@@ -1,2 +1,153 @@
-# lettersim-ot-rsa
+# Alphabetic Decision Task Analysis
+## Running the Analysis on Docker
+The easiest way to re-run these analyses without worrying about package versions is using a Docker container. For this you will need a [Docker installation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/).
+### 1. Build the Docker Image
+Set the working directory to the directory containing `Dockerfile`, then build an image, e.g., called `lettersim`:
+docker image build -t lettersim .
+This requires internet access. Building the image will automatically download the raw data in BIDS format from OpenNeuro (https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds005594) into the container.
+### 2. Mount a Volume
+Create a volume, e.g., called `vol1`, from which any outputs can be retrieved:
+docker volume create vol1
+### 3. Run a Script in a Container
+#### Run Script Non-Interactively
+Create a container from the Docker image to run the script you want to use, mounted to the volume you just created, e.g., here we run `01_get_corpus_model_rdms.py` in a container named `LS1`. The last part, `./run.sh 01_get_corpus_model_rdms.py`, tells the container which script to run. Passing it through `run.sh` will ensure that the correct environment/interpreter is used.
+docker container run -t --mount source=vol1,target=/analysis --name=LS1 lettersim ./run.sh 01_get_corpus_model_rdms.py
+> Note: see [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/container/create/) for available options. For example, you can use `--cpus` to limit the number of CPUs available to the container.
+#### Run Script Interactively
+Alternatively, you can run scripts interactively, e.g.:
+docker container run -it --mount source=vol1,target=/analysis --name=LSINT lettersim bash
+./run.sh 01_get_corpus_model_rdms.py
+### Accessing Data from the Container
+To get any output files, you will need to access the mountpoint of the volume that the container is using. By default, volumes can be accessed at `/var/lib/docker/volume`.
+You can also find the location listed in the volume's configuration:
+docker volume inspect vol1
+ {
+ "CreatedAt": "1980-1-1T00:00:01Z",
+ "Driver": "local",
+ "Labels": null,
+ "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/vol1/_data",
+ "Name": "vol1",
+ "Options": null,
+ "Scope": "local"
+ }
+If using Docker Desktop, you can also browse the files in the Volumes tab.
+The actual location used by Docker Desktop varies by Docker and WSL version. On Docker Desktop v4.34.3 on Windows 11, data in a volume called `vol1` can be found at
+### Running on HPC
+As a docker image, this analysis can be run on high-performance computing (HPC) clusters via Singularity: https://docs.sylabs.io/guides/2.6/user-guide/singularity_and_docker.html
+## Running the Analysis without Docker
+If you prefer not to use Docker, you can run the scripts outside of a container. These instructions assume you have [git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) and a [conda distribution](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html) installed.
+### Download the BIDS Dataset
+Download the dataset from OpenNeuro, saving it to a directory called `eeg/`:
+git clone https://github.com/OpenNeuroDatasets/ds005594 eeg
+### Install Environments
+There are three conda environments used to run the scripts:
+* `mne` Python environment for working with EEG data and calculating neural RDMs (conda .yml file in `env/environment-mne.yml`)
+* `rdms` Python environment for calculating model RDMs used in the RSA (conda .yml file in `env/environment-rdms.yml`)
+* `r` R environment for running all .R scripts (conda .yml file in `env/environment-r.yml`)
+You can install these environments with:
+conda env create --file=env/environment-mne.yml --force
+conda env create --file=env/environment-rdms.yml --force
+conda env create --file=env/environment-r.yml --force
+### Setup for Reproducing Figures
+You may need to run these steps if you want to use scripts in `fig_code/` to reproduce figures.
+#### Install LaTeX
+Soms scripts in `fig_code/` use LaTeX. We use [TexLive](https://www.tug.org/texlive/).
+If TexLive is installed, you can use `tlmgr` to install all the TeX packages that we use:
+tlmgr install xcolor tex-gyre underscore etoolbox pgf
+#### Add Fonts to `matplotlib`
+You may need to add fonts to `matplotlib`. You can do this using:
+conda run -n mne fig_code/mpl_setup_fonts.py
+conda run -n rdms fig_code/mpl_setup_fonts.py
+### Running Scripts
+If `conda` is on path, and the environments are set up as in the `.yml` files (including environment names), you can use the script `run.sh` to automatically run a script with the correct environment and interpreter, e.g.:
+./run.sh 01_get_corpus_model_rdms.py
+## General Notes on the Analysis
+* All code is intended to be run with the base directory (i.e., the same directory as `run.sh`) as the working directory.
+* Scripts are numbered based on the order we ran them in. Scripts `00` to `03` should be strictly run in order to reproduce all steps, as they depend on outputs from the previous files. Scripts `04` and up can then be run in any order or skipped.
+* All outputs are included in this repository, so you can run any script in isolation.
+* Scripts for creating figures are in the `fig_code` directory, with the `99` prefix.
+* The repository structure is listed and explained in `project_tree.md`