File type = "ooTextFile" Object class = "TextGrid" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 1018.448000 tiers? size = 3 item []: item [1]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "CHI" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 1018.448000 intervals: size = 8 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 673.672000 text = "" intervals [2]: xmin = 673.672000 xmax = 674.640000 text = "ah!" intervals [3]: xmin = 674.640000 xmax = 676.270000 text = "ah!" intervals [4]: xmin = 676.270000 xmax = 690.914000 text = "" intervals [5]: xmin = 690.914000 xmax = 694.039000 text = "ah !" intervals [6]: xmin = 694.039000 xmax = 864.275000 text = "" intervals [7]: xmin = 864.275000 xmax = 866.572000 text = "ah !" intervals [8]: xmin = 866.572000 xmax = 1018.448000 text = "" item [2]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "FAT" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 1018.448000 intervals: size = 28 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 152.064000 text = "" intervals [2]: xmin = 152.064000 xmax = 154.626000 text = "let's go play for a while ." intervals [3]: xmin = 154.626000 xmax = 157.049000 text = "" intervals [4]: xmin = 157.049000 xmax = 159.096000 text = "here's your baby doll ." intervals [5]: xmin = 159.096000 xmax = 443.592000 text = "" intervals [6]: xmin = 443.592000 xmax = 449.437000 text = "come here Natasha ." intervals [7]: xmin = 449.437000 xmax = 452.357000 text = "come to daddy ." intervals [8]: xmin = 452.357000 xmax = 615.279000 text = "" intervals [9]: xmin = 615.279000 xmax = 619.326000 text = "what's wrong ?" intervals [10]: xmin = 619.326000 xmax = 620.701000 text = "" intervals [11]: xmin = 620.701000 xmax = 621.576000 text = "mhmm ." intervals [12]: xmin = 621.576000 xmax = 623.654000 text = "these aren't for you ." intervals [13]: xmin = 623.654000 xmax = 626.732000 text = "you don't have teeth for these ." intervals [14]: xmin = 626.732000 xmax = 679.284000 text = "" intervals [15]: xmin = 679.284000 xmax = 680.289000 text = "you don't have enough teeth ." intervals [16]: xmin = 680.289000 xmax = 681.461000 text = "" intervals [17]: xmin = 681.461000 xmax = 688.743000 text = "you need the molars ." intervals [18]: xmin = 688.743000 xmax = 689.414000 text = "you need these ." intervals [19]: xmin = 689.414000 xmax = 933.276000 text = "" intervals [20]: xmin = 933.276000 xmax = 940.354000 text = "then Natasha took a nap so we took a little nap ." intervals [21]: xmin = 940.354000 xmax = 945.323000 text = "then Natasha we went to the store and got some groceries ." intervals [22]: xmin = 945.323000 xmax = 952.948000 text = "and then as soon as she gets home were going to ." intervals [23]: xmin = 952.948000 xmax = 982.992000 text = "" intervals [24]: xmin = 982.992000 xmax = 986.071000 text = "we got like twenty four dozen we got two dozen ears of corn downstairs ." intervals [25]: xmin = 986.071000 xmax = 989.150000 text = "I'm not going to but any corn for a while ." intervals [26]: xmin = 989.150000 xmax = 991.197000 text = "" intervals [27]: xmin = 991.197000 xmax = 992.401000 text = "Jackie bought two and I bought one ." intervals [28]: xmin = 992.401000 xmax = 1018.448000 text = "" item [3]: class = "IntervalTier" name = "MOT" xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 1018.448000 intervals: size = 111 intervals [1]: xmin = 0.000000 xmax = 1.500000 text = "good ." intervals [2]: xmin = 1.500000 xmax = 4.000000 text = "" intervals [3]: xmin = 4.000000 xmax = 5.781000 text = "just fine Natasha wants to say hello ." intervals [4]: xmin = 5.781000 xmax = 7.171000 text = "say hello ." intervals [5]: xmin = 7.171000 xmax = 11.375000 text = "" intervals [6]: xmin = 11.375000 xmax = 12.000000 text = "blow kisses ." intervals [7]: xmin = 12.000000 xmax = 13.500000 text = "say ." intervals [8]: xmin = 13.500000 xmax = 15.656000 text = "say I love you ." intervals [9]: xmin = 15.656000 xmax = 16.656000 text = "" intervals [10]: xmin = 16.656000 xmax = 17.828000 text = "say I love you ." intervals [11]: xmin = 17.828000 xmax = 21.454000 text = "" intervals [12]: xmin = 21.454000 xmax = 22.281000 text = "she's pretty talkative ." intervals [13]: xmin = 22.281000 xmax = 26.469000 text = "her sister's asleep so she can ." intervals [14]: xmin = 26.469000 xmax = 28.328000 text = "" intervals [15]: xmin = 28.328000 xmax = 29.906000 text = "anyway how are you guys ?" intervals [16]: xmin = 29.906000 xmax = 39.624000 text = "oh did you ?" intervals [17]: xmin = 39.624000 xmax = 46.328000 text = "" intervals [18]: xmin = 46.328000 xmax = 47.125000 text = "oh ." intervals [19]: xmin = 47.125000 xmax = 54.920000 text = "" intervals [20]: xmin = 54.920000 xmax = 56.201000 text = "oh ." intervals [21]: xmin = 56.201000 xmax = 62.217000 text = "" intervals [22]: xmin = 62.217000 xmax = 65.451000 text = "right ." intervals [23]: xmin = 65.451000 xmax = 73.405000 text = "" intervals [24]: xmin = 73.405000 xmax = 76.905000 text = "well yeah ." intervals [25]: xmin = 76.905000 xmax = 82.326000 text = "coming up the hill ." intervals [26]: xmin = 82.326000 xmax = 86.905000 text = "yeah ." intervals [27]: xmin = 86.905000 xmax = 93.828000 text = "mhmm ." intervals [28]: xmin = 93.828000 xmax = 106.030000 text = "oh really ?" intervals [29]: xmin = 106.030000 xmax = 125.002000 text = "" intervals [30]: xmin = 125.002000 xmax = 127.002000 text = "huh ." intervals [31]: xmin = 127.002000 xmax = 127.720000 text = "" intervals [32]: xmin = 127.720000 xmax = 129.221000 text = "did you go in the north entrance ?" intervals [33]: xmin = 129.221000 xmax = 133.673000 text = "oh ." intervals [34]: xmin = 133.673000 xmax = 137.392000 text = "oh oh ." intervals [35]: xmin = 137.392000 xmax = 146.939000 text = "can you take her and put her over there please ?" intervals [36]: xmin = 146.939000 xmax = 541.315000 text = "" intervals [37]: xmin = 541.315000 xmax = 545.904000 text = "um the hour I mean the books the number of books ." intervals [38]: xmin = 545.904000 xmax = 552.653000 text = "because we talked to the librarian and they don't carry a lot of level one books ." intervals [39]: xmin = 552.653000 xmax = 563.529000 text = "they carry some but with the summer reading program they're always checked out ." intervals [40]: xmin = 563.529000 xmax = 568.795000 text = "um when she gets to level two there's more selection ." intervals [41]: xmin = 568.795000 xmax = 572.704000 text = "and um we so ..." intervals [42]: xmin = 572.704000 xmax = 574.157000 text = "" intervals [43]: xmin = 574.157000 xmax = 580.657000 text = "this time she got um Franklin do you know who Franklin is ?" intervals [44]: xmin = 580.657000 xmax = 580.982000 text = "" intervals [45]: xmin = 580.982000 xmax = 586.654000 text = "he's a frog actually he's a turtle ." intervals [46]: xmin = 586.654000 xmax = 592.998000 text = "and um franklin has and she got two of those ." intervals [47]: xmin = 592.998000 xmax = 594.732000 text = "she got Babar ." intervals [48]: xmin = 594.732000 xmax = 602.326000 text = "and um and they've got Celestial and um Babar is an elephant." intervals [49]: xmin = 602.326000 xmax = 615.279000 text = "and anyways she got a Babar book ." intervals [50]: xmin = 615.279000 xmax = 626.732000 text = "" intervals [51]: xmin = 626.732000 xmax = 632.701000 text = "for sharing with emergent readers they're not level one ." intervals [52]: xmin = 632.701000 xmax = 638.576000 text = "these cray books if you bought them that's or seventeen eighty-nine ." intervals [53]: xmin = 638.576000 xmax = 645.404000 text = "and I'm like really its twenty nine pages but there's like one page has woof and one page has arf arf ." intervals [54]: xmin = 645.404000 xmax = 647.576000 text = "and it's like really you know ." intervals [55]: xmin = 647.576000 xmax = 651.915000 text = "so um but they're very simple books ." intervals [56]: xmin = 651.915000 xmax = 653.039000 text = "but she loves them ." intervals [57]: xmin = 653.039000 xmax = 653.633000 text = "" intervals [58]: xmin = 653.633000 xmax = 658.305000 text = "actually she's read I think this is her third ." intervals [59]: xmin = 658.305000 xmax = 663.213000 text = "it looks like there's about eleven of them ." intervals [60]: xmin = 663.213000 xmax = 670.587000 text = "so you know I mean shes got at least you know ?" intervals [61]: xmin = 670.587000 xmax = 671.665000 text = "" intervals [62]: xmin = 671.665000 xmax = 673.672000 text = "but we read them to her ." intervals [63]: xmin = 673.672000 xmax = 676.270000 text = "" intervals [64]: xmin = 676.270000 xmax = 679.284000 text = "and it took us about forty five minutes to /." intervals [65]: xmin = 679.284000 xmax = 680.289000 text = "" intervals [66]: xmin = 680.289000 xmax = 681.461000 text = "almost an hour ." intervals [67]: xmin = 681.461000 xmax = 696.133000 text = "" intervals [68]: xmin = 696.133000 xmax = 703.914000 text = "we're not doing its not what we're doing here ." intervals [69]: xmin = 703.914000 xmax = 709.743000 text = "yeah she's sitting there watching the pages be turned ." intervals [70]: xmin = 709.743000 xmax = 715.993000 text = "it's kinda funny we've worked with her enough she's got a couple books she turns the pages ." intervals [71]: xmin = 715.993000 xmax = 716.790000 text = "" intervals [72]: xmin = 716.790000 xmax = 728.790000 text = "but anyway what else oh the zoo ." intervals [73]: xmin = 728.790000 xmax = 733.931000 text = "um they have something at the zoo but we'll see if we're gonna do that ." intervals [74]: xmin = 733.931000 xmax = 736.961000 text = "um witht he library and thing ." intervals [75]: xmin = 736.961000 xmax = 743.868000 text = "we haven't decided they give you a free zoo pass ." intervals [76]: xmin = 743.868000 xmax = 744.930000 text = "for a kid ." intervals [77]: xmin = 744.930000 xmax = 749.258000 text = "you know we'd all go ." intervals [78]: xmin = 749.258000 xmax = 752.618000 text = "anyway ." intervals [79]: xmin = 752.618000 xmax = 767.336000 text = "" intervals [80]: xmin = 767.336000 xmax = 772.743000 text = "rubber and she puts it in her mouth and they she puts something else in her mouth and that drops out ." intervals [81]: xmin = 772.743000 xmax = 782.805000 text = "so um today she's doing the little ." intervals [82]: xmin = 782.805000 xmax = 786.243000 text = "so we started today ." intervals [83]: xmin = 786.243000 xmax = 787.633000 text = "then we'll do it every day for a year ." intervals [84]: xmin = 787.633000 xmax = 805.445000 text = "" intervals [85]: xmin = 805.445000 xmax = 813.977000 text = "are you drinking mine ?" intervals [86]: xmin = 813.977000 xmax = 828.117000 text = "" intervals [87]: xmin = 828.117000 xmax = 829.711000 text = "is daddy eating ?" intervals [88]: xmin = 829.711000 xmax = 833.258000 text = "those are mommy's ." intervals [89]: xmin = 833.258000 xmax = 837.773000 text = "" intervals [90]: xmin = 837.773000 xmax = 839.757000 text = "is that Caesar ?" intervals [91]: xmin = 839.757000 xmax = 844.712000 text = "" intervals [92]: xmin = 844.712000 xmax = 851.040000 text = "thank you ." intervals [93]: xmin = 851.040000 xmax = 853.289000 text = "thank you ." intervals [94]: xmin = 853.289000 xmax = 854.915000 text = "those are mommy's ." intervals [95]: xmin = 854.915000 xmax = 860.117000 text = "mommy's ." intervals [96]: xmin = 860.117000 xmax = 864.275000 text = "mommy's ." intervals [97]: xmin = 864.275000 xmax = 873.229000 text = "" intervals [98]: xmin = 873.229000 xmax = 899.354000 text = "she can actually do the crawl stroke and the back stroke ." intervals [99]: xmin = 899.354000 xmax = 901.276000 text = "" intervals [100]: xmin = 901.276000 xmax = 917.776000 text = "uh oh ." intervals [101]: xmin = 917.776000 xmax = 960.026000 text = "" intervals [102]: xmin = 960.026000 xmax = 961.041000 text = "tigatigatiga ." intervals [103]: xmin = 961.041000 xmax = 989.150000 text = "" intervals [104]: xmin = 989.150000 xmax = 989.979000 text = "I think we got three dozen ." intervals [105]: xmin = 989.979000 xmax = 991.197000 text = "because I bought two ." intervals [106]: xmin = 991.197000 xmax = 999.791000 text = "" intervals [107]: xmin = 999.791000 xmax = 1002.901000 text = "when it gets hard it's gooder ." intervals [108]: xmin = 1002.901000 xmax = 1004.229000 text = "better ." intervals [109]: xmin = 1004.229000 xmax = 1006.026000 text = "not gooder ." intervals [110]: xmin = 1006.026000 xmax = 1006.948000 text = "" intervals [111]: xmin = 1006.948000 xmax = 1018.448000 text = "she wants you to push her in the ."