Fig1.tex 4.0 KB

  1. \tikzset{%
  2. >={Latex[width=2mm,length=2mm]},
  3. base/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, draw=black,
  4. minimum width=4cm, minimum height=1cm,
  5. text centered, font=\sffamily},
  6. recorder/.style = {base, fill=blue!30},
  7. meta/.style = {base, fill=red!30},
  8. annotator/.style = {base, fill=green!30},
  9. txt/.style = {font=\sffamily, text centered},
  10. title/.style = {txt, font=\sffamily\Large},
  11. }
  12. % Drawing part, node distance is 1.5 cm and every node
  13. % is prefilled with white background
  14. \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5cm,
  15. every node/.style={fill=white, font=\sffamily}, align=center]
  16. % Specification of nodes (position, etc.)
  17. % \node (lena) [recorder] {LENA recorder};
  18. % \node (babylogger) [recorder, right of=lena, xshift=5em] {BabyLogger};
  19. % \node (others) [recorder, right of=babylogger] {Other alternatives\\
  20. % \footnotesize{USB, Olympus...}};
  21. % \node (lena_software) [classifier, below of=lena, yshift = 5em] {LENA software\\
  22. % \footnotesize{Speaker type, Adult Word Count,}\\
  23. % \footnotesize{Child Vocalization Count, Conversational Turn Count}};
  24. % \node [txt, below of=lena_software, yshift=10em] {\large{LENA commercial environment}};
  25. % \node (vtc) [classifier, below of=babylogger, xshift=8em, yshift = 7em] {Voice Type Classifier (VTC)\\
  26. % \footnotesize {speech detection, speaker type classification}};
  27. % \node (alice) [classifier, below of=vtc, yshift = 8em] {Automatic LInguistic Unit Count Estimator (ALICE)\\
  28. % \footnotesize {phoneme, syllable and word counts}};
  29. % \node (seshat) [annotator, below of=lena_software, xshift=15em, yshift = 2em] {Seshat\\
  30. % \footnotesize{web-based annotator}\\
  31. % \footnotesize{inter-rater reliability}};
  32. % \node (zooniverse) [annotator,right of=seshat] {Zooniverse\\
  33. % \footnotesize{crowd-sourced classification tasks}};
  34. % \node (elan) [annotator, left of=seshat] {ELAN\\
  35. % \footnotesize{annotation software}};
  36. % \node (das) [annotator, below of=elan, yshift = 10em] {ACLEW DAS\\
  37. % \footnotesize{annotation scheme}};
  38. % \node (recorders) [title,right of=others] {Recording device};
  39. % \node (classifiers) [title,below of=recorders, yshift=3em] {Automatic annotation};
  40. % \node (annotators) [title,below of=classifiers, yshift=3em] {Manual annotation};
  41. % % Specification of lines between nodes specified above
  42. % % with aditional nodes for description
  43. % \draw[->] (lena) -- (lena_software);
  44. % \draw[->] (vtc) -- (alice);
  45. % \draw[->] (elan) -- (das);
  46. % \draw [draw=black,dashed] ($(lena.north west) + (-2,0.5)$) rectangle ($(lena_software.south east) + (1,-1.5)$);
  47. \node (media) [recorder] {
  48. \Large \textbf{Media} \normalsize \\
  49. ($\sim 10^2$ to $10^4$ hours) \\
  50. \framebox{
  51. {\begin{varwidth}{\linewidth}\begin{itemize}
  52. \item Audio (up to 24 hours \\ per recording)
  53. \item Video (up to 30 minutes \\ per recording)
  54. \item Accelerometer data (xyz)
  55. \item etc.
  56. \end{itemize}\end{varwidth}}
  57. }};
  58. \node (annotations) [annotator,shape=rectangle,draw,right of=media] {
  59. \Large \textbf{Annotations} \normalsize \\
  60. ($\sim 10^5$ to $10^7$ segments)\\ \\
  61. \begin{tabular}{l r}
  62. \textbf{manual} & \textbf{automated}\\
  63. \multicolumn{2}{c}{who-speaks-when} \\
  64. \multicolumn{2}{c}{linguistic units} \\
  65. \multicolumn{2}{c}{vocal maturity} \\
  66. speech directedness & \\
  67. transcriptions & \\
  68. \end{tabular}
  69. };
  70. \node (metadata) at ($(media)!0.5!(annotations)-(0,3)$) [meta,shape=rectangle,draw] {
  71. \Large \textbf{Metadata} \normalsize \\ \\
  72. \framebox{
  73. {\begin{varwidth}{\linewidth}\begin{itemize}
  74. \item Recordings date and time, type of device, etc.
  75. \item Child date of birth, gender, normativity, etc.
  76. \item Socio-economic status, location, language(s), household size, etc.
  77. \item Questionnaires
  78. \end{itemize}\end{varwidth}}
  79. }};
  80. \end{tikzpicture}