File type = "ooTextFile" Object class = "TextGrid" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 297.696000 tiers? size = 3 item []: item [1]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "FAT" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 297.696000 intervals: size = 117 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 1.343000 text = "amazing ." intervals [2]: xmin = 1.343000 xmax = 3.922000 text = "you really are a wizard cried Alexander ." intervals [3]: xmin = 3.922000 xmax = 4.718000 text = "" intervals [4]: xmin = 4.718000 xmax = 5.593000 text = "make fly ?" intervals [5]: xmin = 5.593000 xmax = 7.140000 text = "not now said the bird ." intervals [6]: xmin = 7.140000 xmax = 8.968000 text = "now you can go to sleep ." intervals [7]: xmin = 8.968000 xmax = 10.640000 text = "oh ." intervals [8]: xmin = 10.640000 xmax = 12.812000 text = "but you'll come right back again right ?" intervals [9]: xmin = 12.812000 xmax = 15.981000 text = "but you'll come back again right asked Alexander ?" intervals [10]: xmin = 15.981000 xmax = 16.899000 text = "I might ." intervals [11]: xmin = 16.899000 xmax = 19.321000 text = "I like to make you happy ." intervals [12]: xmin = 19.321000 xmax = 22.650000 text = "but remember there are good and bad wizards ." intervals [13]: xmin = 22.650000 xmax = 26.415000 text = "sometimes it's hard to tell a friend from a foe ." intervals [14]: xmin = 26.415000 xmax = 29.118000 text = "until next time good bye ." intervals [15]: xmin = 29.118000 xmax = 30.868000 text = "succotash succotash ." intervals [16]: xmin = 30.868000 xmax = 34.587000 text = "very excited Alexander woke his brothers and sisters ." intervals [17]: xmin = 34.587000 xmax = 35.869000 text = "" intervals [18]: xmin = 35.869000 xmax = 36.868000 text = "a magic bird ." intervals [19]: xmin = 36.868000 xmax = 37.915000 text = "a magic word bird ." intervals [20]: xmin = 37.915000 xmax = 39.243000 text = "you were dreaming ." intervals [21]: xmin = 39.243000 xmax = 39.993000 text = "no it's true ." intervals [22]: xmin = 39.993000 xmax = 41.712000 text = "he made me float in the air ." intervals [23]: xmin = 41.712000 xmax = 44.399000 text = "go back to bed ." intervals [24]: xmin = 44.399000 xmax = 45.290000 text = "cried Paul ." intervals [25]: xmin = 45.290000 xmax = 51.025000 text = "the following day the whole family went hiking in the mountains ." intervals [26]: xmin = 51.025000 xmax = 54.774000 text = "little Isabella was ahead she loved to be first ." intervals [27]: xmin = 54.774000 xmax = 58.290000 text = "and Alexander follow ." intervals [28]: xmin = 58.290000 xmax = 61.321000 text = "" intervals [29]: xmin = 61.321000 xmax = 65.212000 text = "suddenly the sky grew dark and it started to rain ." intervals [30]: xmin = 65.212000 xmax = 66.946000 text = "rushed ." intervals [31]: xmin = 66.946000 xmax = 70.196000 text = "" intervals [32]: xmin = 70.196000 xmax = 76.696000 text = "the shower was brief and the family left the cave soon ." intervals [33]: xmin = 76.696000 xmax = 80.071000 text = "but as they did a big bird flew out of the cave overhead ." intervals [34]: xmin = 80.071000 xmax = 81.697000 text = "" intervals [35]: xmin = 81.697000 xmax = 82.775000 text = "succotash succotash." intervals [36]: xmin = 82.775000 xmax = 84.493000 text = "that's my wizard cried Alexander ." intervals [37]: xmin = 84.493000 xmax = 86.149000 text = "" intervals [38]: xmin = 86.149000 xmax = 87.712000 text = "Alexander come back ." intervals [39]: xmin = 87.712000 xmax = 88.899000 text = "" intervals [40]: xmin = 88.899000 xmax = 91.118000 text = "said Babar but he was already far away ." intervals [41]: xmin = 91.118000 xmax = 91.743000 text = "" intervals [42]: xmin = 91.743000 xmax = 95.275000 text = "Alexander ran and he ." intervals [43]: xmin = 95.275000 xmax = 97.994000 text = "this morning ." intervals [44]: xmin = 97.994000 xmax = 99.962000 text = "" intervals [45]: xmin = 99.962000 xmax = 102.400000 text = "it's my evening outfit ." intervals [46]: xmin = 102.400000 xmax = 104.697000 text = "it's my evening outfit so I shine like the star ." intervals [47]: xmin = 104.697000 xmax = 106.071000 text = "can I play again ?" intervals [48]: xmin = 106.071000 xmax = 107.421000 text = "asked Alexander ." intervals [49]: xmin = 107.421000 xmax = 109.171000 text = "of course I can make you big or small ." intervals [50]: xmin = 109.171000 xmax = 109.415000 text = "" intervals [51]: xmin = 109.415000 xmax = 110.525000 text = "which do you want ?" intervals [52]: xmin = 110.525000 xmax = 111.447000 text = "big big as the tree ." intervals [53]: xmin = 111.447000 xmax = 114.196000 text = "" intervals [54]: xmin = 114.196000 xmax = 115.118000 text = "can you get a blanket Sicilia ?" intervals [55]: xmin = 115.118000 xmax = 115.822000 text = "that's her issue ." intervals [56]: xmin = 115.822000 xmax = 117.400000 text = "it't on the floor ." intervals [57]: xmin = 117.400000 xmax = 126.755000 text = "" intervals [58]: xmin = 126.755000 xmax = 128.833000 text = "cried the bird ." intervals [59]: xmin = 128.833000 xmax = 131.415000 text = "" intervals [60]: xmin = 131.415000 xmax = 133.275000 text = "he got bigger and bigger and bigger ." intervals [61]: xmin = 133.275000 xmax = 134.446000 text = "he was taller than the pine tree ." intervals [62]: xmin = 134.446000 xmax = 136.165000 text = "but still he got bigger ." intervals [63]: xmin = 136.165000 xmax = 138.275000 text = "now he as big as a ." intervals [64]: xmin = 138.275000 xmax = 139.571000 text = "he could barely see his grandma down there ." intervals [65]: xmin = 139.571000 xmax = 142.400000 text = "stop stop he cried in horror ." intervals [66]: xmin = 142.400000 xmax = 146.775000 text = "I changed my mind make me small ." intervals [67]: xmin = 146.775000 xmax = 149.650000 text = "immediately Alexander dropped to the ground ." intervals [68]: xmin = 149.650000 xmax = 153.465000 text = "like a stone and he was smaller than a squirel ." intervals [69]: xmin = 153.465000 xmax = 156.793000 text = "so small he had to look up to see the flowers ." intervals [70]: xmin = 156.793000 xmax = 162.168000 text = "then he saw beaver and thought it was a monster ." intervals [71]: xmin = 162.168000 xmax = 163.059000 text = "" intervals [72]: xmin = 163.059000 xmax = 163.965000 text = "he fell backwards into the lake ." intervals [73]: xmin = 163.965000 xmax = 165.168000 text = "poor Alexander ." intervals [74]: xmin = 165.168000 xmax = 167.122000 text = "" intervals [75]: xmin = 167.122000 xmax = 168.762000 text = "he where was the wizard ?" intervals [76]: xmin = 168.762000 xmax = 173.918000 text = "luckily a frog noticed him ." intervals [77]: xmin = 173.918000 xmax = 176.840000 text = "in the water and pulled him onto a lilly pad ." intervals [78]: xmin = 176.840000 xmax = 180.434000 text = "he rode Alexander to the land and said kindly ." intervals [79]: xmin = 180.434000 xmax = 182.246000 text = "the dragonfly will lead you to your parents ." intervals [80]: xmin = 182.246000 xmax = 185.590000 text = "but Alexander got lost in the forest ." intervals [81]: xmin = 185.590000 xmax = 189.309000 text = "oh mom and dad where are you he said ." intervals [82]: xmin = 189.309000 xmax = 191.255000 text = "" intervals [83]: xmin = 191.255000 xmax = 192.806000 text = "you don't need that Natasha thank you ." intervals [84]: xmin = 192.806000 xmax = 199.339000 text = "" intervals [85]: xmin = 199.339000 xmax = 204.464000 text = "meanwhile Babar Cilest Paul and were looking for him ." intervals [86]: xmin = 204.464000 xmax = 208.339000 text = "they searched behind ever bush and ever rock shouting ." intervals [87]: xmin = 208.339000 xmax = 210.636000 text = "Alexander Alexander !" intervals [88]: xmin = 210.636000 xmax = 215.511000 text = "Babar had called his friend Cornelius who was airlifted immediately ." intervals [89]: xmin = 215.511000 xmax = 219.168000 text = "his helicopter was searching from high up in the sky ." intervals [90]: xmin = 219.168000 xmax = 225.308000 text = "Cileste sat on a rock in dispair ." intervals [91]: xmin = 225.308000 xmax = 227.683000 text = "where are you my little boy she sighed ." intervals [92]: xmin = 227.683000 xmax = 229.871000 text = "mommy here he cried pulling on her skirt ." intervals [93]: xmin = 229.871000 xmax = 232.745000 text = "Cileste tried not to show how scared she was ." intervals [94]: xmin = 232.745000 xmax = 235.464000 text = "she picked him up gently ." intervals [95]: xmin = 235.464000 xmax = 240.495000 text = "" intervals [96]: xmin = 240.495000 xmax = 242.745000 text = "Babar Cornelius I found him come quick ." intervals [97]: xmin = 242.745000 xmax = 245.870000 text = "alexander had hardly time to explain what happened ." intervals [98]: xmin = 245.870000 xmax = 249.339000 text = "when he heard tash succotash two birds where fighting overhead ." intervals [99]: xmin = 249.339000 xmax = 253.136000 text = "ahah cried Cornilius your wizard did not change his clothes Alexander ." intervals [100]: xmin = 253.136000 xmax = 255.870000 text = "there are two birds both cried succotash ." intervals [101]: xmin = 255.870000 xmax = 258.558000 text = "that is what confused you ." intervals [102]: xmin = 258.558000 xmax = 261.386000 text = "brown and yellow feathers fell to the ground ." intervals [103]: xmin = 261.386000 xmax = 265.286000 text = "succotash cried what have you done now ?" intervals [104]: xmin = 265.286000 xmax = 266.238000 text = "shame on you ." intervals [105]: xmin = 266.238000 xmax = 266.433000 text = "" intervals [106]: xmin = 266.433000 xmax = 268.667000 text = "you never stop making trouble ." intervals [107]: xmin = 268.667000 xmax = 270.464000 text = "you disgrace all of us wizarads ." intervals [108]: xmin = 270.464000 xmax = 272.371000 text = "turn Alexander back to the size he was ." intervals [109]: xmin = 272.371000 xmax = 274.964000 text = "or I'll turn you into a pile of feathers ." intervals [110]: xmin = 274.964000 xmax = 277.620000 text = "it was just a joke whined the Mischief Maker ." intervals [111]: xmin = 277.620000 xmax = 281.167000 text = "and zip Alexander was the same size again ." intervals [112]: xmin = 281.167000 xmax = 283.871000 text = "everybody hugged and kissed him ." intervals [113]: xmin = 283.871000 xmax = 287.628000 text = "r o t i /." intervals [114]: xmin = 287.628000 xmax = 288.143000 text = "" intervals [115]: xmin = 288.143000 xmax = 289.893000 text = "e r i e ." intervals [116]: xmin = 289.893000 xmax = 294.995000 text = "" intervals [117]: xmin = 294.995000 xmax = 297.696000 text = "I'm going to make you small for a while ." item [2]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "MOT" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 297.696000 intervals: size = 3 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 192.806000 text = "" intervals [2]: xmin = 192.806000 xmax = 199.150000 text = "Caesar come here ." intervals [3]: xmin = 199.150000 xmax = 297.696000 text = "" item [3]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "SIS" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 297.696000 intervals: size = 7 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 122.868000 text = "" intervals [2]: xmin = 122.868000 xmax = 124.743000 text = "peekaboo ." intervals [3]: xmin = 124.743000 xmax = 126.130000 text = "" intervals [4]: xmin = 126.130000 xmax = 126.755000 text = "peekaboo ." intervals [5]: xmin = 126.755000 xmax = 290.745000 text = "" intervals [6]: xmin = 290.745000 xmax = 294.995000 text = "what'd you put in there ?" intervals [7]: xmin = 294.995000 xmax = 297.696000 text = ""