Quellcode durchsuchen

Updated pipeline

William N. Havard vor 2 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 8 neuen und 5 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 8 5

+ 8 - 5

@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 # For each example directory (i.e. name of the directory is a date, 20221001, 20221002, etc.)
 for dir_name in $example_dir/*; do
     today=$( basename $dir_name );
+    echo -e "\t${today}"
     # Clone data set
     echo -e "\tCloning..."
     datalad install -r git@gin.g-node.org:/LAAC-LSCP/${dataset}.git
@@ -47,18 +49,19 @@ for dir_name in $example_dir/*; do
     echo -e "\tSaving and pushing"
     datalad save annotations/*/converted -m "Converted RAW annotations for date ${today}"
     datalad save metadata -m "Imported RAW annotations for date ${today}"
+    datalad push --to origin
     datalad unlock metadata
     # Compute turn annotations
     echo -e "\tComputing CONVERSATIONS annotations"
-    python scripts/URUMETRICS-CODE/compute_annotations/compute_annotations.py --annotation-type CONVERSATIONS --save-path annotations/conversations/raw/
+    python scripts/URUMETRICS-CODE/compute_annotations/compute_derived_annotations.py --annotation-type CONVERSATIONS --save-path annotations/conversations/raw/
     # Import turn annotations
     echo -e "\tImporting CONVERSATIONS annotations"
     python -u scripts/URUMETRICS-CODE/import_data/import_annotations.py --annotation-type CONVERSATIONS --annotation-file CONVERSATIONS_VTC_${today}.csv --recordings-from-annotation-file VTC_${today}.rttm
-    echo -e "\Computing ACOUSTIC annotations"
-    python scripts/URUMETRICS-CODE/compute_annotations/compute_annotations.py --annotation-type ACOUSTIC --save-path annotations/acoustic/raw/ --target-sr 16000
+    echo -e "\tComputing ACOUSTIC annotations"
+    python scripts/URUMETRICS-CODE/compute_annotations/compute_derived_annotations.py --annotation-type ACOUSTIC --save-path annotations/acoustic/raw/ --target-sr 16000
     # Import turn annotations
     echo -e "\tImporting ACOUSTIC annotations"
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ for dir_name in $example_dir/*; do
     echo -e "\tSaving and pushing"
     datalad save annotations/*/raw -m "Imported DERIVED RAW annotations for date ${today}"
     datalad save annotations/*/converted -m "Convected DERIVED annotations for date ${today}"
-    datalad save metadata -m "Imported DERIVEC CONVERTED annotations for date ${today}"
+    datalad save metadata -m "Imported DERIVED CONVERTED annotations for date ${today}"
     datalad unlock metadata
     # Compute metrics