File type = "ooTextFile" Object class = "TextGrid" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 317.852000 tiers? size = 3 item []: item [1]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "FAT" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 317.852000 intervals: size = 15 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 31.375000 text = "" intervals [2]: xmin = 31.375000 xmax = 33.297000 text = "that was a good one wasn't it mommy ?" intervals [3]: xmin = 33.297000 xmax = 34.875000 text = "" intervals [4]: xmin = 34.875000 xmax = 35.547000 text = "she picked that one out ." intervals [5]: xmin = 35.547000 xmax = 44.824000 text = "" intervals [6]: xmin = 44.824000 xmax = 46.106000 text = "that was fifteen minutes for you ." intervals [7]: xmin = 46.106000 xmax = 86.153000 text = "" intervals [8]: xmin = 86.153000 xmax = 87.387000 text = "keep looking at it ." intervals [9]: xmin = 87.387000 xmax = 97.402000 text = "" intervals [10]: xmin = 97.402000 xmax = 98.668000 text = "put your feet down Sicilia ." intervals [11]: xmin = 98.668000 xmax = 150.445000 text = "" intervals [12]: xmin = 150.445000 xmax = 151.524000 text = "a house ." intervals [13]: xmin = 151.524000 xmax = 284.241000 text = "" intervals [14]: xmin = 284.241000 xmax = 285.350000 text = "leave her alone ." intervals [15]: xmin = 285.350000 xmax = 317.852000 text = "" item [2]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "MOT" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 317.852000 intervals: size = 105 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 4.344000 text = "Henry ruled his kingdom with fairness and wisdom ." intervals [2]: xmin = 4.344000 xmax = 9.813000 text = "he married a beautiful princess and together they raised two lovely children ." intervals [3]: xmin = 9.813000 xmax = 11.469000 text = "that's us ." intervals [4]: xmin = 11.469000 xmax = 16.000000 text = "Prince Henry and Princess Penelope ." intervals [5]: xmin = 16.000000 xmax = 28.719000 text = "yes and with you two the nurse maid added king henry and your mother will live happily ever after ." intervals [6]: xmin = 28.719000 xmax = 33.297000 text = "" intervals [7]: xmin = 33.297000 xmax = 34.875000 text = "it was a good one ." intervals [8]: xmin = 34.875000 xmax = 36.625000 text = "" intervals [9]: xmin = 36.625000 xmax = 39.422000 text = "mad mad toy craze ." intervals [10]: xmin = 39.422000 xmax = 41.684000 text = "we have berry bubbies ." intervals [11]: xmin = 41.684000 xmax = 46.106000 text = "" intervals [12]: xmin = 46.106000 xmax = 48.777000 text = "mad mad toy craze ." intervals [13]: xmin = 48.777000 xmax = 52.524000 text = "the little bears want the same toys as their friends ." intervals [14]: xmin = 52.524000 xmax = 57.758000 text = "they may hook into a craze that just this never ends ." intervals [15]: xmin = 57.758000 xmax = 60.027000 text = "mad mad mad mad ." intervals [16]: xmin = 60.027000 xmax = 66.219000 text = "the Berenstein bears mad mad mad toy craze ." intervals [17]: xmin = 66.219000 xmax = 67.855000 text = "" intervals [18]: xmin = 67.855000 xmax = 72.731000 text = "it was a calm and peaceful afternoon in bear country ." intervals [19]: xmin = 72.731000 xmax = 79.152000 text = "it was calm and peaceful outside the bear family's treehouse ." intervals [20]: xmin = 79.152000 xmax = 83.230000 text = "where the tulips were blooming and the grass was growing ." intervals [21]: xmin = 83.230000 xmax = 84.574000 text = "are you going to look at the book or not ?" intervals [22]: xmin = 84.574000 xmax = 87.387000 text = "" intervals [23]: xmin = 87.387000 xmax = 90.087000 text = "it was calm and peaceful inside the treehouse ." intervals [24]: xmin = 90.087000 xmax = 97.402000 text = "where papa bear was reading the afternoon paper and momma bear was checking out the tv schedule ." intervals [25]: xmin = 97.402000 xmax = 98.668000 text = "" intervals [26]: xmin = 98.668000 xmax = 99.402000 text = "thank you ." intervals [27]: xmin = 99.402000 xmax = 99.730000 text = "" intervals [28]: xmin = 99.730000 xmax = 108.402000 text = "but it was all over for peace and calm when brother and sister came tearing home ." intervals [29]: xmin = 108.402000 xmax = 112.011000 text = "they ran up the front steps and burst into the living room ." intervals [30]: xmin = 112.011000 xmax = 113.855000 text = "all excited ." intervals [31]: xmin = 113.855000 xmax = 117.434000 text = "and so out of breath they could hardly talk ." intervals [32]: xmin = 117.434000 xmax = 119.848000 text = "papa mama they gasped ." intervals [33]: xmin = 119.848000 xmax = 120.973000 text = "we need it ." intervals [34]: xmin = 120.973000 xmax = 122.427000 text = "we got to have it ." intervals [35]: xmin = 122.427000 xmax = 122.512000 text = "" intervals [36]: xmin = 122.512000 xmax = 124.808000 text = "we absolutely got to ." intervals [37]: xmin = 124.808000 xmax = 128.262000 text = "now hold everything ." intervals [38]: xmin = 128.262000 xmax = 129.230000 text = "said papa ." intervals [39]: xmin = 129.230000 xmax = 138.261000 text = "just calm down and tell me just what it is that you need and absolutely got to have ." intervals [40]: xmin = 138.261000 xmax = 141.569000 text = "there's nothing that you got to have right ?" intervals [41]: xmin = 141.569000 xmax = 142.290000 text = "" intervals [42]: xmin = 142.290000 xmax = 143.243000 text = "no ." intervals [43]: xmin = 143.243000 xmax = 143.472000 text = "" intervals [44]: xmin = 143.472000 xmax = 145.378000 text = "you got to have water ." intervals [45]: xmin = 145.378000 xmax = 146.581000 text = "you got to have air ." intervals [46]: xmin = 146.581000 xmax = 149.476000 text = "and you got to have food and clothing and shelter ." intervals [47]: xmin = 149.476000 xmax = 151.524000 text = "" intervals [48]: xmin = 151.524000 xmax = 152.476000 text = "a home to live in ." intervals [49]: xmin = 152.476000 xmax = 153.789000 text = "okay ?" intervals [50]: xmin = 153.789000 xmax = 154.399000 text = "" intervals [51]: xmin = 154.399000 xmax = 157.774000 text = "an advance ." intervals [52]: xmin = 157.774000 xmax = 159.728000 text = "sputtered brother ." intervals [53]: xmin = 159.728000 xmax = 159.992000 text = "" intervals [54]: xmin = 159.992000 xmax = 160.918000 text = "that's right ." intervals [55]: xmin = 160.918000 xmax = 162.355000 text = "gasped sister ." intervals [56]: xmin = 162.355000 xmax = 167.414000 text = "an advance on our allowance and if we don't get it Herbs Hobby Shop is going to run out ." intervals [57]: xmin = 167.414000 xmax = 170.899000 text = "going to run out of what ?" intervals [58]: xmin = 170.899000 xmax = 172.039000 text = "asked papa ." intervals [59]: xmin = 172.039000 xmax = 174.658000 text = "why berry bubbies of course ." intervals [60]: xmin = 174.658000 xmax = 176.189000 text = "said sister ." intervals [61]: xmin = 176.189000 xmax = 176.195000 text = "" intervals [62]: xmin = 176.195000 xmax = 185.398000 text = "and what may I ask are boonie berry boobie bubbies ?" intervals [63]: xmin = 185.398000 xmax = 187.977000 text = "whatever that was you said ." intervals [64]: xmin = 187.977000 xmax = 192.363000 text = "" intervals [65]: xmin = 192.363000 xmax = 194.785000 text = "berry bubbies papa said brother ." intervals [66]: xmin = 194.785000 xmax = 196.285000 text = "they're terrific ." intervals [67]: xmin = 196.285000 xmax = 198.863000 text = "they're great they're fabulous ." intervals [68]: xmin = 198.863000 xmax = 199.226000 text = "" intervals [69]: xmin = 199.226000 xmax = 201.664000 text = "and they're cute and adorable ." intervals [70]: xmin = 201.664000 xmax = 202.664000 text = "said sister ." intervals [71]: xmin = 202.664000 xmax = 206.570000 text = "and each one is different and each one has its own name ." intervals [72]: xmin = 206.570000 xmax = 210.070000 text = "cousin Fred already has six of them ." intervals [73]: xmin = 210.070000 xmax = 211.102000 text = "said brother ." intervals [74]: xmin = 211.102000 xmax = 214.727000 text = "Lizzie has eight and Queenie has ten ." intervals [75]: xmin = 214.727000 xmax = 215.617000 text = "said sister ." intervals [76]: xmin = 215.617000 xmax = 218.273000 text = "well said Papa ." intervals [77]: xmin = 218.273000 xmax = 221.280000 text = "reaching for his wallet and taking out some money ." intervals [78]: xmin = 221.280000 xmax = 226.920000 text = "far be it from me to deprive my cubs of boobie berries ." intervals [79]: xmin = 226.920000 xmax = 229.821000 text = "" intervals [80]: xmin = 229.821000 xmax = 236.148000 text = "the money and the cubs disapeared so fast you'd have thought it was a magic act ." intervals [81]: xmin = 236.148000 xmax = 240.852000 text = "well said a bewildered Papa ." intervals [82]: xmin = 240.852000 xmax = 244.414000 text = "what do you suppose that was about ?" intervals [83]: xmin = 244.414000 xmax = 249.149000 text = "come to think of it said Mama ." intervals [84]: xmin = 249.149000 xmax = 254.242000 text = "I did see a sign oh Herb's Hobby Shop window ." intervals [85]: xmin = 254.242000 xmax = 260.570000 text = "it said we have berry bubbies two dollars and ninety-five cents ." intervals [86]: xmin = 260.570000 xmax = 264.742000 text = "I didn't think much about it ." intervals [87]: xmin = 264.742000 xmax = 268.320000 text = "but I suppose that's what the cubs are talking about ." intervals [88]: xmin = 268.320000 xmax = 274.289000 text = "talking about is putting it mildly ." intervals [89]: xmin = 274.289000 xmax = 276.117000 text = "said Papa ." intervals [90]: xmin = 276.117000 xmax = 278.852000 text = "they were flipping out about it ." intervals [91]: xmin = 278.852000 xmax = 280.368000 text = "don't do that please ." intervals [92]: xmin = 280.368000 xmax = 282.046000 text = "please don't ." intervals [93]: xmin = 282.046000 xmax = 283.047000 text = "" intervals [94]: xmin = 283.047000 xmax = 284.241000 text = "don't please ." intervals [95]: xmin = 284.241000 xmax = 285.602000 text = "" intervals [96]: xmin = 285.602000 xmax = 288.242000 text = "they were through the roof about it ." intervals [97]: xmin = 288.242000 xmax = 289.352000 text = "they sighed ." intervals [98]: xmin = 289.352000 xmax = 295.227000 text = "it's just amazing to me he said as he ." intervals [99]: xmin = 295.227000 xmax = 302.273000 text = "how otherwise sensible cubs can get pulled into any silly thing that comes along ." intervals [100]: xmin = 302.273000 xmax = 304.977000 text = "I suppose ." intervals [101]: xmin = 304.977000 xmax = 305.727000 text = "said Mama ." intervals [102]: xmin = 305.727000 xmax = 309.165000 text = "and she went backc to the tv schedule ." intervals [103]: xmin = 309.165000 xmax = 310.861000 text = "" intervals [104]: xmin = 310.861000 xmax = 313.049000 text = "it's something that tells you what's on tv ." intervals [105]: xmin = 313.049000 xmax = 317.852000 text = "the cubs ran all the way to Herb's Hobby Shop ." item [3]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "SIS" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 317.852000 intervals: size = 17 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 28.719000 text = "" intervals [2]: xmin = 28.719000 xmax = 31.375000 text = "can we read another one ?" intervals [3]: xmin = 31.375000 xmax = 35.547000 text = "" intervals [4]: xmin = 35.547000 xmax = 36.625000 text = "that one ." intervals [5]: xmin = 36.625000 xmax = 84.574000 text = "" intervals [6]: xmin = 84.574000 xmax = 86.153000 text = "I heard it ." intervals [7]: xmin = 86.153000 xmax = 141.569000 text = "" intervals [8]: xmin = 141.569000 xmax = 142.290000 text = "yes I do !" intervals [9]: xmin = 142.290000 xmax = 149.476000 text = "" intervals [10]: xmin = 149.476000 xmax = 150.445000 text = "What's shelter ?" intervals [11]: xmin = 150.445000 xmax = 153.789000 text = "" intervals [12]: xmin = 153.789000 xmax = 154.399000 text = "mhmm ." intervals [13]: xmin = 154.399000 xmax = 226.920000 text = "" intervals [14]: xmin = 226.920000 xmax = 229.702000 text = "no bubbie berries ." intervals [15]: xmin = 229.702000 xmax = 309.165000 text = "" intervals [16]: xmin = 309.165000 xmax = 310.861000 text = "what's a tv schedule ?" intervals [17]: xmin = 310.861000 xmax = 317.852000 text = ""