all: main.pdf # This rule is executed last, and renders the full PDF from the manuscript with latexmk. # The -g flag is used to *always* process the document, even if no changes have been made to it. main.pdf: main.tex references.bib Fig4.pdf Fig5.pdf latexmk -pdf -g $< Fig4.pdf: code/ scores.csv code/ vandam-data Fig5.pdf: code/ vandam-data/annotations/its/converted/*.csv vandam-data/annotations/vtc/converted/*.csv code/ vandam-data scores.csv: vandam-data/annotations/its/converted/*.csv vandam-data/annotations/vtc/converted/*.csv code/ vandam-data vandam-data/annotations/its/converted/*.csv: datalad get vandam-data/annotations/its/converted vandam-data/annotations/vtc/converted/*.csv: datalad get vandam-data/annotations/vtc/converted # This rule cleans up temporary LaTeX files, and result and PDF files clean: rm -f main.bbl main.aux main.blg main.log main.out main.pdf main.tdo main.fls main.fdb_latexmk texput.log *-eps-converted-to.pdf scores.csv datalad drop vandam-data/annotations/its/converted datalad drop vandam-data/annotations/vtc/converted