the n|dog cop|be&3S n:gerund|bark-PRESP cop|be&3S adj|loud .,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|XMOD 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|PRED 9|8|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,* ˈwaɪ hədədə ˈdɑɡ ˈbɑrkɪŋ eɪeɪeɪeɪ də ˈdɑɡ ɪz ˈbɑrkɪŋ ˈɪz ˈlaʊd,* ˈwaɪ * ˈdɑɡ ˈbɑɹkɪŋ * ðə ˈdɑɡ ˈɪz ˈbɑɹkɪŋ ˈɪz ˈlaʊd,CHI giggling at beginning,NA,821460,829960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  228. yyy why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,wə ˈwaɪ,* ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,829960,835505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  229. that would be an a noisy annoying noise for the birds wouldn't it ? ,pro:dem|that mod|will&COND cop|be det:art|a det:art|a adj|noise&dn-Y part|annoy-PRESP n|noise prep|for det:art|the n|bird-PL mod|will&COND~neg|not pro:per|it ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|8|DET 5|8|DET 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|3|PRED 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|12|NEG 14|9|POBJ 15|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,835505,839510,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  230. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,839510,842680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  231. yyy yyy say I won't like to build a a nest near 0a dog . ,v|say pro:sub|I mod|will~neg|not v|like inf|to v|build det:art|a det:art|a n|nest prep|near 0det:art|a n|dog .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|10|DET 9|10|DET 10|7|OBJ 11|7|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|5|PUNCT,ˈimə ˈmaɪə ˈseɪ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈlaɪk tə ˈbɪld ə ə ˈnɛs ˈni ˈdɑːɡ,* * ˈseɪ ˈaɪ ˈwoʊnt ˈlaɪk ˈtuː ˈbɪld ə ə ˈnɛst ˈnɪɹ ˈdɑɡ,loud buzzing from mic,NA,842680,850110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  232. near a duck . ,prep|near det:art|a n|duck .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,850110,852080,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  233. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,852080,853210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  234. why not ? ,pro:int|why neg|not ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,853210,854345,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  235. yes +/. ,co|yes +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛ,ˈjɛs,NA,Original Orthography: ye < s >,854345,856495,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  236. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,856495,860730,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  237. may be it'll be okay [: big yawn] to build a nest near a duck . ,mod|may cop|be pro:per|it~mod|will cop|be adj|big n|yawn inf|to v|build det:art|a n|nest prep|near det:art|a n|duck .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|PRED 6|7|MOD 7|5|PRED 8|9|INF 9|7|XMOD 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|9|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,860730,868130,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  238. should we read the rest of the story ? ,mod|should pro:sub|we v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|rest prep|of det:art|the n|story ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,868130,872010,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  239. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,872010,872975,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  240. hey that's the same did you hear the noise out there ? ,co|hey pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|same mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|hear det:art|the n|noise prep|out n|there ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|8|AUX 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|8|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,872975,875760,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  241. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,875760,879715,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  242. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,879715,880730,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  243. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,MOT makes the noise of a bird,NA,880730,886530,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  244. I think Carmen is do you hear that ? ,pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Carmen cop|be&3S v|do pro:per|you v|hear pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,886530,890940,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  245. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,high pitched,NA,890940,891850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  246. I think they're talking to each other cardinal must be Carmen must be talking to the other cardinal that are outside . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|talk-PRESP prep|to qn|each qn|other n|cardinal mod|must cop|be n:prop|Carmen mod|must aux|be part|talk-PRESP prep|to det:art|the qn|other n|cardinal pro:rel|that cop|be&PRES adv|outside .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|11|LINK 7|9|QUANT 8|9|QUANT 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|5|COMP 12|11|PRED 13|15|AUX 14|15|AUX 15|12|COMP 16|15|JCT 17|19|DET 18|19|QUANT 19|16|POBJ 20|21|LINK 21|19|CMOD 22|21|JCT 23|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,891850,898016,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  247. what a nice bird . ,pro:int|what det:art|a adj|nice n|bird .,1|4|MOD 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,898015,900285,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  248. "yyy yyy that bird 0is gonna sit down next to to Moses and ‹Siken [?] ,› she's gonna sit like that . ",det:dem|that n|bird 0aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|sit adv|down adv|next prep|to prep|to n:prop|Moses coord|and n:prop|Siken cm|cm pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|sit prep|like pro:dem|that .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|6|JCT 10|17|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|11|CONJ 13|12|COORD 14|10|LP 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|9|POBJ 18|19|INF 19|17|COMP 20|19|JCT 21|20|POBJ 22|4|PUNCT,ˈdædæ dədə ˈdæt ˈbɜ˞rd ˈɡʌnə ˈsɪt ˈdaʊn ˈnɛˈnɛks ˈtu ˈtu ˈmozəs ˈæ̃nd ˈsɪkən ˈsi ˈɡʌnə ˈsɪt ˈlaɪk ˈdæʔ,* * ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈɡɑnə ˈsɪt ˈdaʊn ˈnɛkst ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈmoʊzəs ˈænd ˈsɪkən ˈʃiːz ˈɡɑnə ˈsɪt ˈlaɪk ˈðæt,NA,NA,900285,910476,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,20,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  249. hm: okay . ,co|hm co|okay .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,910475,911805,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  250. and yyy yyy . ,coord|and .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,æ̃n ˈbʌʔə ˈbikənən,ˈænd * *,NA,NA,911805,914565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  251. oh they're going fishing here they're looking for fish to eat in this pond . ,co|oh pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP part|fish-PRESP adv|here pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|look-PRESP prep|for n|fish inf|to v|eat prep|in det:dem|this n|pond .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|4|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|13|INF 13|9|XJCT 14|13|JCT 15|16|DET 16|14|POBJ 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,914565,920680,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  252. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,həˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,920680,923085,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  253. and here they see the swan boats . ,coord|and adv|here pro:sub|they v|see det:art|the n|swan n|boat-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,923085,926105,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  254. see the swan . ,v|see det:art|the n|swan .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,926105,928540,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  255. these are called the swan boats . ,det:dem|these aux|be&PRES v|call-PAST det:art|the n|swan n|boat-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,928540,930835,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  256. and here are the children riding bicycles the birds better watch out . ,coord|and adv|here cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|child&PL part|ride-PRESP v|bicycle-3S det:art|the n|bird-PL adj|good&CP v|watch adv|out .,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|7|CJCT 4|5|DET 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|XJCT 7|11|CJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|11|SUBJ 11|0|ROOT 12|11|JCT 13|11|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,930835,937255,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  257. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,937255,938250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  258. those ducks better watch out so the bicycles don't run them over . ,det:dem|those n|duck-PL adj|good&CP v|watch adv|out co|so det:art|the v|bicycle-3S mod|do~neg|not v|run pro:obj|them adv|over .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|COM 7|8|DET 8|4|COMP 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|8|COMP 12|11|OBJ 13|11|JCT 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,938250,942010,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  259. oh_my_goodness they almost ran them right over . ,co|oh_my_goodness pro:sub|they adv|almost v|run&PAST pro:obj|them adj|right adv|over .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|PRED 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,942010,945025,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  260. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,945025,946465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  261. hm: so they flew over beacon hill around the state house but there was no place there . ,co|hm conj|so pro:sub|they v|fly&PAST prep|over n|beacon n|hill prep|around det:art|the n|state n|house conj|but adv|there cop|be&PAST&13S qn|no n|place adv|there .,1|4|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|4|JCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|14|LINK 13|14|SUBJ 14|4|CJCT 15|16|QUANT 16|14|PRED 17|16|NJCT 18|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,946465,956971,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  262. they looked in Lewisburg_Square but there was no water to swim in . ,pro:sub|they v|look-PAST prep|in n:prop|Lewisburg_Square conj|but adv|there cop|be&PAST&13S qn|no n|water prep|to n|swim adv|in .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|CONJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COORD 8|9|QUANT 9|7|PRED 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|11|NJCT 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,956970,962675,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  263. xxx they flew over the Charles_River . ,pro:sub|they v|fly&PAST prep|over det:art|the n:prop|Charles_River .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,962675,966380,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  264. oh that's where they gonna oh they found an island and that's where they going to build a hah look at that there's their nest . ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|where pro:sub|they part|go-PRESP~inf|to co|oh pro:sub|they v|find&PAST det:art|a n|island coord|and pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|where pro:sub|they part|go-PRESP inf|to v|build det:art|a co|hah v|look prep|at adv|that pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:poss|their n|nest .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CPRED 7|8|INF 8|10|COM 9|10|SUBJ 10|6|ROOT 11|12|DET 12|15|SUBJ 13|12|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|10|ROOT 16|15|PRED 17|16|INCROOT 18|17|XMOD 19|20|INF 20|18|COMP 21|22|DET 22|23|COM 23|20|OBJ 24|23|JCT 25|24|POBJ 26|27|SUBJ 27|23|CJCT 28|29|DET 29|27|PRED 30|17|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,966380,978945,MOT,Mother,FEM,29,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  265. yyy turn the page . ,v|turn det:art|the n|page .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈhɛn ˈtɜ˞n də ˈpeɪdʒ,* ˈtʌɹn ðə ˈpeɪʤ,NA,NA,978945,981925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  266. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,981925,985905,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  267. they ‹say [?]› their mommy say yyy it's the policemen sweetie they do . ,pro:sub|they v|say det:poss|their n|mommy v|say pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|+n|police+n|man&PL co|sweetie pro:sub|they v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|PRED 10|12|COM 11|12|SUBJ 12|9|CMOD 13|2|PUNCT,ˈdeɪ ˈsɪ ˈdeɪ ˈmɑmi ˈseɪ ˈhʌmə ˈɪ də pəˈlɪsmɛn ˈswiti ˈðeɪ ˈdu,ˈðeɪ ˈseɪ ˈðɛɹ ˈmɑmiː ˈseɪ * ˈɪts ðə pəˈliːsmɛn ˈswiːtiː ˈðeɪ ˈduː,NA,NA,985905,993835,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  268. xxx those 0are teenager birds . ,pro:dem|those 0cop|be&PRES adj|teenage-CP n|bird-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈðo ˈtineɪdʒɜ˞r ˈbɜ˞dz,* ˈðoʊz ˈtiːˌneɪʤəɹ ˈbʌɹdz,"CHI falls off chair , makes falling noise",NA,993835,999060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  269. those are teenager birds ? ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES adj|teenage-CP n|bird-PL ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,999060,1005310,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  270. we're not putting the microphone that there . ,pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|put-PRESP det:art|the n|microphone comp|that adv|there .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|ENUM 8|7|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,ˈwɜ˞r ˈnɑɾ ˈpʊɾɪŋ də ˈmaɪkrəˈfon ˈdæt ˈdeɪə,ˈwʌɹ ˈnɑt ˈpʌtɪŋ ðə ˈmaɪkɹəˌfoʊn ˈðæt ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1005310,1008985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  271. well it just needs to be close to your mouth that's all . ,co|well pro:per|it adv|just n|need-PL inf|to cop|be adj|close prep|to det:poss|your n|mouth pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S pro:indef|all .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|INCROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|PRED 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|12|LINK 12|10|CMOD 13|12|PRED 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1008985,1011880,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  272. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1011880,1012945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  273. because it's it's recording your voice . ,conj|because pro:per|it~aux|be&3S pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|record-PRESP det:poss|your n|voice .,1|6|LINK 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1012945,1015985,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  274. why yyy ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwɑː ˈdɑː,ˈwaɪ *,NA,NA,1015985,1022315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  275. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1022315,1024020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  276. is that like what a baby says ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that prep|like pro:int|what det:art|a n|baby v|say-3S ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|JCT 4|7|LINK 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CPOBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1024020,1025690,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  277. yyy yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,də ˈjɛs,* ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1025690,1029470,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  278. yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈdu ˈdu ˈdu,* * *,NA,NA,1029470,1030605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  279. is that what a baby or toddler says ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that pro:int|what det:art|a n|baby coord|or n|toddle&dv-AGT v|say-3S ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|8|LINK 4|5|DET 5|8|SUBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|2|COBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1030605,1032720,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  280. ‹toddler [?]› . ,n|toddle&dv-AGT .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈtɜ˞rdl̩,ˈtɑdləɹ,NA,NA,1032720,1033810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  281. toddler . ,n|toddle&dv-AGT .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,problem with the microphone,NA,1033810,1034630,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  282. xxx is the name of that police officer . ,cop|be&3S det:art|the n|name prep|of det:dem|that n|police n|officer .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|PRED 4|3|NJCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1051160,1054075,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  283. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1054075,1054940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  284. that's his name . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:poss|his n|name .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1054940,1056025,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  285. hah look at that what do they have in the nest ? ,co|hah v|look prep|at pro:dem|that pro:int|what mod|do pro:sub|they v|have prep|in det:art|the n|nest ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|8|SUBJ 6|8|AUX 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1056025,1061690,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  286. ay ! ,co|ay !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈeɪː,ˈeɪ,NA,NA,1061690,1065545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  287. they have eggs in the nest . ,pro:sub|they v|have n|egg-PL prep|in det:art|the n|nest .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈðeɪ ˈhæv ˈɛɡz ˈɪn də ˈnɛs,ˈðeɪ ˈhæv ˈɛɡz ˈɪn ðə ˈnɛst,NA,NA,1065545,1068465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  288. one two three four five six seven eight there're eight eggs in the nest . ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five det:num|six det:num|seven det:num|eight pro:exist|there~cop|be&PRES det:num|eight n|egg-PL prep|in det:art|the n|nest .,1|7|LINK 2|4|DATE 3|4|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|7|DATE 7|8|DATE 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|12|QUANT 12|10|PRED 13|12|NJCT 14|15|DET 15|13|POBJ 16|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1068465,1073265,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  289. hah and pretty soon they hatch and they have eight chicks . ,co|hah coord|and adv|pretty adv|soon pro:sub|they v|hatch coord|and pro:sub|they v|have det:num|eight n|chick-PL .,1|6|COM 2|1|CONJ 3|4|JCT 4|2|COORD 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CJCT 10|11|QUANT 11|9|OBJ 12|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1073265,1078225,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  290. ducklings really those are ducklings . ,n|duckling-PL adv|real&dadj-LY pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES n|duckling-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1078225,1080725,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  291. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1080725,1081675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  292. what do you think the mama duck says to the ducklings ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|think det:art|the n|mama n|duck v|say-3S prep|to det:art|the n|duckling-PL ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1081675,1085355,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  293. ‹their [?]› ‹children [?]› . ,det:poss|their n|child&PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,hɪ ˈdædˈsaʊːldrɛn,ˈðɛɹ ˈʧɪldɹən,NA,NA,1085355,1093390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  294. their children . ,det:poss|their n|child&PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1093390,1095525,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  295. yyy why the why the bicycles always yyy the mama yyy the daddy and the mommy left over why ? ,pro:int|why det:art|the pro:int|why det:art|the v|bicycle-3S adv|always det:art|the n|mama det:art|the n|daddy coord|and det:art|the n|mommy v|leave&PAST adv|over pro:rel|why ?,1|5|LINK 2|3|DET 3|5|JCT 4|5|DET 5|0|ROOT 6|16|JCT 7|8|DET 8|16|SUBJ 9|10|DET 10|14|SUBJ 11|10|CONJ 12|13|DET 13|11|COORD 14|8|CMOD 15|14|JCT 16|5|OM 17|5|PUNCT,ɪɛɑ ˈwaɪˈdeɪ ˈwaɪ də ˈbaɪskəlz ˈolweɪz ˈnɑdəˈdo ˈdodo də ˈmɑmə də dədədə ˈdædi ˈæ̃n də ˈmɑmi ˈlɛf ˈovə ˈwaɪː,* ˈwaɪ ðə ˈwaɪ ðə ˈbaɪsɪkəlz ˈɑlˌweɪz * ðə ˈmɑmə * ðə ˈdædiː ˈænd ðə ˈmɑmiː ˈlɛft ˈoʊvəɹ ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1095525,1110130,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  296. because the bicyc(le) the person on the bicycle didn't realize that there were ducks in the way . ,conj|because det:art|the v|bicycle det:art|the n|person prep|on det:art|the v|bicycle mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|realize comp|that adv|there cop|be&PAST n|duck-PL prep|in det:art|the n|way .,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|8|COMP 12|14|LINK 13|14|SUBJ 14|11|COMP 15|14|PRED 16|15|NJCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1110130,1115030,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  297. here're [= here are] the ducks they're growing up and getting bigger now they're kinda like toddler ducks . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&PRES det:art|the n|duck-PL pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|grow-PRESP adv|up coord|and part|get-PRESP adj|big-CP adv|now pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|kinda co|like n|toddle&dv-AGT n|duck-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|CMOD 8|7|JCT 9|14|LINK 10|14|XJCT 11|10|JCT 12|10|JCT 13|14|SUBJ 14|7|CJCT 15|14|JCT 16|18|COM 17|18|MOD 18|14|PRED 19|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1115030,1120090,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  298. ducks . ,n|duck-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdʌks,ˈdʌks,NA,NA,1120090,1121575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  299. oh the mommy still takes care of them . ,co|oh det:art|the n|mommy adv|still v|take-3S n|care prep|of pro:obj|them .,1|5|COM 2|3|DET 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1121575,1124855,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  300. she's teaching them how to swim and dive . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|teach-PRESP pro:obj|them pro:int|how inf|to v|swim coord|and n|dive .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|INF 7|3|COMP 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1124855,1129175,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  301. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1129175,1130910,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  302. that's how they get around they swim and that's how they look for food in the water . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|how pro:sub|they v|get adv|around pro:sub|they v|swim coord|and pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|how pro:sub|they v|look prep|for n|food prep|in det:art|the n|water .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|5|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CJCT 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|COMP 12|14|JCT 13|14|SUBJ 14|11|CPRED 15|14|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|16|NJCT 18|19|DET 19|17|POBJ 20|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1130910,1135540,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  303. here they're they're lining up . ,adv|here pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|line-PRESP adv|up .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|PRED 7|6|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1135540,1140695,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  304. she's teaching them to keep a safe distance from bikes and scooters and other things with wheels . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|teach-PRESP pro:obj|them inf|to v|keep det:art|a adj|safe n|distance prep|from n|bike-PL coord|and n|scooter-PL coord|and qn|other n|thing-PL prep|with n|wheel-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|6|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|11|CONJ 13|12|COORD 14|6|CONJ 15|16|QUANT 16|14|COORD 17|16|NJCT 18|17|POBJ 19|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1140695,1148295,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  305. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1148295,1153115,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  306. and that cars are dangerous she's she's teaching them the same thing she's saying cars and bicycles and other things on wheels are dangerous cause they can bump into you . ,coord|and pro:dem|that n|car-PL cop|be&PRES adj|dangerous pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|teach-PRESP pro:obj|them det:art|the adj|same n|thing pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|say-PRESP n|car-PL coord|and v|bicycle-3S coord|and qn|other n|thing-PL prep|on n|wheel-PL cop|be&PRES adj|dangerous n|cause pro:sub|they mod|can v|bump prep|into pro:per|you .,1|4|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|7|CJCT 5|4|PRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|7|CPRED 11|26|SUBJ 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|26|SUBJ 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|14|CMOD 18|17|OBJ 19|14|CONJ 20|19|COORD 21|14|CONJ 22|23|QUANT 23|21|COORD 24|23|NJCT 25|24|POBJ 26|31|CJCT 27|28|MOD 28|26|PRED 29|31|SUBJ 30|31|AUX 31|10|COMP 32|31|JCT 33|32|POBJ 34|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1153115,1163500,MOT,Mother,FEM,33,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  307. that's just what Mommy taught you Naima . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|just pro:int|what n:prop|Mommy v|teach&PAST pro:per|you n:prop|Naima .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CPRED 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1163500,1165810,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  308. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ənˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1165810,1167080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  309. do you remember I taught you that ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|remember pro:sub|I v|teach&PAST pro:per|you pro:dem|that ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1167080,1168620,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  310. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1168620,1169940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  311. do you remember ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|remember ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1169940,1170875,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  312. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1170875,1172180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  313. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1172180,1173080,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  314. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1173080,1175145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  315. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnoː,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1175145,1178560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  316. let see what time it is . ,v|let&ZERO v|see pro:int|what v|time pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|COMP 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1178560,1181025,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  317. oh it certainly is nap time . ,co|oh pro:per|it adv|certain&dadj-LY aux|be&3S n|nap n|time .,1|6|COM 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|MOD 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1181025,1183345,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  318. it's past two o'clock . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|past det:num|two n|o'clock .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|MOD 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1183345,1184950,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  319. no it's past two o'clock yyy . ,co|no pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|past det:num|two n|o'clock .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|MOD 5|6|QUANT 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,ˈno ˈɪt ˈpæs ˈtu oˈklɑk ˈnuɛkiz,ˈnoʊ ˈɪts ˈpæst ˈtuː əˈklɑk *,NA,Original Orthography: it < 's >,1184950,1190820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  320. a tape player . ,det:art|a n|tape n|play&dv-AGT .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ə ˈteɪp ˈpleɪjə,ə ˈteɪp ˈpleɪəɹ,NA,NA,1190820,1193340,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  321. the tape player up there . ,det:art|the n|tape n|play&dv-AGT prep|up n|there .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,də ˈteɪp ˈdeɪ ˈʌp ˈdeɪə,ðə ˈteɪp ˈpleɪəɹ ˈʌp ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1193340,1199940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  322. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,loud humming on microphone,NA,1199940,1200630,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  323. I brought the jamboree tape in . ,pro:sub|I v|bring&PAST det:art|the n|jamboree n|tape adv|in .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1200630,1202585,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  324. would you like to get into bed and start nap time ? ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|get prep|into n|bed coord|and v|start n|nap n|time ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|11|MOD 11|9|OBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1202585,1206430,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  325. no I wanna want to shut up and +... ,co|no pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|want inf|to v|shut&ZERO adv|up coord|and +...,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|7|CONJ 10|3|PUNCT,ˈno əˈaɪˈwɑnə ˈaɪ ˈwɑn ˈtu ˈʃʌt ˈʌp ˈæ̃nd,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈʃʌt ˈʌp ˈænd,NA,NA,1206430,1212310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  326. you wanna nurse ? ,pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|nurse ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1212310,1213260,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  327. say that one yyy . ,v|say comp|that pro:indef|one .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈseɪ ˈðæt ˈwʌn ˈnɪnəˈnɑ,ˈseɪ ˈðæt ˈwʌn *,difficult to hear becuase microphone buzzing,NA,1213260,1215635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  328. yyy +/. ,NA,NA,ˈnʌ,*,NA,NA,1215635,1216290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  329. because it's nap time . ,conj|because pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n|nap n|time .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1216290,1218630,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  330. you gonna listen to the tape while you're nursing ? ,pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|listen prep|to det:art|the n|tape conj|while pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|nurse-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|2|CJCT 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1218630,1221480,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  331. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1221480,1224505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  332. there are weights in ‹there [?]› xxx . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES n|weight-PL prep|in n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈdeɪ ə ˈweɪts ˈɪn ˈdeɪə *,ˈðɛɹ ˈɑɹ ˈweɪts ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ *,difficult to hear CHI,NA,1224505,1228930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  333. I'm now testing whether the buzz is coming from or rather which &trans . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|now n:gerund|test-PRESP comp|whether det:art|the n|buzz aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP prep|from coord|or adv|rather pro:rel|which .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|9|LINK 6|7|DET 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|4|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|10|CONJ 12|13|JCT 13|11|COORD 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1228930,1235501,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  334. yyy all cozy . ,adv|all adj|cozy .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑmeɪˈsɪt ˈɑl ˈkoːzi,* ˈɑl ˈkoʊziː,NA,NA,1235500,1241680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  335. Mommy Mommy xxx a doctor hospital . ,n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy det:art|a n|doctor n|hospital .,1|2|NAME 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi * ə ˈdɑktə ˈhɑspɪtəl,ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː * ə ˈdɑktəɹ ˈhɑsˌpɪtəl,"MOT talks over CHI , difficult to hear",NA,1241680,1252221,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  336. he's at a doctor hospital ? ,pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S prep|at det:art|a n|doctor n|hospital ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1252220,1253910,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  337. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1253910,1254690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  338. oh did he did an ambulance taking him there ? ,co|oh mod|do&PAST pro:sub|he v|do&PAST det:art|a n|ambulance part|take-PRESP pro:obj|him adv|there ?,1|4|COM 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|XJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1254690,1257905,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  339. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1257905,1259350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  340. I was 0the driver in 0the ambulance and he was +/. ,pro:sub|I cop|be&PAST&13S 0det:art|the n|drive&dv-AGT prep|in 0det:art|the n|ambulance coord|and pro:sub|he cop|be&PAST&13S +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|CONJ 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|COORD 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ wəz ˈdraɪvə ˈɪn ˈæmbuˈlɛns ˈæ̃nd ˈhe wəz,ˈaɪ ˈwɑz ˈdɹaɪvəɹ ˈɪn ˈæmbjələns ˈænd ˈhiː ˈwɑz,NA,NA,1259350,1264318,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  341. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1264318,1264960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  342. oh so you helped him get into the ambulance you know ambulances actually have bed inside them did you know that ? ,co|oh conj|so pro:per|you v|help-PAST pro:obj|him v|get prep|into det:art|the n|ambulance pro:per|you v|know n|ambulance-PL adv|actual&dadj-LY v|have n|bed prep|inside pro:obj|them mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|know pro:dem|that ?,1|6|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|6|CJCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|11|SUBJ 11|20|JCT 12|11|OBJ 13|14|JCT 14|20|SUBJ 15|14|OBJ 16|14|JCT 17|16|POBJ 18|20|AUX 19|20|SUBJ 20|6|CJCT 21|20|OBJ 22|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1264960,1270960,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  343. yyy yyy he he was sick so he was sleeping on on the bed . ,pro:sub|he pro:sub|he cop|be&PAST&13S adj|sick conj|so pro:sub|he aux|be&PAST&13S part|sleep-PRESP adv|on prep|on det:art|the n|bed .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|3|CJCT 9|8|JCT 10|8|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,həhəhi ˈhiwəz ˈhi ˈhi wəz ˈsɪk ˈso ˈhi ˈwʌz ˈslipɪŋ ɑ ˈɑn də ˈbɛd,* * ˈhiː ˈhiː ˈwɑz ˈsɪk ˈsoʊ ˈhiː ˈwɑz ˈsliːpɪŋ ˈɑn ˈɑn ðə ˈbɛd,NA,NA,1270960,1281343,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  344. that that he +/. ,comp|that pro:rel|that pro:sub|he +/.,1|3|LINK 2|3|LINK 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈðæt ˈðæt ˈhi,ˈðæt ˈðæt ˈhiː,NA,NA,1281340,1283885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  345. in the ambulance . ,prep|in det:art|the n|ambulance .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈɪn də ˈæ̃mbəlɛns,ˈɪn ðə ˈæmbjələns,NA,NA,1283885,1286435,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  346. ‹bear [?]› sleeping in the ambulance . ,n|bear part|sleep-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|ambulance .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XMOD 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈbeɪə ˈslipɪŋ ˈɪn də ˈæ̃mbiˈlɛns,ˈbɛɹ ˈsliːpɪŋ ˈɪn ðə ˈæmbjələns,NA,NA,1286435,1317166,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  347. yyy yyy yyy Mommy read yyy what the yyy little table end yyy yyy . ,n:prop|Mommy v|read&ZERO pro:int|what det:art|the adj|little n|table n|end .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|MOD 4|7|DET 5|6|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|2|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,hə ˈheɪwə ˈmɑ ˈmɑmi ˈwiːd wə ˈwʌt də dədə ˈlɪʔl̩ ˈteɪbɛl ˈɛnd ˈnɪmi ˈneɪːdɛ,* * * ˈmɑmiː ˈɹiːd * ˈwʌt ðə * ˈlɪtəl ˈteɪbəl ˈɛnd * *,NA,NA,1317165,1329555,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  348. yyy yyy I ‹run [?]› looking for that . ,pro:sub|I v|run part|look-PRESP prep|for pro:dem|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,həˈeɪweɪ əəə ˈaɪ ˈwʌn ˈlukɪŋ ˈfo ˈdæt,* * ˈaɪ ˈɹʌn ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈfɔɹ ˈðæt,CHI runs out of room,NA,1329555,1338880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  349. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1338880,1341035,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  350. what is that ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈdæt,ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈðæt,NA,NA,1341035,1342700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  351. that's a mattress it use to be in your baby bunk . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|mattress pro:per|it v|use inf|to cop|be prep|in det:poss|your n|baby n|bunk .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1342700,1346346,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  352. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1346345,1348030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  353. that's a mattress we used for the baby bunk . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|mattress pro:sub|we v|use-PAST prep|for det:art|the n|baby n|bunk .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|6|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1348030,1350550,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  354. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1350550,1351580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  355. that's the right size for the baby bunk . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|right n|size prep|for det:art|the n|baby n|bunk .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1351580,1354705,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  356. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1354705,1356216,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  357. because a baby bunk is like a little bed for babies . ,conj|because det:art|a n|baby n|bunk cop|be&3S co|like det:art|a adj|little n|bed prep|for n|baby-PL .,1|5|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|COM 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|5|PRED 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1356215,1359435,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  358. that's what you use to sleep in . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:per|you v|use inf|to v|sleep adv|in .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1359435,1361130,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  359. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1361130,1362725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  360. why is ‹sleep [?]› in there when you're a baby why ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&3S v|sleep prep|in n|there conj|when pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES det:art|a n|baby pro:rel|why ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|CJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|PRED 11|10|OM 12|3|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈɪz ˈsliə ˈne ɪə ˈwɛn ˈju ə ˈbeɪˈbi ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ ˈɪz ˈsliːp ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ ˈwɛn ˈjɔɹ ə ˈbeɪbiː ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1362725,1369345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  361. and you were too little to be in the bed so we had to attach your bed to our bed it was a little tiny bed . ,coord|and pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adv|too adj|little inf|to cop|be prep|in det:art|the n|bed conj|so pro:sub|we v|have&PAST inf|to v|attach det:poss|your n|bed prep|to det:poss|our n|bed pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a adj|little adj|tiny n|bed .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|7|INF 7|5|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|3|CJCT 14|15|INF 15|13|COMP 16|17|DET 17|15|OBJ 18|15|JCT 19|20|DET 20|18|POBJ 21|22|SUBJ 22|15|CJCT 23|26|DET 24|26|MOD 25|26|MOD 26|22|PRED 27|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1369345,1375910,MOT,Mother,FEM,26,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  362. and you know who's borrowing it right now ? ,coord|and pro:per|you v|know pro:int|who~aux|be&3S part|borrow-PRESP pro:per|it adv|right adv|now ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|AUX 6|3|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|9|JCT 9|6|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1375910,1379140,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  363. ‹who [?]› ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈho,ˈhuː,NA,NA,1379140,1379895,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  364. Molly and Mellisa . ,n:prop|Molly coord|and n:prop|Mellisa .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1379895,1381355,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  365. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1381355,1382355,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  366. cause she's going to have her baby . ,n|cause pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|have det:poss|her n|baby .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1382355,1384405,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  367. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪː,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1384405,1385740,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  368. cause the baby's been inside long enough . ,v|cause det:art|the adj|baby&dn-POSS cop|be&PASTP adv|inside adv|long adv|enough .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|3|CMOD 5|4|JCT 6|7|JCT 7|4|JCT 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1385740,1388310,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  369. why +/? ,pro:rel|why +/?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1388310,1394145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  370. probably . ,adv|probable&dadj-LY .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1394145,1395505,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  371. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1395505,1396925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  372. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1396925,1399530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  373. why +/? ,pro:rel|why +/?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1399530,1402785,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  374. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1402785,1404298,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  375. cause [: because] they're little babies . ,conj|because pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adj|little n|baby-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,ˈkʌ deɪ ˈlɪʔəl ˈbeɪbiz,ˈkɑz ˈðɛɹ ˈlɪtəl ˈbeɪbiːz,NA,Original Orthography: they < 're >,1404298,1406060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  376. we have a baby toy for the for xxx baby . ,pro:sub|we v|have det:art|a n|baby n|toy prep|for det:art|the prep|for n|baby .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈwi ˈhæv ə ˈbeɪbi ˈtɔɪ fo foˈdɛm fofofo * ˈbeɪbi,ˈwiː ˈhæv ə ˈbeɪbiː ˈtɔɪ ˈfɔɹ ðə ˈfɔɹ * ˈbeɪbiː,NA,NA,1406060,1412585,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  377. yes we do . ,co|yes pro:sub|we v|do .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1412585,1413740,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  378. you're gonna give it to xxx baby . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|give pro:per|it inf|to v|baby .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|8|INF 8|3|XJCT 9|3|PUNCT,ˈju ˈɡʌnə ˈɡɪv ɪ tə * ˈbeɪbi,ˈjɔɹ ˈɡɑnə ˈɡɪv ˈɪt ˈtuː * ˈbeɪbiː,NA,NA,1413740,1418040,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  379. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1418040,1419995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  380. when xxx when xxx baby comes we mail that present to the baby or we'll bring it to him . ,conj|when conj|when n|baby v|come-3S pro:sub|we v|mail pro:dem|that adv|present prep|to det:art|the n|baby coord|or pro:sub|we~mod|will v|bring pro:per|it prep|to pro:obj|him .,1|6|LINK 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|6|CJCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|6|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|15|LINK 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|6|CJCT 16|15|OBJ 17|15|JCT 18|17|POBJ 19|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1419995,1426855,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  381. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1426855,1428920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  382. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1428920,1431355,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  383. why yyy for the baby ? ,pro:int|why prep|for det:art|the n|baby ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈwʊdˈɪt ˈfo də ˈbeɪbi,ˈwaɪ * ˈfɔɹ ðə ˈbeɪbiː,NA,NA,1431355,1435410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  384. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1435410,1441205,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  385. little babies don't really have very interesting toys for toddlers . ,adj|little n|baby-PL mod|do~neg|not adv|real&dadj-LY v|have adv|very adj|interesting n|toy-PL prep|for n|toddle&dv-AGT-PL .,1|2|MOD 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|6|JCT 6|0|ROOT 7|8|JCT 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1441205,1445815,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  386. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1445815,1450060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  387. Mom me . ,n:prop|Mom pro:obj|me .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1450060,1451615,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  388. Mom . ,n:prop|Mom .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑm,ˈmɑm,NA,NA,1451615,1453140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  389. let's put them on the right way I thought they were funny . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|put&ZERO pro:obj|them prep|on det:art|the adj|right n|way pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:sub|they cop|be&PAST adj|fun&dn-Y .,1|10|XJCT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|12|SUBJ 12|10|COMP 13|12|PRED 14|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1453140,1456055,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  390. I thought I didn't do it right . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|do pro:per|it co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|2|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|COM 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1456055,1458625,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  391. do you wanna go to the store with me ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|go prep|to det:art|the n|store prep|with pro:obj|me ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1458625,1460545,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  392. yyy now . ,adv|now .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈɡɛthi əˈnaʊ,* ˈnaʊ,NA,NA,1460545,1462790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  393. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1462790,1463345,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  394. after baby yyy after baby before after baby feels better . ,prep|after n|baby prep|after n|baby prep|before prep|after n|baby v|feel-3S adj|good&CP .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|4|JCT 6|8|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CPOBJ 9|8|JCT 10|1|PUNCT,ˈæftə ˈbeɪbi ˈbɛ ˈæftə ˈbeɪbɛ ˈbifo ˈæftə ˈbeɪbɛ ˈfilz ˈbɛɾə,ˈæftəɹ ˈbeɪbiː * ˈæftəɹ ˈbeɪbiː bəˈfɔɹ ˈæftəɹ ˈbeɪbiː ˈfiːlz ˈbɛtəɹ,NA,NA,1463345,1473280,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  395. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1473280,1474885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  396. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1474885,1477820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  397. yyy what's baby doing Naima read read a book to him . ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n|baby part|do-PRESP n:prop|Naima v|read&ZERO v|read&ZERO det:art|a n|book prep|to pro:obj|him .,1|6|SUBJ 2|6|AUX 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|XJCT 5|4|OBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|6|PUNCT,ə ˈwʌts ˈbeɪbɛ ˈduɪŋ ˈniəˈmaɪə ˈwiə ˈwid ə ˈbʊk tu ˈhɪm,* ˈwʌts ˈbeɪbiː ˈduːɪŋ ˌnaɪˈimə ˈɹiːd ˈɹiːd ə ˈbʊk ˈtuː ˈhɪm,NA,NA,1477820,1485250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  398. you gonna pick out a book for me to read to him ? ,pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|pick prep|out det:art|a n|book prep|for pro:obj|me inf|to v|read&ZERO prep|to pro:obj|him ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|11|INF 11|4|XJCT 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1485250,1487310,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  399. yyy maybe that one ! ,adv|maybe adv|that pro:indef|one !,1|3|JCT 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ɡə ˈmeɪbi ˈdæːt ˈwʌn,* ˈmeɪbiː ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,1487310,1492640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  400. that one ! ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈdæt ˈwʌn,ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,1492640,1495230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  401. bear bear would you like to listen to this book ? ,n|bear n|bear mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|listen prep|to det:dem|this n|book ?,1|2|MOD 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1495230,1497640,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  402. isn't he sleeping or isn't he awake ? ,cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:sub|he part|sleep-PRESP coord|or cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:sub|he v|awake ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|6|NEG 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CPRED 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1497640,1500895,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  403. yyy his yyy ‹do(n't) [?]› read him 0a book while while he's in under the covers . ,det:poss|his mod|do~neg|not v|read&ZERO pro:obj|him 0det:art|a n|book conj|while conj|while pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S prep|in prep|under det:art|the n|cover-PL .,1|4|DET 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ2 6|7|DET 7|4|OBJ 8|4|JCT 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CPOBJ 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|15|DET 15|13|POBJ 16|4|PUNCT,hənhihihi ˈhiz ɪnˈnʌndə do ˈwid ˈhɪm ˈbuk ˈwɑl ˈwɑl ˈhiz ˈɪn ˈʌndə də ˈkʌvəz,* ˈhɪz * ˈdoʊnt ˈɹiːd ˈhɪm ˈbʊk ˈwaɪl ˈwaɪl ˈhiːz ˈɪn ˈʌndəɹ ðə ˈkʌvəɹz,NA,NA,1500895,1510120,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  404. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1510120,1513790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  405. I'm going to see my animal friends with my family . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|see det:poss|my n|animal n|friend-PL prep|with det:poss|my n|family .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1513790,1519250,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  406. on Monday I fell sleep in my wagon when I woke up I saw a ? ,prep|on n:prop|Monday pro:sub|I v|fall&PAST n|sleep prep|in det:poss|my n|wagon conj|when pro:sub|I v|wake&PAST adv|up pro:sub|I v|see&PAST det:art|a ?,1|4|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|14|CJCT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|14|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|14|SUBJ 14|0|ROOT 15|16|DET 16|14|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1519250,1524640,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  407. horse shoe ! ,n|horse n|shoe !,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈhos ˈʃu,ˈhɔɹs ˈʃuː,NA,NA,1524640,1527435,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  408. who's cleaning it out ? ,pro:rel|who~aux|be&3S part|clean-PRESP pro:per|it adv|out ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈklinɪŋ ɪt ˈaʊt,ˈhuːz ˈkliːnɪŋ ˈɪt ˈaʊt,NA,NA,1527435,1531440,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  409. somebody's hand is cleaning it out . ,adj|somebody&dn-POSS n|hand aux|be&3S part|clean-PRESP pro:per|it adv|out .,1|2|MOD 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1531440,1534060,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  410. where was I ? ,pro:int|where cop|be&PAST&13S pro:sub|I ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1534060,1535435,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  411. where's the horse shoe name ? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|horse n|shoe n|name ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1535435,1537045,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  412. remember where ? ,co|remember pro:rel|where ?,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1537045,1539880,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  413. where ? ,pro:rel|where ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈweɪə,ˈwɛɹ,NA,NA,1539880,1540675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  414. at the barn in the barn . ,prep|at det:art|the n|barn prep|in det:art|the n|barn .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1540675,1543500,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  415. in the barn . ,prep|in det:art|the n|barn .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1543500,1546010,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  416. what's he doing with that horsie ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|he part|do-PRESP prep|with det:dem|that n|horse-DIM ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈhi ˈduɪn ˈwɪθ ˈðæt ˈhosi,ˈwʌts ˈhiː ˈduːɪŋ ˈwɪθ ˈðæt ˈhɔɹsiː,NA,NA,1546010,1549810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  417. she is holding on to the horses harness that's what that is . ,pro:sub|she aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP adv|on prep|to det:art|the n|horse-PL v|harness pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what adv|that cop|be&3S .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|XJCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|COMP 11|13|LINK 12|13|JCT 13|10|PRED 14|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1549810,1553955,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  418. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1553955,1554955,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  419. why's he holding on to his harness why ? ,pro:int|why~cop|be&3S pro:sub|he part|hold-PRESP adv|on prep|to det:poss|his v|harness pro:rel|why ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|8|OM 10|2|PUNCT,ˈwaɪz ˈhi ˈholdɪŋ ˈɑn ˈtu ˈhɪz ˈhɑnɛs ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪz ˈhiː ˈhoʊldɪŋ ˈɑn ˈtuː ˈhɪz ˈhɑɹnəs ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1554955,1559700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  420. I don't know why . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:rel|why .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1559700,1561125,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  421. yyy the yyy he 0is ‹petting [?]› the horsie . ,det:art|the pro:sub|he 0aux|be&3S part|pet-PRESP det:art|the n|horse-DIM .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,hihi də ˈpæ ˈhi ˈpæɾɪŋ də ˈhosi,* ðə * ˈhiː ˈpɛtɪŋ ðə ˈhɔɹsiː,NA,NA,1561125,1566990,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  422. the horsie wants to to horsie yyy yyy yyy feel better . ,det:art|the n|horse-DIM v|want-3S prep|to prep|to n|horse-DIM v|feel adj|good&CP .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|POBJ 8|7|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,ˈðʌ ˈhosi ˈwɑnts də tə həˈhoɑsi hɪhɪtə hɪˈhɪtə ˈdoidə ˈfil ˈbɛɾɜ˞,ðə ˈhɔɹsiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈhɔɹsiː * * * ˈfiːl ˈbɛtəɹ,NA,NA,1566990,1577250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  423. the horsie wants a horse . ,det:art|the n|horse-DIM v|want-3S det:art|a n|horse .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ðə ˈhosi ˈwɑnts ə ˈhos,ðə ˈhɔɹsiː ˈwɑnts ə ˈhɔɹs,NA,NA,1577250,1579705,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  424. the horse wants to horse . ,det:art|the n|horse v|want-3S prep|to n|horse .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1579705,1581815,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  425. yes under the wants the people . ,co|yes prep|under det:art|the v|want-3S det:art|the n|person&PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|6|DET 6|2|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛɛ ˈʌndə dədə ˈwʌt də ˈpipl̩,ˈjɛs ˈʌndəɹ ðə ˈwɑnts ðə ˈpiːpəl,NA,Original Orthography: ye < s >,1581815,1588250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  426. you mean go on their body . ,pro:per|you adj|mean v|go prep|on det:poss|their n|body .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1588250,1590215,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  427. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1590215,1591605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  428. did you make that up ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|make comp|that adv|up ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1591605,1593100,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  429. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1593100,1595030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  430. cause [: because] that doesn't there isn't such a word as horse somebody . ,conj|because pro:dem|that mod|do&3S~neg|not adv|there cop|be&3S~neg|not qn|such det:art|a n|word prep|as n|horse pro:indef|somebody .,1|2|LINK 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|NEG 8|10|QUANT 9|10|DET 10|6|PRED 11|12|COORD 12|10|ENUM 13|10|ENUM 14|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1595030,1598940,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  431. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1597845,1598940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  432. you made it up . ,pro:per|you v|make&PAST pro:per|it adv|up .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1598940,1599725,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  433. yyy dad yyy dad yyy yyy the person whoever it is . ,n|dad n|dad det:art|the n|person pro:int|whoever pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CMOD 8|2|PUNCT,də ˈdæd lə ˈdæd ˈlæ̃mɑtə ˈlɑmptə dədə ˈpɜ˞sən ˈhuɛvə ˈɪt ɪz,* ˈdæd * ˈdæd * * ðə ˈpʌɹsən huːˈɛvəɹ ˈɪt ˈɪz,NA,NA,1599725,1607570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  434. who ever it is . ,pro:rel|who adv|ever pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|4|LINK 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1607570,1608705,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  435. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1608705,1609505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  436. on Tuesday I fell sleep in my front carrier . ,prep|on n:prop|Tuesday pro:sub|I v|fall&PAST n|sleep prep|in det:poss|my n|front n|carry&dv-AGT .,1|4|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1609505,1612630,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  437. its gonna go on the person . ,det:poss|its part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go prep|on det:art|the n|person .,1|2|DET 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈɛts ˈɡʌnə ˈɡo ˈɑn də ˈpɜ˞rsən,ˈɪts ˈɡɑnə ˈɡoʊ ˈɑn ðə ˈpʌɹsən,NA,NA,1612630,1616065,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  438. where was I ? ,pro:int|where cop|be&PAST&13S pro:sub|I ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1616065,1617100,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  439. at the petting zoo . ,prep|at det:art|the n:gerund|pet-PRESP n|zoo .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1617100,1621190,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  440. yyy what's that animal ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|animal ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,həˈhʊə ˈwʌts ˈdæːt ˈæ̃nɪməl,* ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈænəməl,NA,NA,1621190,1624165,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  441. you know I don't know if these are lambs or goats . ,pro:per|you v|know pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know comp|if pro:dem|these cop|be&PRES n|lamb-PL coord|or n|goat-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|2|COMP 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|9|PRED 11|10|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1624165,1627705,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  442. ‹who [?]› ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhuə,ˈhuː,NA,NA,1627705,1629045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  443. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1629045,1635570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  444. let me just see . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me adv|just v|see .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|JCT 4|1|COMP 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1634315,1635405,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  445. I think that's a goat . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|goat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1635405,1640710,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  446. yyy goat him . ,n|goat pro:obj|him .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈɛdədə ˈɡot ˈhɪm,* ˈɡoʊt ˈhɪm,NA,NA,1640710,1643060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  447. he wants to goat him . ,pro:sub|he v|want-3S prep|to n|goat pro:obj|him .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1643060,1644395,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  448. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1644395,1645100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  449. the people are feeling and petting the goats here . ,det:art|the n|person&PL aux|be&PRES part|feel-PRESP coord|and part|pet-PRESP det:art|the n|goat-PL adv|here .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1645100,1647895,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  450. at the petting zoo . ,prep|at det:art|the n:gerund|pet-PRESP n|zoo .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1647895,1649390,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  451. yyy what's that that's a a goat the goat wanted to go on the people . ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a det:art|a n|goat det:art|the n|goat v|want-PAST inf|to v|go prep|on det:art|the n|person&PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|5|LINK 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|DET 8|5|PRED 9|10|DET 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CMOD 12|13|INF 13|11|COMP 14|13|JCT 15|16|DET 16|14|POBJ 17|5|PUNCT,wəeɪə ˈwʌts ˈdæ ˈdæts ə əː ˈɡot də ˈɡot ˈwɑntəd tə ˈɡo ˈɑn də ˈpipəl,* ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈðæts ə ə ˈɡoʊt ðə ˈɡoʊt ˈwɑntəd ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈɑn ðə ˈpiːpəl,NA,NA,1649390,1657905,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  452. yeah they're friendly goats though . ,co|yeah pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adj|friend&dn-LY n|goat-PL adv|though .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|PRED 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1657905,1660185,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  453. friendly . ,adj|friend&dn-LY .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1660185,1662285,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  454. why 0are they friendly ? ,pro:int|why 0cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they adj|friend&dn-LY ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ðeɪ ˈfrɛndli,ˈwaɪ ˈðeɪ ˈfɹɛndliː,NA,NA,1662285,1664455,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  455. yyy the goats like the people . ,det:art|the n|goat-PL prep|like det:art|the n|person&PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,hədədə ˈdɑ ˈɡots ˈlaɪk də ˈpipəl,* ðə ˈɡoʊts ˈlaɪk ðə ˈpiːpəl,NA,NA,1664455,1671230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  456. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1671230,1672550,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  457. yyy she's paying a goat . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|pay-PRESP det:art|a n|goat .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,hihi ˈʃiz ˈpeɪɪŋ ɑ ˈɡot,* ˈʃiːz ˈpeɪɪŋ ə ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,1672550,1676050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  458. yeah she's holding that goat . ,co|yeah pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP comp|that n|goat .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1676050,1677845,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  459. the goat is drinking from the bottle . ,det:art|the n|goat aux|be&3S part|drink-PRESP prep|from det:art|the n|bottle .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1677845,1679970,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  460. yyy she wants the goat to go on her . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S det:art|the n|goat inf|to v|go prep|on pro:obj|her .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,həəsɪəsɪəsɪə ˈsi ˈwɑn də ˈɡo tə ˈɡo ˈɑn ˈhɜ˞r,* ˈʃiː ˈwɑnts ðə ˈɡoʊt ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈɑn həɹ,NA,Original Orthography: want < s >,1679970,1685765,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  461. xxx the goat is on her . ,det:art|the n|goat cop|be&3S prep|on pro:obj|her .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1685765,1687430,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  462. the goat want you mean the goat goat her yes . ,det:art|the n|goat v|want pro:per|you v|mean det:art|the n|goat n|goat det:poss|her co|yes .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|3|PUNCT,ˈðʌ ˈɡot ˈwɑn ju ˈmin də ˈɡot ˈɡot ˈhɜ˞r ˈjɛs,ðə ˈɡoʊt ˈwɑnt ˈjuː ˈmiːn ðə ˈɡoʊt ˈɡoʊt həɹ ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1687430,1692816,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  463. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1692815,1694320,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  464. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1694320,1695420,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  465. the goat is just drinking its milk from the bottle . ,det:art|the n|goat aux|be&3S adv|just part|drink-PRESP det:poss|its n|milk prep|from det:art|the n|bottle .,1|2|DET 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1695420,1698410,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  466. the goat's gonna goat her ! ,det:art|the n|goat~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~prep|to n|goat pro:obj|her !,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,ðə ˈɡots ˈɡʌnə ˈɡot ˈhɜ˞r,ðə ˈɡoʊts ˈɡɑnə ˈɡoʊt həɹ,NA,NA,1698410,1703725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  467. yyy it's yyy goat +/. ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n|goat +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈɛ ˈɪts ɡən ˈɡot,* ˈɪts * ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,1703725,1707950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  468. look at the legs that's a bird . ,v|look prep|at det:art|the n|leg-PL pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bird .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|6|LINK 6|4|CMOD 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1707950,1710640,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  469. I think is some kind of a turkey . ,pro:sub|I v|think aux|be&3S qn|some n|kind prep|of det:art|a n|turkey .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|AUX 4|5|QUANT 5|2|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1710640,1712665,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  470. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1712665,1713860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  471. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,1713860,1714475,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  472. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1714475,1715755,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  473. let see what's next . ,v|let&ZERO co|see pro:int|what~cop|be&3S adv|next .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1715755,1717365,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  474. on Wednesday I fell sleep in a wheel+barrow . ,prep|on n:prop|Wednesday pro:sub|I v|fall&PAST n|sleep prep|in det:art|a n|+n|wheel+n|barrow .,1|4|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1717365,1720005,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  475. when I woke up I saw a handful of hay . ,conj|when pro:sub|I v|wake&PAST adv|up pro:sub|I v|see&PAST det:art|a n|hand-FUL prep|of n|hay .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|6|CJCT 4|3|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1720005,1723140,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  476. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1723140,1725660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  477. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1725660,1726425,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  478. horses do ! ,n|horse-PL v|do !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈhosəz ˈdu,ˈhɔɹsəz ˈduː,NA,NA,1726425,1728640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  479. there's another goat at a farm . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|another n|goat prep|at det:art|a n|farm .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1728640,1732925,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  480. yyy that's the (a)nother goat . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the qn|another n|goat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,wədə ˈdæts də ˈnʌðə ˈɡot,* ˈðæts ðə ˈnʌðəɹ ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,1732925,1736040,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  481. that goat oughta go on her . ,det:dem|that n|goat mod|ought~inf|to v|go prep|on pro:obj|her .,1|2|DET 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,ˈdæt ˈɡot ˈɑdə ˈɡo ˈɑn ˈhɜ˞r,ˈðæt ˈɡoʊt ˈɑtə ˈɡoʊ ˈɑn həɹ,NA,NA,1736040,1739680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  482. that goat's being milked . ,det:dem|that adj|goat&dn-POSS n|being v|milk-PAST .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1739680,1744275,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  483. why why ? ,pro:int|why pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OM 3|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1744275,1746945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  484. somebody's getting some milk out of the goat's udder . ,adj|somebody&dn-POSS n:gerund|get-PRESP qn|some n|milk adv|out prep|of det:art|the adj|goat&dn-POSS n|udder .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|JCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1746945,1749710,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  485. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1749710,1751275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  486. goats have an udder just like cows do . ,n|goat-PL v|have det:art|a n|udder adv|just prep|like n|cow-PL v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|4|NJCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1751275,1753705,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  487. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1753705,1754940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  488. do you sometimes people drink goat's milk . ,v|do pro:per|you adv|sometimes n|person&PL n|drink adj|goat&dn-POSS n|milk .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|JCT 4|5|MOD 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|1|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1754940,1757155,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  489. they take it out using their hands and then they drink it . ,pro:sub|they v|take pro:per|it adv|out part|use-PRESP det:poss|their n|hand-PL coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|they v|drink pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|XJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|11|LINK 9|11|JCT 10|11|SUBJ 11|5|CJCT 12|11|OBJ 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1757155,1760210,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  490. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1760210,1762615,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  491. sometimes baby goats drink the milk . ,adv|sometimes n|baby n|goat-PL v|drink det:art|the n|milk .,1|4|JCT 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1762615,1765100,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  492. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1765100,1768125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  493. are goats mammals ? ,cop|be&PRES n|goat-PL n|mammal-PL ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|MOD 3|1|PRED 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1768125,1769540,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  494. yes goats nurse . ,co|yes n|goat-PL n|nurse .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs ˈɡot nuəz,ˈjɛs ˈɡoʊts ˈnʌɹs,NA,NA,1769540,1773745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  495. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1773745,1775045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  496. yyy I I I don't nurse cause [: because] I'm a bird . ,pro:sub|I pro:sub|I pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|nurse conj|because pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a n|bird .,1|6|SUBJ 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|PRED 12|6|PUNCT,ɑɑɑɑ ˈaɪ ˈaɪ ˈaɪ ˈdon wənz ˈkʌz ˈaɪm ə ˈbɜ˞rd,* ˈaɪ ˈaɪ ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈnʌɹs ˈkɑz ˈaɪm ə ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,1775045,1782360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  497. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1782360,1786431,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  498. I'm gonna fly away . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|fly adv|away .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ˈɡʌnə ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,NA,NA,1786430,1788725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  499. yeah Mom try try to catch the bird . ,co|yeah n:prop|Mom v|try v|try inf|to v|catch det:art|the n|bird .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COMP 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈjæː mə ˈtwaɪ ˈtwaɪ tə ˈkɛtʃ də ˈbɜ˞rd,ˈjæ ˈmɑm ˈtɹaɪ ˈtɹaɪ ˈtuː ˈkæʧ ðə ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,1788725,1796110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  500. birdy . ,adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈbɜ˞di,ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,1796110,1799345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  501. bird that bird went to eat that bird went to to get a feeder and put some seeds in it . ,n|bird det:dem|that n|bird v|go&PAST inf|to v|eat comp|that n|bird v|go&PAST prep|to inf|to v|get det:art|a n|feed&dv-AGT coord|and v|put&ZERO qn|some n|seed-PL prep|in pro:per|it .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|12|INF 12|10|POBJ 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|12|CONJ 16|15|COORD 17|18|QUANT 18|16|OBJ 19|16|JCT 20|19|POBJ 21|4|PUNCT,ˈbɜ˞r ˈdæt ˈbɜ˞rd ˈwɛn tu ˈit ˈðæt ˈbɜ˞rd ˈwɛŋdə ˈtu tu ˈɡɛt ə ˈfidə ˈæ̃n ˈpʊt ˈsʌm ˈsidz ˈɪn ɪt,ˈbʌɹd ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈwɛnt ˈtuː ˈiːt ˈðæt ˈbʌɹd ˈwɛnt ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ə ˈfiːdəɹ ˈænd ˈpʊt ˈsʌm ˈsiːdz ˈɪn ˈɪt,NA,NA,1799345,1808185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,20,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  502. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1808185,1812050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  503. yyy birdy . ,adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,həjɛ ˈbɜ˞rdɛ,* ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,1812050,1813830,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  504. the bird . ,det:art|the n|bird .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,də ˈbɜ˞d,ðə ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,1813830,1819225,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  505. why don't we do that ? ,pro:int|why mod|do~neg|not pro:sub|we v|do pro:dem|that ?,1|5|JCT 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1819225,1822215,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  506. what what my +/. ,pro:int|what pro:int|what co|my +/.,1|3|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,əˈwʌ ˈwʌ ˈmaɪ,ˈwʌt ˈwʌt ˈmaɪ,"CHI not wearing microphone , difficult to hear",NA,1822215,1829716,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  507. did you take it off ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|take pro:per|it adv|off ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1829715,1831645,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  508. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1831645,1833550,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  509. xxx yyy . ,NA,NA,* ˈdeɪˈweɪ,* *,difficult to hear,NA,1833550,1838320,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  510. I see there it is . ,pro:sub|I v|see adv|there pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1838320,1840360,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  511. I took it off . ,pro:sub|I v|take&PAST pro:per|it adv|off .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈtʊk ɪt ˈɑf,ˈaɪ ˈtʊk ˈɪt ˈɑf,NA,NA,1840360,1842010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  512. xxx Ma ma ma ma Mama Mom on the bus go Ma ma Ma . ,n:prop|Ma n|ma n|ma n|ma n:prop|Mama n:prop|Mom prep|on det:art|the n|bus v|go n:prop|Ma n|ma n:prop|Ma .,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|APP 6|4|APP 7|10|LINK 8|9|DET 9|10|SUBJ 10|6|CMOD 11|12|MOD 12|10|OBJ 13|12|APP 14|4|PUNCT,* ˈmɑ nə ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑkə ˈmɑm ˈɑn də ˈbʌs ɡo ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ,* ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑmə ˈmɑm ˈɑn ðə ˈbʌs ˈɡoʊ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ,"difficult to hear at first , singing",NA,1842010,1853480,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  513. how about having some supper now ? ,pro:int|how adv|about part|have-PRESP qn|some n|supper adv|now ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1853480,1856810,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  514. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1856810,1859290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  515. xxx yyy time . ,n|time .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈnuni ˈtaɪm,* * ˈtaɪm,beginning of utterance inaudible,NA,1859290,1863500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  516. Mom . ,n:prop|Mom .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑm,ˈmɑm,NA,NA,1863500,1866790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  517. ho babe . ,co|ho n|babe .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1866790,1869820,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  518. no yyy in xxx . ,co|no adv|in .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈno ɪwə ˈɪn *,ˈnoʊ * ˈɪn *,hard to hear because of microphone issues,NA,1869820,1874180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  519. Mom what in there ? ,n:prop|Mom pro:int|what prep|in n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑm ˈwʌt ˈɪn ˈdeɪr,ˈmɑm ˈwʌt ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1874180,1877245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  520. that's some food that we're gonna take with us to vacation . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S qn|some n|food comp|that pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|take prep|with pro:obj|us prep|to n|vacation .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|CMOD 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|10|JCT 14|13|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1877245,1881168,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  521. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1881165,1885390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  522. ah do you want some smoothie ? ,co|ah v|do pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|smooth&dadj-DIM ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1885390,1889301,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  523. Mom . ,n:prop|Mom .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑm,ˈmɑm,NA,NA,1889300,1889900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  524. do you want some smoothie ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|smooth&dadj-DIM ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1889900,1891565,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  525. Nai(ma) we can't leave this open . ,n:prop|Naima pro:sub|we mod|can~neg|not v|leave det:dem|this adj|open .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1891565,1893875,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  526. no I want smoothie . ,co|no pro:sub|I v|want n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈno ˈaɪ ˈwɑn ˈsmuði,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,1893875,1895710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  527. smoothie . ,n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈsmuˈdi,ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,1895710,1898210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  528. do you leave leave that closed . ,mod|do pro:per|you v|leave v|leave adv|that part|close-PASTP .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|XJCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1898210,1900120,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  529. I'm gonna get them . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|get pro:obj|them .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ˈɡʌnə ˈɡɛɾ əmz,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈɡɛt ˈðɛm,NA,NA,1900120,1902750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  530. Naima Mom's gonna get it for you . ,n:prop|Naima adj|Mom&dn-POSS part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|get pro:per|it prep|for pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1902750,1905620,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  531. yyy I'm gonna get them . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|get pro:obj|them .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈnueɪ ˈaɪm ˈɡʌnə ˈɡɛt ˈðɛm,* ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈɡɛt ˈðɛm,NA,NA,1905620,1910048,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  532. I'll get you that . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will aux|get pro:per|you pro:dem|that .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1910045,1911780,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  533. alright . ,co|alright .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1911780,1917990,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  534. need Mommy to open it . ,n|need n:prop|Mommy inf|to v|open pro:per|it .,1|2|MOD 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|INF 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈni ˈmɑmi də ˈopɛn ˈɪt,ˈniːd ˈmɑmiː ˈtuː ˈoʊpən ˈɪt,NA,NA,1917990,1919570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  535. come over here . ,v|come prep|over n|here .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1919570,1922145,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  536. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1922145,1925960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  537. why high+chair been cleaned ? ,pro:rel|why n|+adj|high+n|chair aux|be&PASTP part|clean-PASTP ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,wəwəˈwaɪə ˈhaɪˈtʃeɪ ˈbɛn ˈclind,ˈwaɪ ‹ˈhaɪ ˈʧɛɹ› ˈbiːn ˈkliːnd,NA,NA,1925960,1930035,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  538. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1930035,1935346,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  539. that might (be)cause of the xxx for Naima right now . ,pro:rel|that mod|might conj|because prep|of det:art|the prep|for n:prop|Naima adv|right adv|now .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|LINK 4|2|JCT 5|9|DET 6|9|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|9|JCT 9|4|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1935345,1946681,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  540. hey good job drinking it without spilling . ,co|hey adj|good n|job part|drink-PRESP pro:per|it prep|without n:gerund|spill-PRESP .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|XMOD 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1946680,1949650,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  541. what would you like with that ? ,pro:int|what mod|will&COND pro:per|you co|like prep|with pro:dem|that ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1949650,1951205,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  542. you want so:me . ,pro:per|you v|want qn|some .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1951205,1957205,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  543. what did you have for lunch anyway ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|have prep|for n|lunch adv|anyway ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1957205,1960776,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  544. did you have dal@s:hin with Daddy ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|have L2|dal prep|with n:prop|Daddy ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1960775,1963785,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  545. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1963785,1966355,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  546. do you want some almond butter on Kamut cakes ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|almond n|butter prep|on n:prop|Kamut v|cake-3S ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|9|SUBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|COMP 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1966355,1969435,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  547. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1969435,1974305,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  548. ha ha okay . ,co|ha co|ha co|okay .,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1974305,1975840,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  549. that's a good supper . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|supper .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1975840,1981245,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  550. what I'm gonna do ? ,pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|do ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈaɪm ˈɡʌnə ˈduː,ˈwʌt ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈduː,NA,NA,1981245,1984815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  551. I'm gonna spread the almond butter on the Kamut cakes . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|spread&ZERO det:art|the n|almond n|butter prep|on det:art|the n:prop|Kamut v|cake-3S .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|5|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|SUBJ 12|9|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1984815,1989341,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  552. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈhær,*,NA,NA,1989340,1991530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  553. with a knife then I'm gonna give it to you to eat . ,prep|with det:art|a n|knife adv:tem|then pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|give pro:per|it prep|to pro:per|you inf|to v|eat .,1|7|JCT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|7|JCT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|14|INF 14|9|COMP 15|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1991530,1994700,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  554. that's what I'm doing . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|do-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|CPRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1994700,1998920,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  555. I'm gonna put it right there xxx . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|put&ZERO pro:per|it adv|right adv|there .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|8|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ˈɡʌnə ˈpʊt ɪ ˈwaɪt ˈðeɪə *,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈpʊt ˈɪt ˈɹaɪt ˈðɛɹ *,end inaudible,NA,1998920,2005210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  556. oh where's the almond butter ? ,co|oh pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|almond n|butter ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2005210,2012165,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  557. I'm just looking for the almond butter . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|look-PRESP prep|for det:art|the n|almond n|butter .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2012165,2018150,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  558. Mom yyy ! ,n:prop|Mom !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑm ˈɪːuː,ˈmɑm *,NA,NA,2018150,2023330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  559. Mom more smoothie . ,n:prop|Mom adv|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈmɑ ˈmo ˈsmuːdi,ˈmɑm ˈmɔɹ ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,2023330,2033450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  560. I spilled it . ,pro:sub|I v|spill-PAST pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈspɪld ˈæt,ˈaɪ ˈspɪld ˈɪt,NA,NA,2033450,2037045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  561. it's alright . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|alright .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2037045,2037580,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  562. I'll help you clean it up . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|help pro:per|you v|clean pro:per|it adv|up .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2037580,2039010,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  563. ‹what [?]› is Mommy doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&3S n:prop|Mommy part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈnʌt ɪz ˈmɑmi ˈduˈɛn,ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈmɑmiː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,2039010,2043035,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  564. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2043035,2044220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  565. why why wouldn't anyone like to have have almond butter on the Kamut@s:hin ? ,pro:int|why pro:rel|why mod|will&COND~neg|not pro:indef|anyone co|like inf|to v|have v|have n|almond n|butter prep|on det:art|the L2|Kamut ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|LINK 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|COM 7|8|INF 8|5|XJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|11|MOD 11|9|OBJ 12|8|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|5|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ ˈwʊdənt ˈɛniˈwʌn ˈlaɪk tu tuˈhæv ˈhæv ˈɑlmənd ˈbʌʔɜ˞r ˈɑn də ˈkɑmut,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ ˈwʊdn̩t ˈɛniːwən ˈlaɪk ˈtuː ˈhæv ˈhæv ˈɑlmənd ˈbʌtəɹ ˈɑn ðə ˈkɑmuːt,NA,NA,2044220,2051590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  566. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2051590,2053810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  567. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2053810,2054850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  568. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2054850,2057210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  569. why yyy have yyy time . ,pro:rel|why v|have n|time .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈaʊətˈhæ ˈhæv ˈnʌn ˈtaɪm,ˈwaɪ * ˈhæv * ˈtaɪm,NA,NA,2057210,2061375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  570. don't know . ,mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2061375,2063840,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  571. because I'm old . ,conj|because pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|old .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,biˈkʌz ˈaɪm ˈold,bɪˈkɑz ˈaɪm ˈoʊld,NA,NA,2063840,2067820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  572. because you're old . ,conj|because pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adj|old .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2067820,2070350,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  573. hm: I see . ,co|hm pro:sub|I v|see .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2070350,2073560,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  574. let me wipe that off of your leg where it spilled . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|wipe pro:dem|that adv|off prep|of det:poss|your n|leg pro:rel|where pro:per|it v|spill-PAST .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CMOD 12|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2073560,2079011,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  575. and you wanna have some more smoothie too . ,coord|and pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|have qn|some pro:indef|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM adv|too .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|QUANT 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|OBJ 9|5|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2079010,2089085,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  576. hm: you got it all over your legs didn't you I didn't realize that . ,co|hm pro:per|you v|get&PAST pro:per|it adv|all prep|over det:poss|your n|leg-PL mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:per|you pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|realize pro:dem|that .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|6|POBJ 12|15|SUBJ 13|15|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|3|CJCT 16|15|OBJ 17|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2089085,2110235,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  577. you gonna hafta have a bath tonight I think . ,pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to mod|have~inf|to v|have det:art|a n|bath adv:tem|tonight pro:sub|I v|think .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|INF 4|6|AUX 5|6|INF 6|2|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|11|JCT 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CMOD 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2110235,2115225,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  578. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2115225,2116195,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  579. you have smoothie all over your legs and its all sticky . ,pro:per|you v|have n|smooth&dadj-DIM adv|all prep|over det:poss|your n|leg-PL coord|and det:poss|its qn|all n|sticky .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|JCT 5|2|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|CONJ 9|11|DET 10|11|QUANT 11|8|COORD 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2116195,2119290,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  580. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2119290,2121695,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  581. you're gonna hafta take a bath tonight . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to mod|have~inf|to v|take det:art|a n|bath adv:tem|tonight .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|7|INF 5|7|AUX 6|7|INF 7|3|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,ˈjɜ˞r ˈɡʌnə ˈhævtə ˈteɪk ə ˈbæθ təˈnaɪt,ˈjɔɹ ˈɡɑnə ‹ˈhæv ˈtuː› ˈteɪk ə ˈbæθ təˈnaɪt,NA,NA,2121695,2125710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  582. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2125710,2128390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  583. let see if this will work . ,v|let&ZERO v|see conj|if det:dem|this mod|will v|work .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|COMP 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|1|CJCT 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2128390,2135745,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  584. ah okay . ,co|ah co|okay .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2135745,2146030,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  585. okay I'm gonna put this here . ,co|okay pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|put&ZERO pro:dem|this adv|here .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2146030,2151123,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  586. and I'm gonna put your seat belt on okay . ,coord|and pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|put&ZERO det:poss|your n|seat n|belt adv|on adj|okay .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|11|JCT 11|6|JCT 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2151120,2153431,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  587. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2153430,2154555,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  588. there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2154555,2156675,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  589. is that good Kamut ? ,cop|be&3S det:dem|that adj|good n:prop|Kamut ?,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|PRED 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2156675,2161650,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  590. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛʃ,ˈjɛs,CHI has something in mouth,NA,2161650,2163095,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  591. and I'll get you some smoothie now too . ,coord|and pro:sub|I~mod|will aux|get pro:per|you qn|some n|smooth&dadj-DIM adv|now adv|too .,1|7|LINK 2|7|SUBJ 3|7|AUX 4|7|AUX 5|4|OBJ2 6|7|QUANT 7|0|ROOT 8|7|NJCT 9|7|JCT 10|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2163095,2165475,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  592. more smoothie . ,adv|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈmor ˈsmuði,ˈmɔɹ ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,2165475,2167110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  593. yeah it's gonna be different flavor cause we're out of the berry flavor . ,co|yeah pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to cop|be adj|different n|flavor n|cause pro:sub|we~cop|be&PRES adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|berry n|flavor .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|11|XJCT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|6|PRED 10|11|SUBJ 11|0|ROOT 12|11|JCT 13|11|JCT 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|POBJ 17|11|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2167110,2170880,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  594. we have raspberry and strawberry . ,pro:sub|we v|have n|raspberry coord|and n|strawberry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2170880,2173458,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  595. which I'll get for you . ,pro:rel|which pro:sub|I~mod|will aux|get prep|for pro:per|you .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2173455,2177320,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  596. why are we flashing ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&PRES pro:sub|we part|flash-PRESP ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|PQ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2177320,2181635,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  597. ah battery okay . ,co|ah n|battery adj|okay .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POSTMOD 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2181635,2185320,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  598. here's more smoothie . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S qn|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2185320,2205325,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  599. use two hands for that . ,v|use det:num|two n|hand-PL prep|for pro:dem|that .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|OBJ 4|1|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2205325,2211410,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  600. okay let see here . ,co|okay part|let&PASTP v|see adv|here .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2211410,2241575,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  601. I yyy do yyy . ,pro:sub|I v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈmʌɡ ˈdu ˈmaʊ,ˈaɪ * ˈduː *,NA,NA,2241575,2243830,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  602. well I'm trying to plug this camera into the wall . ,co|well pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|try-PRESP inf|to v|plug det:dem|this n|camera prep|into det:art|the n|wall .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2243830,2248715,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  603. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2248715,2249875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  604. because it needs some energy . ,conj|because pro:per|it v|need-3S qn|some n|energy .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2249875,2252035,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  605. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2252035,2254230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  606. a smoothie ! ,det:art|a n|smooth&dadj-DIM !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ɛ ˈsmuːði,ə ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,2254230,2256010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  607. you want another smoothie ? ,pro:per|you v|want qn|another n|smooth&dadj-DIM ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2256010,2257425,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  608. more smoothie smoothie . ,adv|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|3|JCT 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈmo ˈsmuːdu ˈsmuːdi,ˈmɔɹ ˈsmuːðiː ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,2257425,2261430,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  609. xxx I'll get you some in just a second . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will aux|get pro:per|you qn|some adv|in adv|just det:art|a n|second .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|3|OBJ2 5|9|QUANT 6|7|JCT 7|9|JCT 8|9|DET 9|0|INCROOT 10|9|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2261430,2267690,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  610. more smoothie . ,adv|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2267690,2282215,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  611. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2282215,2296220,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  612. what's Mommy doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Mommy part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌs ˈmɑmi ˈduɪŋ,ˈwʌts ˈmɑmiː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,2296220,2297780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  613. bringing you more smoothie . ,part|bring-PRESP pro:per|you adv|more n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2297780,2364275,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  614. is that good food ? ,cop|be&3S det:dem|that adj|good n|food ?,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|PRED 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2364275,2381235,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  615. yyy what happened over there they didn't have yogurt sticks at the store ! ,pro:int|what v|happen-PAST prep|over n|there pro:sub|they mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|have n|yogurt v|stick-3S prep|at det:art|the n|store !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|8|SUBJ 6|8|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|2|CJCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,əm ˈwʌt ˈhæpənd ovəʔ eɪ ˈdeɪ ˈdɪdən ˈhæv ˈjɑɡət ˈstɪks ˈæt ˈdʌ ˈstoə,* ˈwʌt ˈhæpənd ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ ˈðeɪ ˈdɪdn̩t ˈhæv ˈjoʊɡəɹt ˈstɪks ˈæt ðə ˈstɔɹ,NA,NA,2381235,2389150,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  616. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2389150,2394175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  617. I was so disappointed about that . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S adv|so part|disappoint-PASTP prep|about pro:dem|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2394175,2396695,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  618. I was very disappointed and I bet you were too . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S adv|very part|disappoint-PASTP coord|and pro:sub|I v|bet&ZERO pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adv|too .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CJCT 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2396695,2402980,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  619. I said poop . ,pro:sub|I v|say&PAST n|poop .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈsɛd ˈpup,ˈaɪ ˈsɛd ˈpuːp,NA,NA,2402980,2405235,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  620. I did . ,pro:sub|I v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈdɪd,ˈaɪ ˈdɪd,NA,NA,2405235,2406850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  621. that is something people say when they're disappointed you're right . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S pro:indef|something n|person&PL v|say conj|when pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|disappoint-PASTP pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|5|CJCT 10|11|SUBJ 11|9|COMP 12|11|PRED 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2406850,2410445,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  622. yyy yyy yyy so I said poop . ,co|so pro:sub|I v|say&PAST n|poop .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈaʊ ˈwaɪdə ˈpɔɪn sə ˈwaɪ ˈsɛd ˈpup,* * * ˈsoʊ ˈaɪ ˈsɛd ˈpuːp,NA,NA,2410445,2413540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  623. poop . ,n|poop .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2413540,2414640,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  624. a restaurant was closed yyy . ,det:art|a n|restaurant aux|be&PAST&13S part|close-PASTP .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ə ˈwɛstəˈwɑnt ˈwʌz ˈklozd wɛwəwəwə,ə ˈɹɛstəɹˌɑnt ˈwɑz ˈkloʊzd *,CHI laughing at beginning of utterance,Original Orthography: [xxa] [restaurant] [was] [closed] [yyy .],2414640,2422450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  625. yep [: yes] and we said poop . ,co|yes coord|and pro:sub|we v|say&PAST n|poop .,1|4|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2422450,2425825,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  626. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈvʌv,*,NA,NA,2425825,2426700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  627. I might just call Daddy . ,pro:sub|I mod|might adj|just n|call n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|APP 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2426760,2428960,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  628. dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad . ,n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad .,1|14|MOD 2|14|MOD 3|14|MOD 4|14|MOD 5|14|MOD 6|14|MOD 7|14|MOD 8|14|MOD 9|14|MOD 10|14|MOD 11|14|MOD 12|14|MOD 13|14|MOD 14|0|ROOT 15|14|PUNCT,dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæd,ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd,CHI singing,NA,2428960,2434110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  629. what else would you like to eat ? ,pro:int|what post|else mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|eat ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|PQ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2434110,2435565,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  630. dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad . ,n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad .,1|8|MOD 2|8|MOD 3|8|MOD 4|8|MOD 5|8|MOD 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|0|ROOT 9|8|PUNCT,dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ,ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd,CHI singing,NA,2435565,2439855,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  631. do you want some string cheese ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|string n|cheese ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2439855,2441360,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  632. dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad@si yyy . ,sing|dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad_dad .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,‹dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæːd dəˈdu› ˈdædiˈduˈdædiˈduˈdædiˈduˈdædidəˈdudəˈdu,‹ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd› *,NA,NA,2441360,2472505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  633. Naima would you like to eat some hummus ? ,n:prop|Naima mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|eat qn|some n|hummus ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2472505,2476903,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  634. where 0did Dada go ? ,pro:int|where 0mod|do&PAST n:prop|Dada v|go ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwiə ˈdædæ ˈɡo,ˈwɛɹ ˈdæˌdæ ˈɡoʊ,NA,NA,2476900,2480170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  635. where 0did Dada go ? ,pro:int|where 0mod|do&PAST n:prop|Dada v|go ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈweɪr ˈdædæ ˈɡo,ˈwɛɹ ˈdæˌdæ ˈɡoʊ,NA,NA,2480170,2484185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  636. you want spicy beans ? ,pro:per|you v|want adj|spice&dn-Y n|bean-PL ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2484185,2485920,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  637. dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad dad . ,n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad n|dad .,1|15|MOD 2|15|MOD 3|15|MOD 4|15|MOD 5|15|MOD 6|15|MOD 7|15|MOD 8|15|MOD 9|15|MOD 10|15|MOD 11|15|MOD 12|15|MOD 13|15|MOD 14|15|MOD 15|0|ROOT 16|15|PUNCT,dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæd,ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd,CHI singing,NA,2485920,2491920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  638. you want pizza ? ,pro:per|you v|want n|pizza ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2491920,2493545,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  639. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2493545,2498215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  640. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæəæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2498215,2501480,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  641. you might hafta wait a couple of minutes do you want something to eat while you're waiting ? ,pro:per|you mod|might mod|have~inf|to v|wait det:art|a n|couple prep|of n|minute-PL v|do pro:per|you v|want pro:indef|something inf|to v|eat conj|while pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|wait-PRESP ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|ENUM 11|12|SUBJ 12|10|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|15|INF 15|13|XMOD 16|19|LINK 17|19|SUBJ 18|19|AUX 19|5|CJCT 20|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2501480,2504870,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  642. you want some pear sauce ? ,pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|pear n|sauce ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2504870,2506550,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  643. Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom . ,n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mom .,1|2|NAME 2|3|NAME 3|4|NAME 4|5|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|7|NAME 7|8|NAME 8|9|NAME 9|10|NAME 10|11|NAME 11|12|NAME 12|0|ROOT 13|14|NAME 14|12|APP 15|14|APP 16|12|PUNCT,mə mə mə ˈmɑ ˈmɑm mə mə mə ˈmɑ ˈmɑm mə mə mə ˈmɑ ˈmɑm,ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm ˈmɑm,CHI singing,NA,2506550,2512210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  644. Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad . ,n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad n:prop|Dad .,1|2|NAME 2|3|NAME 3|4|NAME 4|5|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|7|NAME 7|8|NAME 8|9|NAME 9|10|NAME 10|11|NAME 11|12|NAME 12|0|ROOT 13|14|NAME 14|12|APP 15|14|APP 16|12|PUNCT,dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæ dæ dæ dæ ˈdæː dæd,ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd ˈdæd,CHI singing,NA,2512210,2517910,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  645. Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|NAME 2|3|NAME 3|4|NAME 4|5|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|0|ROOT 7|8|NAME 8|6|APP 9|8|APP 10|6|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi,ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2517910,2522635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  646. Mommy Mom . ,n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mom .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑːmi əˈmɑm,ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑm,NA,NA,2522635,2530915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  647. xxx frozen kiwi +/. ,part|freeze&PASTP n|kiwi +/.,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,* ˈfwozɛn ˈkiwə,* ˈfɹoʊzən ˈkiːwiː,CHI laughs at beginning of utterance,Original Orthography: kiw < i >,2530915,2538275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  648. frozen kiwi . ,part|freeze&PASTP n|kiwi .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2538275,2544905,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  649. you chew it really well okay . ,pro:per|you v|chew pro:per|it adv|real&dadj-LY adv|well adj|okay .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|JCT 5|6|JCT 6|2|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2544905,2579260,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  650. xxx yyy when you ate yyy and yogurt yyy truck . ,conj|when pro:per|you v|eat&PAST coord|and n|yogurt n|truck .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|6|MOD 6|4|COORD 7|3|PUNCT,* ˈwʊˈjui ˈwʌn ˈju ˈi ˈdɑə ˈæ̃n ˈjoɡə ˈdɑəˈfɛdˈɛks ˈtwʌk,* * ˈwɛn ˈjuː ˈeɪt * ˈænd ˈjoʊɡəɹt * ˈtɹʌk,NA,NA,2579260,2588010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  651. he saw Fed_X truck while you were eating dal@s:hin and yogurt . ,pro:sub|he v|see&PAST n:prop|Fed_X n|truck conj|while pro:per|you cop|be&PAST n:gerund|eat-PRESP L2|dal coord|and n|yogurt .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|CJCT 8|7|PRED 9|8|OBJ 10|9|CONJ 11|10|COORD 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2588010,2591820,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  652. hah . ,co|hah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2591820,2593380,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  653. it's a ‹fed x@l› truck . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S det:art|a part|feed&PASTP n:let|x n|truck .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|DET 4|0|ROOT 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈɪts ə ˈfɛdˈɛks ˈtwʌk,ˈɪts ə ‹ˈfɛd ˈɛks› ˈtɹʌk,NA,NA,2593380,2596075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  654. he did . ,pro:sub|he v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈhi ˈdɪd,ˈhiː ˈdɪd,NA,NA,2596075,2597895,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  655. something came oh and what was in the packages that Fed_X brought ? ,pro:indef|something v|come&PAST co|oh coord|and pro:int|what cop|be&PAST&13S prep|in det:art|the n|package-PL pro:rel|that n:prop|Fed_X v|bring&PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COM 4|2|CONJ 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COORD 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|12|LINK 11|12|SUBJ 12|9|CMOD 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2597895,2604430,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  656. well you know what you should concentrate on chewing instead of lets not talk while you're chewing those pieces of kiwi . ,adv|well pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what pro:per|you mod|should v|concentrate adv|on part|chew-PRESP adv|instead prep|of v|let-3S neg|not n|talk n|while pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|chew-PRESP det:dem|those n|piece-PL prep|of n|kiwi .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|7|XJCT 10|9|JCT 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|14|NEG 14|15|MOD 15|12|OBJ 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|15|CMOD 19|20|DET 20|18|OBJ 21|20|NJCT 22|21|POBJ 23|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2604430,2614405,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  657. oops that was just two seconds off by accident there . ,co|oops pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S adv|just det:num|two n|second-PL adv|off prep|by n|accident adv|there .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|6|QUANT 6|3|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2614405,2619560,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  658. ah forty three minutes okay . ,co|ah det:num|forty det:num|three n|minute-PL adj|okay .,1|4|COM 2|4|QUANT 3|4|QUANT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|POSTMOD 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2619560,2631410,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  659. xxx yyy the boots came in . ,det:art|the n|boot-PL v|come&PAST adv|in .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,* ˈwunˈdæ də ˈbus ˈkeɪm ˈɪn,* * ðə ˈbuːts ˈkeɪm ˈɪn,NA,NA,2631410,2637925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  660. yes the boots came in one of those packages . ,co|yes det:art|the n|boot-PL v|come&PAST prep|in det:num|one prep|of det:dem|those n|package-PL .,1|4|COM 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2637925,2640900,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  661. that's right . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2640900,2642460,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  662. and Mommy's boots come in in another package . ,coord|and adj|Mommy&dn-POSS n|boot-PL v|come adv|in prep|in qn|another n|package .,1|4|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|8|QUANT 8|6|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,ˈæ̃nd ˈmɑmiz ˈbuts ˈkʌm ɪn ɪn əˈnʌdə ˈpækədʒ,ˈænd ˈmɑmiːz ˈbuːts ˈkʌm ˈɪn ˈɪn əˈnʌðəɹ ˈpækɪʤ,NA,NA,2642460,2645640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  663. yyy Mom Mommy didn't want to try them on . ,n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mommy mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|want inf|to v|try pro:obj|them adv|on .,1|2|NAME 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|5|PUNCT,ɡə ˈmɑm ˈmɑmi ˈdɪdən ˈwɑn tə ˈtwaɪ ˈdɛm ˈɑn,* ˈmɑm ˈmɑmiː ˈdɪdn̩t ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈtɹaɪ ˈðɛm ˈɑn,NA,Original Orthography: didn < 't >,2645640,2651030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  664. I did try them on actually . ,pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST v|try pro:obj|them adv|on adv|actual&dadj-LY .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2651030,2652805,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  665. I did try them on . ,pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST v|try pro:obj|them adv|on .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2652805,2655695,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  666. yyy Mommy Mommy was sending them back to the company why ? ,n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy aux|be&PAST&13S part|send-PRESP pro:obj|them adv|back prep|to det:art|the n|company pro:rel|why ?,1|2|NAME 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|9|OM 11|4|PUNCT,ʊ ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈwʌz səˈsɛndɪŋ ˈdɛm ˈbæk ˈtu də ˈkʌmpəni ˈwaɪ,* ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈwɑz ˈsɛndɪŋ ˈðɛm ˈbæk ˈtuː ðə ˈkʌmpəniː ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2655695,2664210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  667. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2664210,2665450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  668. well I don't know they felt kinda funny on my feet . ,co|well pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:sub|they v|feel&PAST adv|kinda adj|fun&dn-Y prep|on det:poss|my n|foot&PL .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|9|JCT 9|7|JCT 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2665450,2668226,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  669. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2668225,2671280,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  670. well cause I hafta wear really summer type socks with them . ,co|well n|cause pro:sub|I mod|have~inf|to v|wear adv|real&dadj-LY n|summer n|type v|sock-3S prep|with pro:obj|them .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|INF 6|2|CMOD 7|10|JCT 8|9|MOD 9|10|SUBJ 10|6|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2671280,2678020,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  671. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2678020,2680380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  672. xxx cause [: because] they kinda tight on my feet just a little bit . ,conj|because pro:sub|they adv|kinda adv|tight prep|on det:poss|my n|foot&PL adj|just det:art|a adj|little n|bit .,1|11|LINK 2|11|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|11|JCT 5|11|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|11|MOD 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|0|INCROOT 12|11|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2680380,2685180,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  673. that's 0an ambulance . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S 0det:art|a n|ambulance .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdæts ˈæmbiˈlɛns,ˈðæts ˈæmbjələns,NA,NA,2685180,2687760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  674. somebody's going to the hospital . ,pro:indef|somebody~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP prep|to det:art|the n|hospital .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈsʌmˈbʌdiz ˈɡoɪŋ ˈtu də ˈhɑspɪdəl,ˌsʌmˈbɑdiːz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ðə ˈhɑsˌpɪtəl,NA,NA,2687760,2692525,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  675. somebody probably is . ,pro:indef|somebody adv|probable&dadj-LY cop|be&3S .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2692525,2701490,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  676. while you're waiting for the pizza do you want something else to eat ? ,conj|while pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|wait-PRESP prep|for det:art|the n|pizza v|do pro:per|you v|want pro:indef|something post|else inf|to v|eat ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|8|CJCT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|COMP 11|14|SUBJ 12|11|PQ 13|14|INF 14|10|COMP 15|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2701490,2707316,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  677. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2707315,2709155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  678. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈiəˈmaɪnd,*,NA,NA,2709155,2711170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  679. how about fresh grapes or frozen grapes ? ,pro:int|how adv|about adj|fresh n|grape-PL coord|or part|freeze&PASTP n|grape-PL ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|CONJ 6|7|MOD 7|5|COORD 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2711170,2713410,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  680. frozen grapes ! ,part|freeze&PASTP n|grape-PL !,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈfwozɛn ˈɡweɪps,ˈfɹoʊzən ˈɡɹeɪps,CHI using odd voice,NA,2713410,2715675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  681. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2715675,2716540,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  682. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"CHI chuckling , odd noises",NA,2716540,2721890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  683. grape grape grape grape grape grape grape grape grape grape grape grape . ,n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape n|grape .,1|12|MOD 2|12|MOD 3|12|MOD 4|12|MOD 5|12|MOD 6|12|MOD 7|12|MOD 8|12|MOD 9|12|MOD 10|12|MOD 11|12|MOD 12|0|ROOT 13|12|PUNCT,ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp ˈɡweɪp,ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp ˈɡɹeɪp,NA,NA,2721890,2735545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  684. yummy . ,adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2735545,2736475,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  685. I yyy +/. ,pro:sub|I +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈlɪp,ˈaɪ *,"MOT talking over CHI , difficult to hear",NA,2736475,2739860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  686. oh wait Daddy took my car . ,co|oh v|wait n:prop|Daddy v|take&PAST det:poss|my n|car .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2739860,2744860,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  687. so I don't know if Daddy's here . ,co|so pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know comp|if n:prop|Daddy~cop|be&3S adv|here .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2744860,2752355,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  688. hm: hm: hm: hm: . ,co|hm co|hm co|hm co|hm .,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|4|COM 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2752355,2765121,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  689. I think I will make a little bit of pasta you could have some . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I mod|will v|make det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of n|pasta pro:per|you mod|could v|have qn|some .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|13|JCT 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|5|COMP 14|13|OBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2765120,2772105,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  690. if you still hungry after your pizza . ,conj|if pro:per|you adv|still adj|hungry prep|after det:poss|your n|pizza .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2772105,2775445,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  691. if I can find a pot to cook it in that's not dirty . ,conj|if pro:sub|I mod|can v|find det:art|a n|pot inf|to v|cook pro:per|it prep|in pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not adj|dirt&dn-Y .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|8|INF 8|4|XJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|8|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|8|COMP 13|12|NEG 14|12|PRED 15|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,sound of water running and grand father clock in the back ground,NA,2775445,2814400,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  692. fun grapes yummy . ,adj|fun n|grape-PL adj|yum&dn-Y .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POSTMOD 4|2|PUNCT,ˈfʌn ˈɡweɪps ˈjʌmi,ˈfʌn ˈɡɹeɪps ˈjʌmiː,NA,NA,2814440,2817280,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  693. ha ha are they yummy ? ,co|ha co|ha cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they adj|yum&dn-Y ?,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|4|OM 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2817280,2818775,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  694. yyy . ,NA,NA,maɪˈɑ,*,NA,NA,2818775,2819755,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  695. I'm glad to hear it . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|glad inf|to v|hear pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|INF 5|3|XMOD 6|5|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2819755,2823900,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  696. I think when they're frozen they're specially good . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:int|when pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|freeze&PASTP pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|special&dadj-LY adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|COMP 9|10|JCT 10|8|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2823900,2829370,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  697. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,while eating,NA,2829370,2833980,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  698. xxx yyy . ,NA,NA,* ˈsputs,* *,CHI chewing noises,NA,2833980,2853570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  699. xxx yyy dogs eat yyy bones yes . ,n|dog-PL v|eat n|bone-PL co|yes .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COM 5|2|PUNCT,* spʊt ˈdɑɡz ˈit ˈspʊd ˈbonz ˈjɛs,* * ˈdɑɡz ˈiːt * ˈboʊnz ˈjɛs,CHI chewing,NA,2853570,2863795,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  700. what's that ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,sound of Naima's eating,NA,2863795,2888505,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  701. ah: is that good the grapes ? ,co|ah cop|be&3S det:dem|that adj|good det:art|the n|grape-PL ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|DET 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2888505,2892450,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  702. they're cold aren't they ? ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|cold cop|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|4|NEG 6|4|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2892450,2893605,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  703. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2893605,2894530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  704. xxx just are . ,adv|just cop|be&PRES .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2894530,2896590,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  705. yyy fed yyy a ‹fed x@l› eats the ‹fed x@l› bone . ,v|feed&PAST det:art|a part|feed&PASTP n:let|x v|eat-3S det:art|the part|feed&PASTP n:let|x n|bone .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|COMP 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|9|MOD 9|7|OBJ 10|1|PUNCT,əˈʌəˈoə ˈfɛ ˈʌ ə ˈfɛdˈɛksə ˈit də ˈfɛdˈɛks ˈbon,* ˈfɛd * ə ‹ˈfɛd ˈɛks› ˈiːts ðə ‹ˈfɛd ˈɛks› ˈboʊn,NA,Original Orthography: eat < s >,2896590,2904100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  706. Fed_X eats a Fed_X bone ? ,n:prop|Fed_X v|eat-3S det:art|a n:prop|Fed_X n|bone ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2904100,2905925,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  707. yyy no a +/. ,qn|no det:art|a +/.,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ʊɑəɑ ˈno ˈɑ,* ˈnoʊ ə,NA,NA,2905925,2908380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  708. no a Fed_X dog eats a Fed_X bone . ,qn|no det:art|a n:prop|Fed_X n|dog v|eat-3S det:art|a n:prop|Fed_X n|bone .,1|4|QUANT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|5|PUNCT,ˈno ə ˈfɛdˈɛks ˈdɑɡ ˈit ə ˈfɛdˈɛk ˈbon,ˈnoʊ ə ‹ˈfɛd ˈɛks› ˈdɑɡ ˈiːts ə ‹ˈfɛd ˈɛks› ˈboʊn,NA,Original Orthography: eat < s >,2908380,2914520,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  709. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2914520,2915565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  710. have you ever seen a Fed_X dog ? ,aux|have pro:per|you adv|ever part|see&PASTP det:art|a n:prop|Fed_X n|dog ?,1|4|AUX 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2915565,2917660,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  711. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛts,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2917660,2918460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  712. that would be a great idea . ,pro:dem|that mod|will&COND cop|be det:art|a adj|great n|idea .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2918460,2920170,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  713. they could save money . ,pro:sub|they mod|could v|save n|money .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2920170,2921370,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  714. if they had dogs . ,conj|if pro:sub|they v|have&PAST n|dog-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2921370,2924725,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  715. I bet the unions wouldn't like it though . ,pro:sub|I v|bet&ZERO det:art|the n|union-PL mod|will&COND~neg|not v|like pro:per|it adv|though .,1|2|SUBJ 2|7|LINK 3|4|DET 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|0|ROOT 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2924725,2928315,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  716. with the bone say Fed_X on it . ,prep|with det:art|the n|bone v|say n:prop|Fed_X prep|on pro:per|it .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2928315,2930770,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  717. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2930770,2931310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  718. with those orange and purple letters that are on the truck . ,prep|with det:dem|those adj|orange coord|and adj|purple n|letter-PL pro:rel|that cop|be&PRES prep|on det:art|the n|truck .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|3|CONJ 5|6|MOD 6|4|COORD 7|8|LINK 8|3|CMOD 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2931310,2935155,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  719. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2935155,2936215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  720. truck has big orange and purple letters . ,n|truck aux|have&3S adj|big n|orange coord|and adj|purple n|letter-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|CONJ 6|7|MOD 7|5|COORD 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2936215,2938205,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  721. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2938205,2939210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  722. it just what the truck looks like . ,pro:per|it adv|just pro:int|what det:art|the n|truck v|look-3S conj|like .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|6|LINK 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|1|COBJ 7|6|COMP 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2939210,2941205,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  723. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2941205,2942620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  724. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2942620,2957210,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  725. Mommy old ! ,n:prop|Mommy adj|old !,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ˈold,ˈmɑmiː ˈoʊld,NA,NA,2957210,2959770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  726. why am I old ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&1S pro:sub|I adj|old ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2959770,2960725,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  727. why +/? ,pro:rel|why +/?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2960725,2962215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  728. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2962215,2963090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  729. I just am . ,pro:sub|I adv|just aux|be&1S .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2963090,2967210,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  730. I've been around a while . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have cop|be&PASTP prep|around det:art|a n|while .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2967210,2976585,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  731. you're not old you're young . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES neg|not adj|old pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adj|young .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|6|PRED 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2976585,2978990,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  732. why +/? ,pro:rel|why +/?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2978990,2980965,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  733. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2980965,2985240,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  734. I'm kinda really in between . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|kinda adv|real&dadj-LY adv|in prep|between .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|JCT 5|2|JCT 6|2|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2985295,2987275,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  735. Baba Gee is old . ,n:prop|Baba n:prop|Gee cop|be&3S adj|old .,1|2|NAME 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2987275,2991141,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  736. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2991140,2992395,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  737. and you're young and I'm kinda in between . ,coord|and pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adj|young coord|and pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|kinda adv|in adv|between .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|10|JCT 9|10|JCT 10|7|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2992395,3004700,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  738. yyy who was it old ? ,pro:int|who cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it adj|old ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,ˈhʊ ˈhu ˈwʌz ˈɪt ˈold,* ˈhuː ˈwɑz ˈɪt ˈoʊld,NA,NA,3004700,3058765,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  739. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,3058765,3061465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  740. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3061465,3063880,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  741. I'm jut putting away some dishes while I'm waiting for your pizza to be ready . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S v|jut part|put-PRESP adv|away qn|some n|dish-PL conj|while pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|wait-PRESP prep|for det:poss|your n|pizza inf|to cop|be adj|ready .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|2|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|16|INF 16|11|XJCT 17|16|PRED 18|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3063880,3071475,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  742. may be it's almost ready though . ,mod|may cop|be pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|almost v|ready adv|though .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|PRED 5|6|JCT 6|4|PRED 7|6|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3071475,3082900,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  743. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI humming,NA,3082900,3090655,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  744. let see if this is ready . ,v|let&ZERO v|see comp|if pro:dem|this cop|be&3S adj|ready .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|COMP 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3090655,3104455,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  745. hm: it's pretty hot actually . ,co|hm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|pretty adj|hot adv|actual&dadj-LY .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3104455,3111875,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  746. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3111875,3112760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  747. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3112760,3116360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  748. that's the best way to eat it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|good&SP adv|way inf|to v|eat pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|7|JCT 6|7|INF 7|4|CMOD 8|7|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3116360,3118525,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  749. what yyy why ? ,pro:int|what pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OM 3|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈwʌ ˈwaɪ,ˈwʌt * ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3118525,3123435,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  750. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3123435,3126230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  751. that will hurt . ,pro:dem|that mod|will v|hurt&ZERO .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3126230,3127590,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  752. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3127590,3129020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  753. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈoːˈweɪːˈoˈweɪˈoˈweɪ,*,CHI whining,NA,3129020,3133125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  754. xxx he began to cry xxx . ,pro:sub|he v|begin&PAST inf|to v|cry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈhi biˈɡæ̃n ˈtu ˈkraɪ *,* ˈhiː biːˈɡæn ˈtuː ˈkɹaɪ *,CHI making crying noises,NA,3133125,3141315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  755. did you say he began to cry ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|say pro:sub|he v|begin&PAST inf|to v|cry ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3141315,3144080,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  756. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3144080,3145230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  757. who were you thinking of ? ,pro:rel|who cop|be&PAST pro:per|you part|think-PRESP prep|of ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3145230,3146475,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  758. the yyy began to cry cause [: because] the mommy's not there . ,det:art|the v|begin&PAST inf|to v|cry conj|because det:art|the adj|mommy&dn-POSS neg|not adv|there .,1|2|DET 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT 6|7|DET 7|5|INCROOT 8|7|NEG 9|7|JCT 10|7|PUNCT,də ˈnusi biˈɡæ̃n ˈtu ˈkraɪ ˈkʌz də ˈmɑmiz ˈnɑt ˈðeɪr,ðə * biːˈɡæn ˈtuː ˈkɹaɪ ˈkɑz ðə ˈmɑmiːz ˈnɑt ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,3146475,3152215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  759. is that so . ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that adv|so .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3152215,3153165,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  760. the the yyy began to sleep . ,det:art|the det:art|the v|begin&PAST prep|to n|sleep .,1|3|DET 2|3|DET 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,də də ˈnʊzi biˈɡæ̃n tə ˈsliːp,ðə ðə * biːˈɡæn ˈtuː ˈsliːp,NA,NA,3153165,3156605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  761. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"CHI whispers , inaudible",NA,3156605,3158160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  762. there there . ,adv|there adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ˈðeɪr ˈðeɪ,ˈðɛɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,3158160,3162290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  763. yyy no I want that ‹there [?]› not the sauce part . ,co|no pro:sub|I v|want comp|that adv|there neg|not det:art|the n|sauce n|part .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|9|LINK 5|9|JCT 6|5|NEG 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|3|COMP 10|3|PUNCT,əəə ˈno ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈdæt ˈdeɪ ˈnɑ də ˈsɑs ˈpɑrt,* ˈnoʊ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈðæt ˈðɛɹ ˈnɑt ðə ˈsɑs ˈpɑɹt,"MOT blowing in background , CHI chewing",NA,3162290,3179785,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  764. you don't want the sauce part ? ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|want det:art|the n|sauce n|part ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3179785,3182295,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  765. or you do want the sauce part ? ,coord|or pro:per|you v|do v|want det:art|the n|sauce n|part ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3182295,3184920,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  766. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,3184920,3185890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  767. sauce all over it actually . ,n|sauce adv|all prep|over pro:per|it adv|actual&dadj-LY .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|1|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|4|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3185890,3189325,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  768. ‹why [?]› ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwɑ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3189325,3191540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  769. ‹no [?]› . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,həˈnaʊ,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,3191540,3193715,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  770. well there's sauce all over it but the part I'm giving you is cheesy part anyway . ,co|well pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|sauce adv|all prep|over pro:per|it conj|but det:art|the n|part pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|give-PRESP pro:per|you cop|be&3S adj|cheese&dn-Y n|part adv|anyway .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|JCT 6|4|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|CONJ 9|10|DET 10|8|COORD 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|10|CMOD 14|15|SUBJ 15|13|COMP 16|17|MOD 17|15|PRED 18|10|NJCT 19|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3193715,3200426,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  771. maybe I'll cool this xxx piece down . ,adv|maybe pro:sub|I~mod|will v|cool det:dem|this n|piece adv|down .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3200425,3207040,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  772. what a one might giving ‹you [?]› yyy I yyy the cheese parts . ,pro:int|what det:art|a det:num|one n|might part|give-PRESP pro:per|you pro:sub|I det:art|the n|cheese n|part-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|QUANT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|XMOD 6|10|SUBJ 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|5|OBJ 11|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ə ˈwʌn ˈmaɪt ˈɡɪvɪŋ ˈju ˈaɪθə ˈaɪ ˈwʌnbi ˈðʌ ˈtʃiz ˈpɑrts,ˈwʌt ə ˈwʌn ˈmaɪt ˈɡɪvɪŋ ˈjuː * ˈaɪ * ðə ˈʧiːz ˈpɑɹts,NA,NA,3207040,3215680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  773. you don't like it ? ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|like pro:per|it ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3215680,3221525,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  774. that's the cheese part . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|cheese n|part .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3221525,3224290,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  775. "what do you want , just the br(ead) bread part . ",pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|want cm|cm adv|just det:art|the n|bread n|bread n|part .,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|LP 6|10|JCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|4|ENUM 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3224290,3226605,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  776. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3226605,3228250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  777. I see okay crust . ,pro:sub|I v|see co|okay n|crust .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|COM 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3228250,3230625,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  778. you want some crust . ,pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|crust .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3230625,3232560,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  779. here . ,adv|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3232560,3235010,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  780. make sure you chew that well . ,v|make adj|sure pro:per|you v|chew adv|that adv|well .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CMOD 5|6|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3235010,3237825,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  781. I'll eat the other part you can have the crust part . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will v|eat det:art|the qn|other n|part pro:per|you mod|can v|have det:art|the n|crust n|part .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|QUANT 6|3|OBJ 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|6|CMOD 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|OBJ 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3237825,3241040,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  782. I'm also making a little bit of spaghetti so you can have some spaghetti also . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|also part|make-PRESP det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of n|spaghetti conj|so pro:per|you mod|can v|have qn|some n|spaghetti adv|also .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|13|LINK 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|4|CJCT 14|15|QUANT 15|13|OBJ 16|13|JCT 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3241040,3249370,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  783. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3249370,3252950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  784. why what ? ,pro:int|why pro:int|what ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3252950,3253840,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  785. wanna make spaghetti . ,v|want~inf|to v|make n|spaghetti .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈwɑnə ˈmeɪk spəˈɡɛdi,ˈwɑnə ˈmeɪk spəˈɡɛtiː,NA,NA,3253840,3255430,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  786. for you to eat and me to eat . ,prep|for pro:per|you inf|to v|eat coord|and pro:obj|me inf|to v|eat .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|INF 4|0|ROOT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|INF 8|4|CJCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3255430,3257340,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  787. Mama Ma Mama Mama Ma Mama Mama Ma Mama . ,n:prop|Mama n:prop|Ma n:prop|Mama n:prop|Mama n:prop|Ma n:prop|Mama n:prop|Mama n:prop|Ma n:prop|Mama .,1|2|NAME 2|3|NAME 3|4|NAME 4|5|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|0|ROOT 7|8|NAME 8|6|APP 9|8|APP 10|6|PUNCT,məmə mə ˈmɑˈmɑ məmə mə ˈmɑˈmɑ məmə mə ˈmɑˈmɑ,ˈmɑmə ˈmɑ ˈmɑmə ˈmɑmə ˈmɑ ˈmɑmə ˈmɑmə ˈmɑ ˈmɑmə,CHI singing,NA,3257340,3264265,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  788. a mommy dog eats a yyy a bone . ,det:art|a n|mommy n|dog v|eat-3S det:art|a det:art|a n|bone .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|DET 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,əə ˈmɑmi ˈdɑɡ ˈits ə də ə ˈbon,ə ˈmɑmiː ˈdɑɡ ˈiːts ə * ə ˈboʊn,NA,NA,3264265,3271790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  789. a mommy dog chews bone . ,det:art|a n|mommy n|dog v|chew-3S n|bone .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ə ˈmɑmi ˈdɑɡ ˈtʃuz ˈbon,ə ˈmɑmiː ˈdɑɡ ˈʧuːz ˈboʊn,NA,NA,3271790,3274590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  790. oh yeah . ,co|oh co|yeah .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3274590,3275300,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  791. yyy and a baby dog sniffs . ,coord|and det:art|a n|baby n|dog v|sniff-3S .,1|5|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,əwə əˈæ̃nd ə ˈbeɪbi ˈdɑɡ ˈsnɪfs,* ˈænd ə ˈbeɪbiː ˈdɑɡ ˈsnɪfs,NA,NA,3275300,3278770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  792. xxx are you a baby dog ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you det:art|a n|baby n|dog ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ2 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|1|PRED 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3278770,3281140,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  793. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3281140,3281985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  794. a baby dog a baby dog's done finished . ,det:art|a n|baby n|dog det:art|a n|baby adj|dog&dn-POSS part|do&PASTP part|finish-PASTP .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|APP 6|5|POSTMOD 7|6|XMOD 8|7|COMP 9|3|PUNCT,ə ˈbeɪbi ˈdɑɡ ə ˈbeɪbi ˈdɑɡz ˈdʌn ˈfɪnˈɪsd,ə ˈbeɪbiː ˈdɑɡ ə ˈbeɪbiː ˈdɑɡz ˈdʌn ˈfɪnɪʃt,NA,NA,3281985,3286250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  795. oh aren't you gonna have some of the spaghetti ? ,co|oh aux|be&PRES~neg|not pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|have qn|some prep|of det:art|the n|spaghetti ?,1|5|COM 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3286250,3289010,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  796. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3289010,3289915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  797. well . ,co|well .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3289915,3291705,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  798. that wouldn't be too much longer . ,comp|that mod|will&COND~neg|not cop|be adv|too adv|much adj|long-CP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|7|JCT 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3291705,3302635,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  799. what's Mommy doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Mommy part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌz ˈmɑmi ˈduɪn,ˈwʌts ˈmɑmiː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,Original Orthography: doin < g@l >,3302635,3312965,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  800. I'm gonna make the spaghetti . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|make det:art|the n|spaghetti .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3312965,3316020,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  801. spaghe(tti) +/. ,n|spaghetti +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,spəˈɡɛː,spəˈɡɛ,NA,NA,3316020,3318795,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  802. yyy yes no one was moody or ‹not [?]› . ,co|yes co|no pro:indef|one cop|be&PAST&13S adj|mood&dn-Y coord|or neg|not .,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|4|PUNCT,təˈhi ˈjɛs no wən wəz ˈmudi ə nɑ,* ˈjɛs ˈnoʊ ˈwʌn ˈwɑz ˈmuːdiː ˈɔɹ ˈnɑt,NA,NA,3318795,3322745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  803. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3322745,3323790,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  804. I give you a little more . ,pro:sub|I v|give pro:per|you det:art|a adj|little pro:indef|more .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|2|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3323790,3325670,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  805. there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3325670,3327350,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  806. moody . ,adj|mood&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmuːdi,ˈmuːdiː,NA,NA,3327350,3328945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  807. movie ? ,n|movie ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3328945,3329810,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  808. smoothie ha . ,n|smooth&dadj-DIM co|ha .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COM 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3329810,3331030,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  809. yyy smoothie yyy smoothie smoothie Ma Ma Ma Ma . ,n|smooth&dadj-DIM n|smooth&dadj-DIM n|smooth&dadj-DIM n:prop|Ma n:prop|Ma n:prop|Ma n:prop|Ma .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|ROOT 4|5|NAME 5|7|NAME 6|7|NAME 7|3|APP 8|3|PUNCT,əmː ˈmuːdiː hɪə ˈmudi ˈmudi ˈmɑː ˈmɑː ˈmɑː mɑː,* ˈsmuːðiː * ˈsmuːðiː ˈsmuːðiː ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ,NA,Original Orthography: yyy < s > moothie yyy < s > moothie < s > moothie Ma Ma Ma Ma .,3331030,3347025,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  810. Mommy where did you go when I had the +/. ,n:prop|Mommy pro:rel|where mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|go conj|when pro:sub|I v|have&PAST det:art|the +/.,1|8|SUBJ 2|5|LINK 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|8|CJCT 6|5|OBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|10|DET 10|8|PUNCT,ˈmɑˈmi ˈweɪr ˈdɪd ˈju ˈɡo ˈwɛn ˈaɪ ˈhæ də,ˈmɑmiː ˈwɛɹ ˈdɪd ˈjuː ˈɡoʊ ˈwɛn ˈaɪ ˈhæd ðə,NA,NA,3347025,3352745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  811. yyy yyy the alphabet yyy . ,det:art|the n|alphabet .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈbɪː dədə də ˈælfəˈbɛt bə,* * ðə ˈælfəˌbɛt *,"CHI trails off , difficult to hear end",NA,3352745,3359960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  812. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,jɪˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3359960,3364540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  813. maybe you'll eat it that way . ,adv|maybe pro:per|you~mod|will v|eat pro:per|it det:dem|that n|way .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|7|DET 7|4|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3364540,3366010,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  814. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3366010,3371755,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  815. no okay . ,co|no co|okay .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3371755,3384040,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  816. Mom ? ,n:prop|Mom ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑm,ˈmɑm,NA,NA,3384040,3385780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  817. let me see if there's any more frozen fruit in here . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|see comp|if pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|any pro:indef|more part|freeze&PASTP n|fruit prep|in n|here .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|PRED 9|8|XMOD 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3385780,3388835,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  818. yyy . ,NA,NA,əˈmʊm,*,NA,NA,3388835,3390215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  819. well there's some more frozen nectarines . ,co|well pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some pro:indef|more part|freeze&PASTP n|nectarine-PL .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|PRED 6|5|XMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3390215,3394306,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  820. I yyy the nectarine . ,pro:sub|I det:art|the n|nectarine .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈdoːn də ˈnɛktəˈwin,ˈaɪ * ðə ˌnɛktəˈɹiːn,NA,NA,3394305,3400660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  821. yyy spaghetti is ready ! ,n|spaghetti cop|be&3S adj|ready !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,hə spəˈɡɛdi ˈɪz ˈwɛːdi,* spəˈɡɛtiː ˈɪz ˈɹɛdiː,NA,NA,3400660,3406860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  822. not quite almost . ,neg|not adv|quite adv|almost .,1|2|NEG 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3406860,3410675,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  823. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈæb ˈɪ,* *,NA,NA,3410675,3413250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  824. where's the rest of my +/? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|rest prep|of det:poss|my +/?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈweɪrz də ˈrɛst əv ˈmaɪsə,ˈwɛɹz ðə ˈɹɛst ˈʌv ˈmaɪ,NA,NA,3413250,3418045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  825. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3418045,3421205,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  826. yyy yyy yyy another frozen be(rry) 0is better than nectarine yyy yyy . ,qn|another part|freeze&PASTP n|berry 0aux|be&3S adv|good&CP prep|than n|nectarine .,1|3|QUANT 2|3|MOD 3|0|ROOT 4|3|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,dədədəˈdæˈdæ dədədə ə əˈnʌdə ˈfwon ˈbeɪ ˈbɛdə ˈdɛn ˈnɛkto ˈto foˈnɛktəˈwin,* * * əˈnʌðəɹ ˈfɹoʊzən ˈbɛ ˈbɛtəɹ ˈðæn ˌnɛktəˈɹiːn * *,NA,Original Orthography: [yyy] [yyy] [yyy] [another] [fro < zen > ] [be < rry > ] [0is] [better] [than] [nectarine] [yyy] [yyy .],3421205,3433945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  827. better than the frozen nectarine . ,adv|good&CP prep|than det:art|the part|freeze&PASTP n|nectarine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3433945,3435501,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  828. what's better than the frozen nectarines ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S adv|good&CP prep|than det:art|the part|freeze&PASTP n|nectarine-PL ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|INCROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3435500,3437840,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  829. give me I want the frozen I want something other in the freezer . ,v|give pro:obj|me pro:sub|I v|want det:art|the part|freeze&PASTP pro:sub|I v|want pro:indef|something pro:indef|other prep|in det:art|the n|freeze&dv-AGT .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|CJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|9|POBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|1|PUNCT,ɡɪ ˈmi ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt dədə diˈfwozɛn ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈsʌmðɪŋ ˈʌdə ˈɪn də ˈfwizɜ˞r,ˈɡɪv ˈmiː ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ðə ˈfɹoʊzən ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌðəɹ ˈɪn ðə ˈfɹiːzəɹ,NA,Original Orthography: gi < ve >,3437840,3448030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  830. there might be blueberries . ,adv|there mod|might cop|be n|blueberry-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3448030,3450180,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  831. I don't want blueberries . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want n|blueberry-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈdont ˈwɑnt ˈbluˈbeɪwiz,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt ˈbluːˌbɛɹiːz,NA,NA,3450180,3451950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  832. blueberries blueberries . ,n|blueberry-PL n|blueberry-PL .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈbluːb ˈblub,ˈbluːˌbɛɹiːz ˈbluːˌbɛɹiːz,NA,Original Orthography: [blueb < erries > ] [blueb < erries > .],3451950,3455815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  833. yyy yyy yyy yyy give a little more blueberry yyy blue blueberry . ,v|give det:art|a adj|little qn|more n|blueberry adj|blue n|blueberry .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|DET 3|5|MOD 4|5|QUANT 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|1|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,ˈblubˈblubˈblubəˈblub ˈblubˈblub ˈblubˈblubˈblub ˈblu ˈɡɪv ə ˈlɪʔəl ˈmo ˈbluˈbeɪri ˈblubˈblubˈbuptˈblup ˈblu ˈbluˈbeɪri,* * * * ˈɡɪv ə ˈlɪtəl ˈmɔɹ ˈbluːˌbɛɹiː * ˈbluː ˈbluːˌbɛɹiː,CHI singing,NA,3455815,3472890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  834. Mom Mommy Mom Mommy Ma Ma Ma Ma Mommy . ,n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mom n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Ma n:prop|Ma n:prop|Ma n:prop|Ma n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|NAME 2|3|NAME 3|4|NAME 4|5|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|0|ROOT 7|8|NAME 8|6|APP 9|8|APP 10|6|PUNCT,ˈmɑm ˈmɑmi ˈmɑm ˈmɑmi mɑ mɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑmi,ˈmɑm ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑm ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑ ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,3472890,3484705,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  835. mhm . ,co|mhm=yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3484705,3489885,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  836. is better than Mommy . ,aux|be&3S adv|good&CP prep|than n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈɪz ˈbɛdɜ˞ ˈdɛn ˈmɑmi,ˈɪz ˈbɛtəɹ ˈðæn ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,3489885,3492545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  837. what . ,pro:int|what .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3492545,3493625,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  838. I wanna [: want a] ‹doll [?]› better than Mommy . ,pro:sub|I v|want det:art|a n|doll adv|good&CP prep|than n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈdʌl ˈbedɜ˞ ˈdɛn ˈmɑmi,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈdɑl ˈbɛtəɹ ˈðæn ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,3493625,3500985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  839. a ‹doll [?]› . ,det:art|a n|doll .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,əəəə ˈdɑl,ə ˈdɑl,NA,NA,3500985,3503145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  840. a doll ? ,det:art|a n|doll ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3503145,3504780,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  841. doll or dole ? ,n|doll coord|or v|dole ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3504780,3510465,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  842. what do teddy bears do ? ,pro:int|what v|do n|teddy v|bear-3S v|do ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|ENUM 5|4|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,wə ˈdu ˈtɛdi ˈbeɪz ˈdu,ˈwʌt ˈduː ˈtɛdiː ˈbɛɹz ˈduː,NA,NA,3510465,3517605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  843. what do teddy bears do ? ,pro:int|what v|do n|teddy v|bear-3S v|do ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|ENUM 5|4|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3517605,3519875,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  844. they roar . ,pro:sub|they v|roar .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈdeɪ ˈwɑ,ˈðeɪ ˈɹɔɹ,NA,NA,3519875,3521360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  845. a job of a teddy bear's to cuddle up . ,det:art|a n|job prep|of det:art|a n|teddy adj|bear&dn-POSS inf|to v|cuddle adv|up .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|ENUM 7|8|INF 8|6|XMOD 9|8|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3521360,3532645,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  846. no yyy teddy bears roar . ,qn|no n|teddy v|bear-3S n|roar .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,no ˈhʌdə ˈtɛdi ˈbeɪrz ˈwor,ˈnoʊ * ˈtɛdiː ˈbɛɹz ˈɹɔɹ,NA,NA,3532645,3535495,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  847. they roar . ,pro:sub|they v|roar .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈðeɪ ˈwor,ˈðeɪ ˈɹɔɹ,NA,NA,3535495,3537675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  848. yes and they also roar . ,co|yes coord|and pro:sub|they adv|also n|roar .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|JCT 5|2|COORD 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3537675,3539405,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  849. there's Daddy . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n:prop|Daddy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3539405,3556291,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  850. yyy Mommy open the door so Daddy can come in . ,n:prop|Mommy v|open det:art|the n|door adv|so n:prop|Daddy n|can v|come adv|in .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,həhəhə ˈmɑmi ˈopən də ˈdor ˈso ˈdædi ˈkɛn ˈkʌm ˈɪn,* ˈmɑmiː ˈoʊpən ðə ˈdɔɹ ˈsoʊ ˈdædiː ˈkæn ˈkʌm ˈɪn,NA,NA,3556290,3564550,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  851. I will sweetie don't worry . ,pro:sub|I mod|will co|sweetie mod|do~neg|not v|worry .,1|6|SUBJ 2|6|AUX 3|6|COM 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3564550,3567130,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  852. hey Dad xxx ! ,co|hey n:prop|Dad !,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈheɪ ˈdæd *,ˈheɪ ˈdæd *,CHI giggles at end of utterance,NA,3567130,3572430,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  853. Mommy open the door so Daddy can come in . ,n:prop|Mommy v|open det:art|the n|door adv|so n:prop|Daddy n|can v|come adv|in .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3572430,3576573,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  854. okay Daddy comes in . ,co|okay n:prop|Daddy v|come-3S adv|in .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3576570,3579540,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  855. hey . ,co|hey .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3579540,3583215,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  856. oh my gosh oh . ,co|oh det:poss|my co|gosh co|oh .,1|4|COM 2|3|DET 3|4|COM 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3583215,3585580,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  857. hi boo . ,co|hi n|boo .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3585580,3587205,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  858. I'm eating blueberries . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|eat-PRESP n|blueberry-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ˈiːdɪŋ ˈbluˈbeɪwiz,ˈaɪm ˈiːtɪŋ ˈbluːˌbɛɹiːz,NA,NA,3587205,3589875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  859. you're eating blueberries . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|eat-PRESP n|blueberry-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3589875,3591290,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  860. are they delic(ious) ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they adj|delicious ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|OM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3591290,3592345,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  861. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3592345,3593560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  862. the bears roar . ,det:art|the n|bear-PL v|roar .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,də ˈbeɪrz ˈwor,ðə ˈbɛɹz ˈɹɔɹ,NA,NA,3593560,3595635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  863. bears roar ? ,v|bear-3S n|roar ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3595635,3597630,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  864. they do and they eat blueberries too . ,pro:sub|they v|do coord|and pro:sub|they v|eat n|blueberry-PL post|too .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3597630,3600140,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  865. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3600140,3601220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  866. did you know that bear eats blueberries ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|know det:dem|that n|bear v|eat-3S n|blueberry-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3601220,3603560,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  867. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3603560,3604390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  868. I thought you did . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3604390,3606940,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  869. why do birds like what berries do people don't eat ? ,pro:rel|why v|do n|bird-PL prep|like pro:int|what n|berry-PL v|do n|person&PL mod|do~neg|not v|eat ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CPOBJ 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|7|COMP 12|2|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈdu ˈbɜ˞rd ˈlaɪk ˈwʌt ˈbeɪriz ˈdu ˈpipəl ˈdont ˈit,ˈwaɪ ˈduː ˈbʌɹdz ˈlaɪk ˈwʌt ˈbɛɹiːz ˈduː ˈpiːpəl ˈdoʊnt ˈiːt,NA,Original Orthography: bird < s >,3606940,3613275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  870. what berries do people don't eat ? ,pro:int|what n|berry-PL v|do n|person&PL mod|do~neg|not v|eat ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|3|COMP 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3613275,3615180,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  871. ‹what [?]› ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌtʃ,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,3615180,3615860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  872. ah the red berries that we've seen in the woods people don't eat those . ,co|ah det:art|the n|red n|berry-PL pro:rel|that pro:sub|we~aux|have part|see&PASTP prep|in det:art|the n|wood-PL n|person&PL mod|do~neg|not v|eat det:dem|those .,1|15|COM 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|15|SUBJ 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|15|XJCT 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|15|SUBJ 13|15|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|0|ROOT 16|15|OBJ 17|15|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3615860,3623250,FAT,Father,MAL,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  873. when what kind of berries Daddy ? ,conj|when pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|berry-PL n:prop|Daddy ?,1|6|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|6|CSUBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,ˈwɛn ˈwʌt ˈkaɪnd ə ˈbeɪriz ˈdædi,ˈwɛn ˈwʌt ˈkaɪnd ˈʌv ˈbɛɹiːz ˈdædiː,NA,NA,3623250,3627215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  874. Daddy Daddy come in yyy . ,n:prop|Daddy n:prop|Daddy v|come adv|in .,1|2|NAME 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,ˈdɑdi ˈdɑdi ˈkʌm ˈɪn əə,ˈdædiː ˈdædiː ˈkʌm ˈɪn *,NA,NA,3627215,3634780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  875. what kind of berries outside ? ,pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|berry-PL adv|outside ?,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈkaɪnd ə ˈbeɪriz ˈaʊtˈsaɪd,ˈwʌt ˈkaɪnd ˈʌv ˈbɛɹiːz ˌaʊtˈsaɪd,NA,NA,3634780,3638025,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  876. ah I don't know the names does Mommy know the names Mommy ? ,co|ah pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know det:art|the n|name-PL mod|do&3S n:prop|Mommy v|know det:art|the n|name-PL n:prop|Mommy ?,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|10|LINK 6|7|DET 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|12|APP 14|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3638025,3642605,FAT,Father,MAL,13,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  877. well I think Japanese honey suckle berries we don't eat . ,co|well pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Japanese n|honey v|suckle n|berry-PL pro:sub|we mod|do~neg|not v|eat .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|3|CJCT 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3642605,3646190,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  878. okay Japanese honey suckle berries that common red berry I don't know what it is . ,co|okay n:prop|Japanese n|honey v|suckle n|berry-PL det:dem|that adj|common adj|red n|berry pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|4|COM 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|9|DET 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|4|JCT 10|13|SUBJ 11|13|AUX 12|11|NEG 13|9|CMOD 14|16|LINK 15|16|SUBJ 16|13|COMP 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3646190,3651225,FAT,Father,MAL,16,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  879. is that the one ? ,cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|the pro:indef|one ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|DET 4|2|OM 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3651225,3652860,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  880. yes so it has like a hole a large hole in it . ,co|yes conj|so pro:per|it aux|have&3S prep|like det:art|a n|hole det:art|a adj|large n|hole prep|in pro:per|it .,1|10|COM 2|10|LINK 3|10|SUBJ 4|10|AUX 5|10|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|0|INCROOT 11|10|NJCT 12|11|POBJ 13|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3652860,3658390,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  881. hm: that's not the one I know . ,co|hm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|the pro:indef|one pro:sub|I v|know .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|NEG 5|6|DET 6|3|PRED 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|CMOD 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3658390,3661085,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  882. is that just the snack Naima ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that adv|just det:art|the n|snack n:prop|Naima ?,1|0|ROOT 2|5|DET 3|5|JCT 4|5|DET 5|1|PRED 6|5|APP 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3661085,3667785,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  883. or is that supper ? ,coord|or cop|be&3S comp|that n|supper ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3667785,3669605,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  884. our supper . ,det:poss|our n|supper .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɑr ˈsʌpə,ˈɑɹ ˈsʌpəɹ,NA,NA,3669605,3670815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  885. that's supper ? ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S n|supper ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3670815,3672730,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  886. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3672730,3673960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  887. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3673960,3675960,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  888. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,3675960,3678895,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  889. is this the second course ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|this det:art|the adj|second n|course ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OM 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3678895,3684985,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  890. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,CHI using odd voice,NA,3684985,3686460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  891. what was the first course ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the adj|first n|course ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3686460,3689450,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  892. yyy the first course was pizza . ,det:art|the adj|first n|course cop|be&PAST&13S n|pizza .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,u də ˈfɜ˞rst ˈkorsdə ˈwʌz ˈpitsə,* ðə ˈfʌɹst ˈkɔɹs ˈwɑz ˈpiːtsə,NA,NA,3689450,3694770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  893. pizza ? ,n|pizza ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3694770,3695665,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  894. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,3695665,3697515,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  895. yyy . ,NA,NA,wənəˈjɛən,*,NA,NA,3697515,3705751,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  896. well she knows about first and second she's probably putting two and two together . ,co|well pro:sub|she v|know-3S adv|about adv|first coord|and adj|second pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S adv|probable&dadj-LY part|put-PRESP det:num|two coord|and det:num|two adv|together .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|JCT 11|7|CMOD 12|11|OBJ 13|12|CONJ 14|15|QUANT 15|13|COORD 16|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3705750,3710525,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  897. ah . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3710525,3714780,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  898. yyy what's Daddy having ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Daddy part|have-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈɛtwʊz ˈwʌt ˈdædi ˈhævɪŋ,* ˈwʌts ˈdædiː ˈhævɪŋ,NA,Original Orthography: what < 's >,3714780,3718695,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  899. I'm just having a spicy snack . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|just part|have-PRESP det:art|a adj|spice&dn-Y n|snack .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3718695,3720980,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  900. why I want it Daddy . ,pro:int|why pro:sub|I v|want pro:per|it n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈaɪ ˈwɑn ˈɪt ˈdædi,ˈwaɪ ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈɪt ˈdædiː,NA,NA,3720980,3723710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  901. you want it ? ,pro:per|you v|want pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3723710,3724595,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  902. yes yyy . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs həm,ˈjɛs *,NA,NA,3724595,3725960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  903. what's Daddy doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Daddy part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈdædi ˈduɛn,ˈwʌts ˈdædiː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,Original Orthography: what < 's >,3725960,3729055,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  904. you can have a little bit . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|have det:art|a adj|little n|bit .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3729055,3731675,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  905. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,3731675,3733020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  906. why it spicy ? ,pro:int|why pro:per|it adj|spice&dn-Y ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ɪt ˈspaɪs,ˈwaɪ ˈɪt ˈspaɪsiː,NA,NA,3733020,3734760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  907. because it's very hot . ,conj|because pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|very adj|hot .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3734760,3736380,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  908. here's some lentils . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S qn|some n|lentil-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3736380,3738390,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  909. Naima I have some delicious hummus here . ,n:prop|Naima pro:sub|I v|have qn|some adj|delicious n|hummus adv|here .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3738390,3741235,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  910. hey hummus Mommy has hummus . ,co|hey n|hummus n:prop|Mommy v|have&3S n|hummus .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CMOD 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3741235,3743940,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  911. you want some ? ,pro:per|you v|want qn|some ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3743940,3745920,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  912. with cracker maybe ? ,prep|with n|cracker adv|maybe ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3745920,3748080,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020427.cha
  913. smells . ,n|smell-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3748080,3749233,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020427.cha